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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Résolution des interférences pour la composition dynamique de services en informatique ambiante / Interference resolution for dynamic service composition in ubiquitous computing

Fathallah, Sana 19 December 2013 (has links)
Comme dans de nombreux autres domaines, la construction des applications en Informatique Ambiantes (IAm) se fait par réutilisation d’entités logicielles disponibles. Pour des raisons de conductivités, de pannes, de charge de batterie mais aussi de nombreuses autres, la disponibilité de ces entités est imprévisible ce qui implique que l’auto-adaptation dynamique des applications est une nécessité. Cela passe par la spécification en parallèle des adaptations par des experts de divers domaines. Ce parallélisme de construction, peut amener des problèmes d’interférences lors de la composition dynamique de plusieurs adaptations. Dans cette thèse, par l’utilisation de graphes, nous contribuons à la définition d’un cadre formel pour la détection et la résolution de ces interférences. L’assemblage des entités logicielles repose sur des connecteurs d’assemblage qui sont utilisés dans la spécification des adaptations. Des règles de réécriture de graphe permettront de résoudre les interférences détectées, cette résolution étant guidée par la connaissance de connecteurs définis. De plus, pour pouvoir étendre dynamiquement et automatiquement notre mécanisme de gestion des interférences, nous proposons la modélisation comportementale de ces connecteurs. Ceci permet de ne pas reposer sur une connaissance à priori des connecteurs et autorise par la même d’étendre dynamiquement l’ensemble des connecteurs disponibles pour la spécification des adaptations. / Like many other fields, application construction in ubiquitous computing is done by reuse of available software entities. For reasons of conductivity, breakdown, battery charge, but also many others reasons, the availability of these entities is unpredictable. As consequence, the self-adaptation of applications becomes necessary. This requires the specification of parallel adaptations by experts from various fields. This parallel specification can cause interference problems when several adaptations are composed. In this thesis, using graph formalism, we contribute to the definition of a formal approach for the detection and the resolution of interferences. The specification of adaptation uses connectors in order to assemble software entities. Graph rewriting rules are defined to solve the detected interferences. This resolution is guided by the knowledge of defined connectors. In addition, in order to extend dynamically and automatically our interference management mechanism, we propose behavioral modeling of these connectors. This allows us extending our mechanism without an a priori knowledge of connectors and allows afterwards to extend the set of available connectors used for adaptations' specifications.

Designing scientific workflow following a structure and provenance-aware strategy / Conception de workflows scientifiques fondée sur la structure et la provenance

Chen, Jiuqiang 11 October 2013 (has links)
Les expériences bioinformatiques sont généralement effectuées à l'aide de workflows scientifiques dans lesquels les tâches sont enchaînées les unes aux autres pour former des structures de graphes très complexes et imbriquées. Les systèmes de workflows scientifiques ont ensuite été développés pour guider les utilisateurs dans la conception et l'exécution de workflows. Un avantage de ces systèmes par rapport aux approches traditionnelles est leur capacité à mémoriser automatiquement la provenance (ou lignage) des produits de données intermédiaires et finaux générés au cours de l'exécution du workflow. La provenance d'un produit de données contient des informations sur la façon dont le produit est dérivé, et est cruciale pour permettre aux scientifiques de comprendre, reproduire, et vérifier les résultats scientifiques facilement. Pour plusieurs raisons, la complexité du workflow et des structures d'exécution du workflow est en augmentation au fil du temps, ce qui a un impact évident sur la réutilisation des workflows scientifiques.L'objectif global de cette thèse est d'améliorer la réutilisation des workflows en fournissant des stratégies visant à réduire la complexité des structures de workflow tout en préservant la provenance. Deux stratégies sont introduites. Tout d'abord, nous proposons une approche de réécriture de la structure du graphe de n'importe quel workflow scientifique (classiquement représentée comme un graphe acyclique orienté (DAG)) dans une structure plus simple, à savoir une structure série-parallèle (SP) tout en préservant la provenance. Les SP-graphes sont simples et bien structurés, ce qui permet de mieux distinguer les principales étapes du workflow. En outre, d'un point de vue plus formel, on peut utiliser des algorithmes polynomiaux pour effectuer des opérations complexes fondées sur les graphiques (par exemple, la comparaison de workflows, ce qui est directement lié au problème d’homomorphisme de sous-graphes) lorsque les workflows ont des SP-structures alors que ces opérations sont reliées à des problèmes NP-hard pour des graphes qui sont des DAG sans aucune restriction sur leur structure. Nous avons introduit la notion de préservation de la provenance, conçu l’algorithme de réécriture SPFlow et réalisé l’outil associé.Deuxièmement, nous proposons une méthodologie avec une technique capable de réduire la redondance présente dans les workflow (en supprimant les occurrences inutiles de tâches). Plus précisément, nous détectons des « anti-modèles », un terme largement utilisé dans le domaine de la conception de programme, pour indiquer l'utilisation de formes idiomatiques qui mènent à une conception trop compliquée, et qui doit donc être évitée. Nous avons ainsi conçu l'algorithme DistillFlow qui est capable de transformer un workflow donné en un workflow sémantiquement équivalent «distillé», c’est-à-dire, qui est libre ou partiellement libre des anti-modèles et possède une structure plus concise et plus simple. Les deux principales approches de cette thèse (à savoir, SPFlow et DistillFlow) sont basées sur un modèle de provenance que nous avons introduit pour représenter la structure de la provenance des exécutions du workflowl. La notion de «provenance-équivalence» qui détermine si deux workflows ont la même signification est également au centre de notre travail. Nos solutions ont été testées systématiquement sur de grandes collections de workflows réels, en particulier avec le système Taverna. Nos outils sont disponibles à l'adresse: https://www.lri.fr/~chenj/. / Bioinformatics experiments are usually performed using scientific workflows in which tasks are chained together forming very intricate and nested graph structures. Scientific workflow systems have then been developed to guide users in the design and execution of workflows. An advantage of these systems over traditional approaches is their ability to automatically record the provenance (or lineage) of intermediate and final data products generated during workflow execution. The provenance of a data product contains information about how the product was derived, and it is crucial for enabling scientists to easily understand, reproduce, and verify scientific results. For several reasons, the complexity of workflow and workflow execution structures is increasing over time, which has a clear impact on scientific workflows reuse.The global aim of this thesis is to enhance workflow reuse by providing strategies to reduce the complexity of workflow structures while preserving provenance. Two strategies are introduced.First, we propose an approach to rewrite the graph structure of any scientific workflow (classically represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)) into a simpler structure, namely, a series-parallel (SP) structure while preserving provenance. SP-graphs are simple and layered, making the main phases of workflow easier to distinguish. Additionally, from a more formal point of view, polynomial-time algorithms for performing complex graph-based operations (e.g., comparing workflows, which is directly related to the problem of subgraph homomorphism) can be designed when workflows have SP-structures while such operations are related to an NP-hard problem for DAG structures without any restriction on their structures. The SPFlow rewriting and provenance-preserving algorithm and its associated tool are thus introduced.Second, we provide a methodology together with a technique able to reduce the redundancy present in workflows (by removing unnecessary occurrences of tasks). More precisely, we detect "anti-patterns", a term broadly used in program design to indicate the use of idiomatic forms that lead to over-complicated design, and which should therefore be avoided. We thus provide the DistillFlow algorithm able to transform a workflow into a distilled semantically-equivalent workflow, which is free or partly free of anti-patterns and has a more concise and simpler structure.The two main approaches of this thesis (namely, SPFlow and DistillFlow) are based on a provenance model that we have introduced to represent the provenance structure of the workflow executions. The notion of provenance-equivalence which determines whether two workflows have the same meaning is also at the center of our work. Our solutions have been systematically tested on large collections of real workflows, especially from the Taverna system. Our approaches are available for use at https://www.lri.fr/~chenj/.

