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Littérature et religion. Le modèle hagiographique chez Flaubert, Bloy et Huysmans / Literature and religion. The hagiographic model in the works of Flaubert, Bloy and HuysmansMikail Abud Filho, Régis 20 January 2017 (has links)
La crise traversée par l’Église à la fin du XIXe siècle se répand dans l’univers littéraire. Le rapport entre confession et esthétique s’instaure de manière distincte des romanciers catholiques de la première moitié du siècle : la transmission exemplaire de la foi à travers le discours religieux se confond avec la représentation de cette transmission elle-même par la littérature hagiographique. Ce renouvellement esthético-littéraire relativise et la fiction et l’hagiographie. Ainsi, chez Flaubert, Bloy et Huysmans, une sainteté se réclamant primitive et terrifiante bouleverse l’expression de l’art catholique accusé de mièvrerie. Des récits d’inspiration, d’intention ou de subversion hagiographique contestent également les représentations littéraires naturalistes et décadentistes. La réécriture de la sainteté côtoie le roman en transformation, de même que le personnage de fiction se rapproche souvent des saints. Le personnage-saint et le saint-personnage se situent donc dans une terrain indéfini entre récit romanesque et récit hagiographique. La confession personnelle d’écrivains comme Bloy et Huysmans invite à mieux examiner la subversion discursive, caractéristique du discours littéraire : la confession peut-elle être subversive malgré elle? Inversement, un récit structuré sur les modèles hagiographiques médiévaux de la Légende de saint Julien l’hospitalier révèlent qu’un certain respect de la forme n’implique pas en une profession de foi. / The crisis the Catholic Church went through during the 19th century spread into the literary universe. The relation between faith and aesthetics establishes itself in a different way from the catholic novelists of the first half of the century: the exemplary transmission of faith through religious discourse mingles with the representation of this transmission itself through hagiographic literature. This literary and aesthetic renewal puts both fiction and hagiography into perspective. For instance, in the works of Flaubert, Bloy and Huysmans, a sanctity claiming itself to be both primitive and terrifying disrupts a catholic art accused of sentimentalism. Moreover, narratives of hagiographical inspiration, intention or subversion question literary representations of naturalism and decadentism. Rewriting sanctity is accomplished as a parallel to the transformations which affect the novel, whereas fictional characters are more closely represented in the manner of saints. The character as a saint and the saint as a character lay somewhere within an indefinite land between the narrative of the novel and the hagiographic narrative. The faith of writers such as Bloy and Huysmans calls for reflections on the discursive subversion, characteristic of the literary discourse: can faith be subversive in spite of its intentions? Inversely, a novel structured on the medievel hagiographic models of the Legend of saint Julien the Hospitaller reveals that a certain respect of the form does not necessarily imply professing one’s faith.
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L'intertextualité comme source de création littéraire : essai sur le roman arabe contemporain / Intertextuality as the source of literary creation : an essay on the contemporary Arabic novelGuessoum, Zeineb 16 June 2016 (has links)
Dans le champ de la création littéraire arabe contemporaine, la thématique de l’intertextualité comme source de création littéraire touchant le domaine du roman trouve une double origine. D’une part, l’étude des grands romanciers arabes contemporains montre que ces derniers reprennent les récits antérieurs de caractère essentiellement épique, historique et religieux, pour les reproduire dans un style et un contexte romanesque qui leur sont propres, sans pour autant s’éloigner du thème original. D’autre part, la question de l’intertextualité comme source de création littéraire trouve son fondement dans le rôle dévolu à la mémoire et au savoir. Afin de saisir la manière dont ces deux sources sont utilisées, nous allons tenter d’aborder ces questions en analysant les études universitaires et les critiques littéraires actuelles afin de constituer ainsi une argumentation objective. Partant de là, pour cerner la question de l’intertextualité comme source de création littéraire dans le roman arabe contemporain, nous structurerons notre travail en trois parties. La première aura pour titre : « Citations et Références » - ces deux termes posant, par leur juxtaposition, la question de la relation entre la citation intertextuelle et le lecteur. La seconde partie sera intitulée « Allusions et Evocations » - ce couple de termes posant la question de la relation entre l’intertextualité et la mémoire (historique, culturelle) contenue dans la littérature. Enfin, la troisième partie aura pour titre « Reprises et Remaniements » - ces deux termes posant la question de la reprise textuelle et de la relation de dérivation existant entre les textes. Au terme de chaque partie, nous proposerons un récapitulatif des principaux points abordés, en exposant des arguments visant à