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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蘇先啟 Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八○年代起,歐美國家興起「民營化運動」的風潮,各國政府開始縮減其在公共資產及公共服務上的角色與介入程度,而將原本應由政府部門所承擔之功能,全部或部份的提供予民間部門參與。當民營化被賦予等同於效率與改革的意涵時,自然亦擴及至社會福利領域。政府也從福利的唯一供給者,轉換為與民間分工及協力提供的模式,從而形成福利供給多元化的發展,「公設民營」即是政府與民間協力提供福利服務的模式之一。 由於「公設民營」具有節省政府部門人力、經費成本,並可結合民間的專業服務,提昇機構照顧品質等效能,已成為我國各級政府廣泛實施的政策。基隆市政府受此浪潮之影響,亦於民國八十八年起,陸續將新建完成或運用閒置公有建物空間改設之社會福利機構,以公設民營方式委託民間團體經營管理及提供服務,短短數年間,即已有成功的四案例,呈現出未來「公設民營」仍將是基隆市政府推動社會福利服務之主要選項。然而,此植基於公私協力關係,合作提供福利服務之政策是否為最理想的方式?雙方之責任分際各應為何?政府部門與民間團體之組織性質迥異,在實際合作的過程中,是否將因雙方之角色、地位、立場等不同,而導致觀點及認知上的差距,進而影響到委託服務的效能及福利服務的品質?凡此課題,實有待逐一分析。本研究即擬以基隆市社會福利機構公設民營案例,進行探究與分析。 本研究除對文獻與次級資料的整理檢視外,主要分析資料的來源,係對於市府業務單位主管、承辦人員及受託民間團體之機構負責人、業務主管進行深度訪談所獲得之意見。 運用上述方法經內容分析後發現,市府與受託之民間團體在公設民營的過程中,雙方間或有認知與期待上的落差,但彼此亦均肯定尚能有良好的互動關係,雖然部份的落差,可歸因於政策的走向、法令的限制與資源的有限,但其中亦有大部份,是可以透過溝通來化解歧見並建立共識的。在市府方面,認為委託初期雙方認知的差距,在經過「磨合期」後,已能達到合作互動良好的「夥伴關係」,惟承接團體在角度上,偏重於服務對象及機構人力問題,而政府部門則尚需衡量財政能否配合及行政程序上有無困難等等;在承接團體方面則認為,市府由於實施公設民營起步較晚,在整體制度及配套措施上仍未見完備,以致在政策方向、契約規範、委託條件、分工權屬、行政流程等方面上,尚有改進及補強的空間。此外,機構硬體建物及設施設備的維護修繕,幾乎是所有公設民營機構最難以解決的問題,也是最容易造成委託與受託雙方產生齟齬之處,基隆市亦同樣面臨此狀況。 鑑於上述問題,本研究就獲致之發現與結論,分別對政府部門及受託民間團體,提出政策層面及執行層面之相關建議。 / Since 1980s, there has been a trend of privatization in the western countries, which have tried to diminish public assets and to limit the participation in the pubic service. Some of the functions which should be carried by governments are partly or all released to civil companies. When privatization is taken to be efficient and revolutionary, it is naturally applied to social welfare, and thus the government is not the only social welfare provider any more instead of cooperating or sharing with civil organizations. Consequently, the development of furnishing social welfare is various, and “Public assets run by civil company” is one of social welfare service provided by the public & private collaboration. Since the “Public assets run by civil company” mode can reduce the employment and costs in government and also take advantage of professional service from civil company to improve the service quality, it becomes a policy applied by our government broadly. Impacted by the trend, since 1999 Keelung government has had the new buildings or unused public assets be used as social welfare organizations which are commissioned to civil organizations and ran by the mode of “Public assets run by civil company”. In such short period, there are already four successful cases. Obviously, “Public assets run by civil company” will be the main choice to implement social welfare programs by Keelung government. However, based on the public-private partnership, would “Public assets run by civil company” be the best mode to provide social welfare service? Due to the organic difference between the government and private enterprises, in the process of collaboration, will the different roles, and positions cause the different points of view and recognitions? And will the difference of them influence the efficiency of outsourcing and the quality of social welfare ? The issues mentioned above need to be clarified and studied. This paper will take the Keelung social welfare organizations run by “Public assets run by civil company” as the study case to analyze and evaluate. Besides reviewing literatures and documents, the data of the study came from the results of interviewing the directors and staff in Keelung government and the managers in private enterprises which are commissioned by Keelung government to execute outsourcing. According to the results in this study, there sure are some differences in points of view and different recognitions existing between Government and enterprises; however the relation of cooperation still remains in healthy and good condition. Although the existing differences come from the direction of policy and the limited resources, them can be solved by the communication. From the side of Keelung, it thought that the differences occurring at the beginning of outsourcing has been diminished and achieved good partnerships, but from the side of the enterprises they focused on whom they are going to provide the service and on the manpower issue; however, the government has to focus on whether the city’s finance can afford and there are without difficulties in the administrative procedures, etc. The commissioned organization thought that the city launched the “Public assets run by civil company” program late and without integrated planning and support, so there are some fields needed to be improved, such as policy directions, contracts, conditional commission, responsibilities and administrative processes. Besides, the maintenance of the buildings and facilities is the most difficult and complicated issue in the outsourcing program, and moreover easily causing the problems between the government and the enterprises, and we can see the same situation in Keelung’s case. According to the difficulties mentioned above, this paper tries to study them deeply and to use the findings and results to give the city and the enterprises some suggestions on the level of policy and execution.