Como e por que revisar textos no ensino fundamental I? Ou: ensinando a ler criticamente, ensina-se a tomar as rédeas da escrita / How and why to revise texts in eementary school I? Or: teaching to read critically, it is taught to take the reins of writing

Deise Nancy Urias de Morais 12 August 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo se inscreve na corrente de pesquisas sobre o ensino escolar da escrita, concebendo-a (a escrita) como trabalho humano, meio de ação, interação e constituição de sujeitos sociais e, ainda, como possibilidade de insurreição social. Compreendendo a escrita dessa forma, e assumindo que a escola pode ensinar a escrever com eficiência, defendo que um dos caminhos possíveis para esse ensino deve estar pautado no trabalho com diferentes estratégias de revisão textual, desde o Ensino Fundamental I. A revisão aqui é concebida como um tipo específico de leitura crítica. As elaborações teórico-metodológicas estão apresentadas da seguinte forma: a) inicialmente, marco minha posição em relação ao ensino de escrita nas escolas públicas, porque é esse o meu lugar de fala; b) apresento um panorama das pesquisas brasileiras sobre revisão de textos no Ensino Fundamental I; c) apresento o referencial teórico que sustenta este estudo: i) concepções de sujeito, língua e linguagem ancoradas no sociointeracionismo, baseando-me em Bakhtin (2009, 2011), Geraldi (1991, 1996, 2006, 2009, 2013), Koch (2006), Franchi (1977); ii) concepção de escrita como trabalho humano, baseandome no conceito marxista de trabalho (Marx, 2013), corroborado por Antunes (2013), e nos pressupostos do trabalho de escrever, tal como defendido por Franchi (1977) e Geraldi (2013), iii) diferenciação entre os termos correção, revisão e reescrita, enfatizando os motivos que me levam a adotar o termo revisão neste estudo, e delineando teoricamente a revisão como um tipo específico de leitura crítica (Lipman, 2001) e como possibilidade de trabalho metacognitivo (Marcuschi, 2007; Matêncio, 1994; Silva & Melo, 2007); v) ensaio sobre como, quando e por que ensinar revisão de textos a alunos de Ensino Fundamental I; d) apresento uma investigação sobre as possibilidades de ensinar a escrever no Ensino Fundamental I, considerando a revisão de textos como parte do processo de escrever. Para isso, trago textos produzidos por alunos de 3º, 4º e 5º anos do Ensino Fundamental, em que quatro estratégias de revisão foram utilizadas, com o intuito de permitir aos alunos formas variadas de relação com a escrita (a sua e a de terceiros). e) Por último, analiso alguns textos que ilustram o que estou chamando de tomada da escrita pelos sujeitos, ou seja, escritas em que se percebe a presença de um sujeito que comunica, com alguma singularidade utilizando a escrita (Possenti, 2002, 2013). Metodologicamente, elegi, para a elaboração/organização deste trabalho, os pressupostos da pesquisa-ação (Thiollent, 1998). Como a coleta dos textos analisados se deu de forma naturalística, adoto como metodologia de análise o paradigma indiciário, proposto por Ginzburg (1989, 2002) e utilizado por Abaurre; Fiad e Sabinson (1997), Abaurre et al. (1995) e Possenti (2002) na análise de escritas escolares. Os textos selecionados e apresentados neste estudo serviram a dois propósitos: o de ilustrar as estratégias de revisão utilizadas pelos alunos, e defendidas aqui como meios de ensinar a escrever, e o de ilustrar indícios que indicam a tomada da escrita pelos alunos. A análise dos textos permite defender a revisão de textos como estratégia eficiente para o ensino da escrita, desde que a produção de textos seja tomada como resposta a objetivos comunicativos socialmente situados. Neste estudo, defendo que assumir um ensino que leve nossos alunos a tomarem a escrita para si é um ato de coragem frente a uma prova de fogo. Trata-se da coragem de trabalhar para que a escrita seja, para os sujeitos incididos por ela, uma possibilidade de incidir sobre o mundo, uma possibilidade de tomar as rédeas da História. / This study is inscribed in the research field of teaching of writing in schools, understanding writing as a human work, as a means of action, interaction and constitution of the social subjects, and, also, as a possibility of social uprising. Having this understanding of writing and of the school as being able to teach it efficiently, it proposes that one of the possible paths for this teaching should be based on the development of different strategies of text revision from the first years of basic school. Revision is here conceived as a specific kind of critical reading. The theoretical-methodological elaboration are presented as follows: a) firstly, I affirm my position regarding the teaching of writing in public schools, as this is the place from which I socially speak; b) secondly, I introduce the field of Brazilian research on text revision in the early years of basic education; c) I present the theories that underlie this study: i) concepts of subject and language, anchored in sociointeracionismo, based on Bakhtin (2009, 2011), Geraldi (1991, 1996, 2006, 2009, 2013), Koch (2006), Franchi (1977); ii) concept of writing as work, my basis is the Marxist concept of work (Marx, 2013), corroborated by Antunes (2013), and the assumptions about work proposed by Franchi (1977) and Geraldi (2013); iii) differentiation between the terms correction, revision and rewriting, emphasizing the reasons that lead me to adopt the term review in this study, and theoretically outlining the review as a specific type of critical reading (Lipman, 2001) and as a possibility to work metacognitive (Marcuschi, 2007; Matêncio, 1994; Silva & Melo, 2007) ; v) essay about how, when and why to teach proofreading the students of elementary school; d) present a research on the possibilities of teaching writing in elementary school, considering the revision of texts as part of the process of writing. For this, bring texts produced by students of 3rd , 4th and 5th years of elementary school, in which four review strategies were used, in order to allow students to various forms of relationship with writing (his and with the others). e) Finally, analyze some texts that indicated the appropriation of their own writing by students (Possenti, 2002, 2013). For the construction of this investigation, I describe the procedures used for the teaching of writing to a group of the methodological assumptions adopted by me for the development/organization of this study were those of the action research as proposed by Thiollent (1998). As the data collection of the analyzed texts happened in a naturalistic design, I adopted the evidentiary paradigm of analysis as proposed by Ginzburg (1986) and used by Abaurre; Sabinson and Fiad (1997), Abaurre et al. (1995) and Possenti (2002) in the analyses of school writing. The selected texts shown in the study served two purposes: illustrating the revision strategies used by students and defended here as means of teaching how to write, and illustrating the traces that indicated the appropriation of their own writing by students. The analyses of the texts allow us to support text revision as an efficient strategy for the teaching of writing. In this study, I propose that taking on a teaching that guides our students to the appropriation of their own writing is in itself an act of courage when facing this difficult task. That courage of working so that writing is, for the subjects touched by it, a possibility of acting upon the world, a possibility of taking the reins of history.

O uso da pontuação na escrita infantil: uma abordagem longitudinal / The use of punctuation in children\'s writing - a longitudinal approach

