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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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不同產業的伺服器趨勢---以台灣角度看世界 / A Study on The Tendency of Server usage in Taiwan

王鼎瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會的腳步,日新月異的變化,網路成了現今社會人的必需品,失去了網路會導致許多事情都只能停滯不前。因此,伺服器在人類的生活上扮演起了重要的角色。但是對於一般民眾來說,伺服器仍然是個不為人知的東西。伺服器乃是指客戶機網路上的一些機器,管理著應用程式、數據和網路資源。客戶機請求服務,而伺服器提供服務。   早期的伺服器主要用來管理數據文件或網路印表機。現在,伺服器則用來完成其他各種服務,如網路管理、各種各樣的信息服務處理、基礎安全性的訪問等。由於整個網路的用戶均依靠不同的伺服器來提供不同的網路服務。因此,網路伺服器是網路資源管理和共用的核心,其性能對現今整個網路的共用性能有著決定性的影響。從邏輯上看,伺服器是對應於客戶機的一種服務程式。   根據本研究結果,在近年來國內伺服器使用家數在民國99年後有開始增加的趨向,各個產業的裝置家數也有微小的提高。有鑑於此,本研究擬針對國內伺服器使用之影響因素,進行探究,藉以瞭解產業間的影響關係。其研究結果顯示: (1)伺服器裝置台數1台之公司家數約占五成; (2)機關別的民營企業佔了裝置家數九成; (3)產業別之服務業對伺服器依賴性強。

台灣伺服器代工產業價值鏈的破壞與重組 / Research on Destruction and Reconstruction of the Value Chain of Taiwan Server OEM/ODM Industry

陳儀錚, Chen, Yi Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
台灣伺服器代工產業位居全球第一的地位,長久以來都以服務歐美大廠的硬體品牌商為使命,已經身處在成熟期的產業發展階段。由於主機板規格日益標準化,加上目前台灣前五大ODM/OEM業者全部都主攻於代工製造中低階的x86架構伺服器,所以造成此市場區隔競爭激烈,毛利率逐年下降。 近年來「雲端運算」與「虛擬化技術」興起,替整個產業帶來破壞式創新的商機,不僅出現新的使用者族群(雲端資料中心)、產生較低階規格產品(雲端伺服器)的開發需求,不高度強調品牌忠誠度的雲端資料中心也讓整個產業的進入障礙得以降低。於是台灣伺服器代工產業價值鏈開始面臨破壞與重組。台灣伺服器代工業者與硬體品牌大廠、雲端資料中心業者或大型網路平台業者,以及其它中小型資料中心業者之間多重的動態競爭、合作或互補關係,來歸納出伺服器製造產業鏈逐漸形成的新網絡架構、代工廠商選擇轉型的策略意涵,並實際提出給伺服器代工業者的具體建議。 / Taiwan server OEM/ODM industry, in maturity stage of industry life cycle, has taken orders from European and American hardware brands for a long time and been ranked number one in the global market. Because the motherboard specifications are standardized increasingly and the top five ODM/OEM manufacturers all focus on the same mid to low-end x86-based servers, this market segment has faced fierce competition and low profit margin year by year. In recent years, cloud computing and virtualization technology bring destructive innovation and new business opportunities to the entire server OEM/ODM industry. This development not only created a new group of users (Cloud Data Center) and a new demand of lower-order need products (Cloud Server), but also reduced the entry barrier of unknown brands. As a result, Taiwan server OEM/ODM industry faced destruction and reconstruction of its value chain. By describing the mutual relationship between Taiwan server OEM/ODM vendors, i.e., European and American hardware brands, giant cloud data centers, and small to mid-sized cloud data centers, the research summarizes a new network architecture of the entire server industry. This research also provides strategic suggestions to potential owned-brand companies. At the end, the research proposed several specific recommendations to the Taiwan server OEM/ODM vendors.


