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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣伺服器代工產業價值鏈的破壞與重組 / Research on Destruction and Reconstruction of the Value Chain of Taiwan Server OEM/ODM Industry

陳儀錚, Chen, Yi Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
台灣伺服器代工產業位居全球第一的地位,長久以來都以服務歐美大廠的硬體品牌商為使命,已經身處在成熟期的產業發展階段。由於主機板規格日益標準化,加上目前台灣前五大ODM/OEM業者全部都主攻於代工製造中低階的x86架構伺服器,所以造成此市場區隔競爭激烈,毛利率逐年下降。 近年來「雲端運算」與「虛擬化技術」興起,替整個產業帶來破壞式創新的商機,不僅出現新的使用者族群(雲端資料中心)、產生較低階規格產品(雲端伺服器)的開發需求,不高度強調品牌忠誠度的雲端資料中心也讓整個產業的進入障礙得以降低。於是台灣伺服器代工產業價值鏈開始面臨破壞與重組。台灣伺服器代工業者與硬體品牌大廠、雲端資料中心業者或大型網路平台業者,以及其它中小型資料中心業者之間多重的動態競爭、合作或互補關係,來歸納出伺服器製造產業鏈逐漸形成的新網絡架構、代工廠商選擇轉型的策略意涵,並實際提出給伺服器代工業者的具體建議。 / Taiwan server OEM/ODM industry, in maturity stage of industry life cycle, has taken orders from European and American hardware brands for a long time and been ranked number one in the global market. Because the motherboard specifications are standardized increasingly and the top five ODM/OEM manufacturers all focus on the same mid to low-end x86-based servers, this market segment has faced fierce competition and low profit margin year by year. In recent years, cloud computing and virtualization technology bring destructive innovation and new business opportunities to the entire server OEM/ODM industry. This development not only created a new group of users (Cloud Data Center) and a new demand of lower-order need products (Cloud Server), but also reduced the entry barrier of unknown brands. As a result, Taiwan server OEM/ODM industry faced destruction and reconstruction of its value chain. By describing the mutual relationship between Taiwan server OEM/ODM vendors, i.e., European and American hardware brands, giant cloud data centers, and small to mid-sized cloud data centers, the research summarizes a new network architecture of the entire server industry. This research also provides strategic suggestions to potential owned-brand companies. At the end, the research proposed several specific recommendations to the Taiwan server OEM/ODM vendors.

DNA定序產業之美國專利訴訟分析 / U.S. patent litigation analysis of the DNA seqencing industry

蘇祐諄, Su, Yu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟,了解該產業中廠商的訴訟行為與系爭專利之特性。本研究由商用資料庫取得DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟共100件及其系爭專利共168件,分析訴訟資訊、訴訟主體資訊(原告及被告)和訴訟客體資訊(系爭專利和被控侵權產品)。本研究也由次級資料中歸類各廠商在DNA定序產業鏈中之位置和其各世代產品技術之發展。由訴訟主體資訊可得知在DNA定序產業中,主要發起美國專利侵權訴訟之廠商為中游的儀器平台廠商,被控專利侵權的廠商也多為具有相同商業模式在同樣產業鏈位置上的競爭者。而由訴訟客體資訊中,除了以產品技術結構定位系爭專利之保護標的和技術特徵外,也從專利的被引證數、專利家族大小、所有權移轉次數、國際分類號分佈等指標比較系爭專利和一組同樣專利權人在相同時間間隔內申請的同技術領域之對照組專利,可發現系爭專利和對照組專利相比屬於較有價值的專利。 / The present research analyzes the U.S. patent infringement cases of the DNA sequencing industry to understand the features of patent-in-suit and litigation behaviors in said industry. The present research obtains 100 U.S. patent infringement cases and 168 patent-in-suit from commercial databases. The litigation history, parties in the litigation (plaintiff and defendant), subject matter of the litigation (the patent-in-suit and the infringing products) are analyzed. The present research identifies the position of different corporate entities in the DNA sequencing industry chain and the development of each generations of DNA sequencing technology. By analyzing the parties in the litigation, the present research identifies that most of the plaintiffs are corporate entities developing sequencing instrument, and most of the defendants are competitiors having the same business model with the plaintiffs. By analyzing subject matter of the litigation, the present research identifies the technical features and subject matter of the patent-in-suit. The present research compares the citation, patent family size, number of ownership transfer and IPC distribution between the patent-in-suit and a control group patents of the same technical field within the same time frame. The patent-in-suit is more valuable than the control group patents.

