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台北外匯市場交易量與波動性關係之實證分析 / An Empirical study of the relation between trading volume and volatility in the Taipei foreign exchange market楊立吉, Yang, Li ji Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究利用2004年1月至2007年12月的日資料探討台北外匯市場的波動性與交易量關係,實證結果與過去的研究相符,本文發現交易量與波動性呈現正的關係。本文亦將交易量拆成「預期到」與「未預期到」的部分,實證結果發現未預期到的交易量與波動性呈現正的關係,此結果與混合分配假說的預期相符,表示當新的資訊流入市場時,交易量與波動性會同時受到衝擊;此外,預期到的交易量與波動性的關係不顯著,因此沒有證據可推測台北外匯市場是否有效率。 / In this study, I examine the interaction of volume and volatility in the Taipei foreign exchange market over January 2004 to December 2007. Consistent with empirical results of previous research, I find a positive relation between total trading volume and volatility. I also decompose total volume into expected and unexpected components. I find a positive relation between unexpected volume and volatility. This result is consistent with MDH, which supposes that volume and volatility are both driven by a common and unobservable factor that reflects the arrival of new public information. Regarding the expected volume, a weakly positive correlation with the volatility was observed. There is weak evidence that the Taipei foreign exchange market is efficient.
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台股指數報酬波動性與異常交易量的關係陳榮逢 Unknown Date (has links)
價量關係一直是投資人觀察股市最直接的工具之一,但如何選擇適當的交易量變數卻是另一個難題。混合分配假說(Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis, MDH)認為交易量足以成為替代市場訊息流入的變數,但普通交易量的資訊成分過於複雜,並不能完全反應重大私有訊息的流入市場,在解釋價量關係上便稍顯不足。因此本文利用異常交易量(surprise volume)取代普通交易量,做為新的交易量變數,再加上GARCH-M的時序模型架構,試著解釋台灣股票市場的報酬波動。
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會計盈餘在債券市場的角色 / The role of accounting earnings in the bond market陳明良 Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻主要探討會計資訊於股票市場的影響, 少部分國外文獻研究盈餘於債券市場有用性之結果並不一致, 但國內並無相關研究。 本文研究2000年至2008年臺灣上市櫃公司的公司債公開發行市場, 以債券報酬率與債券交易量作為研究會計資訊有用性的度量(metrics), 實證結果證實盈餘發布後, 債券交易量確實增加, 但進一步的分析顯示, 控制不同公司特性與債券特性後, 當期盈餘水準與未預期盈餘皆無法有效地解釋債券報酬率與債券交易量, 對於會計盈餘在債券市場有用性的探討, 尚待未來進一步之研究。 / Prior studies regarding the effects of earnings have been primarily focused within the context of stock markets. The effects on bond markets have been studied considerably less; moreover, what little research that does exist is solely in foreign markets. Two metrics, returns and trading volume, are used to gauge the influence of earnings announcements for Taiwan corporate bonds between 2000 and 2008. Findings suggest that bond trading volume changes positively shortly following earnings announcements. However, after controlling firm and bond characteristics,
unexpected earnings and current earnings level can not effectively explain the behavior in bond prices and volume. More research is needed to explain the informativeness of earnings in the corporate bond market.
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市地重劃對土地交易之影響-以台中市第十二期重劃區為例 / The impact of land readjustment on land transaction-case of the 12th land readjustment area in Taichung City蔡鎰齋 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃為台灣常使用的土地開發方式,此政策的規劃將影響該地區的土地市場。本文以台中市第十二期重劃區為例,探討重劃後土地交易與後續開發的情況,將給定重劃後新建的公共設施以及目前已有的既存設施,研究該土地的空間特徵是否會影響土地的交易情況,而其中參與的角色包含了土地所有權人、投資者與建設商。此外,過往的房地產研究中多著重於土地價格的分析,然而卻缺乏「量」之研究,本文將以土地交易次數作為被解釋變數,使用零膨脹卜瓦松模型,觀察重劃後交易的活絡程度。另一方面本文也將重劃完成後的開發分成兩階段,分別為初期土地間分割整合、買賣的階段,以及建商開發成建案的階段,將使用存活分析研究兩個階段的相距時間與空間特徵之關聯。本研究成果中發現,離新建設施與既有設施的距離對於土地交易量有不同影響,其中距離既有設施愈近,其交易量愈少。另外,某些既存設施的周圍也發現建商有養地之情形,使得周遭的土地並無獲得合適的利用。 / Land readjustment is commonly used in Taiwan for land development and the policy has a big impact on the local land market. This paper focuses on the case of the 12th land readjustment area in Taichung City and examines the land transaction in that area after land readjustment. This paper looks into the spatial characters of lands such as distance from new-built or existing facilities and analyzes the influence the spatial characters have on land transaction. The three parties of land transaction, namely the developers, investors, and the land owners, will be thoroughly discussed in this paper.
In addition, most previous studies in real estate concentrate on analyzing the price of land instead of the numbers of the land transactions made. This paper uses the numbers of land transactions as dependent variable and zero-inflated Poisson model to analyze the activity in land market after land readjustment. Besides, the study will separate the development of land after readjustment into two stages: one is the phase when the land is divided, assembled, purchased or sold and the other is the phase when the buildings are constructed. This paper use survival analysis to study the relations between time and land transaction. The result of this research shows that the distance between existing facilities and lands does influence the frequency of land transactions: the closer a land is to existing facilities, the less land transactions are made. The study also discovers that the closer a land is to the existing facilities, the less likely developers are to develop that area.
