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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台灣公開申購IPOs之折價幅度與承銷商市占率變化關係 / The relationship between the IPOs discounts and the underwriter's market shares in Taiwan's fixed-price offerings

萬雅玲, Wan, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)


林宜蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要樣本為台灣地區85年至91年上市櫃公司發行現金增資之案件。先探討台灣現金增資案其承銷方式選擇的影響因素,以及根據實證模型推測衡量非最適承銷方式選擇之殘差值。再探討台灣現金增資案之折價影響因素,找出何種特性的發行公司及增資案條件將影響折價幅度。實證結果為: 現金增資發行公司之法人持股比例顯著的影響承銷方式的選擇,當公司法人持股比例越高(低),在發行現金增資時,公司越會採用公開申購(詢價圈購)的承銷方式。 現金增資前市價異常報酬率、同時期的IPO折價幅度以及公司是否為電子業皆顯著的支持符合假說,分述如下: (1) 公司股票在現金增資定價日前市價異常報酬率越高(低),其折價幅度將會較大(小),支持Gerard and Nanda(1993)所提出的假說,也就是所謂的以急遽跌落的價格來訂定現增價格,將會低估真實的折價程度,使我們觀察到的折價幅度將會變小。 (2) 同時期IPO的折價幅度越大(小),其辦理現金增資之折價幅度將越大(小),顯示現金增資折價幅度會被同時影響IPO與現金增資折價幅度的影響因素所影響。 (3) 當現金增資發行公司為(非)電子業時,其現金增資折價幅度較大(小)。意即電子公司之景氣循環大,造成不確定性較高,且一般投資大眾對於電子產品其生產過程背景較不易了解,造成投資時的風險較大,所以電子業在發行現金增資時,會有較大的折價幅度。 實證結果得出,非最適承銷方式選擇之殘差值、公司規模、以及股票波動性皆顯著的不支持理論假說。顯示台灣在本段樣本期間之市場實際狀況不支持理論假說。分述如下: (1) 理論上,公司發行現金增資時,非最適承銷方式選擇之殘差值的程度越大(小),其折價幅度將越大(小),然而實證結果卻相反,不支持此一假設。 (2) 公司規模時常用以代表公司的資訊不對稱程度以及不確定性程度,公司規模越大,代表資訊不對稱程度較低,不確定性較小,因此,理論上公司規模越大(小),現金增資折價幅度將會越小(大)。然而實證結果卻不支持此一理論。 (3) 現金增資前的公司股票波動性代表公司價值的不確定性,波動程度越大,不確定性程度越高,因此,理論上現金增資前的公司股票波動性越大(小),現金增資折價幅度將會越大(小)。然而實證結果亦不支持此一理論。


洪崇文, Hung, Chung-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究配合台灣制度,以模型推導方式研究IPO承銷機制選擇(競價拍賣與公開申購)之決定因素,並以台灣資料進行實證分析。本文考慮市場因素與投資人意見差異,以發行者之觀點進行分析。模型之預測為,當投資人意見差異程度較大、承銷規模較大、或是市場情況較佳時,發行者會選擇以競價拍賣銷售新股。 實證結果顯示,發行者於選擇承銷機制時,不僅考慮市場因素,亦會參考公司特性與發行特性,此結果與本模型之預測一致。本研究亦發現,台灣之競價拍賣制度,相較於公開申購方式,並無法更有效控制折價程度;如果發行者所選用的承銷方式,不適合市場情況、公司特性或發行特性,將會使公司的IPO承受較多的折價。 / This thesis develops and tests a theoretical rationale on the choice of IPO selling methods, discriminatory auctions versus fixed-price offerings, in Taiwan. We incorporate market conditions and investors’ divergence of opinions into the model from the issuer’s point of view. Our model predicts that when the extent of investors’ divergence of opinions is high, the amount in IPOs is large, or market conditions are hot, issuers will tend to use auctions. Our examination of issuers’ choice of IPO methods on the Taiwan’s IPOs shows that issuers condition the choice of IPO methods not only on prevailing market conditions, but also on firm/IPO characteristics. The results are consistent with our model. Finally, Taiwanese auction does not lead to less under-pricing than the fixed-price offering, but an issuer choosing a selling method with a higher degree of unfitting for firm/IPO characteristics and to market conditions will suffer more under-pricing.