電信競爭與專利策略之研究 / A Study on Telecom Competition and Patent Strategy

方修忠 Unknown Date (has links)
專注於科技創新並將之轉化為智慧財產權的應用,可說是通訊產業競爭的關鍵因素;專利不但是通訊科技演變與進步的註腳,也相當程度地解釋了為什麼Ericsson與Nokia之所以屹立不搖,為何Qualcomm得以崛起,為何Ericsson與Sony要合資成立索尼愛立信,又為何NTT DoCoMo的i-mode得以成為今日全世界最成功的無線上網服務,而Lucent與Siemens又為什麼無奈地逐漸淡出市場?答案就是科技的創新與管理! 本研究試圖在既有的競爭與策略的理論上,以專利為核心,來探討電信事業如何在飽和的行動通訊市場,透過專利的取得,獲致先進的技術,進入新市場,以強化自身競爭優勢;進而藉由授權及執行之策略運用,佈建專利保護網,排除競爭對手進入市場;同時利用專利創造公司財富、提高股東價值,並可作為併購、合資等談判籌碼,以達到產業控制等目的。 因此,本論文即在探討電信事業如何運用專利策略,以創造績效,項目如下: 一、探討電信事業的專利現況並做案例分析。 二、探討電信事業如何運用其專利,並結合運用國內、外專利策略的理論。 三、訪談電信事業經理人,探討專利如何從行銷、技術與法律面達成公司目標。 四、探討電信事業如何利用專利作為談判籌碼,以便在各種交易中取得優勢。 本文以圖表方式呈現台灣五個主要電信事業的專利現況,先依據各業者申請中華民國、美國以及中華人民共合國之專利項目與數量,比較何者擁有最多專利權;進而探討其是否也相對的具有最強的競爭優勢。並以實際案例呈現台灣主要電信事業發生之專利糾紛,及其如何研擬與執行專利策略,並與理論作如何之結合。 從本研究之實際案例與專利策略模型得之,企業應該在平時就體認專利不只是技術部門或法律部門的業務,公司高階主管更要認知專利策略與公司的行銷策略或財務目標是緊密結合的。尤其應該要求專業經理人將專利資產視為「企業家精神」的一環來重視與培養,如此一來,專利策略的成本效益就得以自然顯現,並與公司的行銷策略與營運目標相互結合。 關鍵字:電信、產業鏈、專利、策略、專利策略、專利分析 / Focusing on innovation and make it a strategy of IPR is one of the sustainable factors of telecom operation in such a fierce competition. Why Nokia and Ericsson keep their competitiveness ? Why NTT DoCoMo and its i-mode are so successful ? Why Lucent and Siemens both fall behind from their telecom competitors ? The same reason in common is technology innovation and management. Patent strategy primarily includes 3 parts,which are obtaining patent rights, creating patent value, and enforcing them. Patent strategy should run with Marketing strategy so as to apply patents as an isolating mechanism to deterrent other competitors, and to leverage patents to maximize income or using patents as bargaining chips to strengthen companys’ position in dealing with the third parties, as well as to defend themselves against patents owned by others. As a result, patent decisions become sources of dynamic capabilities in the never ended competition. In this paper, 2 qualitative analysis researches are presented. First, there are several patent award lists of Taiwan’s three major mobile companies breaking down by ROC, USA and PRC respectively. Secondly, 5 in-depth interviews with 4 high rank managers of Fareastone and it patent law firm were made to show how FET perform it patent strategy against a service product made by another mobile company and software company. This thesis is to provide telecom companies with a successful case study in formulating a patent strategy and expects to raise the suggestion for managers in telecom industries regarding the strategic importance of patents and patents management should be part of the “Entrepreneurship”. Keywords: Telecom, value chain, Patent, Strategy, Patent strategy, Patent analysis

