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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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睡眠脆弱特質相關心理機轉探討: 反芻與情緒遲惰特質以及睡前激發狀態的關聯性 / The psychological mechanism of the vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbance: the relationships among rumination, emotional inertia and pre-sleep arousal

周映妤 Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:在現今高壓力與忙碌的社會中,失眠是很常見的問題。在國外的失眠的相關調查結果顯示,失眠的盛行率會受對於失眠定義之嚴謹程度影響,而有大範圍的變異,其範圍約落在6~48%。當定義符合臨床上之診斷標準時,失眠盛行率約降至6~15%。因此,受失眠之苦的個體中,有一大部分可能未達診斷標準,而為暫時性或急性失眠之患者。然而過去的研究大多將重點聚焦在符合失眠疾患診斷的失眠族群上,針對剩下雖未符合失眠疾患診斷標準,但又飽受失眠症狀困擾之群體,卻是缺乏探討。此外,失眠的縱貫研究中也發現,暫時性失眠個體到最後會有一部份會發展成為慢性失眠。因此,針對這群為數不少,且容易經歷暫時性失眠之個體,若能更加了解其暫時性失眠發生的成因與相關機制,便能及早介入,協助個體不落入慢性失眠的惡性循環中。過去研究發現,暫時性失眠的發生,最常見的促發因素為壓力事件。Drake、Richardson、Roehrs、Scofield與Roth(2004)便發展出福特壓力失眠反應量表(Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test, FIRST)來測量個體特質上遭遇壓力情境的睡眠脆弱程度;且研究結果也發現個體身心激發程度是和睡眠脆弱特質息息相關的因素之一。由於過去在失眠的相關研究中,少有研究探討暫時性失眠的相關機制,因此,本研究從和暫時性失眠相關的壓力下睡眠脆弱特質出發,探討此脆弱特質與過度激發的關聯性,並欲探討其他會提升激發程度的相關認知與情緒因子,如:失功能信念、情緒反應性、反芻特質、情緒遲惰特質和此特質間的關係。本研究假設個體對於睡眠的失功能信念與對負向事件的情緒反應性可能會透過提高睡前身心的激發程度,而使個體容易經歷壓力下的急性失眠,增加睡眠的脆弱性;即睡前身心激發程度在睡眠的失功能信念與情緒反應性對睡眠脆弱性的關係間扮演一中介作用之角色。另外,也假設睡眠的失功能信念與情緒反應性與睡前身心激發程度間的關係,會分別受反芻特質與情緒遲惰特質調節,即具有高反芻特質與高情緒遲惰特質者,其睡眠的失功能信念與情緒反應性與睡前身心激發程度間的關係更強烈,因此在壓力下,其有較高的睡眠脆弱性,容易經歷暫時性失眠。 研究方法:本研究於大學中招募60位20~35歲之受試者(男:22位;女:38位),經晤談以確認受試者符合收案標準後,將請受試者填寫研究相關問卷(包含:壓力下失眠反應量表、反芻型反應風格短版量表、睡前激發程度量表、睡眠失功能信念及態度簡式量表、情緒反應量表、失眠嚴重度量表、貝克憂鬱量表第二版與貝克焦慮量表);並在詳細解釋情緒經驗取樣流程後,請受試者回到日常生活環境中進行連續三天的情緒遲惰經驗取樣紀錄。 研究結果:根據執行檢驗中介效果步驟的階層迴歸與Sobel test的分析結果,睡前認知激發程度對擔憂的失功能信念與情緒持續性和睡眠脆弱性間的關係具中介的作用;即對睡眠有過度擔憂的失功能信念、情緒持續性較久皆可能會提高睡前認知激發程度而增加壓力下的睡眠脆弱性。其他失功能信念之向度,如:知覺失眠造成的影響、對睡眠的期待、藥物使用,以及情緒反應性之其他向度,如:情緒敏感度與情緒激發度對睡前認知過度激發狀態無顯著的預測力。另外,根據執行檢驗調節效果步驟的階層迴歸分析結果,反芻特質與情緒遲惰特質分別在失功能信念與情緒反應性對認知激發程度的關係上,皆未有顯著的調節效果。 研究結論:研究結果部分支持身心激發程度為對睡眠的失功能信念與情緒反應性影響壓力下睡眠脆弱性的中介因子之假設。本研究發現過度擔憂睡眠的信念以及情緒持續度較久這兩個因子會分別獨立地提高睡前認知激發程度,顯示睡前認知激發程度分別受認知與情緒因素影響;且相較與睡前的生理激發狀態,睡前的認知激發對於壓力下的失眠反應之影響具有顯著的預測力,顯示認知激發在失眠的前置因子中可能扮演較重要的角色。另外,反芻特質與情緒遲惰特質分別在失功能信念與情緒反應性對認知激發程度的關係上,皆未有顯著的調節效果,此部份不符合研究預期。基於本研究結果,在臨床上對於容易經歷失眠之個體,若能及早調整對於睡眠的擔憂相關的信念,並學習有效調節情緒的方式,皆可有效降低個體睡前的認知激發活動,減少失眠的發生率與改善失眠症狀,避免使其落入失眠慢性化的惡性循環中。