Marina Bulbow Gozzi 24 April 2017 (has links)
A pontuação é parte integrante da língua escrita e sua aprendizagem significa uma importante construção cognitiva que favorece as práticas do ler, escrever e interpretar. Fazer uso de marcas pontuacionais em um texto pressupõe uma certa consciência linguística na composição discursiva e na organização textual. Tendo como pressupostos que a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita é um direito de todo cidadão brasileiro e que essa habilidade deve ser desenvolvida em âmbitos escolares (incluindo a assimilação de recursos linguísticos como a pontuação), a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar de que forma a pontuação aparece nas produções infantis de um grupo de alunos de Ensino Fundamental e como ocorre a progressão desse uso em um período-chave para o caso estudado, qual seja: do 2º semestre do 3º ano ao 1º semestre do 5º ano. Para isso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa longitudinal, foi realizado o estudo de caso que envolveu o acompanhamento de um grupo de 12 alunos de uma escola estadual, localizada na Região Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Nas quatro etapas da coleta (realizadas com intervalos de seis meses), foram propostas duas atividades para posterior análise: reescrita e correção textual. Ancorada nas concepções interacionistas e construtivistas de língua, ensino e aprendizagem, a análise dos dados permitiu verificar que o grupo de alunos estudado incorporou gradualmente as marcas de pontuação, evidenciando modos de apropriação relacionados à frequência e à convencionalidade das construções linguísticas mais usuais, havendo, no entanto, espaço para experimentações pessoais e hipóteses endógenas de formas mais ou menos sistematizadas. Esse dado corrobora a ideia de que, no esforço cognitivo para compreender a escrita, as crianças são capazes de levantar hipóteses sobre o uso da pontuação; é por meio desses usos singulares que vão, gradativamente, compreendendo a função de cada marca pontuacional e fazendo as sistematizações necessárias. Foi possível constatar, também, que, durante a sucessão dos anos escolares, a progressão do uso da pontuação manteve um certo paralelismo nos diferentes tipos de atividade, o que comprova a ideia de que a compreensão sobre o papel das marcas pontuacionais pode ser transposta para diferentes práticas de escrita. Em que pese o interesse pedagógico dessa aprendizagem, consubstanciada cada vez mais pelo uso sistemático e convencional da pontuação, questiona-se o quanto ela pode se contrapor à postura de um escritor que, conformando-se com as regras, deixa de se arriscar na produção textual. / The punctuation is an integral part of the written language and its learning means an important cognitive construction which favors the practices of reading, writing and interpreting. Making use of the punctuation marks in a text assumes a certain linguistic awareness in both the discursive composition and textual organization. Starting from the assumptions that learning reading and writing is a right of every Brazilian citizen and that these skills must be developed in the school spheres (including the assimilation of linguistic resources as the punctuation), the present research aimed to analyze how the punctuation appears in the children\'s productions of a group of elementary school students and how the progression of such use happens in a \"key-period\" for the case studied: from the 2nd semester of the 3rd grade/year to the 1st semester of the 5th grade. To do so, by means of a qualitative longitudinal research, it was conducted a case study which involved the monitoring of a 12student group from a state school, located in the East side of the São Paulo. n the four stages of collection (held every six months), two activities were proposed for further analysis: rewriting and textual correction. Anchored in the constructivist and interactionist concepts of the language, teaching and learning, data analysis has allowed us to see that the group of students which was studied, gradually incorporated the punctuation marks, revealing modes of incorporation related to frequency and the conventionality of the most usual language constructions, there is however, space for personal trials and endogenous hypothesis in more or less systematized ways. This information supports the idea that, in the cognitive effort to understand the writing, the children are able to raise hypothesis about the use of the punctuation; it is through these singular uses that they will gradually understand the function of each punctuation mark and do the necessary systematizations. It was also possible to conclude, that during the succession of the school years, the progression of the punctuation use kept a certain parallelism in the different activity types, which proves that the understanding about the role of punctuation marks can be transposed to different writing practices. Despite the pedagogical interest of this learning, increasingly substantiated by the regular and conventional use of punctuation, we wonder how it can contrast with the posture of an writer who, conform edwith the rules, stop taking chances on textual production.

A reescrita de textos na escola: trabalhando com gêneros e sequências didáticas

Lima, Paulo da Silva 10 December 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:47:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo da Silva Lima.pdf: 10569515 bytes, checksum: 24289556f79f8f4deb3937e0aa8d9310 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-10 / Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie / The present work aims at researching the interactive correction in the teaching of writing, focusing on a list of findings as a parameter in the assessment process. Our objective is to demonstrate that this form of intervention in school texts can provide an opportunity of dialogue between students and teachers, as well as offer students guidance on micro and macro-textual issues. In order to achieve our goal, we developed two teaching sequences directed to two genres of students´ writings: school essays and reviews, seeking to provide a real situation of verbal interaction. The subject addressed in the essays was the reduction of criminal responsibility and the theme of the review was the film "Dead Poets Society" (1989). When the project was concluded the students´ texts were shown in and outside school. Bronckart´s theory of text (2007) and the studies of Dolz and Schneuwly (2010) regarding the didactisation of genres were the basis of our investigation. Our work was conducted with students at a public high school, in which we analyzed the linguistic / discursive skills. In doing so, we firstly found out that there was an evolution between the first and last students´ text production, and secondly, that interactive correction educates the student about the importance of rewriting to accomplish a more proficient text production. Furthermore, the interactive intervention helped students to internalize both, the fundamental characteristics and the social-communicative functions of the genre. / O presente trabalho trata da correção interativa no ensino da produção textual, tendo a lista de constatações como parâmetro no processo avaliativo. Nosso objetivo é demonstrar que essa forma de intervenção nos textos escolares pode estabelecer um momento de interlocução entre alunos e professores, além de dar aos estudantes orientações sobre as questões micro e macrotextuais. Para isso, desenvolvemos duas sequências didáticas em torno dos gêneros dissertação escolar e resenha, buscando proporcionar uma verdadeira situação de interação verbal. O tema abordado nas dissertações foi a redução da maioridade penal e a resenha foi feita a respeito do filme Sociedade dos poetas mortos . No final do projeto os textos foram veiculados no ambiente escolar e fora dele. Assim, nos embasamos principalmente na teoria textual de Bronckart (2007) e nos estudos de Dolz e Schneuwly (2010) a respeito da didatização de gêneros textuais. Nosso trabalho foi realizado com alunos do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública, em que foram analisadas as habilidades linguístico/discursivas. Neste trabalho, pudemos constatar que houve uma evolução entre a primeira e a última produção dos alunos e que a correção interativa conscientiza o educando a respeito da importância da reescrita para uma produção textual mais proficiente. Além disso, a intervenção interativa ajudou os estudantes a internalizar as principais características e funções sociocomunicativas do gênero.

