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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The personalization-privacy paradox: personalized ads on social media : Exploring invasive ads on social media, in relation to perceived usefulness, consumer privacy and trust

Hillqvist, Oliver, Johnsson Östergren, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Background: In the realm of online digital marketing, personalization tailored around the user’s interests are becoming the norm. It is becoming more and more challenging for marketers to get the attention of relevant consumers and get heard through all the noise. While personalized marketing or individually customized advertisements are very prevalent and a norm when browsing the web, its incredible potential as a marketing strategy has not always been obvious. The implications of the internet, coupled with countless technological advances in both hardware and software, have made personalized marketing incredibly effective, hence so prevalent that many techniques are barely noticeable anymore. However, its usefulness towards the consumer is not possible without the same consumer paying with precious personal data, vital for personalization. Personalized advertising on social media sites offers the opportunity to direct ads specifically to user’s, this form of personalized and targeted marketing has raised concerns surrounding user’s privacy. It could have some serious consequences affecting consumer’s privacy, where privacy breaches could collect information without the consumer being aware of it, by clicking on ads. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to get a deeper understanding of how personalized ads on social media are generating feelings of invasiveness to users, in relation to privacy concerns, trust, perceived usefulness and the perceived amount of personalization felt. And what factors that are determining in, if an ad is perceived as either invasive or not by the user. Method: A quantitative method is used to conduct the research, which is used to test objective theories that examines the relationship between variables. In this study a deductive approach was implemented, the hypothesis development was greatly influenced by previous findings from relevant studies and literature. The choice of research design was to use a quantitative cross-sectional research approach, after considering the factors just mentioned above. This is applied to the study by looking at primary empirical data, collected through the use of an online self-completion questionnaire. This study will be using a multivariate analysis including three variables or more, and the data will be measured through a regression analysis, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) to measure construct validity, and Cronbach’s alpha to measure internal reliability. In the descriptive statistics dispersion and central tendency is analyzed, and the general distribution of the variables is analysed through skewness and kurtosis. contingency tables to analyse the relationship between different variables, and Pearson’s r to examine the relationship between interval and ratio variables. Conclusion: In conclusion, privacy concerns already held by the consumer, plays a huge role in determining whether personalized ads on social media, generates feelings of invasiveness upon the user or not.


Condori Olaguivel, Daisy, Retis Condori, Nelly Elizabeth, Rivera Jeri , Milagros Alvina, Robles Quequejana, Katherin Estrella 14 July 2020 (has links)
En estos últimos años el uso de la tecnología está avanzando enseñando cosas nuevas, productivas y para mantenerse al día de sucesos que puedan ocurrir alrededor del mundo. Un claro ejemplo es para aquellas personas que cambian de atuendo cada cierto tiempo, aquellas son las que están a la moda. Si empezamos con algún producto de un closet seria con el pijama; El uso de los pijamas se extendió en el mundo en los siglos XVIII, hasta dicha fecha solo se utilizaba camisones largos para hombres y mujeres, y estas solo tenían el propósito de calentar el cuerpo cuando no había calefacción. Con el pasar de los años el uso del pijama viene siendo comercializada con mayor volumen, se realizan los pijamas y son adaptadas al clima, para las épocas de inviernos se usan pijamas más abrigados y para el verano pijamas más frescas. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo de investigación está elaborado con el objetivo de orientar a los interesados un modelo de financiamiento, cuadros estadísticos, clientes y resultados. EasyEstamping se dedica a la venta de pijamas de algodón temáticas, personalizadas, adaptadas a cada estación de año y muy buena calidad. También, tiene complementos para el dormitorio como; Sabanas, almohadas, edredones, todas estas con un toque temático. / In recent years, the use of technology has been advancing, teaching new, productive things and keeping up to date with events that may occur around the world. A clear example is for those people who change their clothes from time to time, those who are fashionable. If we start with a closet product it would be with the pajamas; The use of pajamas spread in the world in the 18th century, until that date only long nightgowns were used for men and women, and these were only intended to warm the body when there was no heating. Over the years, the use of pajamas has been marketed with greater volume, pajamas are made and adapted to the climate, for winter times they wear warmer pajamas and for summer cooler pajamas. Therefore, the present research work is prepared with the objective of guiding stakeholders with a financing model, statistical tables, clients and results. EasyEstamping is dedicated to selling themed, personalized cotton pajamas, adapted to each season of the year and very good quality. Also, it has accessories for the bedroom like; Sheets, pillows, duvets, all with a thematic touch. / Trabajo de investigación

