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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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金融帳開放與人民幣國際化:以滬港通為例 / The Liberalization of Financial Account and the Internationalization of the Renminbi: The Case of Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect

林倩雯, Lin, Chien Wen Unknown Date (has links)
2008年發生全球金融危機,造成各國經濟大幅衰退。中國大陸於2009年開始積極推動人民幣國際化,希望降低對外貿易與跨境資本流動對美元的依賴程度。中國大陸雖有龐大的境外人民幣資金池,但由於欠缺人民幣回流管道,因而人民幣資金至今仍無法雙向流動。因此,中國大陸於2014年11月17日推動滬港通試點,建立滬港股票交易互聯互通機制,試行中國大陸金融帳開放成效,以作為日後擴大試點開放政策的參考。 本研究結果發現,經由滬港通試點試辦,改革中國大陸資本市場,可避免對中國大陸金融市場造成重大影響,實現人民幣跨境計價及結算功能,並建構良好的人民幣回流機制。 / The world economy declines substantially, influenced by the global financial crisis in 2008. In order to reduce the dependence of cross-border fund flows and foreign trades on the US dollar, the mainland China reinforces its efforts in promoting the Renminbi (RMB) internationalization in 2009. But, due to the capital control, the free fund flows of the RMB are not feasible even if there is a massive RMB pool worldwide. In order for the liberalization of financial account, the mainland China built Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect on November 17, 2014, as a reference of further expansion of the offshore use of the RMB in the future. This study shows that, reforms on China’s domestic capital market are crucial to avoid the significant impact of Shanghai - Hong Kong Stock Connect, as the openness of capital account, on the domestic financial markets. The financial reforms can also improve the cross-border settlement functions of the RMB to increase RMB denomination in trades, and reinforce the freer flows of the RMB.

中國實行人民幣國際化後之均衡匯率及 匯率形成機制探討 / Equilibrium Exchange Rate and Exchange Rate Regime of RMB after China Implemented RMB Internationalization

朱虹潔 Unknown Date (has links)
˼˶為因應全球金融海嘯及歐債危機之匯兌風險、歐美先進國家採行量化寬鬆貨幣政策所產生之外溢成本,以及經濟實力相對提升,2009年中國開始推動人民幣國際化。目前人民幣已成為全球第五大支付貨幣,且國際貨幣基金會(International Monetary Fund)在2015年10月31日宣布將人民幣納入特別提款權籃子(Special Drawing Right),人民幣國際化進程十分迅速。 長期以來,人民幣被國際間普遍認為是低估的,本文使用購買力平價模型(Purchasing Power Parity)及有效匯率模型(Effective Exchange Rate)估算人民幣高低估程度,分析結果顯示人民幣匯率低估程度已有大幅改善,逐漸接近均衡匯率(Equilibrium Exchange Rate)。 另外,人民幣匯率形成機制也是國際間關注的議題,在2010年中國重啟人民幣匯改後,逐步放寬人民幣兌美元單邊波幅,且對外宣稱逐步與美元脫鉤,實行釘住一籃子貨幣的匯率形成機制。本文用中國人民銀行所發佈的CFETS人民幣匯率指數所公布的組成成分,將13種貨幣變動率對人民幣做回歸分析,推論中國目前採取『可調整的釘住一籃子』的匯率形成機制。若中國欲將人民幣推廣成為國際貨幣,勢必需推動匯率自由化,並降低人為操弄空間。 / In response to exchange rate risks to the global financial crisis and European debt crisis, developed countries adopt quantitative easing monetary policy arising from the spillover costs, and the enhancing of the economic strength, in 2009, China began to implement the internationalization of the RMB. The RMB has become the world's sixth-largest currency of payment. Besides, IMF (International Monetary Fund) announced the Yuan to be included in the SDR basket (Special Drawing Right) on October 31, 2015, RMB internationalization process is very fast. For a long time, the Yuan’s value is regarded underestimated. This paper uses the PPP model (Purchasing Power Parity) and Effective Exchange Rate model to estimate the degree of undervaluation of Yuan. The analysis shows that the degree of undervaluation has been greatly improved, and gradually approaching the equilibrium exchange rate. In addition, the RMB exchange rate regime is also a very important issue. After China restarted the RMB exchange rate reform in 2010, the volatility limitation of Yuan against the US dollar is gradually relaxed. China also announced that the exchange rate regime decoupled the US dollar peg to a basket of currencies. This paper uses CFETS RMB exchange rate index’s composition of the 13 kinds of currency rate on a regression analysis to the Yuan. We find out that China’s exchange rate regime is "adjustable peg to a basket". If China wants the Yuan to be an international currency, the exchange rate must be liberalized and the space of manipulation must be minimized.