Gramáticas livres de contexto adaptativas com verificação de aparência. / Context-free adaptive grammars with appearance checking.

César Alberto Bravo Pariente 22 January 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve o formalismo das gramáticas livres de contexto adaptativas com verificação de aparência. Esses dispositivos gramaticais possuem como núcleo uma gramática livre de contexto subjacente e, como mecanismo de auto-modificação, uma ou várias funções adaptativas que determinam quais produções são aplicáveis em cada passo de uma derivação. A verificação de aparência se refere a uma forma especial de aplicar algumas produções, escolhidas pelo projetista da gramática, sem alterar a forma sentencial nessa aplicação. É provado que esse formalismo tem poder de máquina de Turing demonstrando, em forma construtiva, sua equivalência com quatro formalismos gramaticais baseados em gramáticas livres de contexto com mecanismos de controle, que tem esse poder. São desenvolvidos dois analisadorers para linguagens dependentes de contexto a partir de um desses outros quatro formalismos. Um deles, que é baseado em autômatos-pilha, opera em forma ascendente; o outro, baseado em autômatos finitos adaptativos, opera em forma descendente. / This work introduces and describes the formalism of the context-free adaptive grammar with appearance checking. Such gramatical devices have as its kernel a subjacent context-free grammar and, as mechanism of self-modification, one or several adaptive functions which determines the productions able to be applied at each step of a derivation. The appearance checking refers to a special way to apply some productions, choosen by the designer of the grammar, without changing the sentential form in this application. It is proved that this formalism has Turing Machine power, proving, by construction, its equivalence with four grammatical formalisms based on context-free grammars and with control mechanisms, with such power. Two parsers have been developed for context-dependent languages from one of these four formalisms. One of them is based on stack-automata, and operates in a bottom-up fashion.

Como e por que revisar textos no ensino fundamental I? Ou: ensinando a ler criticamente, ensina-se a tomar as rédeas da escrita / How and why to revise texts in eementary school I? Or: teaching to read critically, it is taught to take the reins of writing