expliquer l’intérêt de l’intertextualité dans le processus de renouvellement de la création romanesque arabe contemporaine. / In the field of contemporary Arabic literature, the theme of intertextuality as the source of novelistic literary creation possesses a double origin. On the one hand, the study of major contemporary Arabic novelists shows that they make use of prior narratives of essentially epic, historical and religious character, reproducing them in a romantic style and context that is entirely their own, but without departing from the original theme. On the other, intertextuality as the source of literary creation takes for its foundation the role played by memory and knowledge. In order to grasp the way in which these two sources are used and why, we are going to approach the question by analyzing university studies and current literary criticism on the subject, thereby constructing an objective argument. Then we will structure our work in three parts. The first will be entitled: “Quotations and References”, a juxtaposition posing the question of the relationship between the intertextual quotation and the reader. The second part will be entitled: “Allusions and Evocations”. This pair of terms will be concerned with the relationship between intertextuality and memory (both historical and cultural), which is contained in the literature. Finally, the third part will be called: “Resumptions and Reorganisations” – these two terms raising the question of textual resumption and the divergent relationship existing between texts.
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Traductions, adaptations et réécritures : approches du traitement et de la diffusion de Robinson Crusoé en Occident et dans le monde chinois. / Translations, adaptations and rewritings : Approaches of the treatment and the distribution of Robinson Crusoe in West and in the Chinese worldZheng, Li 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les traductions, abrégés, adaptations ou continuations constituent des opérations décisives lors de la diffusion et de la réception des oeuvres littéraires dans l’espace et dans le temps. L’histoire de la réception sur la longue durée de Robinson Crusoé en France et en Chine illustre ce phénomène de manière exemplaire. Les premières traductions françaises et chinoises ont toutes modifié l’original de Defoe pour répondre aux exigences et aux besoins de leur environnement et de leurs publics spécifiques, en même temps qu’elles ont contribué à modifier les sensibilités et les comportements des lecteurs. Sa diffusion en Europe occidentale puis dans le monde entier a transformé le roman de Defoe et ses avatars en un genre à contenu pédagogique et destiné à la jeunesse. La conception exposée par Rousseau dans l’Émile est à l’origine de ce tournant européen qui n’a cessé de poser un problème essentiel – celui du rapport entre le romanesque et l’instructif – à tous ceux qui, comme Campe, Wyss ou Jules Verne, ont voulu imiter ou adapter l’histoire de Robinson dans une perspective éducative. A force de réécritures explicitement revendiquées par leurs auteurs, l’histoire de Robinson a finalement obtenu le statut de mythe littéraire au XXe siècle. Au-delà de leurs différences, des écrivains contemporains comme le français Michel Tournier ou la sino-américaine Maxine Hong Kingston voient avant tout dans Robinson un symbole de la modernité. Celle-ci, comme les expériences propres à ces écrivains, débouchent sur des réécritures plus subtiles de Robinson Crusoé tout en manifestant la puissance et le dynamisme du modèle initial dont les transformations constituent le signe le plus visible. / The translations, summaries, adaptations or continuations constitute the decisive operations during the distribution and the reception of the literary works in the space and in the time. The history of the long-lasting reception of Robinson Crusoé in France and in China illustrates this phenomenon in a exemplary way. Its first French and Chinese translations all modified the original of Defoe in order to meet the requirements and needs of their environment and of their specific public, at the same time as they both contributed to modify the sensibilities and the behavior of the readers. Its distribution in Western Europe then all over the world transformed the novel of Defoe and its variants into a genre with educational contents and intended for the youth. The conception proposed by Rousseau in his Émile is at the origin of this change occurred first in Europe which raises always the same essential question - that of the relationship between the fiction and the instruction - to all those who, as Campe, Wyss or Jules Verne, wanted to imitate or to adapt the story of Robinson for an educational purpose. By means of rewritings explicitly claimed by their authors, the story of Robinson finally obtained the status of literary myth in the 20th century. Beyond their differences, contemporary writers like French Michel Tournier or Chinese American Maxine Hong Kingston see above all in Robinson a symbol of the modernity. Reflections on the modernity, with the particular experiences belonging to these writers, result in more subtle rewritings of Robinson Crusoe, and show the power and the dynamism of the initial model the transformations of which constitute the most visible sign.
