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探討2000年與2016年年輕選民投票行為 / Voting behavior of young generation in Taiwan: the cases of 2000 and 2016 elections.鍾繼翌, Chung, Chi Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在「改革開放世代(G1)」中,政黨支持中立者、候選人評價有差異者、有使用網路者以及認同意識一致者較傾向去投票,但只有候選人評價在模型中顯著;投票抉擇部分,選民傾向投給自己認同的政黨,候選人評價會顯著影響選民投票抉擇,前兩項在統計中都顯著,有使用網路的選民傾向投給民進黨、認同台灣意識的選民傾向投給民進黨,在模型中不顯著。 / This study explores the differences in voting behavior between the two different generations in different growth contexts and contexts. And dividing young people from 20 to 29 years old when 2000 and 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan. The first generation named "the generation of reform and opening up (G1)", and the second generation named "the generation of parties alternate (G2) ". And to measure the difference between "voting or not" and "voting choice" among young voters through four different approaches: "party identity", "candidate evaluation", "internet using time" and "identity awareness".
The results show that, in the G1, the parties who support the neutrality and the candidates who have different evaluation have the tendency to use the Internet and agree with the consensus, but they are not significant in the model; Voters choose to vote for their own political parties, vote for the candidate evaluation will significantly affect the voter choice, there are voters tend to vote for the use of the network to the DPP, Taiwan's voters agree with the DPP tend to vote, But only candidate evaluation is significant in the model.
In the G1, the parties who support the neutrality and the candidates have different opinions, and those who use the Internet and those who agree with the identity are more likely to vote, but only the candidate evaluation is significant in the model; Voters tend to vote for their own political parties, the candidate evaluation will significantly affect the voter choice, the first two are significant in the statistics, the use of the network tend to vote for the DPP voters, Taiwan-aware voters tend to vote To the DPP, in the model is not significant.
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我國南部選民投票行為之研究-2008年總統選舉分析 / Voting behavior of southern voters in Taiwan:An analysis of presidential election in 2008王均 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用二手資料分析法,資料係採自「2005年至2008年選舉與民主化調查三年期研究規劃(Ⅲ):民國九十七年總統大選民調案」(TEDS2008P)(NSC 96-2420-H-004-017),使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析及洛基迴歸模型。
一、 南部選民政黨認同傾向泛綠最多;對民進黨籍候選人謝長廷不論能力或形象評價,皆高於國民黨籍候選人馬英九;在統獨態度上,南部選民較傾向維持現狀;南部選民對過去陳水扁總統整體施政滿意度感到並不滿意。
二、 就全體受訪南部選民而言,本研究所提出的省籍、族群意識、政黨認同、候選人評價、統獨態度及總統施政滿意度等變數,個別單獨地與投票行為進行分析時,均達統計上的顯著關聯性,顯示上列變數都有可能影響南部選民的投票行為。將諸多變數一同納入模型比較其相對影響力時,發現「政黨認同」、「候選人形象」及「統獨態度」等三項變數最具影響力。
三、 南部選民的組成以本省閩南人與台灣人自我認同居多,支持泛綠的選民在南部依舊占了多數,且對民進黨的候選人評價也高於國民黨的候選人,因此南部對於民進黨來說,仍是一個具有相對優勢的區域。
四、 南部選民中,政治傾向較偏中立的選民,包括族群雙重認同者、無特別政黨認同的獨立選民及對於統獨態度主張維持現狀者,約有七成在這次選舉中將票投給在野黨的候選人馬英九。由南部選民對陳水扁過去施政滿意度偏向不太滿意可見,理性抉擇讓中立選民對執政的民進黨無法繼續信任,因而將票轉向在野的國民黨「換人做做看」。
五、 過去統獨態度在南部的分布, 1994年至2002年南部選民的統獨態度,支持統一者約占25%,支持獨立者也是約25%,而維持現狀者則約占50%。時至今日,南部選民支持統一者占10%,支持獨立者則是34%,維持現狀則保持在56%。除維持現狀並無明顯變化外,支持獨立的比率明顯增多,而支持統一者減少,是否為民進黨這八年中央與地方執政的影響,值得深入探討。
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我國女性選民投票行為之研究-2004年總統選舉分析吳家蕎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用二手資料分析法,資料來源為行政院國家科學委員會補助研究計畫 「2004年總統選舉台灣選舉與民主化調查」(TEDS 2004P)資料,使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、卡方檢定、t值檢定、變異數分析及洛基廻歸模型。
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女性選民投票行為之研究-2010台北市長選舉 / The voting behavior of women voters-an analysis of 2010 Taipei mayoral election薛立梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用二手資料分析法,資料係採自2009年至2012年「台灣選舉與民主化調查」三年期研究規劃(2/3):民國九十九年直轄市市長選舉面訪案(TEDS 2010C): NSC 99-2420-H-031-002,使用次數分配(Frequencies)、卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、t檢定(t-test)及變異數分析(Analysis of variance, ANOVA)及洛基迴歸模型(Logistic Regression Model)等統計方法分析資料並詮釋之。
三、台北市女性選民的省籍、收入、族群認同等人口學的變項,個別與其投票行為均有顯著的關聯性,但經與其他社會心理學的變項,例如政黨認同、候選人評價等,以洛基迴歸模型進行相對影響力分析,發現這些變項顯然不如社會心理學的變項來得有顯著性。因此,密西根學派所提出的社會心理學研究途徑,相較於哥倫比亞學派所提出的社會學研究途徑,對台北市女性選民的投票行為更具有解釋力或預測力。 / This study aimed to explore the social background characteristics, voting orientations, and voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City during the 2010 Taipei Mayoral Election and analyze the most important factors which influenced the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City.
The analysis method adopted by this study was the secondary analysis. The data were retrieved from the “Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study” of a 3-year research project from 2009 to 2012 (2/3): The Survey Project of 2010 Municipal Mayoral Election (TEDS 2010C): NSC 99-2420-H-031-002. Statistical analysis methods such as frequencies, Chi-square test, t-test, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and logistic regression model were applied to the data and the results were interpreted.
After the statistical analyses were performed, the findings are summarized below:
1. Female and male voters in Taipei City were different in political knowledge, party identification, candidate evaluation, which candidate can represent the voters concerned issue, and satisfaction of mayoral’s performance. However, in the aspect of whom to vote, both male and female voters mostly voted for Lung-bin Hau, though with different percentages. The key factors which influenced the voting behavior of female and male voters in Taipei City included two variables: party identification and candidate evaluation.
2. For the interviewed female voters in Taipei City, variables proposed by this study, including province of origin, income, ethnic group identification, party identification, candidate evaluation difference, candidate feeling thermometer, which candidate can represent the voter’s concerned issue, satisfaction of mayoral’s performance, were all significantly related to their voting behavior respectively. In other words, these variables could influence the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City. After including these variables in the same model to compare their relative influences, it was found that the two most influential variables were “party identification” and “candidate evaluation difference”.
3. For the female voters in Taipei City, the demographic variables such as province of origin, income, and ethnic group identification were significantly related to their voting behavior respectively. However, compared with other social psychological variables like party identification, and candidate evaluation, these demographic variables were not as significant according to the results of the influence analysis using the logistic regression model. Therefore, the social psychological approach proposed by the Michigan School was better than the sociological approach proposed by the Columbia School in explanatory power and prediction power of the voting behavior of female voters in Taipei City.
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