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東南亞區域安全之研究周禮順 Unknown Date (has links)
東協(ASEAN)自1967年成立以來,即有其獨特的安全觀。根據東協曼谷宣言,東協成立的主要目的在於「促進區域安全與穩定」,並透過政治、經濟、文化、社會與科技等各個層面的合作,達成未來形成共同體意識,而非透過組成軍事聯盟、以武力來解決彼此爭端。隨著「911事件」及「巴里島爆炸案」後,美國超強地位進一步向前推展,視東南亞為其全球反恐的第二戰場, 2001年東協與中共達成於10年內籌設雙邊「東協-中共自由貿易區」之協議,將成為涵蓋20億人口,全世界最大的自由貿易區,其影響極為深遠。本文主旨在探討東協具備成為亞太政治大國的必要條件,善用集體安全合作機制,提高身價,主導議事,及積極從事經濟與安全區域整合,目前為何沒有達到維持東南亞區域安全之目的。
本論文共分六章,第一章為緒論,揭示本文研究動機與目的、研究方法、研究範圍與限制、文獻探討及論文架構等。第二章為「東南亞概述」,從東南亞地緣政治及政經情勢變遷,經由區域主義的形成,探討東南亞國家協會(ASEAN)成立與發展。第三章「東南亞區域安全」,探討東協如何藉由新自由主義之互賴理論推展政治、經濟、社會文化的合作,並揭櫫「綜合性安全」的觀念,使成員國之間擺脫安全困境加強各項安全合作,如何利用東協區域論壇 (ARF)為核心和載台,展開與外部大國之間的多邊安全對話,逐漸擺脫其邊陲的地位,進而維護東南亞區域的和平與穩定。第四章「影響東南亞區域安全潛在的衝突熱點」,針對朝鮮半島、臺海兩岸及南中國海等問題,探討東協所主導東協區域論壇在亞太安全熱點的行為角色。第五章「未來的展望」,探討東南亞國家經由經濟區域整合,預定2020年前完成安全、經濟及社會文化的「東南亞共同體」的願景。第六章為結論。
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條件利他媒體娛樂模式: 探討雙方好惡相反對於個人決策與媒體娛樂感之影響 / The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model: The influence of dyadic preference conflict on media content selection and anticipated enjoyment康耕輔, Kang, Keng Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從人際互賴理論(Kelley et al., 2003)中的互賴困境來概念化雙方偏好相異的決策情境,並根據依附理論提出,兩人之間的關係類型可能透過關係中的依附安全感影響個人決策的利關係程度,再影響預期娛樂感。其中,利關係決策傾向透過提高彼此之間的連結感之心理機制,來影響預期娛樂感。而雙方對於「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」可能調節關係類型對於個人決策利關係程度的影響,進而影響後續的預期娛樂感。
根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出「條件利他媒體娛樂模式」,來說明人際之間的關係類型和「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」之情境因素,會交互影響個人在情境中做出決策的利關係程度,並透過提高彼此之間連結感機制,來影響後續的預期娛樂感。 / This study explores how dyadic relationship types and media content influence personal selection and anticipated enjoyment in dyadic preference conflict situation, and the underlying mechanism. This study conducted a series of experiments in the laboratory to investigate the dilemma from different media entertaining scenarios.
This study conceptualized the dilemma situation from Interdependence theory (Kelley et al., 2003), and using attachment theories to propose that dyadic relationship types may influence the pro-relationship level of personal decision through sense of attachment in the relationship. And the pro-relationship level of personal decision may influence subsequent anticipated enjoyment through enhancing connectedness between each other. Moreover, dyadic preference conflict may moderate the influence of relationship types on the pro-relationship level of personal decision, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment.
The results revealed that when dyadic preference is conflicted, making more pro-relationship decision doesn’t produce more positive anticipated enjoyment. Only in the conditional which dyadic preference is closer, making more pro-relationship decision produces more positive anticipated enjoyment because of enhancing their connectedness.
The study proposed one new model called “The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model” to explain how dyadic relationship types interact with preference conflict to influence personal selection of media content, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment thought interpersonal connectedness.
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中國與馬來西亞兩國雙園合作的外交戰略:複合互賴理論的分析 / The Strategic Analysis of Sino-Malaysian Cooperation on Industrial Parks: Perspectives of Complex Interdependence吳九穎, Wu, Jiou Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文中國與馬來西亞合作的雙向園區作為例,為全球首創雙向合作的工業園區,探究中國與馬來西亞藉由兩國雙園產業配置的政治運作邏輯。本文發現中馬兩國雙園中設置不只是雙邊國家利益的展現,更是雙邊在地利益團體的結合,因此以「複合互賴理論」作為分析方法,觀察中國和馬來西亞如何透過產業園區的設置,把雙邊國家利益轉化成雙邊國家政策,並結合在地利益團體的目標,最後消弭中馬兩國雙邊矛盾,實行中馬兩國的國家合作計畫。最後,雙園的合作不在只是雙邊經濟的交涉,更是雙邊國家外交戰略的實行,變相成為在地利益團的建立、強化,甚至到雙邊國家關係的聯繫。 / In this paper argues that the China-Malaysia Twin Industrial Parks as an example, is first two-way cooperation of the industrial park in the world. It explore that China and Malaysia's the political operation logic through the each industry park. This thesis finds that the China-Malaysia Twin Industrial Parks are not only the show of bilateral national interests, but also the combination of bilateral interest groups, this research conducts classification analysis called Complex Interdependence Theory.This approace is used to observe how China and Malaysia through the industrial park set up the interests of bilateral countries into bilateral policy, combined with the interests of the interests of groups, and finally eliminate the bilateral contradictions between China and Malaysia, the implementation of the two countries of the national deevelopment program. The last part is the conclusion of the thesis not only for the bilateral economic relations, but also for the implementation of bilateral countries diplomatic strategy.
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