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Le bilinguisme en littérature : l'auto-traduction espagnol-français à la lumière du cas d’Agustín Gómez Arcos / Bilingualism in literature : self-translation between Spanish and French in the light of the case of Agustín Gómez ArcosZaitouni-Chapin, Nayrouz 10 July 2015 (has links)
L’autotraduction est le résultat d’une équation qui combine bilinguisme, traduction et littérature L’autotraducteur n’est pas un simple médiateur entre texte source et texte cible : il est écrivain, puis lecteur de son œuvre, puis écrivain à nouveau et enfin lecteur de sa traduction, qui acquiert une valeur de deuxième œuvre originale. C’est à la lumière du cas de Agustín Gómez-Arcos que cette thèse se propose de répondre à la question de la stratégie de réécriture et d’adaptation mise en place lors du processus de l’autotraduction, en étudiant les différents mécanismes auxquels a recours l’autotraducteur, qu’il s’agisse de choix contraints ou de prise de liberté auctoriale, mais aussi en analysant les interférences entre les deux langues qui laissent entrevoir une « pollinisation » certaine des œuvres bilingues du corpus choisi. Cette réflexion sur la poétique de l’autotraduction à travers les obstacles qui peuvent gêner l’écriture bilingue, mais aussi à travers la liberté qu’apporte à un auteur le fait d’être son propre traducteur, se veut une manière de rendre hommage à la figure du traducteur littéraire. / Self-translation is the result of an equation that combines literature with bilingualism and translation. The self-translator is not a mere mediator between the source text and the target text. In fact, he is the writer and reader of his work, but also the writer and reader of his translation, which becomes a second original work. The aim of this thesis is to address the issue of how Agustín Gómez-Arcos rewrites and adapts his novels when he self-translates them. That is why we are going to study the various translation procedures he uses – be they choices that conform to constraints or auctorial licenses – and then analyse the way the two languages interact with one another and lead to cross-pollination within the bilingual novels of the selected corpus. This reflection on the poetics of self-translation not only through obstacles to bilingual writing, but also through the freedom offered to an author who is his own translator, can be regarded as a tribute paid to the figure of the literary translator.
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L'interrogation du web de données garantissant des réponses valides par rapport à des critères donnés / Querying the Web of Data guaranteeing valid answers with respect to given criteriaNguyen, Thanh Binh 03 December 2018 (has links)
Le terme Linked Open Data (LOD) (ou données ouvertes liées) a été introduit pour la première fois par Tim Berners-Lee en 2006. Depuis, les LOD ont connu une importante évolution. Aujourd’hui,nous pouvons constater les milliers de jeux de données présents sur le Web de données. De ce fait, la communauté de recherche s’est confrontée à un certain nombre de défis concernant la récupération et le traitement de données liées.Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème de la qualité des données extraites de diverses sources du LOD et nous proposons un système d’interrogation contextuelle qui garantit la qualité des réponses par rapport à un contexte spécifié par l’utilisateur. Nous définissons un cadre d’expression de contraintes et proposons deux approches : l’une naïve et l’autre de réécriture, permettant de filtrer dynamiquement les réponses valides obtenues à partir des sources éventuellement non-valides, ceci au moment de la requête et non pas en cherchant à les valider dans les sources des données. L’approche naïve exécute le processus de validation en générant et en évaluant des sous-requêtes pour chaque réponse candidate en fonction de chaque contrainte. Alors que l’approche de réécriture utilise les contraintes comme des règles de réécriture pour reformuler la requête en un ensemble de requêtes auxiliaires, de sorte que les réponses à ces requêtes réécrites ne sont pas seulement les réponses de la requête initiale mais aussi des réponses valides par rapport à toutes les contraintes intégrées. La preuve de la correction et de la complétude de notre système de réécriture est présentée après un travail de formalisation de la notion de réponse valide par rapport à un contexte. Ces