Morais, Deise Nancy Urias de 12 August 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo se inscreve na corrente de pesquisas sobre o ensino escolar da escrita, concebendo-a (a escrita) como trabalho humano, meio de ação, interação e constituição de sujeitos sociais e, ainda, como possibilidade de insurreição social. Compreendendo a escrita dessa forma, e assumindo que a escola pode ensinar a escrever com eficiência, defendo que um dos caminhos possíveis para esse ensino deve estar pautado no trabalho com diferentes estratégias de revisão textual, desde o Ensino Fundamental I. A revisão aqui é concebida como um tipo específico de leitura crítica. As elaborações teórico-metodológicas estão apresentadas da seguinte forma: a) inicialmente, marco minha posição em relação ao ensino de escrita nas escolas públicas, porque é esse o meu lugar de fala; b) apresento um panorama das pesquisas brasileiras sobre revisão de textos no Ensino Fundamental I; c) apresento o referencial teórico que sustenta este estudo: i) concepções de sujeito, língua e linguagem ancoradas no sociointeracionismo, baseando-me em Bakhtin (2009, 2011), Geraldi (1991, 1996, 2006, 2009, 2013), Koch (2006), Franchi (1977); ii) concepção de escrita como trabalho humano, baseandome no conceito marxista de trabalho (Marx, 2013), corroborado por Antunes (2013), e nos pressupostos do trabalho de escrever, tal como defendido por Franchi (1977) e Geraldi (2013), iii) diferenciação entre os termos correção, revisão e reescrita, enfatizando os motivos que me levam a adotar o termo revisão neste estudo, e delineando teoricamente a revisão como um tipo específico de leitura crítica (Lipman, 2001) e como possibilidade de trabalho metacognitivo (Marcuschi, 2007; Matêncio, 1994; Silva & Melo, 2007); v) ensaio sobre como, quando e por que ensinar revisão de textos a alunos de Ensino Fundamental I; d) apresento uma investigação sobre as possibilidades de ensinar a escrever no Ensino Fundamental I, considerando a revisão de textos como parte do processo de escrever. Para isso, trago textos produzidos por alunos de 3º, 4º e 5º anos do Ensino Fundamental, em que quatro estratégias de revisão foram utilizadas, com o intuito de permitir aos alunos formas variadas de relação com a escrita (a sua e a de terceiros). e) Por último, analiso alguns textos que ilustram o que estou chamando de tomada da escrita pelos sujeitos, ou seja, escritas em que se percebe a presença de um sujeito que comunica, com alguma singularidade utilizando a escrita (Possenti, 2002, 2013). Metodologicamente, elegi, para a elaboração/organização deste trabalho, os pressupostos da pesquisa-ação (Thiollent, 1998). Como a coleta dos textos analisados se deu de forma naturalística, adoto como metodologia de análise o paradigma indiciário, proposto por Ginzburg (1989, 2002) e utilizado por Abaurre; Fiad e Sabinson (1997), Abaurre et al. (1995) e Possenti (2002) na análise de escritas escolares. Os textos selecionados e apresentados neste estudo serviram a dois propósitos: o de ilustrar as estratégias de revisão utilizadas pelos alunos, e defendidas aqui como meios de ensinar a escrever, e o de ilustrar indícios que indicam a tomada da escrita pelos alunos. A análise dos textos permite defender a revisão de textos como estratégia eficiente para o ensino da escrita, desde que a produção de textos seja tomada como resposta a objetivos comunicativos socialmente situados. Neste estudo, defendo que assumir um ensino que leve nossos alunos a tomarem a escrita para si é um ato de coragem frente a uma prova de fogo. Trata-se da coragem de trabalhar para que a escrita seja, para os sujeitos incididos por ela, uma possibilidade de incidir sobre o mundo, uma possibilidade de tomar as rédeas da História. / This study is inscribed in the research field of teaching of writing in schools, understanding writing as a human work, as a means of action, interaction and constitution of the social subjects, and, also, as a possibility of social uprising. Having this understanding of writing and of the school as being able to teach it efficiently, it proposes that one of the possible paths for this teaching should be based on the development of different strategies of text revision from the first years of basic school. Revision is here conceived as a specific kind of critical reading. The theoretical-methodological elaboration are presented as follows: a) firstly, I affirm my position regarding the teaching of writing in public schools, as this is the place from which I socially speak; b) secondly, I introduce the field of Brazilian research on text revision in the early years of basic education; c) I present the theories that underlie this study: i) concepts of subject and language, anchored in sociointeracionismo, based on Bakhtin (2009, 2011), Geraldi (1991, 1996, 2006, 2009, 2013), Koch (2006), Franchi (1977); ii) concept of writing as work, my basis is the Marxist concept of work (Marx, 2013), corroborated by Antunes (2013), and the assumptions about work proposed by Franchi (1977) and Geraldi (2013); iii) differentiation between the terms correction, revision and rewriting, emphasizing the reasons that lead me to adopt the term review in this study, and theoretically outlining the review as a specific type of critical reading (Lipman, 2001) and as a possibility to work metacognitive (Marcuschi, 2007; Matêncio, 1994; Silva & Melo, 2007) ; v) essay