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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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女性消費者對day Spa商店印象與再購意願之研究

賴威嬑 Unknown Date (has links)
生活不只是活著,還必須要幸福,而Spa這一行正是製造身心靈放鬆的幸福感產業。藉由特殊的造景、優美的音樂、芳香的精油與專業人員的按摩手法,使人們得以沉澱心靈,遠離煩囂的都市,重新達到身、心、靈的平衡狀態。 台灣Spa產業中為數最多的day Spa,主要位在都會區,提供忙碌的都市人一個無壓力的空間,使消費者不需要舟車勞頓,就能在一天內享受到各式各樣的Spa服務。本研究即在探討消費者對都會型Spa的商店印象與再度光臨的意願,希望研究結果能作為Spa業者提升顧客再度光臨意願的參考。研究中對商店印象的定義採用「適當性-重要性」模型(Cohen,Fishbein,and Ahtola,1972),以Likert五點量表將重要性與滿意度評分乘積後來代表消費者對商店印象好壞,然後用各種統計方法來分析人口統計變數、商店印象、消費行為與再購意願之間的關係,研究結果發現: 1. 女性消費者對day Spa商店印象可分成商品、服務、空間三個構面。 2. 人口統計變數對於商店印象有顯著差異,且有顯著集群類型:年齡30歲以上、已婚族群屬於高評價集群。 3. 人口統計變數對於消費行為有顯著差異:年齡較長者喜歡單獨消費且消費頻率較高,收入較高者每次消費時間長、消費單價高。 4. 人口統計變數對再購意願有顯著差異:年齡與月收入較高者,再購意願較強。 5. 商店印象與再購意願有顯著相關,且再購意願有顯著商店印象集群類型:印象評價高的集群再購意願越強。 6. 消費行為有顯著商店印象集群類型:攜伴一同消費屬於低印象評價集群。 7. 消費行為對於再購意願有顯著相關:消費頻率越高、每次消費時間長、消費單價高者再購意願越強。 關鍵字:day Spa、商店印象、再購意願 / Life is not merely being alive, but being well. Spa is the industry that relaxes your body and mind and makes the happy feeling at the same time. Through affiliations of the special scenery, the exquisite music, the fragrant essential oil, and the specialist's massage technique, Spa enables people to precipitate the mind, and to reach the equilibrium of the body, the heart, and the spirit. Day Spa is the main Spa in Taiwan, which located in metropolis, provides people a non- pressure space. It won’t take you much time(no more than one day) to enjoy all kinds of service in day Spa. This research was to find out the relationship between female consumers’ store image and repurchase intention about day Spa. According to the study outcomes, some concrete suggestions were made as references for day Spa business to improve female consumers’ repurchase intention. The major results in this research are summarized as follows: 1. The store image of day Spa in Taiwan included three important dimensions:goods, service, and space. 2. The variables of customers’ population statistics showed significant difference in the customers’ store image, consumer behavior, and repurchase willing. 3. The variables of female consumers’ store image showed significant correlation in the repurchase willing. 4. The variable of consumer behavior showed significant cluster in store image. 5. The variable of consumer behavior showed significant correlation in the repurchase willing. Key words:day Spa, store image, repurchase intention.


林秀玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國正式加入WTO後,汽車產業面臨嚴重競爭,且相較於其他國家,台灣的汽車市場趨近於飽和現象,在供過於求情況下,製造與裝配過程附加價值低,附加價值存在於隨品牌所提供的產品服務。藉由商業智慧系統之建立,透過資料採礦、預測的功能,將不同消費習慣的客戶進行分類,達到準確的目標行銷。   本研究採用「決策樹C5.0」、「CART迴歸樹」與「羅吉斯迴歸」等方法建立模型於新車滿意度資料庫、車主購買滿意度資料庫及車主維修滿意度資料庫之資料。從三大資料庫中找出既有顧客群裡,較有可能會再次購買同品牌汽車的顧客特性,進一步整合行銷策略,提升顧客再次購買的機會。根據不同資料庫,本研究目的如下: 一、 分析於新車滿意度資料庫之資料,此資料包含2005年購買新車之車主資料,主要是建立客戶類型區隔模型及再購模型。 二、 分析於車主購買滿意度資料庫之資料,分別建立顧客是否會再次購買以及是否會向親朋好友推薦該品牌之模型。 三、 分析於車主維修滿意度資料庫之資料,分別建立顧客是否會再次購買、是否會推薦親朋好友以及是否會再次回廠維修之模型。