deux approches ont été évaluées et ont montré la praticabilité de notre système.Ceci est notre principale contribution: nous étendons l’ensemble de systèmes de réécriture déjà connus(Chase, C&BC, PerfectRef, Xrewrite, etc.) avec une nouvelle solution efficace pour ce nouveau défi qu’est le filtrage des résultats en fonction d’un contexte utilisateur. Nous généralisons également les conditions de déclenchement de contraintes par rapport aux solutions existantes, en utilisant la notion de one-way MGU. / The term Linked Open Data (LOD) is proposed the first time by Tim Berners-Lee since 2006.Since then, LOD has evolved impressively with thousands datasets on the Web of Data, which has raised a number of challenges for the research community to retrieve and to process LOD.In this thesis, we focus on the problem of quality of retrieved data from various sources of the LOD and we propose a context-driven querying system that guarantees the quality of answers with respect to the quality context defined by users. We define a fragment of constraints and propose two approaches: the naive and the rewriting, which allows us to filter dynamically valid answers at the query time instead of validating them at the data source level. The naive approach performs the validation process by generating and evaluating sub-queries for each candidate answer w.r.t. each constraint. While the rewriting approach uses constraints as rewriting rules to reformulate query into a set of auxiliary queries such that the answers of rewritten-queries are not only the answers of the query but also valid answers w.r.t. all integrated constraints. The proof of the correction and completeness of our rewriting system is presented after formalizing the notion of a valid answers w.r.t. a context. These two approaches have been evaluated and have shown the feasibility of our system.This is our main contribution: we extend the set of well-known query-rewriting systems (Chase, Chase& backchase, PerfectRef, Xrewrite, etc.) with a new effective solution for the new purpose of filtering query results based on constraints in user context. Moreover, we also enlarge the trigger condition of the constraint compared with other works by using the notion of one-way MGU.
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Cyber-Physical Analysis and Hardening of Robotic Aerial Vehicle ControllersTaegyu Kim (10716420) 06 May 2021 (has links)
Robotic aerial vehicles (RAVs) have been increasingly deployed in various areas (e.g.,
commercial, military, scientific, and entertainment). However, RAVs’ security and safety
issues could not only arise from either of the “cyber” domain (e.g., control software) and
“physical” domain (e.g., vehicle control model) but also stem in their interplay. Unfortunately, existing work had focused mainly on either the “cyber-centric” or “control-centric”
approaches. However, such a single-domain focus could overlook the security threats caused
by the interplay between the cyber and physical domains.
<br>In this thesis, we present cyber-physical analysis and hardening to secure RAV controllers.
Through a combination of program analysis and vehicle control modeling, we first developed
novel techniques to (1) connect both cyber and physical domains and then (2) analyze
individual domains and their interplay. Specifically, we describe how to detect bugs after
RAV accidents using provenance (Mayday), how to proactively find bugs using fuzzing
(RVFuzzer), and how to patch vulnerable firmware using binary patching (DisPatch). As
a result, we have found 91 new bugs in modern RAV control programs, and their developers
confirmed 32 cases and patch 11 cases.
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Evoluční návrh s využitím přepisovacích systémů / Evolutionary Design Using Rewriting SystemsHýsek, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This work provides an introduction to the evolutionary algorithms and evolutionary design. It also describes disadvantages of direct encoding of a genotype to a phenotype and a method of nontrivial encoding which can solve these problems. We are particularly talking about the problems of the scalability of evolved solutions. We discuss a possible solution of described problem - a nontrivial genotype-phenotype mapping called development. This technique is demonstrated on an evolutionary design of a sequence of rewriting rules which is able to construct arbitrarily large sorting networks.