承銷方式.投資者意見差異與上市績效 / IPO method,divergence of opinions and the performance

吳筱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文係以台灣新上市股票作為研究對象,欲檢驗「投資者意見差異變數」 對於股票長短期績效之解釋能力,使用相似之「投資者意見差異變數」,是否同樣可以合理解釋台灣新上市股票市場的現況,台灣的實證是否同樣支持Miller所提出的假設。並進而探討在不同承銷制度下,是否會影響「投資者意見差異變數」對於上市績效之解釋能力與影響方向。 研究使用「蜜月期天數」、「買賣價差百分比」與「新股蜜月期間周轉率」三者作為「投資者意見差異程度」之代理變數,研究結果發現:此三變數在排除公司特性、發行市場現況等控制變數的影響部分之後,其餘無法被控制變數所解釋的部分,確實對於新上市股票之長短期報酬具有解釋能力,且各意見差異變數與新股短期報酬率之間存有正向關係,而與一年至三年之長期持有報酬率間存有反向關係,此研究結論相當支持Miller假設,除此之外,研究並發現:不同新股承銷制度不會顯著地影響投資者意見差異程度,且若使用公開申購與競價拍賣兩種不同的新股配售方式,僅會影響「投資者意見差異變數」與「新股長期報酬」的影響程度與方向。 / This paper focus on the Taiwan’s IPOs and tries to test the direct relationship between “ divergence of opinions ” and “ the short- run and long- run performance of the initial public offerings (IPOs). ” We use several similar variables to explain the situation of Taiwan’s stock market and find out if data can support the Miller’s hypothesis. Besides, we want to discuss the relationship between “ IPO method ” and “ divergence of opinions ”. We check that different IPO method will have influence on the explanatory power of the “ divergence of opinions”. We use three different variables:“ the number of the honey moon date”, “ the percentage of bid-ask spread ” and “ the turnover rate during the honey moon” as the proxies of the divergence of opinions. The research result finds out that three proxies can truly provide significant explanatory power of the short-run and long-run performance of the IPOs after controlling for issue quality. The results support Miller ( 1977 ), who suggests that greater divergence of opinions or uncertainty about an IPO can generate short-run overvaluation and long-run underperformance. In other words, the divergence of opinions have positive relationship with the initial return and negative relationship with the long run holding period return of IPOs. Besides, the two IPO method ( fixed-price offerings and discriminatory auction ) will only change the long run relationship.

現金增資不同承銷配售方式之股價反應差異 / Stock price response to seasoned equity offerings - the difference of two firm-commitment underwriting procedures in Taiwan