霸權與國際公共財之關係-以人民幣國際化為例 / The relationship between hegemony and international public good - take the internationalization of RMB as an example

蔡智棠 Unknown Date (has links)
本文觀察到於越戰結束後,東亞呈現一個沒有霸權的狀態,然而,近來中國經濟的成長,使得人民幣國際化可能成為一項在東亞新出現的國際公共財。因此,筆者欲透過檢視東亞體系的現況與人民幣的國際化,嘗試對傳統霸權穩定理論中,對於霸權與公共財出現關係之部分進行修正,並重新檢視霸權的存在與一項新國際公共財提供之間的關聯性。 本文檢視東亞體系自戰後以來的演變與現況,並分別探討東亞體系中的三大行為者-中、美、日於體系中的角色轉變與其對於東亞體系的認知,最終本文提出「隱性霸權」的概念來為東亞體系下一註腳。 提出「隱性霸權」之概念後,本文進一步檢視人民幣國際化迄今為止的政策與現況,並透過8項貨幣國際化指標來評估人民幣目前的國際化程度。本文發現,人民幣目前的國際化程度比起世界其他主要貨幣,國際化程度仍相對較低,然而,本文認為由於中國本身的特殊條件,人民幣的國際化不是能或不能的問題,而只是何時的問題。因此,人民幣成為東亞體系中的國際公共財指日可待。 綜合上述討論,本文提出對於傳統霸權穩定理論的修正,指出於東亞體系中人民幣的國際化,讓傳統霸權穩定理論中,需要在體系內有一超強存在,國際公共財才得以出線的論述有修正之必要,此外,雖體系中有霸權存在將使公共財出現的可能性大幅上升,然而並不代表沒有霸權存在,公共財便不會出現。

人民幣國際化:思維、政策及成效檢討 / Internationalization of RMB: thought, policy and effect review

吳燕婷 Unknown Date (has links)

人民幣國際化程度與前景的實證分析 / Empirical study on the degree and prospect of renminbi internationalization