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[pt] A proposta desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar os principais agentes de reescrita e de patronagem que concorreram para a inserção e difusão da obra de Emily Dickinson no sistema literário brasileiro, a partir da primeira tradução de Manuel Bandeira, em 1928, até os dias de hoje. Como aporte teórico, utilizamos a Teoria dos Polissistemas, de Itamar Even-Zohar (1997 [1990], 2005); os conceitos de reescrita e patronagem, de André Lefevere (1990, 1992); as noções de capital social, econômico, cultural e simbólico, de Pierre Bourdieu (1986), para informar a análise do perfil dos tradutores de Dickinson; e a Teoria dos Paratextos, de Gérard Genette (2009), na apresentação da poeta e de sua obra ao público leitor brasileiro. Constatamos que os poemas de Dickinson, embora tenham sido traduzidos a partir do início dos anos 1900, ganharam maior repercussão a partir de meados do século. A tradução de Cecília Meireles do poema “I died for Beauty”, em 1954, foi incluída em uma antologia de poesia estrangeira amplamente difundida no país; e a publicação da obra The Complete Poems of Dickinson, por Thomas H. Johnson, numa criteriosa edição de Harvard (1955), resgatando os poemas na íntegra, sem as correções de seus antigos editores, resultou na ressignificação de sua obra no polissistema literário dos EUA e também do Brasil. Vale mencionar as traduções de Dickinson feitas por Haroldo e Augusto de Campos e Décio Pignatari, do movimento concretista, que buscava chamar a atenção para os aspectos formais da poesia e não apenas para o seu conteúdo semântico. Verificamos também que a expansão dos Estudos da Tradução, que propiciou o surgimento de novas teorias, abordagens, métodos e conceitos, ampliando as perspectivas para o estudo da tradução de poesia, aliada à atuação dos agentes de reescrita e de patronagem e aos bem produzidos paratextos, muito contribuíram para a inserção e difusão da poesia de Dickinson no Brasil. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze the main rewriting and patronage agents which contributed to the introduction and dissemination of Emily Dickinson s work in the Brazilian literary system, starting in 1928 with Manuel Bandeira s first translation up to this day. The research was informed by Itamar Even-Zohar s Polysystems Theory (1997 [1990], 2005); André Lefevere s concept of rewriting and patronage (1990, 1992); Pierre Bourdieu s notions of economic, cultural, and symbolic capital, instrumental to analyze the profile of Dickinson s translators; and Gérard Genette s Paratext Theory (2009), to discuss the presentation of the poet and her work to Brazilian readers. We found that Dickinson s poems, though they had been translated into Portuguese in the early 1900 s, gained greater repercussion since the middle of the century when Cecília Meireles s translation of I died for Beauty, in 1954, was included in an anthology of foreign poetry and widely disseminated in the country; and when the publication of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, edited by Thomas H. Johnson, in a careful Harvard edition, in 1955, recovered Dickinson s poems in full, without the corrections of her former editors, and resulted in the resignification of her work both in the U.S. literary polysystem and the Brazilian one. It is worth mentioning the translations of Dickinson s poems by Haroldo de Campos, Augusto de Campos, and Décio Pignatari, founders of the Concrete Movement, which intended to draw attention to the formal aspects of poetry, and not just to its semantic content. The expansion of Translation Studies, which led to the emergence of new theories, approaches, methods, and concepts, thus broadening the prospects for the study of poetry translation, combined with the performance of rewriters and patrons and with well-produced paratexts, has also greatly contributed to the introduction and dissemination of Dickinson s poetry in Brazil.