台灣電力線纜產業供應鏈模式之研究-以A公司為例 / A study of the Supply Chain Model of Power Cables Industry in Taiwan

牟永浙, Mou,Yung Che Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電線電纜產業在面臨市場仍然處於供過於求、粥少僧多的局面;加上台灣已加入WTO世貿組織,以及未來可能與中國簽署ECFA協定,即將面對開放國內市場的衝擊下;對電線電纜企業而言,實刻不容緩必須盡速建立非價格條件的核心競爭力。本研究期以供應鏈管理理論做基礎,並參考台灣其他傳統產業已導入供應鏈模式的實務經驗,以台灣電力線纜民間市場為範圍,藉由針對現行業者A公司的經營實務進行研究分析,希望能找出適用於此產業的供應鏈模式。 本研究從競爭策略理論切入,探討企業面臨生存競爭的抉擇,以五力分析開始,再探討供應鏈管理觀點,引導企業經營模式變革的方向,加上對成功案例的分析,以研究產業基本供應鏈運作模式。 其次,基於能夠見樹又見林的概念下,從台灣電線電纜產業整體概況出發,進而深入解讀台灣電力線纜產業的特性及概況,最後鎖定在台灣電力線纜民間市場的實務特性,以期發現當前產業及企業所面臨的潛在經營難題,作為本研究內在及外在環境分析的基礎。然後,藉由對A公司個案的研究,以供應鏈管理理論基礎及其他產業成功案例的實務經驗,針對台灣電力線纜產業及A公司的經營現況進行分析,確立對於建立供應鏈模式的必要動機;並找出必要的考量因素;進一步對實務面進行解析,以發現潛在問題;並針對問題找出可行方案及評估其效益。 最後,針對本研究做出綜合性的結論,以及對台灣電力線纜產業與個案公司提出管理建議;並對於後續有興趣研究相關議題的研究者,提供研究方向的建議及參考。 本研究並不冀望能為台灣電力線纜產業提出一套完整的供應鏈模式;但期望能藉本研究作開路先鋒,先求有,再求好,建立基礎模式;並希望引導後續更多相關產官學先進的投入研究改善,讓電線電纜產業注入創新概念活水,以培養新的經營概念,提升產業整體實力,以求達到永續經營的目標。

新創事業體之競爭與挑戰–以宏碁自建雲數位看板為例 / Challenges of New Business Venture: A Case Study of Acer Being Signage