採行已發生損失模型與公允價值會計對盈餘、資本適足率與信用損失之影響 / The Impacts of Adopting Incurred Loss Model and Fair Value Accounting on Earnings, Capital and Credit Loss

張式傑, Chang, Shi Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣於2011年依據IAS 39進行34號公報之第三次修訂實施,採用已發生損失模型後的兩項議題:(1)放款壞帳費用之提列與盈餘波動性以及資本適足率波動性之關聯性,(2)以歷史成本評價之期末金額及以公允價值評價之期末金額,究竟何者對於未來之帳款沖銷與不良債權較具有關聯性。 實證結果顯示,自2011年採用已發生損失模型後盈餘波動性無顯著之變化,且壞帳費用對於盈餘波動性無解釋能力;而自2011年後資本適足率波動性亦無顯著變化,但壞帳費用對於資本適足率波動性有顯著的影響,顯示銀行明顯透過壞帳費用之提列進行資本管理而非盈餘管理。在未來信用損失預測之部分,以歷史成本評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權有顯著的負相關,而以公允價值評價之期末放款金額對於未來之帳款沖銷及不良債權卻無解釋能力,可能係因未來帳款沖銷與未來不良債權之發生與放款之帳齡有顯著的關聯性,而與未來可收取之現金流量無顯著之相關。 / This study aims to investigate how Incurred Loss Model affects the recognition of loan loss provisions and the valuation of loans due to the third revision of SFAS No. 34 which was revised based on IAS 39 in 2011. For the recognition of loan loss provisions, it focuses on the relationship with earnings volatilities and capital adequacy volatilities, and for the valuation of loans, it specializes on whether credit loss predicting is related to historical cost accounting or fair value accounting. The result shows that, since the implementation of Incurred Loss Model in 2011, both the adoption of Incurred Loss Model and the loan loss provisions have no significant impact on earnings volatilities. For capital adequacy volatilities, implementing Incurred Loss Model has no effect on capital adequacy volatilities neither. However, the loan loss provisions since 2011 significantly enhance the volatilities of capital adequacy. It reveals that banks use loan loss provisions to manage capitals instead of earnings. For credit loss predicting, loans evaluated with historical cost accounting have significant negative relations with future charge-offs and non-performing loans while loans evaluated under fair value accounting do not have any explanation power. It may suggests that future charge-offs and non-performing loans are related to the aging of loans, but not the future payoffs of loans.

海峽兩岸銀行業績效之比較研究 / The comparison of banking performance between China and Taiwan

李采儒, Lee, Tsai Ju Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸自西元1979年開始實行經濟改革政策,銀行體系同時經歷了三十年的改革發展,依據中國加入世界貿易組織之承諾,其必須於2006年12月11日全面開放外資銀行登陸投資。為了面對外資銀行業可能帶來的激烈競爭與挑戰,中國政府大力支持與協助國有商業銀行進行一連串的體制改造及上市計畫,近年來中國銀行業整體的表現十分亮眼。 兩岸政府於2010年6月29日簽署之兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),正式地為台灣的銀行業開啟通往大陸投資的一扇門,此篇論文藉由全面的研究分析中國銀行業的發展,並透過比較中國、美國及台灣具代表性的銀行在獲利能力、資產品質、流動性風險管理及新巴賽爾資本協議規定指標遵循情形等四個面向的表現,以期提供有意赴中國大陸投資之銀行業者對於當地情況有更多的概念與了解。 / After thirty years of economic and financial reforms, banking system in China has transformed from rigidly controlled to marketization nowadays with a variety of banking institutions coexist in the financial market. Among different kinds of banking institutions, large state-owned commercial banks dominate over half of total banking assets, their huge scale allow themselves to have leading positions and monopoly power in China’s banking industry. Under WTO regulations China must fully open markets for foreign banks’ investment started on December 11, 2006, before that most large state-owned commercial banks have restructured into joint-stock companies and went public sequentially in order to enhance competition for fierce challenges brought from foreign banks. Attributing to China government’s effort and support, the overall domestic banking performance has made a lot of progress in the past few years. By comparing banking performance with USA and Taiwan in four aspects of profitability, assets quality, liquidity risk management and capital adequacy ability, the study results demonstrate that general performance of banking sector and large state-owned commercial banks in China have improved greatly and even better than advanced countries in some respects. The signing of ECFA between cross-strait governments on June 29, 2010 starts a new page of Taiwan banks’ development in China, the study suggests that in the initial stage banks from Taiwan can explore markets of corporate banking by using their expertise in loans for small and medium enterprises which are always neglected by banks in China, and by providing services to Taiwan business people in China to explore markets of consumer banking, and then gradually expand market share.

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