張素綾, Chang, Su-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主旨在探討台灣證卷交易市場之上市公司辦理現金增資時採用不同承銷配售方式下各種資訊內涵差異,研究樣本包括民國八十四年至民國八十六年間,曾在台灣證卷交易市場宣告辦理現金增資之 278 家公司,其中又區分為 201 家採公開申購配售方式及 77 家採詢價圈購配售方式之現金增資公司樣本。本研究鑑於民國 84 年新版承銷配售制度施行以來,現金增資採行詢價圈購配售方式之公司股價出現特定人套利現象,甚至引發立法院於民國 86 年底,提出修正法案欲將詢價圈購提撥比率之但書規定廢除事件,故本研究目標將著重於探討公開申購配售與詢價圈購兩種不同承銷配售方式來現金增資之公司間其財務屬性及其對股價之影響是否有差異,以檢驗現行的詢價圈購制度是否有缺失。 實證結果顯示:採兩種不同承銷配售方式現金增資之公司,其財務變數並無顯著差異,顯示公司的財務特質並不影響其承銷配售方式的選擇。經由股價反應的驗證則發現採公開申購配售及詢價圈購承銷配售方式之現金增資之公司,其發行宣告首次見報時對股價異常報酬均有顯著正面的影響。但兩者對股價異常報酬之影響於統計上卻發現有顯著差異。至於在首日申購(圈購)日時之股價異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售者為顯著正股價異常報酬反應,採詢價圈購者股價異常報酬則為顯著負反應,因此兩者在首日申購日時對股價之反應有顯著差異,採公開申購配售公司之股價異常報酬反應明顯優於採詢價圈購配售公司。而於發行日時之價格異常報酬反應,採公開申購配售公司並不顯著,採詢價圈購配售方式公司卻有正向股價異常報酬反應,兩種承銷配售方式於發行日時顯示顯著的股價異常報酬反應差異。 兩種承銷配售方式為公司以現金增資向股東或投資大眾取得資金的途徑,其最終目的均相同,因此不同配售方式對股價異常報酬之影響應不會有太大差異,但本研究卻發現在首次宣告日、首日申購日及發行日時三種不同事件日下,兩種配售方式之股價異常報酬反應卻出現顯著差異的情形。由於此一差異與公司的財務特質無關,所以顯示詢價圈購配售方式可能存有缺失,造成特定人可藉由現行制度的漏洞來進行套利或取得比以往更多的新股,因此對於無法進行套利或取得新股的股東而言,現行的詢價圈購制度並不公平,確實有改善之必要。 / The study is based on a sample, consisting of 278firms, of the announcements of SEO(seasoned equity offerings) in Taiwan stock market during the period from Jan. 1996 to Dec. 1997, to detect whether the current circling system in TW is not proper. There are two major SEO underwriting procedures in TW: by offer=for-sales and by circling. The paper focuses on two types of firms which adapt different SEO underwriting. By comparing the both firms' financial characteristics and stock price responses, we know if the existing system is fair. The evidence shows that 89% financial ratios (in the research) of firms, adapting different underwriting procedures, don't have statistically significant positive abcdrmal returns for both underwriting procedures and the reaction levels for both are different. During the circling procedure, circling firms' stock price response is significantly negative but is significantly positive for offer-for- sales firms'. It's very clear that the latter firms have the better stock price performance than the former. During the days of offerings, circling firms' stock price response is significant positive but is not significant negative for offer-for sales firms'. In the research, we can be sure that these two SEO underwriting procedures are significantly different in all of three event days. Since the different market responses are not associated with firms' financial characteristics, we now can be sure that current circling system exist some problems. The system may provide some big stockholders having chances to arbitrage and to get more newissuing shares then they should have. To the other stockholders who can't engage in arbitraging and get new issuing shares, the existing circling system is unfair.

從兩岸入世論臺灣承銷商的發展契機 / The opportunity of the underwriting corporation in Taiwan after attending WTO