Individanpassad enligt vem? Riktad marknadsföring på Instagram ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Pedersen Steen, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Följande studie har syftat till att undersöka hur Instagrams primära användargrupp i Sverige upplever riktad marknadsföring från företag som aktivt placerar sig på Instagram. Studien har haft en kvalitativ utformning och de metoder som använts för insamlingen av data har varit sju enskilda djupintervjuer med tjejer i åldrarna 20-25 år, vilket är en del av Sveriges primära användargrupp idag. Djupintervjuerna har även kompletterats med observationer där de intervjuade ombetts använda Instagram för att visa sin dagliga aktivitet i applikationen och exponering för individanpassad reklam. Resultatet som framkom genom den insamlade empirin och teorin i studien visade på att upplevelsen av den individanpassade marknadsföringen från företag och Influenser på Instagram var blandat negativ och positiv. De som ställde sig positiva till marknadsföringen ansåg i större utsträckning att den reklam de tog del av var relevant och anpassad efter dem. De negativt inställda intervjudeltagarna menade istället att reklamen saknade personlig koppling till dem och därför upplevdes irrelevant. I studien framkom det däremot att deltagarna upplevde den individanpassade annonseringen från företag bäst i form av samarbeten tillsammans med Influenser och den reklam som företag delade i under egna företagskonton som intervjudeltagaren själv valt att följa. Den form som de upplevde var minst personligt anpassad för dem var den reklam som uppkom från företag genom direktreklam i deltagarnas Instagramflöde. / The following study has aimed to investigate how Instagram's primary user group in Sweden experiences targeted marketing from companies that actively place themselves on Instagram. The study has had a qualitative design and the methods used for the collection of data have been seven individual in-depth interviews with girls aged 20-25, which is a part of Sweden's primary user group today. The in-depth interviews have also been supplemented with observations where the interviewees were asked to use Instagram to show their daily activity in the application and exposure to personalized advertising. The result that emerged from the collected empirical data and the theory in the study showed that the experience of the individualized marketing from companies and Influences on Instagram was mixed negatively and positively. Those who favored the marketing considered to a greater extent that the advertising they took part of was relevant and adapted to them. Instead, the negative participants of the interview meant that the advertisement lacked a personal connection to them and therefore felt irrelevant. In the study, on the other hand, it emerged that the participants experienced the individualized advertising from companies best in the form of collaborations with Influences and the advertising that companies shared in their own company accounts that the interviewee himself chose to follow. The form that they experienced was least personalized for them was the advertising that came from companies through direct mail in the participants' Instagram feed.

Personalized Medicine and Biomarker Discovery to Targeted Therapies in Breast Cancer : Focus on CDK4/6 Inhibitors / Medecine personalisée et recherche des biomarqueurs à une thérapie ciblée dans le cancer du sein : L'exemple des inhibiteurs CDK4/6