about how, when and why to teach proofreading the students of elementary school; d) present a research on the possibilities of teaching writing in elementary school, considering the revision of texts as part of the process of writing. For this, bring texts produced by students of 3rd , 4th and 5th years of elementary school, in which four review strategies were used, in order to allow students to various forms of relationship with writing (his and with the others). e) Finally, analyze some texts that indicated the appropriation of their own writing by students (Possenti, 2002, 2013). For the construction of this investigation, I describe the procedures used for the teaching of writing to a group of the methodological assumptions adopted by me for the development/organization of this study were those of the action research as proposed by Thiollent (1998). As the data collection of the analyzed texts happened in a naturalistic design, I adopted the evidentiary paradigm of analysis as proposed by Ginzburg (1986) and used by Abaurre; Sabinson and Fiad (1997), Abaurre et al. (1995) and Possenti (2002) in the analyses of school writing. The selected texts shown in the study served two purposes: illustrating the revision strategies used by students and defended here as means of teaching how to write, and illustrating the traces that indicated the appropriation of their own writing by students. The analyses of the texts allow us to support text revision as an efficient strategy for the teaching of writing. In this study, I propose that taking on a teaching that guides our students to the appropriation of their own writing is in itself an act of courage when facing this difficult task. That courage of working so that writing is, for the subjects touched by it, a possibility of acting upon the world, a possibility of taking the reins of history.

(Re)pensando a reescrita como forma de interação entre professor e alunos: "Nossa sina é se ensinar"

Raupp, Lisiane Ribeiro 16 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-04-24T19:22:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lisiane Ribeiro Raupp.pdf: 2211296 bytes, checksum: 15446395b48d16941a6657baf8d444aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-24T19:22:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lisiane Ribeiro Raupp.pdf: 2211296 bytes, checksum: 15446395b48d16941a6657baf8d444aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-16 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar a importância dada ao processo de reescrita como atividade reflexiva nas representações das professoras participantes da formação continuada do projeto "Por uma formação continuada cooperativa para o desenvolvimento do processo educativo de leitura e produção textual escrita no Ensino Fundamental", do Programa Observatório da Educação/CAPES, coordenado por Ana Maria Mattos Guimarães, com Dorotea Frank Kersch como pesquisadora associada, do PPGLA/Unisinos. De caráter qualitativo-interpretativista, traz reflexões sobre a reescrita textual na prática de sala de aula, no contexto de construção do que denominamos Projetos Didáticos de Gênero (PDG), no qual são analisados os discursos de quatro professoras em entrevistas feitas antes e/ou depois da aplicação desses projetos, elaborados durante a formação continuada de que as atoras fizeram parte. Esses discursos foram analisados à luz do Interacionismo Sócio-Discursivo (ISD), a partir do folhado textual (BRONCKART, 2009) - a infraestrutura textual, através das sequências discursivas. Também foram inferidas representações relacionadas às ocorrências de termos vinculados à reescrita. Os resultados mostram que a reescrita ainda carece de reflexões por parte dos professores, para que esteja incorporada na prática docente de forma mais eficiente. A pesquisa contribui para os estudos linguísticos, relacionados ao ensino de língua materna, ao olhar para a reescrita na perspectiva do professor, no sentido de entender como acontecem as práticas de reescrita e como elas podem ser mais bem desenvolvidas para promover mais criticamente a educação linguística dos alunos. / This research has as aims to identify the importance given to the rewriting process as reflexive activity in representations of teachers participate in the continuing education project by training together for the development of the educational process of reading and writing textual production in Elementary Education. This project is coordinated by Ana Maria Mattos Guimarães and Dorotea Frank Kerschof PPGLA/Unisinos Observatory Program of Education / CAPES, and considers the rewriting process very important in language learning. As qualitative research interpretative brings reflections about textual rewriting practice in classroom, in the context of construction of the Gender Didatic Project (PDG), in which four teachers were interviewed before and/or after the implementation of these projects. During these interviews a corpus formed to interpret the representations of infrastructure textual sequences through discourse (Sociodiscursive Interactionism Bronckart, 2009). These forms of textual rolling had a relation to rewriting. The results show that rewriting still lacks reflections by teachers for incorporating teaching practice more efficiently. This research is related to the teaching of the mother tongue and has the capacity to promote language education in students.