陳志良 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 主計處每年必需編製中央政府總預算書至立法院審議,而目前總預算書的編製是由八百餘家單位預算及分預算機關使用主從式架構的預算編製系統執行編製作業,然後逐層由上級機關彙編而成。本研究欲探討的是若此一主從式架構的系統改採多層式架構時,在其眾多效能的問題之中,討論應用伺服器叢集上的派工法則在工作平均等待時間的表現情況。 使用預算編製作業系統的機關及使用者幾乎是固定而且範圍容易掌握。所以,本研究在此前提下,從部份使用者的作業習慣及資料庫中,估算出模擬模型所需之數據、機率分配及公式。在選擇派工法則的部份,則除了一般常用之「輪流法(Round-robin, RR)、最少連線數法(Least Connections, LC)及最小負載法(Least Load, LL)」之外,本研究另提出「估計負載法(Estimated Load, EL)」。即是因為在瞭解使用者端特性的前提下,事先計算影響負載的數據,便可以估算負載情況並運用在派工法則上。 本研究的結果顯示EL法在各項工作的服務時間估算誤差愈小時,其表現的結果愈好,其各項工作的平均等待時間相當接近做為測試基準的最小負載法。 / Abstract The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) of the Executive Yuan (EY) is responsible to compile the General Budget for Central Government and submit to Legislative Yuan every year. The sources of General Budget are processed by 832 government agencies and subordinate agencies by using the same software that is based on client/server architecture. This paper discusses about performance of dispatching rules on cluster-based application servers when this software architecture transferring to n-tiered architecture. We carry out the comparative studies using four dispatching rules, namely, Round-robin (RR), Least Connections (LC), Estimated Load (EL), and Least Load (LL). The LL rule is used as the baseline in our analysis and the performance metric is average waiting time. Unlike general web-based software, we know clients who use this software. So we can estimate job arrival rate, job size, and even service time. In view of this, we proposed the EL rule in this paper. Our analyses indicate that the EL rule performs very well. As long as accuracy in estimating service time getting better, the EL rule is a good choice.