電視購物與消費者行為之研究 / A study of TV Shopping and Consumer Behavior

廖筱清 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電視購物產業蓬勃發展,加上「數位匯流」趨勢,主要電視購物業者 紛紛整合電視、網路、手機等通路,使台灣電視購物規模不斷擴大,消費者有何 需求、對於電視購物頻道行銷手法有何感受,乃值得深究的課題。 本研究採用深度訪談法的半結構式訪談,以立意抽樣方式,訪談10 位居住 在大台北地區的電視購物消費者,旨在探討其需求,以及其對於電視購物頻道行 銷手法的感受。 研究發現: 一、受到電視購物便利性吸引,購買日常生活用品、旅遊產品的人很多。 二、儘管消費者常在電視購物消費,但會到實體通路購買物品。 三、由於無法親自看到商品,電視購物消費者感到知覺風險。 四、電視購物消費者喜歡的主持人特質是誠懇、有信用。 五、電視購物消費者對特定頻道較無忠誠度。 六、電視購物消費者在下單時,偏好專人接聽服務。 七、電視購物消費者雖然肯定電視購物便利性與商品便宜價格,但是仍對 品質有疑慮。 八、電視購物消費者認為未來電視購物將繼續蓬勃發展,是時勢所趨。 本研究根據研究結果,提出研究建議如下: 一、政府監督,落實鑑賞制度 二、付款安全,推第三方支付 三、積極管理,盼主持人自制 四、服務取勝,勿用噱頭行銷 五、養忠誠度,可用集點紅利 六、專人接聽,供客製化服務 七、提供試用,通路虛實整合 八、數位匯流,整合不同系統 九、賺親友財,引入推薦制度 十、強化物流,退貨化繁為簡 / The TV shopping industry has been thriving these years. With the trend of digital convergence, major TV shopping enterprises are dedicated to integrating different channels, including TV, the Internet and mobile phones and broaden the size of the industry. What customers need and how they feel about the marketing strategies of the TV shopping channels are issues worthy to research. Adopting semi-structured and depth interview, the study applies purposive sampling and interviews 10 TV shopping consumers living in greater Taipei area, aiming to investigate these consumers’ demands and their feelings about marketing strategies of TV shopping channels in Taiwan. The findings are: 1. Due to the convenience, consumers are attracted to purchase daily necessaries and tourism products. 2. Consumers purchase at brick-and-mortar stores though they often do TV shopping. 3. Consumers feel perceived risk because they can’t see the product themselves. 4. Consumers hope hosts of TV shopping programs to be sincere and honest. 5. Consumers are not loyal to specific TV shopping channel. 6. Consumers prefer to be served by people rather than phonetic system. 7. Consumers worry about quality of goods even though they affirm the convenience of TV shopping and lowers prices of goods. 8. Consumers hold optimistic attitude towards the development of TV shopping in the future. Based on the research conclusion, the suggestions are: 1. The government should supervise the Satisfaction Guarantee & Return Policy of TV shopping channels. 2. Third-Party Payment should be implemented to enhance the safety. 3. The hosts of TV shopping programs should not exaggerate the effects of products. 4. TV shopping channels should put more emphasis on service and avoid tricks meant to deceive. 5. The activity of bonus points should be implemented to make consumers loyal to specific TV shopping channels. 6. More customized services should be provided. 7. TV shopping enterprises should integrate different shopping channels and provide probationary service. 8. Different systems should be integrated to meet the era of digital convergence. 9. Introduction systems should be used to make more consumers shopping with their family members. 10. Logistic systems should be fortified to make it easier for consumers to return their goods.

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