L'édition critique de la première partie de Jourdain de Blaves : enjeux linguistique d'une mise en prose / A critical edition of the first part of Jourdain de Blaves : diachronic study of language and analysis of the derhyming process

Dourdy, Laura-Maï 11 December 2017 (has links)
La tradition textuelle pluriséculaire de Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves est assez dense. À partir d’une étude de cette tradition, notre thèse présente une édition de la première partie de Jourdain de Blaves, l’une des mises en prose anonymes de la chanson de geste en alexandrins Jourdain de Blaye. L’édition s’accompagne d’un apparat critique de notes et de variantes ainsi que d’un glossaire. Ainsi, ce travail explore la tradition de Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves, qui s’inaugure avec une chanson de geste en décasyllabes composée au début du XIIIe siècle. La chanson a d’abord été remaniée et augmentée une première fois au début du XVe siècle dans une version en alexandrins. Elle a ensuite été mise en prose à deux reprises au même siècle. L’une des versions en prose est contenue dans un manuscrit unique (le ms. Aberyswyth, NLW, 5022D) et l’autre nous est parvenue à travers cinq éditions parisiennes du XVIe siècle. Au vu de l’examen préalable de cette tradition textuelle, le choix de l’editio princeps de Michel Le Noir (1520) est apparu le plus fécond pour l’établissement d’une édition critique. L’imprimé se situe en effet à l’interface entre la chanson en alexandrins, dont il est le plus proche d’un point de vue textuel, et les autres éditions du XVIe siècle qui ont toutes été réalisées à partir de l’imprimé de Michel Le Noir. Notre travail offre une première comparaison de la chanson en alexandrins et du texte de l’édition de Michel Le Noir qui donne lieu à une réflexion sur le rapport entre vers et prose. Un second corpus constitué des cinq éditions du XVIe siècle constitue non seulement un accès privilégié aux stratégies éditoriales des imprimeurs de l’époque mais aussi un observatoire idéal des changements linguistiques. Outre ces deux analyses contrastives, nous cherchons à révéler l’intérêt linguistique du texte de l’édition Le Noir. L’étude de la langue met notamment en lumière une syntaxe étonnante et une représentation complexe de l’oral. Ce travail d’analyse et de comparaison du texte de l’editio princeps permet d’enrichir les réflexions philologiques, linguistiques et littéraires développées tout au long de la thèse. / The tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves is quite dense. After a study of this tradition, this thesis presents a critical edition of the first part of Jourdain de Blaves, one of the anonymous prose texts derhymed from the chanson de geste written in alexandrines, Jourdain de Blaye. This thesis also provides notes, variants and a glossary with the edited text. This study explores the textual tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves. The tradition starts with a chanson de geste written in decasyllables in the early thirteenth century. This text has been rewritten and amplified in alexandrines at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Then, in the same century, it was translated into two unrhymed texts. The first one is contained in the unique manuscript from the National Library of Wales (ms. Aberyswyth, NLW, 5022D). The second one was transmitted in five printed editions published in Paris in the sixteenth century. The study of the tradition led us to choose the editio princeps of Michel Le Noir (1520). This imprint has a strategic place in the textual tradition; it is very close to the version written in alexandrines and all the sixteenth century editions were made from the one of Michel Le Noir. Through an initial contrastive analysis, this thesis compares the mise en prose to the clearly identifiable versified source and offers considerations on the interplay between verse and prose. Then, a second comparison between the five printed editions originating from the sixteenth century allows this thesis to give an insight into the work of printer-editors and their editorial strategies. Moreover, the study serves to demonstrate that micro-corpora of re-editions are notably useful in the study of language change.Complementing the aforementioned studies, this work emphasizes the linguistic richness of the edited text of Michel Le Noir’s imprint. The most noteworthy features are to be found in the study of syntax as well as in the one of represented oral speech. The accumulated analyses aim to enrich the philological, linguistic and literary reflections developed in this thesis.