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內部人交易策略與股票價量之關係研究張燕翎, Chang, Yan-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣認購權證市場交易活動變數對標的股票報酬條件波動度影響之研究楊坤豪, Kunhao Yang Unknown Date (has links)
一、 個股型認購權證的上市對標的股票市場報酬條件波動性有減輕的正面效益,一籃子型權證則無此顯著效果。
二、 現貨交易量不論來自於預期、非預期、或長期移動平均其對股票報酬條件波動性都有正相關影響,亦即現貨交易量越大,股票報酬條件波動度越高。
三、 未預期權證交易量和長期移動平均權證交易量對權證標的股票報酬條件波動性具有正相關影響,預期權證交易量對其標的股票報酬條件波動度效果則不顯著。
四、 標的股票報酬條件波動度不因權證距到期期間變動而有所不同。
第一章 緒論 2
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍及對象 4
第四節 研究架構 5
第五節 研究流程 5
第六節 研究限制 6
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 7
第一節 相關理論整理 8
第二節 國外相關實證文獻 11
第三節 國內相關文獻 15
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 資料介紹與整理 21
第二節 實證流程 22
第三節 實證方法簡介 23
第四節 實證方法假設限制 34
第五節 實證探討議題 35
第四章 實證結果與分析 36
第一節 交易量資料的最適ARIMA(p,d,q)模式 36
第二節 標的股票交易量對標的報酬條件波動性的影響 40
第三節 權證上市對標的股票報酬條件波動性的影響 46
第四節 權證與標的股票交易量對標的報酬條件波動性的影響 52
第五節 權證距到期期間對標的報酬條件波動性的影響差異研究 58
第五章 結論與建議 61
第一節 研究結論 61
第二節 對後續研究的建議 62
第三節 貢獻與影響 63
參考文獻 64
中文部份: 64
英文部份: 65
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我國上市公司月營業收入與股票交易量關聯性 / The Relationship among Revenue Per Month and Trading Volume蔡醒亞, Chua, Shing-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
四.將每月營收公告依月份細分發現,當公告月份屬於第一、第四季時,該月的營收公告較會被投資人所重視;反之,當公告月份屬於第二、第三季時,月營收而並不會被投資人利用作為投資時之依據。 / both
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公司治理機制對個別類型投資人交易行為之影響性 / The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Trading of Different Trader Types賴可容 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper discuss the issue of how corporate governance variables affect the cognitions of groups of investors to lead they separate their investment strategies in 1997-2011 sample period, the results indicate that firms with higher management stockholdings, lower blockholders’ shareholdings, smaller board size, more outside independent supervisors, CEO duality, and one of ultimate controllers served as chairman would be appealing to individual investors; the robust test from 2007 to 2011 only positively affects the investment strategies for foreign institutional investors.
Moreover, we explore that lower blockholders’ stockings and smaller board size are favorable characteristics for investors to increase firms’ trading volumes but also the trading volatilities.
Finally, we compute the corporate governance score for every sample company called CG-Index, and discover a perfect corporate governance mechanism would inspire investing motivations of domestic individuals and foreign institutions, after considering the information disclosure ranking in 5 years sample period, the stockholding of whole individual investors is indicated positive related to the corporate governance degree.
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偏態預測:台灣加權指數報酬率之研究 / Predicting conditional skewness:Evidence from the return distribution of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Value-Weighted Index李家昇 Unknown Date (has links)
此論文研究有什麼因子會影響台灣股票加權指數報酬率之偏態係數。過去的文獻顯示,交易量和報酬率為可能的因子。實證的結果確實發現,交易量和報酬率顯著地影響偏態係數。 / This study examines the determinants for conditional skewness of the return distribution of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Value-Weighted Index. Important driving factors that affect conditional skewness, based on the theory literature, include trading volumes and returns. To capture the skewness in the data, the family of time series model we consider focuses on the specifications of higher-order moments than mean and volatility that conventional models look at. With the specifications, we are able to test whether the factors, volumes and returns, can influence conditional skewnees of the return distribution. Our results suggest the significance of the factors using data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange Value-Weighted Index.
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S&P500指數期貨之錯價與交易量之非線性關係─以門檻自我迴歸分析 / The Nonlinear Relation Between S&P500 Index Futures Mispricing and Volume: The Threshold Analysis陳筱竹, Chen, Hsiao-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本文著重在探討現股放空限制與交易成本對期貨錯價之影響。以門檻自我迴歸與續航門檻自我迴歸模型分析期貨錯價之非線性過程,我們發現錯價有回歸平均(mean reversion)的現象。當期貨錯價為正時(套利策略為買現貨賣期貨),交易量對錯價影響為負;但若期貨錯價為負(套利策略為賣現貨買期貨),考慮到昂貴的放空成本(costly short sell hypothesis),交易量對錯價的影響將是較不明確的。 / This article highlights the impact of short selling restrictions and trading costs on the relation on futures mispricing error. Within threshold autoregression model (TAR) and momentum threshold autoregressive model (M-TAR), the influence of optimal arbitrage trading on the mispricing is analyzed. Results concerning trading volume and level, mean reversion in mispricing error, and the model which describes mispricing process better. The empirical evidence suggests that trading costs and short selling costs are influential factors for the mispricing behavior. Moreover, the futures trading volume affects mispricing level significantly.
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