陳慶洪, Chen, Ching-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
學年度:90 學期:2 校院:國立政治大學 系所:經營管理碩士學程 論文名稱:從兩岸入世論臺灣承銷商的發展契機 學位類別:碩士 研究生:陳慶洪 指導教授:杜化宇 關鍵詞:中國大陸、證券承銷、證券承銷商、發行人、配售方式、詢價圈購、公開申購、競價拍賣、世界貿易組織 中文摘要: 隨著中國大陸經濟的蓬勃發展,股票市場也在這個變動的社會中應運而生。股票市場做為溝通資金供需雙方的重要渠道,是傳統資本主義社會的重要表徵,最早發軔於西歐,臺灣和中國大陸也陸續引進這種商業型態的制度。隨著兩岸分別加入世界貿易組織,股票市場也必須積極地邁向國際化。當歐、美、日等國的投資銀行均已積極地進駐中國大陸,以搶佔其金融市場之際,國內業者受制於兩岸的政治氛圍卻顯得步履蹣跚。然而太晚進入大陸市場,將使國內證券承銷商處於不利的競爭地位。 在WTO的架構下,金融服務業必須受到服務貿易總協定的規範,兩岸都將適用最惠國待遇和多邊諮商原則,所以臺灣對中國大陸以及中國大陸對臺灣的經貿與金融政策都必須作大幅度的調整。臺灣地區的證券承銷商如何掌握此一發展趨勢,以開創華人世紀的新紀元,在在考驗著臺灣政府與業者的智慧。 摘要 回顧八零年代後期,中國大陸在鄧小平的主導下,踏上改革開放的試點工作,低廉的要素成本和政府的政策支持,吸引著外資源源不斷地注入,臺商得文化、地利之便,藉著轉移生產基地以延續產業生命並擴展生產規模。二十餘年來,西進的臺商從勞力密集,逐漸提升到資本密集與技術密集,對國內的經濟發展帶來相當大的衝擊。當臺商在異地逐漸站穩腳步,並於境外獲得資金供給的來源,對國內資本市場的依存度自然降低許多。做為資金供需雙方媒介的國內證券承銷商,遂因而陷入市場萎縮的困境。當兩岸次第加入世貿組織以後,國內承銷商是否有機會跟隨臺商腳步,將市場拓展至中國大陸,以延續生機並再創高峰,的確是一件值得深思的問題。 本研究的第二章、第三章分別介紹中國大陸和臺灣的承銷制度,依序分從 「證券商之分類及其業務範疇」、「承銷時機」、「承銷方式與資格」、「承銷作業程序」和「承銷價格訂定與配售方式」等五個面向加以探討,第四章則從比較制度的觀點,分析兩地承銷制度的異同。為了瞭解WTO入會架構將對兩岸承銷商帶來何等影響,本研究第五章首先介紹世界貿易組織的功能、理念與規範重點,其次則試圖探討兩岸入會後可能面臨的衝擊與因應之道。第六章則以建華金控為例,探討年前國內通過金融業者得以純粹控股公司形式跨業兼營的法令,將對證券承銷業者進軍中國大陸的努力帶來何等影響與可能的限制。 從制度面來看,由於臺海兩岸均係繼受歐美國家的先進體制,只是導入時期先後有別,除因政策性考量產生些許出入外,可說是大同小異。其次,兩岸分別在2001年11月間的卡達會議中獲准加入世界貿易組織,臺灣地區雖以已開發國家身份入世,因入世前長達九年的複邊磋商過程已陸續將相關要求內化,入世後應不致帶來太大的衝擊。而中國大陸係以開發中國家身份爭取入世,因此在國內市場的開放上有較多的調適時間,不過從其最近出台的《外資參股證券公司設立規則》來看,除了對於境外股東的持股比例,依其入世時承諾的進度設定限制外,可說是全面開放證券承銷市場;且該規則亦適用於香港、澳門及臺灣地區的業者。受限於兩岸政權迄今仍處於對立狀態,短期內恐無法假前述規則簽署證券監管合作諒解備忘錄,勢將嚴重斷喪臺灣承銷商西進的發展契機,徒將崛起的商機拱手讓與外資,國內政府誠應審慎考慮此一嚴肅課題,進而積極協助業者排除政治上的障礙,以延續並擴展臺灣業者的生存命脈。 / Academic year: 2001 Session:2 School: National Chengchi University Department: Executive MBA of Finance Title of Thesis: The Opportunity of The Underwriting Corporation in Taiwan After Attending WTO Degree: Master Author: Ching-Hung Chen Advisor: Professor Anthony Tu Keywords: Mainland China, securities underwriting, underwriter, issuer, offering method, book-building, fix-price, auction, WTO Abstract: As the economy of Mainland China is glooming, the stock market arises in the changing society. The stock market is an important channel to link the supply and demand, as well as a symbol of the traditional capitalist society. It has taken a long time for western countries to develop their stock systems. However, similar systems emerged in Taiwan and Mainland China. After Taiwan and Mainland China attending WTO, stock markets must be aggressively facing the globalization. When Europe, the United States, and Japan are going to compete to dominate the Mainland's financial market. Taiwan is moving at a slower pace and facing many restrictions. The late entry of Taiwan's underwriting corporations into the Mainland market will undermine their competitiveness. Under the WTO framework, the basic principles on the financial services sector are governed by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Once Taiwan and the Mainland become WTO members, they must both accept all WTO regulations, including those on MFN treatment and multilateral negotiations. In light of these requirements, both Taiwan and the Mainland must make large adjustments in their cross-strait and financial policies toward each other. The underwriting corporations in Taiwan are willing to create a new era. How to grasp the developing tendency is a critical trial to the enterprises and government in Taiwan.

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