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中文與英文連詞之對比分析及其在高級英文寫作上之應用 / A contrastive analysis of Chinese and English conjunctives and its implications on teaching advanced English writing class江世偉, JIANG, SHI-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is conduct a contrastive analysis on Chinese and English conjunctives regarding their syntactic behavior in texts. The attention is directed to the inter.sentence aspects of the conjunctives(i.e. the textual level) in the two language systems. Halliday and Hasan’s(1976) theory of conjunctives is adopted as the basis for the contrastive analysis. By conducting the contrastive study, the present author hopes that valuable implications can be generated and be applied to the teaching of English writing to Chinese advanced ESL learners in Taiwan.
Besides making a contrastive analysis, the author also provides some predictions and performance scales regarding Chinese ESL learners’ linguistic performance in English comjunctives. The predictons and performance scales are further verified with a data corpus totaled 116 written texts, which were collected from 116 advanced ESL subjects regularly attending ESL programs in college. The verification procedure confirms most of the predictions and performance scales.
The study reveals that Chinese advanced ESL learners do receive certain influence from their first language, regarding the use of conjunctives at the level beyond sentence. Consequently, the outcome is regarded as capable of rendering valuable implications for ESL(or EFL)teachers and learners as well as researcher.
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中文可讀性公式試擬陳世敏 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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手勢在中文會話中的語用功能 / Gestural contextualization in Chinese conversation曾惠鈴, Zeng, Hui-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是藉由研究在會話中觀察到的手勢,說明手勢在溝通上的重要性。根據我們的觀察,說話者在溝通上使用的手勢有兩種,一種是「說到做到」,一種是「言行不一」。分析在會話中出現的手勢後,我們得知「說到做到」手勢最常傳遞名詞訊息,其次是動詞訊息,而這類手勢的功用在於使說話者的言語表達更形清楚。以具像和指示手勢傳遞的「言行不一」訊息,包括發生在主詞和動詞位置的「角色轉換」,其功用是使說話者表達對談論中人物的說明和詮釋,以及最常和動詞一起出現的「補充訊息」,可補充說話者在事件中沒有以言語說出的訊息。說話者在溝通中使用手勢,就能提供更多訊息給聽者,同時也可使言語表達更加清楚生動,便於聽者了解。 / There are two kinds of gestures in communication. One is "congruous gestures", which the gestural messages are identical with the meanings of the simultaneous speech. Another is "incongruous gestures". Incongruous gestures are divided into two groups. (1)"footing shift": the speakers play the roles of the characters in their narrations. (2) "message complement": the gestural messages are not the same as the meanings of the corresponding spoken words. Since the congruous gestures perform the same messages as those of the spontaneous speech, we want to find out why the speakers use them. To the incongruous gestures, we want to find out why the speakers perform them. We collect the Chinese conversational data to do our analyses.
In our data, the messages performed by congruous gestures mostly correspond with the meanings of the nouns. The function of the congruous gestures is to make the speakers' verbal messages more clearly and vividly. Besides, the gestural types of incongruous gestures are iconic and deictic. The "footing shift" occurs in the positions of the noun and the verb. Its function is to make the speakers give their own interpretations and evaluations on the characters. The "message complement" mostly appears with the verb. Its function is to complement the message the speakers do not say in the events.
Gesturing in communication is very important. It enables the speakers to provide more unspoken information, or convey the verbalized messages more clearly and vividly for the hearers to understand.
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"一次"在動詞性結構前的表義功能及影響因素 / Ideational functions of yi ci before verbal structures and factors influencing its interpretation李家豪 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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中文報紙版面改革芻議與應用電腦排版的可能性之研究朱自成, ZHU, ZI-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
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論動結式與使動用法的關系 : 從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹 = The relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction / Relationship between verbal complement construction and the use of causative : the evolving footprint from the use of causative to verbal complement construction;"從使動用法到動結式的演變軌迹"傅京 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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合成詞的內部構造和詞的語法屬性的相關性 = The correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese / Correlation between the structures of compounds and the grammatical feature of the compounds in Chinese陳麗萍 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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澳門吉祥語研究 / Research of lucky words of Macao周菲凡 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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"史記"複音詞研究 / Study of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in Shi Ji;"史記複音詞研究"王仰之 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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新興國家設立語言學習機構之可行性分析:以貝里斯為例 / Feasibility Analysis of Language Learning Institute Project in Emerging Countries: The Case of Belize陸雅妮, Lemus, Yanyre Unknown Date (has links)
During the past years there has been a massive growth on the number of non-Chinese heritage people that have been learning Mandarin. The Chinese language is one of the most spoken languages in the world with one fifth of the planet speaking Mandarin. China has become the second largest economy in the world, which makes learning Chinese a very useful tool. Spanish is also one of the most spoken languages in the world and Belize is surrounded by Central American countries, which makes it essential to be able to communicate with other people around us in Spanish. Although Belize is a small country, it has many business activities with Taiwan and Central America and therefore it is very essential to be able to understand and communicate in Mandarin easily and effectively.
The purpose of this business plan is to perform feasibility analysis of a Language Institute in Belize. In order to assess the feasibility of this company, this business plan is going to present data on the importance of the Chinese and Spanish language within Belize and around world. The Language Learning Institute will be introduced and a business strategy and marketing strategy will be developed to determine the strengths of learning Mandarin for Business, as well as personal development. Lastly, the business model will be presented that will provide the important factors needed for the successful development of the business.
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