吳宜恬 Unknown Date (has links)
現今台灣社會福利民營化漸以公設民營為趨勢,將政府與非營利組織連結的契約,係社會福利公設民營政策得否成功的關鍵,引導出契約管理之重要性,研究者以「代理人理論」解釋契約結構及組織實際運作之核心作為分析途徑,選取行政院組織改造在第一波優先推動個案中,唯一屬社會福利領域的「內政部宜蘭教養院公設民營政策」為個案,探討其分工利益與利益衝突、契約管理內容與代理關係、代理問題與解決機制,以及所衍生的代理成本。 經由探討內政部宜蘭教養院公設民營之契約管理,釐清內政部社會司與伊甸社會福利基金會之代理關係,發現專業人力為兩者之分工利益,兩者間存有資訊不對稱的情形,但由於內政部掌握主導契約之權力,可有效降低代理問題的發生。而藉由契約規定,包括嚴格的甄審過程、嚴謹完備的監督機制,可有效降低逆選擇與道德危機的發生。並發現誘因機制未產生誘因相容、協商權力存有差距、以及評鑑成效有待加強等問題。最後發現其生產成本明顯降低、代理成本有增有減、營運管理成效略遜於內政部公營,顯示社會福利公設民營確實可為政府節省人力及相關成本,但成效未必較佳,要達成「低成本、高品質」之雙贏目的,有待運用代理人理論之要點,如「選擇、協商、監督、誘因、評鑑」等機制來加強契約管理,此亦為本研究個案之研究價值所在。 最後對內政部社會司提出考量適合社會福利公設民營之法制、重視規劃階段之民間參與能力、加強使用者監督、創造「非經濟性誘因」機制等建議;並對伊甸社會福利基金會提出主動瞭解相關法令與行政程序、善用結合社會資源之能力、納入院生家屬服務滿意度等建議,作為內政部宜蘭教養院公設民營之參考。


趙碧華, Pi - Hua Chao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從政策評估的角度出發,主要採質化評估方法,以立意抽樣,透過十二位學者專家、八位政府單位承辦人員的深度訪談,四十位公設民營機構主管及業務代表結構式訪問收集質性研究資料,試圖建構學者專家們對社會福利民營化政策與法規的評估面向,政府單位及受委託社會福利公設民營機構對執行民營化的總體評估,彙整詮釋質化資料以評估分析執行面向,期以提出政策性建議。 研究主要發現: 就政策規劃層面來看,政府對那些社會福利服務項目適合委外辦理缺乏全盤深入的考量,雖是民間機構與政府共同合作,然以目前契約大部分都由政府單方面擬定情形看來,民間公設民營社福機構並未能與政府建立所謂的夥伴關係。政府常缺乏對未來福利服務新趨勢掌握的能力,既要求社會福利「公設民營」機構服務多元化,而本身因尚未確立若干社會福利政策走向,導致措施更迭迅速,角色功能混淆不明。而現階段民間機構既要勝任「公設民營」委託,也要接受監督管理,以確保相當的服務品質,維護民眾的福利權益。 就評估檢視層面而言,歸納民間社福機構進入契約委託關係,樂意承接公設民營的理由,從具體的房舍與經費提供與補助到抽象的實踐機構理念與社會認可,從服務擴展的直接效果到學習組織管理與社會募款能力的附加效果,從為弱勢族群提供服務到組織爭取福利的自立自主,都是效益誘因。 我國推動公設民營所面對的民間社會福利供給面生態,除具有資源集中化特徵外,學者指出雖然目前的社會福利生態環境並無法產生實質上的競標,但未來發展趨勢如何避免強制競標帶來的衝擊後果,卻是深值注意的。 本研究提出的對策建議: 一、政府應積極加強福利服務契約委託的供需規劃、資源整合及監督管理的能力,建議社政部門在公設民營機構的管理上應掌握服務產出之質與量。同時應將多年來公設民營的經驗、相關政策變革逐年加以研究統整,訂出檢視的期程以有效處理公設民營問題,務求有適當的監督管理機制。 二、目前整個社會福利公設民營契約委託的實務運作,建議需循序漸進,以結合民間參與以落實扶植民間的政策目標,規劃適當的委託方案。 三、參酌修訂執行社會福利民營化政策的相關法規,對於促進民間參與公共建設法與政府採購法的執行,可能帶給社會福利服務公設民營業務的影響,應提出因應的對策。 四、政府應研訂更合理的社會福利民營化機構評鑑制度。 綜言之,社會福利民營化在我國歷經近二十餘年光景,政府藉由推動此一契約委託制度,福利服務供應在種類上與數量上逐年均有大幅的成長,民間社會福利機構也隨之蓬勃發展,展望未來公設民營已然成為政府福利服務輸送的主軸,確實需要更多的政策評估與學術研究,一則著重於政策評估,從實務運作中鎖定問題,再者從決策的結構背景中,釐清問題的本質從而尋求對策,以期發揮有限社會福利資源的合理配置與最大效用。