陳清宏, Chen, Ching-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的IC設計產業,近幾年來的發展十分蓬勃,總產值排名全球第二,僅次於北美,全球市場佔有率約22%左右;截至2005年底,台灣IC設計業者總數已達268 家,其中有8家業者擠進全球前30大IC設計公司排行榜。 除了一些規模屬中、大型的IC設計業者有機會站上國際舞臺,且生命力相對穩定,其他小型台灣IC設計業者若無創新技術以及經營策略做為武器,很難在競爭激烈的市場中存活。 本研究嘗試分析台灣IC設計業的現況,找出其全球競爭的優勢,並以一台灣小型IC設計公司的創業實例,結合吳思華教授的策略三構面以及Scott A. Shane科技創業聖經的分析,試圖找出小型IC設計公司的成功之道,供其他新創IC設計公司做決策時的參考。 本研究旨在回答下列三個問題: 一、 探討台灣新創小型IC設計公司如何選擇公司創立時的產品方向。 二、 台灣新創小型IC設計公司因各項資源短缺,如何選擇適合的營運模式。 三、 小型IC設計公司沒有市場知名度,如何做上下游的合縱連橫,才能成功銷售產品。 本研究得到下列結論: 一、 組成有較高技術能力的研發團隊,找出有技術門檻的產品,可擺脫與其他小型IC設計公司直接競爭的可能性。另外,應找出市場規模不大但穩定成長的產品,因為這種市場的需求量不符合大公司的經濟規模,大型IC設計公司比較不想進入相同的市場。而且因為市場規模不大,產品單價較高,毛利率可相對提高。雖然市場需求量不是非常大,但是小公司的營業費用較低,若產品的毛利率高,且市場穩定成長,公司獲利的機會就高。 二、 小型IC設計公司的資金以及人員不足,無法自行完成所有前後段IC設計,需要外包後段IC設計以及生產安排;而且如果增加後段IC設計的人員,會造成整個公司的營業費用變高,若市場規模不大,獲利的機會將會降低。 因此,小型IC設計公司應利用台灣IC產業完整的供應鏈supply chain做互補性資產,慎選供應商以快速切入市場。 三、 小型IC設計公司應利用台灣製造業王國主導關鍵零組件選擇權的優勢,並利用Local Support達成Time to market的優勢,與大企業合作共同尋找潛在產品,並以利潤分享模式,確定顧客願意使用以及推廣,保障基本營收,借力使力克服其他客戶對小型公司的疑慮,進而開拓市場知名度,增加長期競爭力。 / The development of IC design industry has been prosperous for the recent years in Taiwan. The total production value ranks the second in the worldwide, and the entire production value takes up 22% share among the worldwide market, only being inferior to that in North America. The number of IC design companies has been increasing to 268 ones in Taiwan, up to the end of the year 2005; eight of which even squeezed into the worldwide top 30 companies at the ranking chart. It is only the medium and large companies that stand a fair chance to sparkle themselves on the international stage, and they fill with steady vitality as well. As for other small ones, it will be hard for them to survive in the keen competitive market if they are deficient of the innovative technology and managerial strategy as their weapons. The gist of this research focuses on analyzing the current situation of Taiwan IC design industry and exploring its superior advantage against the global competition. A real case is taken from a Taiwan small start up IC design company with which combined Dr. Wu’s “three aspects in strategy” in his “The nature of the Strategy” and “Finding Fertile Ground” by Scott A. Shane. It is the purpose to try to find out a road leading the small start up IC design companies to achieve success and to hope that can be a strategic reference for the new start up IC design companies. The object of this research is to answer the questions listed below: 1. Discussing how a small start up IC design company sets his direction in defining their product during the initial period. 2. How can a small start up IC design company choose a proper business model under the limited company resources. 3. Being lack of the market prestige of a small start up IC design company, how to jointly and coordinately cooperate with his strategic customer to have their products enjoy a steady and successful sale? This research concluded the followings: 1. Composing R/D team with greater inventive ability and inventing some products with more difficult threshold in order to get rid of the directly competitive possibility with other small IC design companies. Moreover, they should find out the product without huge market demand while it owns stable growth rate. Since the demand at the market does not meet the economy scale of big companies; thus, the big companies would rather not get into the same market. And since the market demand is not big, the products selling price can be higher, the more gross profit they can get in this kind of small market. Although there is not a great demand for the product, the small companies can still get better profit from the lower business expense, and the small company can be profitable due to the steady growing market demand. 2. Small start up IC design companies might be lack of sufficient capital and employees, so they can not complete both the front end and the back end IC design process alone. Thus outsourcing the back end IC design process and production arrangement are necessary. Otherwise, the business expense will be too high if they increase the labor force of the back end engineering. The overall profit will get worse if the market demand is not big. So, small IC design company should make good use of the sufficient supply chain in Taiwan IC industry as a supplementary asset, and select the suppliers by higher criteria, then penetrate the market timely. 3. Taiwan electronic manufacturing industry has occupied a dominant position in key components, so the small IC design companies should take advantage of that, and use the strength of “local support” to achieve the advantage of “time to market”. Cooperate with big firms in order to find out the potential products. Small companies can take profit sharing business model to ensure the strategic customers have the willingness to use and promote their products. Then the other customers can spontaneously eliminate their concern toward a small start up company. In this way, the small start up company can assure to gain a basic income first; furthermore, they would enjoy a positive increasing market reputation and a stronger long term competitive capability.

分散式伺服器最佳分割之演算法則 / A Partition Algorithm for the Establishment of Optimal Distributed Servers

陳麗秋, Chen Li-Chiou Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文以裴氏網(Petri-Net)描述系統,提出一啟發式的演算法則 , 將此裴氏網分割為數個子系統,以便建構為分散式系統中獨立運作的 伺服器。吾人設計一系列的模擬實驗,以測試此演算法的績效。而後,本 篇論文列出影響分割的變數及各變數間的關係,並分析本演算法之特性。 而根據模擬實驗的結果分析,吾人對分散式環境之應用系統發展提出建議 。 / In this thesis, we use the Petri-Net to model a system, and we propose a heuristic algorithm to partition the Petri-Net into several autonomous servers. We then conduct a series of simula- tion experiments to test the performance of the algorithm and to identify the variables which influence the partition of the Petri-Net. Some factors influencing the properties of a partition are identified and their inter-relationships are shown. Based upon the simulation, we provide some suggestions for the develop- ment of the application in the distributed system environment.