王國臣, Wang, Guo Chen Unknown Date (has links)
人民幣是否可能成為另一個重要的國際貨幣,甚至挑戰美元的國際地位?此即本論文的問題意識。對此,本論文進一步提出三個研究問題:一是如何測量當前的人民幣國際化程度?二是如何測量當前的人民幣資本開放程度?三是資本開放對於人民幣國際化程度的影響為何? 為此,本研究利用主成分分析(PCA),以建構人民幣國際化程度(CIDI)與人民幣資本帳開放程度(CAOI)。其次再利用動態追蹤資料模型──系統一般動差估計法(SGMM),以檢證各項人民幣綜合競爭力對於貨幣國際化程度的影響。最後,本研究進一步梳理人民幣資本帳開放的進程,並結合上述所有實證分析的結果,進而預估漸進資本開放下人民幣國際化的前景。研究對象包括人民幣在內的33種國際貨幣,研究時間則起自1999年歐元成立,迄於2009年。 本論文的發現三:一是,當前人民幣國際化程度進展相當快速。但截至2009年年底,人民幣國際化程度還很低,遠落後於美元、歐元、日圓,以及英鎊等主要國際貨幣。不僅如此,人民幣國際化程度也遜於俄羅斯盧布、巴西里拉,以及印度盧比等開發中國家所發行的貨幣。 二是,過去10年來,人民幣資本帳開放程度不升反降,截至2009年年底,人民幣的資本帳開放程度維持在零,這表示:人民幣是世界上管制最為嚴格的貨幣。相對而言,美元、歐元、日圓,以及英鎊的資本帳開放程度至少都在70%以上,特別是英鎊的資本帳開放程度更趨近於完全開放。 三是,根據SGMM的實證結果顯示,網路外部性、經濟規模、金融市場規模、貨幣穩定度,以及資本開放程度都是影響貨幣國際化程度的關鍵因素。在此基礎上,本研究利用發生機率(odds ratio),以計算不同資本開放情境下,人民幣成為前10大國際貨幣的可能性。結果顯示,如果人民幣的資本帳開放到73%左右,人民幣便可擠進前10大國際貨幣(發生機率為65.6%)。 不過,這只是最為保守的估計。原因有二:一是,隨者中國經濟實力的崛起,以及人民幣預期升值的脈絡下,國際市場對於人民幣的需求原本就很高。此時,人民幣資本帳如果能適時開放,則人民幣的國際持有將大幅增加。換言之,本研究沒有考量到,各貨幣競爭力因素與資本開放程度之間的加乘效果。 二是,資本開放不僅直接對貨幣國際化程度產生影響,也會透過擴大金融市場規模與網路外部性等其他貨幣競爭力因素,間接對貨幣國際化程度造成影響。這間接效果,本研究也沒有考量到。因此,可以預期的是,只要人民幣資本帳能夠漸進開放,人民幣國際化的前景將比本研究所預估的高出許多。 / This paper discusses whether the Renminbi (RMB) will become an international currency, even challenging to the U.S. dollar. In order to examine above question, this paper take the following three steps: 1. By using principal component analyses (PCA), this paper constructs two indices: currency internationalization degree index (CIDI) and capital account liberalization degree index (CAOI); 2. By using dynamic panel data model-system generalized method of moment (SGMM), this paper analyzes factors affect the CIDI, including economic and trade size, financial system, network externalities, confidence in the currency’s value, and CAOI; 3. According to the PCA and SGMM results, this paper calculates the odds ratio of RMB becoming important international currency. The reserch achieved the following results. First, the degree of internationalization of the RMB progress very fast, but the RMB CIDI is still very low, its CIDI far behinds the dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and pounds. Second, over the past 10 years, RMB CAOI is not increased but decreased. Its CAOI is at zero in 2009, this means that: the RMB is the most stringent controls in the world currency. In contrast, U.S. dollars, euros, yen, and pound CAOI are at least in more than 70%. Third, according to the SGMM results, economic size, financial system, network externalities, confidence in the currency’s value, and CAOI are key factors affect the CIDI. Based on this output, this paper forecasted that if the RMB CAOI is open to about 73%, RMB could be squeezed into the top 10 of the international currency. (The odds ratio is 65.6%) It is noteworthy that this is only the lowest estimates. This is because that this paper did not consider the interaction effects of each currency competitiveness factors and CAOI. Therefore, if RMB CAOI continues open, the prospect of RMB CIDI is much higher than estimated by this paper.

人民幣國際化背景下的兩岸資本跨境流通 / The Flow of Fund between Mainland China and Taiwan under the Background of Internationalization of RMB

徐航, Xu, Hang Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸經貿在政治的隔閡與反復中,從小到大,從封閉到逐漸開放。在這個過程中,兩岸資金融通的不斷擴大成為這場華麗經濟表演的背景。但隨著人民幣在國際舞台角色變化,兩岸貨幣流通從背景中走出,金融合作發展甚至可能成為兩岸經濟未來的最重要之組成。 從法律角度審視兩岸跨境資金流通,繁瑣的管制措施與複雜的法律體系正在逐漸消減。從直接投資角度而言,對外中國大陸不斷推動外商投資企業法規的改制以吸引外商投資;對內則努力減少中國企業融資阻礙,以推動中國大陸企業走出去。而台灣雖然對於陸資仍然保持著較大的戒心,亦逐步放開對大陸投資管制,並開放陸資來台來台促進經濟發展。從間接投資角度而言,中國大陸逐步放開資本項下的管制, QDII、QFII等投資管道不斷推陳出新,更加開放的未來成為可能。 而在這場以人民幣國際化為目的的改革中,自貿區扮演了急先鋒的角色。自貿區階段式的政策開放有著中國大陸改革和法律變遷的典型特征,「試點—推廣」模式使自貿區走在了人民幣國際化的最前沿。而台灣的自由經濟示範區卻步入了困境。 自貿區的現在很大可能將會是中國大陸的未來,人民幣國際化成為一個大概率事件。面對這種未來,台灣可以如何應對?從法律角度而言,本文提出以下四個建議:1.推動兩岸貿易以本幣結算,深化兩岸經貿往來;2.建立雙邊貨幣交換機制,共同推動人民幣區域化及國際化;3.推動兩岸資本市場的交流與合作,建構台灣為人民幣離岸中心;4.推動兩岸金融監理合作、建置兩岸金融防火牆。 / The economic and trade have developed since 1980s though faced with the political barriers. The two sides is expected to work together in peace in the future. From the perspective of cross-border capital flow, the two sides set up a complicated and complex control measures, forming a complex legal system. From the view of direct investment, China is currently promoting the restructuring of foreign investment enterprises and regulations to attract foreign investment. Reducing the financing pressure of Chinese enterprises and promoting the Chinese mainland enterprises to go out become one of the focus of the mainland policy. However, Taiwan resist the Chinese capital. From the perspective of indirect investment, China's mainland is currently expanding various investment pipelines, such as QDII, QFII, etc.. In the future, capital of cross-border capital flows will be more convenient. Taiwan also has more space to intervene. The establishment of free trade zone has become the pioneer of China's financial reform, and its development has been the most advanced in the financial reform, capital projects and the internationalization of RMB. Negative list and a series of financial reform measures will gradually move to the country. Taiwan's free economic demonstration zone has entered a difficult situation. Facing such a future, from a legal point of view, this paper puts forward the following five suggestions: 1. Promote cross-strait trade in local currency settlement, deepen economic and trade exchanges between the two sides; 2. The establishment of bilateral currency exchange mechanism, and jointly promote the RMB regionalization and internationalization; 3. To promote exchanges and cooperation on both sides of the capital market, build Taiwan as an offshore RMB Centre; 4. To promote cross-strait financial supervisory cooperation, build cross-strait financial firewall.