施嵐, Shih, Lan Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代來臨,過去在戶外見到的傳統招牌廣告、商店內張貼的紙本海報,或是速食店(Quick Service Restaurant)的菜單,現在都漸漸由數位看板取代。根據Global Industry Analysts的預測,2017年全球數位看板市場規模約為138億美元。宏碁自建雲部門於2012年起致力於發展雲端相關之產品,看好數位看板的高成長性,宏碁將數位看板與自身雲端系統結合,在德國成功銷售了8,000台數位看板解決方案。2017年,宏碁取得前線媒體的影像辨識感應器技術,並將其應用到宏碁智雲看板解決方案上,讓「眼球經濟」商業化,成為創新的商業模式。透過積極的入股和策略聯盟,宏碁不斷優化自身的銷售組合以及商業模式,希望將營運宏碁智雲看板的Acer Being Signage Gmbh德國子公司成為宏碁自建雲第一個上市的事業體。 本研究將探討宏碁智雲看板的商業模式,同時,給予其建議,使其能與競爭者差異化以達到目標所需之銷售量。 / Digital transformation age has come. Digital Signage replaced the traditional out-of-home media such as plastic advertising signs, posters in stores and paper menus in quick service restaurants. According to the estimation by Global Industry Analysts, Digital Signage Market value in 2017 is about 13.8 billion USD. Acer BYOC department focused on developing cloud-based related products. Considering the high potential of digital signage, Acer BYOC combined cloud technology with signage, and successfully sold 8,000 digital signage solution in Germany by its subsidiary Acer Being Signage GmbH. In 2017, Acer BYOC acquired the technique of Behavior Tracking System from Pilot TV and applied it on the digital signage solution. Acer commercialize “eye economy” into its business model for innovation. By altering and fine-tuning its product mix and business model, Acer hope that Acer Being Signage GmbH could be the first listing business unit in BYOC. This thesis will discuss about Acer ‘s current business model, as well as offering suggestions so that Acer can be differentiated from its competitors and increase the sales volume.

獨寡占供應商對產業鏈之影響─以策略行銷架構分析 / The effect of monopoly or oligopoly supplier to industry chain by strategic marketing analysis

高銘佳, Kao, Ming Chia Unknown Date (has links)
中游廠商面臨產業結構屬於獨寡占的上游廠商,兩者之間由於中游的經濟規模小於上游形成不對稱組織交易,再者中游廠商與上游存在依賴關係,前者需要後者提供原物料或技術服務以滿足下游顧客需求。本研究利用策略行銷成本架構(4C analysis),並針對國內各大產業之中介廠商為研究對象,包含電機機械通路產業、半導體設計製造業以及旅遊資訊服務業等產業進行深度訪談。此獨寡占上游─中游─下游情境中,分別解釋產業鏈中的從屬關係。 首先是權力處於相對弱勢的中游廠商與上游的交易關係:中游廠商看似被上游供應商套牢陷入的狀況,但除了存在專屬陷入成本外,影響該交易關係尚存在外顯單位效益成本以及道德危機成本。接著,中游廠商為了與上游持續交易的目的下,採取的策略成本選擇為降低外顯單位效益成本,以及提高上游廠商對於中游的專屬陷入成本以達到與上游持續交易的目的,另一方面,順應此不利環境下,中游廠商滿足下游需求的做法有降低外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本以及提高專屬陷入成本的方式。最後一部分為中游為減少對上游廠商的依賴,對於上游或下游投資抵銷性資產,使中游廠商提高本身的議價能力,對於上游廠商的依賴程度獲得減緩。 / In comparison to monopoly or oligopoly up-stream suppliers, mid-stream firms has smaller scale in terms of revenue, the transaction between the two can be described as asymmetric interorganizational relationship. Besides, the mid-stream firms depend on its supplier for key material or services, in order to fulfill the demand of their down-stream customers. This study focus on the monopoly/oligopoly upstream supplier to mid-stream firms to down-stream customer chain, interviewing mid-stream firms in different industries including dealer in electrical machinery industry, semi-conductor industry and tour agent and delve into the relationships between these characters by 4C analysis structure. First of all, the study took a closer look at the relationship between the mid-stream firms and their suppliers; the formers have an inferior bargaining power position and seemed being locked up by the latters, as known as cost of asset-specificity. But we also found that over cost per utility and cost of moral hazard would also be considered by the mid-stream firms. The mid-streams took some actions in order to assure the continuous cooperation with the suppliers, and under this circumspect they will also make efforts to save down-stream customers. We found that the 4C analysis can explain the strategies taken by those mid-stream firms. Finally, the mid-streams would like to reduce the control of the up-streams, so they would put resources in establishing offsetting investments to accumulate their bargaining power to the suppliers, to mitigate the dependence.