Arnedos Ballester, Monica 12 July 2019 (has links)
L’avènement du séquençage haut débit a mis en lumière l’hétérogénéité des cancers du sein qui peuvent être groupés en fonction d’altérations moléculaires spécifiques qui sont pour certaines à la base de thérapies ciblées dans le cadre de la médecine personnalisée. Néanmoins de nombreuses complications viennent compromettre le succès thérapeutique de ces approches. En effet, l’une des thérapies ciblées les plus efficaces développées récemment, les inhibiteurs de CDK4/6, sont prescrits chez tous les patients HR+/HER aux stades avancés de la maladie alors même qu’aucun biomarqueur n’a pour l’heure été identifié. Ainsi les données pharmacodynamiques et les marqueurs pronostics font cruellement défaut pour ces patients. Afin d’identifier de tels marqueurs, nous avons conduit une étude clinique « fenêtre d’opportunité » incluant 100 patients à un stade précoce de la maladie. L’analyse en IHC et les études de profilage expression génomique des tumeurs a permis de montrer qu’une courte exposition au palbociclib, un inhibiteur de CDK4/6 induisait un arrêt du cycle cellulaire révélé par une diminution de phospho-Rb et Ki67. Cette corrélation entre diminution du phospho-Rb et la diminution de la prolifération suggère d’ailleurs son utilisation comme biomarqueur de la réponse au palbociclib. Une analyse sur puce à cDNA a permis d’identifier un panel de gènes régulateurs de la prolifération (MKI67, TOP2A, BIRC5) et de la machinerie du cycle cellulaire (PLK1, FOXM1) modulé par le palbociclib. Bien que nous n’ayons pu identifier de marqueurs de résistance au palbociclib en condition basale, nous avons observé des niveaux élevés de CCNE chez les patients traités résistants au palbociclib. Cette donnée a été confirmée chez les patients aux stades avancés de la maladie dans le cadre d’une étude menée en collaboration avec un groupe britannique. D’autres données obtenues en collaboration avec une équipe de l’université Vanderbilt, ont par ailleurs permis de suggérer une contribution des inhibiteurs de CDK4/6 à la réversion de la résistances aux hormonothérapie en inhibant l’expression les gènes cibles du facteur de transcription E2F4. Pour finir, les activités biologiques et cliniques des différents inhibiteurs de CDK4/6 disponibles n’étant pas exactement identiques, un second essai clinique « fenêtre d’opportunité » nous a permis de mettre en évidence un profil de toxicité distinct de l’abemaciclib et de montrer que, contrairement au palbociclib, l’abemaciclib montre une efficacité lorsqu’il est utilisé seul. Une des explications possible de ces différentes activités serait un spectre d’action de l’abemaciclib ciblant plus efficacement la CDK9, même si l’impact clinique associé n’a pas été examiné en détail et qu’une comparaison rigoureuse de l’activité de ces deux inhibiteurs de CDK n’a pas encore été réalisée. / New sequencing methods have revealed that breast cancer is heterogeneous and characterized by different subgroups harboring specific molecular alterations for which targeted therapies have been developed with the hope of implementing personalized medicine. However, this approach has been proven far too simplistic. Indeed, one of the latest and more efficient targeted therapies to be developed in breast cancer are the CDK4/6 inhibitors, approved for all HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancers. So far, and despite the significant number of patients treated with these drugs, no biomarkers of efficacy have been identified and no clear information about pharmacodynamics have been presented. In order to determine biomarkers of efficacy and pharmacodynamics of palbociclib, the first approved CDK4/6 inhibitor, we conducted a window of opportunity clinical trial in 100 early breast cancer patients. IHC and GE analyses identified that a short period of palbociclib treatment was able to induce cell cycle arrest as determined by decreased phospho-Rb expression and this was accompanied by a profound decrease in proliferation as determined by lnKi67<1 after treatment, with a correlation between changes in proliferation and changes in phospho-Rb, suggesting that early decrease in phospho-Rb could be linked to sensitivity to this drug. Microarray analyses identified that palbociclib modulates genes involved in proliferation (such as MKI67, TOP2A, BIRC5) and cell cycle (such as PLK1, FOXM1). Despite we were not able to identify baseline biomarkers of resistance to this treatment, we observed that levels of CCNE remained high in palbociclib-resistant patients. This finding was further validated in collaboration with an-UK research group who had conducted biomarker research in the advanced setting. Moreover, our data helped also to determine in a different collaboration with Vanderbilt University, that CDK/6 inhibitors might contribute to reverse endocrine resistance generated by activation of genes linked to the E2F4 transcription factor. Finally, as preclinical and clinical data suggest some diversity between different CDK4/6 inhibitors, we decided to conduct a second window of opportunity trial with a second CDK4/6 inhibitor, abemaciclib, who has shown different toxicity profile and, unlike palbociclib, significant efficacy as single-agent. One suggested explanation could be due to a higher impact on CDK9, although its clinical impact has not been determined and no comparison between these two drugs has been performed.