人民幣離岸市場的發展前景: 以香港與台灣為個案分析 / The development prospects of RMB offshore markets: Hong Kong and Taiwan as a case study

林宜賢 Unknown Date (has links)
離岸金融市場,早期主要是以非居民為對象提供非本幣交易金融服務的國際金融市場。近幾十年來,國際金融市場規模快速成長,同時國際金融功能也不斷擴大,而離岸市場也隨著它的功能不斷調整、擴充,發展出了許多不同的面貌。許多國際貨幣如美元、日圓、歐元也在倫敦、東京、紐約、香港、新加坡這些國際金融城市頻繁且大量的交易。   人民幣目前還不是主要國際貨幣,國際化程度不若這些國際貨幣高,在境外使用也較主要國際貨幣來的少,較具規模的人民幣離岸市場從2010年後在香港漸具雛型。由於中國近年來一系列推動人民幣向境外流動的政策,讓人民幣在全球貨幣的地位逐漸提升,而隨著人民幣在境外流動數量的增加,使得近年來人民幣離岸市場引起國際金融城市的關注,有些地區也加入爭取發展人民幣離岸市場的行列。   由於香港不但是第一個發展人民幣離岸市場的案例,在現今的發展規模上也是最大的境外人民幣中心,因此本研究透過香港發展的條件及路徑,從既有文獻的檢閱、數據的蒐集,並結合對相關人士的訪談,整理歸納國際貨幣離岸市場的發展經驗與香港發展人民幣離岸市場的優劣條件,希望台灣在開放人民幣業務之後,能借鏡當初其他國際貨幣離岸市場與香港發展的一些經驗來做為台灣發展的參考,並結合自身擁有的條件,發揮自身優勢,改善原有劣勢,把握面臨的機會,積極地克服外在的威脅。 / In the early period, offshore financial markets provided non-local currency transaction services to non- residents. In recent decades, as the international financial market grows and expands rapidly, the offshore market and its function also constantly adjust, expand, and develop many different aspects.Many international currencies such as the dollar, the yen, and the euro are also hugely demanded and used in those international financial centers such as London, Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, and Singapore. RMB is still not a major international currency nowadays. Its degree of internationalization and frequency of usage outside China are not high as other international currencies, but Hong Kong already develops as an offshore financial market after 2010. Due to China government’s series policies to promote the internationalization of RMB, the international position of RMB is rising. As RMB’s offshore flow increases rapidly, it gets the attention of many international financial cities, and some regions even join to develop as RMB offshore financial markets.   Since Hong Kong is the first offshore financial market and the biggest offshore center of RMB, this study examines its development through reviewing the existing literature, analyzing data, and combining the interviews of stakeholders to sum up the merits of Hong Kong and other international monetary markets. We hope that after opening RMB’s business, Taiwan can actively learn from Hong Kong and these markets, promotes our strengths, improve the weaknesses, seize the opportunities, and overcome external threats.

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