Camus dans ses lettres : de la correspondance à l'oeuvre

Rebaï, Moez 20 September 2012 (has links)
Situées entre le biographique et le littéraire, les lettres de Camus jettent un éclairage nouveau sur sa personnalité, sur ses relations avec ses correspondants et sur la genèse de son style et de son œuvre. Sa correspondance éclaire son rapport avec la maladie ainsi que son attachement à la famille et à la beauté méditerranéenne de son pays natal. Son admiration pour Jean Grenier le pousse à suivre ses leçons et à les revendiquer dans ses missives, leur attribuant ainsi un aspect didactique. L’exploration de l’interface correspondance / œuvre trace un mouvement d’élargissement, un passage de l’intime au littéraire. Les lettres ouvertes de Camus empruntent à la littérature plusieurs caractéristiques. Certains correspondants de l’écrivain sont de véritables interlocuteurs qui évaluent ses œuvres et qui lui font des remarques, de manière à le conduire à les rectifier et même à les réécrire. Ses lettres constituent une précieuse mine d’informations susceptible de jeter une nouvelle lumière sur la réécriture de son premier recueil d’essais Les Voix du quartier pauvre et de Caligula. En accompagnant la plupart de ses textes depuis qu’il en conçoit le projet jusqu’à leur publication, ses missives élucident ses choix littéraires et infléchissent l’évolution de son œuvre. Elles révèlent les détours d’une production littéraire hétérogène. Sur les conseils de certains correspondants dont Grenier et Malraux, Camus abandonne la grandiloquence d’un style lyrique qui rend compte de sa passion de vivre dans ses premiers écrits. Le style dépouillé de L’Étranger ainsi que l’objectivité de la chronique de La Peste témoignent de l’influence des lettres sur l’évolution de l’œuvre. La persistance de quelques passages grandiloquents dans ces œuvres neutres, où le style dépouillé rejoint des soubassements poétiques, est le signe d’un combat entre le penchant originel de Camus à l’exaltation des sentiments et à l’emphase d’un côté, et les recommandations de son maître qui l’incite à la raideur et à l’écriture neutre. Camus dépasse cette dichotomie qui divise son œuvre en se mettant à la recherche d’un équilibre entre neutralité et emphase dans Les Justes. Il s’agit d’un équilibre entre l’objectivité d’une lucidité cartésienne et les excès d’un débordement sentimental. L’étude de l’ethos de l’épistolier qu’Aristote définit comme « la représentation de son caractère par l’orateur » révèle trois images de soi dans la correspondance de Camus : celle de l’écrivain émerveillé, celle de l’écrivain engagé et celle du journaliste honnête. Mais la question épineuse de la guerre d’Algérie condamne l’auteur de La Peste au silence et crée un décalage entre l’ethos préalable du journaliste et l’ethos discursif qu’il tient à mettre en place dans ses lettres. L’examen de l’ethos d’auteur, en particulier l’image de soi littéraire qui se construit dans L’Hôte, semble important dans la mesure où il est susceptible d’éclairer l’image de soi épistolaire d’un intellectuel indécis tiraillé entre son affection pour son pays natal, où il craint de perdre sa place et celle des siens, et sa foi en les valeurs de la liberté, de l’égalité et de la justice. Dans cette nouvelle, la conduite du héros et les choix de l’écrivain génèrent une image d’auteur placée sous le signe de l’inquiétude et de la perplexité d’un être tiraillé entre l’admiration des combattants et la condamnation de leur violence. / Partly biographical and partly literary, Albert Camus’ letters shed new light on his personality, his relationship with his correspondents, his style’s genesis and that of his writings. His correspondence gives more insight into his illness as well as his commitment to the family and the Mediterranean beauty of his native country. Being fond of Jean Grenier, Camus not only follows his instructions but also asks him for some advice in the letters, giving them a didactic dimension. Examining the interface between Camus’ letters and his writings is a shift from the intimate to the literary, widening the scope of my research. Camus’ open letters borrow many literary features. Some of his correspondents are real interlocutors evaluating his books and providing him with insightful feedback and comments generating modification or even rewriting of some of them. Such letters are a valuable source of information shedding new light on the rewriting of his first collection of essays, Les Voix du quartier pauvre as well as Caligula. His letters, accompanying most of his writings from their conception to publication, elucidate his literary choices and affect the progress of writing, revealing turns of a heterogeneous literary production. On the advice of some of his correspondents including Grenier and Malraux, Camus abandons the bombast of a lyrical style reflecting his passion for life in his early writings. The stripped style of L’étranger along with the objectivity of the chronicle of La Peste are evidence of the letters’ impact on the evolution of Camus’ writing process. The persistence of some emphatic passages in these neutral writings, where the simple style joins the poetic underpinnings, reveals a struggle between Camus’ innate tendency for exalting feelings and emphatic style on the one hand, and the master’s recommendations inciting neutral writing on the other hand. Camus goes beyond this dichotomy dividing his writings by questioning equilibrium between neutrality and emphasis in Les Justes, an equilibrium between an objectivity of a Cartesian lucidity and excesses of a sentimental overflow. The study of the writer’s ethos defined by Aristotle as “the representation of his character by the orator” shows three self images in Camus’ letters : that of the marveled writer, that of the committed writer and that of the honest journalist. But the thorny issue of the war in Algeria silenced the author of La Peste, creating a gap between the journalist’s preexisting ethos and the discursive ethos set up in his letters. Studying the author’s ethos, especially the literary self image built in L’Hôte seems important as it is likely to illuminate the epistolary self image, that of an indecisive intellectual torn between his love for his homeland, where he is afraid of losing his place and that of his family, and his faith in the values ​​of freedom, equality and justice. In this novel, the hero's conduct and the writer’s choices create an image of an anxious and perplexed author torn between admiring the fighters and condemning their violence.

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