Teachers' Challenges in Implementing Personalized Learning in Content Areas

Mosier, Angela Dawn 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite the national trend of assessments for gauging student mastery of prescribed curriculum standards which has placed assessment preparation at the forefront of classroom practices, teachers at a midwestern school promoting personalized learning for students, demonstrated inconsistency in implementation among content areas. An explanatory sequential mixed-methods study based on expectancy-value theory was used to define the challenges that arise as teachers implemented personalized learning in their content area. The research questions addressed the implementation of 5 personalized learning elements in secondary content areas, how teachers implement each element, and teachers' challenges in implementing personalized learning in their classroom. The quantitative research component utilized ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests to analyze 182 secondary teacher responses to a strategic plan survey regarding the frequency at which personalized learning elements were used in instruction. Statistically significant differences were found for 3 elements: knowing your learners, student voice and choice, and technology integration. A maximum variation sample was used to select 8 participants from diverse content areas for the qualitative data collection. Emerging themes on personalized learning implementation were extracted from classroom observation and interview data using descriptive coding, and then validated through member checking. Results indicated that teachers seek more training on personalized learning elements, content area learning, and time to plan personalized instruction. If teachers' ability to deliver personalized learning in their content areas improved, students would receive higher quality instruction resulting in increased academic achievement.

När reklamen blir personlig : En kvalitativ studie av konsumenters uppfattning av individanpassad marknadsföring och personlig integritet.

Hasu Berg, Johan, Lindberg, Victor January 2021 (has links)
Personalized advertising is possible by tracking consumers' online activities and customizing ads for individual consumers. These ads are often more relevant, interesting, and appreciated by the consumer. However, there is a sense of worry about how personal information is gathered, stored, and used. While companies share the information with each other, consumers worry that the collection and usage of their personal information may damage their personal privacy. The personalization-privacy paradox describes this relationship between appreciated personalized advertising and breaches of privacy. The purpose of this study is to explore what elements of personalized marketing consumers find to be a breach of their personal privacy. By analyzing earlier research and literature, a theoretical framework was developed. The study uses a qualitative method utilizing semi-structured interviews to collect empirical data, which is then analyzed using the theoretical framework. The findings show that there are four primary elements in personalized advertising that consumers find to be a breach of privacy. These are recurring ads, feelings of being watched, personal information being shared and covert data collection. / Individanpassad marknadsföring är möjligt genom att spåra konsumenters onlineaktivitet och anpassa reklam för individuella konsumenter. Denna reklam är ofta mer relevant, intressant och uppskattad av konsumenten. Det finns dock en känsla av oro om hur personlig information samlas in, lagras och används. Medan företag delar informationen med varandra oroar sig konsumenter för att insamlingen och användandet av deras personliga information kan kränka deras personliga integritet. Personalization-privacy paradox beskriver detta samband mellan uppskattad individanpassad marknadsföring och kränkningar av den personliga integriteten. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka element av individanpassad marknadsföring konsumenter upplever som integritetskränkande. Genom att analysera tidigare forskning och litteratur skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk. Studien använde sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in empiriska data, som sedan analyserades med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket. Resultaten visar att det finns fyra huvudsakliga element i individanpassad marknadsföring som konsumenter anser vara integritetskränkande. Dessa är återkommande reklam, känslan av att vara övervakad, delande av personlig information och hemlig datainsamling.