社區公設民營老人安居住宅之研究- 以新店屈尺社區「頤苑自費安養中心」為例 -

謝幼緯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著政府職能的改變,面對財政壓力,引進民間企業的活力和專業創新的能力,委外經營模式成為政府推動各項為民服務業務的主要策略,而以「公設民營」的方式,結合民間資源共同推動老人福利服務工作。 「高齡化」是當今世界各國共同現象與趨勢,近年台灣人口老化迅速,在工商社會變遷與晚婚少子化下更形突顯。為因應「老人照顧」多元化的發展,以何種「老人安居住宅」的型態,達成融入「社區」、「在地老化」的政策目標,引發了研究者之研究動機。 本研究係採質化研究,以文獻分析,問卷調查深入訪談法等方式進行探討,由高齡社會學、公共選擇理論、社會資源整合等理論為分析導引,探討老人安居住宅需求重要性、老人照顧需求層面內涵、公設民營發展、政府及國內學者專家對老人住宅政策規劃方向,最後再結合個案入住老人、社區住民、公民營專家深入訪談,歸納並提供適合社區老人安居住宅之公設民營建議與結論。 本研究發現「毗鄰居住」的社區老人安居住宅,適合台灣傳統家庭的維繫;而公設民營模式可適合老人社會普遍性需求,以全政府照顧弱勢的社會責任。最後,本研究研擬幾項建議如下: 一、 硬體設施:政府擇定設置示範老人安居住宅,委由民間專業團隊經營,建立有效的監督機制與評鑑規範、以公設民營模式建構老人連續照顧體制的初級系統。 二、 醫療支援:政府應整合社會醫療資源,規劃多元醫療體制;及早實施長期照護保險政策;提供老人連續性服務之多功能窗口。 三、 在地老化:政府應推廣社區老人安居住宅概念,落實社區照顧,儘量讓老人在自己熟悉環境中在地老化。 四、 居住安養:運用居住空間「通用設計」概念,建構設置社區公設民營老人安居住宅,以使有限資源運用效益最大化。 五、 資源整合:政府應整合社會福利、現行老人補貼等相關政策資源,以發揮整體效益。 / To cope with the change of the functions and financial pressure, the government conveys the works to private sectors to make good use of their innovative and professional ability, or adopts outsourcing model to promote the social services. Therefore, the strategy of “government owned and private sector operated,” combined with non-governmental resources are provided jointly to promote the welfare of the elderly services. "Aging" is a common phenomenon and trends in today's world. In recent years, as Taiwan's population is aging rapidly, the birthrate is declining and late marriage is prevailing highlighted the need for reform. In response to development of "elderly care", my main question is to investigate what kind of "residential homes for the elderly" to attain the policy objectives of integrating with the "community", "aging in place". This study reviews the literature concerning the sociology of aging, public choice theory, theory of social resources and adopts qualitative research method, such as questionnaire and in-depth interviews to examine the importance of housing demand for the elderly care needs, development of public-private partnership, government policy planning directions for the elderly housing. Finally we work through the case study with the data collected from the elderly, community residents, public and private experts, and draw conclusions for providing the elderly suitable community-dwelling homes and the strategy of “government owned and private sector operated.” This study finds that adjacent to the community residential homes for the elderly, is suitable for maintaining the traditional family ties; and the government owned and private sector operated mode is suitable for the elderly needs. By doing so, the government can fulfill the social responsibility to take care of the disadvantaged. We make some suggestions for further efforts: 1. Hardware facilities provided The government selects the model residential homes for the elderly, and run by non-governmental professional team, and sets up effective monitoring mechanisms and evaluation standards in order to help civil organizations to run the elderly care system continuously. 2. Medical care support The government should integrate social and medical resources, planning pluralistic health care system; early implementation of long-term care insurance policies to provide multi-functional window for services of the elderly. 3. Aging in place The government should promote the concept of community-dwelling for the elderly, the implementation of community-based care as much as possible so the elderly can be aging in familiar environment. 4. Nursing homes provided in the neighborhood To use concept of "universal design" for living space, and build the “government owned and private sector operated” housing in nearby community in order to maximize the benefits of using limited resources. 5. Resource Integration The government should integrate social welfare resources, the current subsidies for the elderly and other related policy resources in order to increase the overall efficiency.

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