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[pt] Há mais de cinco séculos, desde o achamento das Américas, o Ocidente vem escrevendo uma história que apaga, silencia e estereotipa as sociedades indígenas. Estudos da tradução de natureza historiográfica nos mostram que a tradução e os tradutores estão intimamente relacionados aos contínuos processos colonizadores de silenciamento dos ameríndios e de suas formações e produções discursivas. Trazendo como referencial teórico estudos da tradução pós-estruturalistas e estudos pós-coloniais, o objetivo central da presente tese é pensar a tradução como reparação (v. Paul Bandia 2008) e, em particular, como to mpey – conceito de vida do povo indígena Canela que significa algo como tornar bonito, resolver um problema, reparar algo –, ou seja, como forma de repensar e reparar não apenas as histórias, identidades e culturas das sociedades indígenas, mas de toda esta nação brasileira que vem se constituindo por matizes híbridos e que ainda enxerga nos povos autóctones um exotismo distante e tribal. O conceito de tradução utilizado implica a ampliação conceitual iniciada por Roman Jakobson ([1959]1975) e, sobretudo, o entendimento de reescrita proposto por André Lefevere ([1982]1992). Tendo como motivação primeira a Série Kotiria – coleção de livros que retoma algumas narrativas do povo Kotiria –, formamos um corpus com outros dois conjuntos de reescritas de narrativas indígenas publicados na atualidade. Foram analisados os paratextos presentes nessas coleções, de modo a verificar em que medida esses projetos se apresentaram como espaços de produção discursiva efetivamente indígena; ou seja, estivemos atentos a possíveis indicações de que essas reescritas podem constituir ou não exemplos ou casos atuais do velho processo colonial linguístico que insiste em ocidentalizar os indígenas. Por fim, valendo-nos de concepções de escrita e oralidade que desconstroem sua tradicional dicotomização, formuladas por estudiosos como Daniel Munduruku (s.d.) e Souza (2017), e considerando a emergência de literaturas indígenas, propomos essas reescritas como um potencial sistema literário contra-hegemônico. / [en] For more than five centuries, since the invasion of the Americas by Europeans, the West has been writing a history that erases, silences and stereotypes indigenous societies. Translation studies of a historiographical nature shows us that translation and translators are closely related to the continuous colonizing processes of silencing the Amerindians and their discursive productions and formations. Having post-structuralist translation studies and postcolonial studies as theoretical references, the main objective of this dissertation is to think translation as reparation (see Paula Bandia 2008) and, in particular, as to mpey – a life concept from the Canela indigenous people, meaning something as to make beautiful, to solve a problem, to mend something -, that is to say, as a way of rethinking and repairing not only the histories, identities and cultures of indigenous societies, but of this whole Brazilian nation that has been constituted by hybrid hues and that still sees in indigenous peoples a distant and tribal exoticism. The concept of translation used implies the conceptual extension initiated by Roman Jakobson ([1959] 1975) and, above all, the understanding of rewriting proposed by André Lefevere ([1982] 1992). Having as our first motivation the Kotiria Series - a collection of books that retakes some narratives of the Kotiria people -, we formed a corpus with two other sets of rewritings of indigenous narratives published recently. The paratexts presented in these collections were analyzed, in order to verify to what extent these projects appeared as spaces of indigenous discursive production; in other words, we were aware of possible indications that these rewritings may or may not constitute examples or actual cases of the linguistic colonization that insists on westernizing indigenous peoples. Finally, relying on concepts of writing and orality that deconstruct its traditional dichotomization, formulated by scholars such as Daniel Munduruku (sd) and Souza (2017), and considering the emergence of indigenous literatures, we propose these rewritings as a potential counter-hegemonic literary system.
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Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting LogicAlba Castro, Mauricio Fernando 28 November 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we propose an abstraction based certification technique for Java programs which is based on rewriting logic, a very general logical and semantic framework efficiently implemented in the functional programming language Maude. We focus on safety properties, i.e. properties of a system that are defined in terms of certain events not happening, which we characterize as unreachability problems in rewriting logic. The safety policy is expressed in the style of JML, a standard property specification language for Java modules.
In order to provide a decision procedure, we enforce finite-state models of programs by using abstract interpretation.
Starting from a specification of the Java semantics written in Maude, we develop an abstraction based,
finite-state operational semantics also written in Maude which is appropriate for program verification.
As a by-product of the verification based on abstraction, a dependable safety certificate is delivered which consists of a set of rewriting proofs that can be easily checked by the code consumer by using a standard rewriting logic engine. The abstraction based proof-carrying code technique, called JavaPCC, has been implemented and successfully tested on several examples, which demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.
We analyse local properties of Java methods: i.e. properties of methods regarding their parameters and results. We also study global confidentiality properties of complete Java classes, by initially considering non--interference and, then, erasure with and without non--interference. Non--interference is a semantic program property that assigns confidentiality levels to data objects and prevents illicit information flows from occurring from high to low security levels. In this thesis, we present a novel security model for global non--interference which approximates non--interference as a safety property. / Alba Castro, MF. (2011). Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting Logic [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13617
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