Machine Learning Approaches for Personalized Clinical Risk Modeling / 機械学習による個別化臨床リスクモデリング

Nori, Nozomi 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第20504号 / 情博第632号 / 新制||情||110(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科知能情報学専攻 / (主査)教授 鹿島 久嗣, 教授 山本 章博, 教授 阿久津 達也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM

A Chemosensitivity Study of Colorectal Cancer Using Xenografts of Patient-Derived Tumor Initiating Cells / 患者由来癌幹細胞から樹立した異種移植マウスモデルを用いた抗癌剤感受性試験

Maekawa, Hisatsugu 26 November 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第21419号 / 医博第4409号 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 武藤 学, 教授 小川 誠司, 教授 万代 昌紀 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


Shahi Thakuri, Pradip January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Robust learning to rank models and their biomedical applications

Sotudian, Shahabeddin 24 May 2023 (has links)
There exist many real-world applications such as recommendation systems, document retrieval, and computational biology where the correct ordering of instances is of equal or greater importance than predicting the exact value of some discrete or continuous outcome. Learning-to-Rank (LTR) refers to a group of algorithms that apply machine learning techniques to tackle these ranking problems. Despite their empirical success, most existing LTR models are not built to be robust to errors in labeling or annotation, distributional data shift, or adversarial data perturbations. To fill this gap, we develop four LTR frameworks that are robust to various types of perturbations. First, Pairwise Elastic Net Regression Ranking (PENRR) is an elastic-net-based regression method for drug sensitivity prediction. PENRR infers robust predictors of drug responses from patient genomic information. The special design of this model (comparing each drug with other drugs in the same cell line and comparing that drug with itself in other cell lines) significantly enhances the accuracy of the drug prediction model under limited data. This approach is also able to solve the problem of fitting on the insensitive drugs that is commonly encountered in regression-based models. Second, Regression-based Ranking by Pairwise Cluster Comparisons (RRPCC) is a ridge-regression-based method for ranking clusters of similar protein complex conformations generated by an underlying docking program (i.e., ClusPro). Rather than using regression to predict scores, which would equally penalize deviations for either low-quality and high-quality clusters, we seek to predict the difference of scores for any pair of clusters corresponding to the same complex. RRPCC combines these pairwise assessments to form a ranked list of clusters, from higher to lower quality. We apply RRPCC to clusters produced by the automated docking server ClusPro and, depending on the training/validation strategy, we show. improvement by 24%–100% in ranking acceptable or better quality clusters first, and by 15%–100% in ranking medium or better quality clusters first. Third, Distributionally Robust Multi-Output Regression Ranking (DRMRR) is a listwise LTR model that induces robustness into LTR problems using the Distributionally Robust Optimization framework. Contrasting to existing methods, the scoring function of DRMRR was designed as a multivariate mapping from a feature vector to a vector of deviation scores, which captures local context information and cross-document interactions. DRMRR employs ranking metrics (i.e., NDCG) in its output. Particularly, we used the notion of position deviation to define a vector of relevance score instead of a scalar one. We then adopted the DRO framework to minimize a worst-case expected multi-output loss function over a probabilistic ambiguity set that is defined by the Wasserstein metric. We also presented an equivalent convex reformulation of the DRO problem, which is shown to be tighter than the ones proposed by the previous studies. Fourth, Inversion Transformer-based Neural Ranking (ITNR) is a Transformer-based model to predict drug responses using RNAseq gene expression profiles, drug descriptors, and drug fingerprints. It utilizes a Context-Aware-Transformer architecture as its scoring function that ensures the modeling of inter-item dependencies. We also introduced a new loss function using the concept of Inversion and approximate permutation matrices. The accuracy and robustness of these LTR models are verified through three medical applications, namely cluster ranking in protein-protein docking, medical document retrieval, and drug response prediction.

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