獨立音樂在溫羅汀的發展與限制 / Development and Restrictions of Independent Music in Wen-luo-ting

陳詩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
「溫羅汀」指的是台北市大安區的溫州街、羅斯福路以及汀洲路的區域,在七、八零年代開始,隨著台灣大學為核心的運動氣息和自由氛圍,聚集著人文氣息濃厚的主題書店、獨立音樂及咖啡館所構成的文化地景,擁有著獨立、非主流、自由的精神。「溫羅汀」的獨立音樂場景也由著這樣的文化與歷史脈絡而於此落葉生根。 透過論文的整理與分析溫羅汀在地的獨立音樂的歷史、環境與文化,再以這個為背景,來討論台灣獨立音樂在台北的群聚與社會網絡,並觀察與分析溫羅汀做為台北獨立音樂場景的重要基地其主要的因素。最後,再從外部的政策環境以及內部的獨立音樂發展方向的矛盾,來討論台灣獨立音樂發展的限制。 研究認為,溫羅汀會成為台北獨立音樂的重要音樂場景主因是因為,溫羅汀的音樂人力聚集形成一種「創意型群聚」,而這樣密集的社會網絡提供了經濟機會,而且,這樣的群聚是集合了包含生活圈、社會網絡以及產業鏈的「生態圈」。因此政府在做相關產業政策時,絕對不能忽視獨立音樂場景之中,生活圈以及社會網絡對於獨立音樂發展的重要性。並且,政府在做獨立音樂產業政策時,各部會層級的溝通也都該有「文化」的思維,並且,部會間的橫向與縱向的溝通與協調機制也必須要能夠發揮。


蘇慧瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
在二十一世紀中,節能已成為一個重要的議題,而在眾多的節能產品之中發光二極體的發展更是為全世界所注意。本研究有鑑於台灣於發光二極體產業之產值目前已經居於全球第二名,僅次於第一名的日本,嚐試進一步分析台灣於LED產業的技術面以及管理面有何優缺點,並試圖給予進一步的建議。本研究依據發光二極體的產業鏈位置、公司成立時間以及規模等因素挑選了四間具有代表性的公司進行個案公司的相關專利佈局分析以及探討。在本研究最後的研究結論分別針對市場面、技術面以及智慧財產經營管理面做出結論,研究中發現多數廠商有事業策略落後專利佈局以及佈局範圍不夠廣泛的問題。而相對於以上所提及之研究結論,本研究也進一步做出建議:在公司的研究發展方面應做到智慧財產的同步化、將智慧財產的概念體現於公司的組織定位中以及加強研發人員的教育訓練;在技術方面,台灣廠商應積極加入制定相關標準的組織,並在接受國外廠商授權時更要積極的同步建立自主技術及專利以提升技術層次,強化自身競爭力;在策略運用方面,台灣廠商應避免將智慧財產窄化成法律的議題、善用策略聯盟跳脫傳統代工的思維、積極的部屬而非消極的跟隨、以合作的思維替代競爭的思維以及注意分散風險的概念。 / The Light Emitting Diode (LED) has become the center of attentions from industries worldwide due to its performance in energy conservation. The value share of Taiwan’s LED industry has achieved a supreme degree only second to that of Japan. This thesis aims to analyze the merits and shortages of technical and management field of LED industries in Taiwan and to provide further suggestions. The research selects four representative companies as case studies of their patent strategies, The selection criteria includes the company’s position in the industrial chain, the age and the business scale. The thesis ascertains a fact that most industries’ patent strategy is usually restricted and falls behind their business plan. This thesis suggests the synchronization and realization of intellectual property in the R&D through organization assemble and personnel training. Taiwan industries should expand the content of IP management other than legal issues, well utilize strategic alliance, transcend old-fashioned OEM management thinking, adopt the role of an active agent instead of a passive follower, collaboration instead of competition, and pay attention to diversification.

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