鍾易良 Unknown Date (has links)
2001年9月4日HP(惠普電腦)的執行長Carly Fiorina宣佈將以250億美元價格收購Compaq(康柏電腦),這樁購併案不但金額上是電腦業過去最大的一筆交易的兩倍,而且也是惠普公司六十三年歷史中最重要的一樁買賣。HP和Compaq合併後,將成為全世界第二大及名符其實的「日不落」電腦公司。合併後,這兩家公司過去四季以來的營收總合為874億美元,僅次於IBM。 本研究係以惠普台灣分公司ESG(企業系統事業群)中,其中一項產品「工業標準伺服器」事業部為個案的研究。探討惠普及康柏兩家公司合併前後,此產品事業部的公司組織及營運策略。藉由探討策略的三構面:(1)營運範疇(2)核心資源(3)關係網路,以及運用策略九說中「四競技場」的分析架構:(1)價值與效率的競技場(2)結構與能耐的競技場(3)體系與實力的競技場(4)同形與異質的競技場。了解合併前後三家公司在經營此事業的不同處,並對關連性問題提出建議。 期望本研究三點主要研究目的,對於同質性企業合併時,可以提供有意義參考的價值: 一.從策略三構面:(1)營運範疇(2)核心資源(3)關係網路,剖析合併前 後三個案公司。 二.從四個競技場:(1)價值與效率的競技場(2)結構與能耐的競技場(3)體系與實力的競技場(4)同形與異質的競技場的分析,了解合併前後三個案公司的競爭優勢。 三.惠普台灣分公司在工業標準伺服器事業,合併後的營運績效是否達到合併綜效的目標。 藉由本研究的結論,對於想進行同質性企業購併的企業經營者,可以找到更有意義的啟發。乃至於利用更短的學習曲線,創造合併後的獲利契機。 / The Graduate Institute of Business Administration National ChengChi University The Study of organization and business strategies of Industry Standard Server in Hewlett Packard Taiwan before and after the merger of Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computer On September 4th, 2001, Carly Fiorina, CEO of Hewlett Packard announced the merger of Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computer at USD25 billion dollars. This amount was in fact twice as much as the biggest merger that had ever happened in IT industry, and moreover, it is the most important decision that has been made in HP’s 63-year history. After the merger, Hewlett Packard has become the worldwide number two computer company, an empire where the sun never sets. The annual revenue of new Hewlett Packard totals 87.4 billion dollars, only second to IBM. This research is to pick the product “Industry Standard Server” that belongs to the business unit of Enterprise Solution Group in Hewlett Packard Taiwan to do the case study. The theories I will be using are: 1) the three dimensions of business strategy: a) business scope; b) core resources; and c) relationship network and 2) the four competitive strategies: a) value and effectiveness; b) position and strength; c) group and core competence; d) industry and differentiation Through the change of the organization and its business strategy before and after the merger, I will come up how the three companies – Hewlett Packard, Compaq and the New Hewlett Packard have their own business strategies and will also provide suggestions to related questions. By the end of this research, I hope some points can be made and provided to companies that are planning to have their horizontal integration. I will do so by observing and analyzing from the following three aspects: 1) To analyze the three companies by the three dimensions of business strategy 2) To analyze competition advantages of the three companies, before and after the merger. 3) To analyze how Industry Standard Server Business Unit in Hewlett Packard Taiwan achieves Synergy through the merger of the two companies Finally, the intention of this research is to help and to provide advise to those companies that are planning to have their horizontal integration, and hopefully through this research, a shorten learning curve will benefit them and through such integration, synergy will be seen.

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