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投資人風險分散行為研究:理論與實務的差距 / Do Investor Diversivy the Portfolio According to Portfolio Theory?陳虹君, Chen, Hung Chum Unknown Date (has links)
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業務分散程度對銀行績效的影響-以全球銀行為例 / Does Diversification Cause Diversification Discount – Banking Industry Around the World賴冠宇, Lai,Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對銀行業的業務分散程度與績效的關係,做實證上的研究。以一九九五年至二零零四年之間全球金融機構為研究對象,實證結果發現,業務較集中的金融機構會比業務較分散者的績效來得好,而且隨著分散的程度提高,績效變差的情況會更為明顯。除此之外,當銀行的本業是非利息收入時,提高業務分散程度所造成的績效降低會比本業為放款的銀行更為明顯。實證結果同時也指出,政府機關與民間的監督機制都能夠有助於減輕此種業務分散帶來的績效下降。 / This study examines the relationship between diversification of financial activities and performance in banking industry. Using cross-country data of financial institutions from 1995 to 2004, the empirical results suggest that focused banks outperform diversified banks. Moreover, I find that diversification discount declines as banks go diversified. Results show that banks which focus previously on noninterest income would suffer heavier diversification discount than loan-specialized banks while extending their activity into the other area. Results also suggest that the supervisory power from regulatory authorities and the policy of private-sector monitoring can help alleviate diversification discount that banks would experience when they go diversified.
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企業上市後股權分散之研究---探討台灣家族及非家族企業許家華 Unknown Date (has links)
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使 Eclipse 平台具備遠端外掛程式功能之研究 / Enhance Eclipse platform with remote plug-ins林庭瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
Eclipse 是目前最廣受歡迎的軟體工具整合平台,其可擴充的架構,允許第三方撰寫名為 Plug-in 的擴充套件將既有的或是新開發的工具程式整合至此平台。然而隨著 Eclipse 的普及以及可用工具套件的增加,衍生的困擾則是幾乎每一套 Eclipse 平台都會裝載過多的工具。雖然 Eclipse 的架構提供了諸如 Plug-in 的延遲載入(Lazy-Loading)、快速裝載與更新等功能,讓 Eclipse 平台具有相當高度的可延展性(Scalability),但整體效能還是會因為裝載過多的工具程式而下滑。
為了解決上述問題,本研究提出一套名為 Remote Plug-in 的解決方案,允許使用者或是廠商將原生(Native)或非原生的工具發布到遠端站台,並透過本研究提供的開發工具快速產生包裝程式,讓標的工具能以 Web Services 的型式發布到站台上供使用者叫用。另一方面,需要使用這些工具服務的 Eclipse 平台則可以透過本研究提供的輔助 Plug-in 提供之功能,直接叫用這些工具服務,效果則有如使用安裝於相同電腦的 Plug-in 一樣。
此作法除了能降低 Plug-in 的安裝數量,進而改善 Eclipse 平台的整體效能外,也能減少許多不常使用工具的裝卸。此外,Remote Plug-in 架構的其他優點在於讓用戶得以使用在其平台無法安裝執行的工具程式,軟體商亦可經由發布 Remote Plug-in 加強對軟體的記錄控管。 / Since its inception in 2001, Eclipse has quickly become the most popular platform for software development, partly thanks to its extensible architecture, which allows third parties to easily integrate their software tools into the platform in the form of plug-ins. As the quick increase and abundance of free or cheap Eclipse plug-ins available to the public, coming up also is the problem that most users install too many plug-ins than tolerable in a platform. Although the designers of Eclipse have develped mechanisms such as Lazy-Loading [42], and quick installation and update subsystem to make Eclipse scalable, the overall performance is inevitably degraded for the installation of too many plug-ins.
In order to overcome this problem, we propose in this thesis a method called remote plug-ins which can enable the distribution and sharing of plug-ins in remote sites. Users or ISVs (independent software vendors) can deploy their tools on remote sites and use the tool we have developed to wrap them as web services accepting requests from Eclipse platforms. On the other hand, users needing services of remote plug-ins could install in their local Eclipse the proxy plug-in which we developed for requesting services of remote plug-ins. With the help of the proxy, remote plug-ins can be invoked as if they were local ones.
By moving unnecessary plug-ins outside of local Eclipse installation, not only can our method improve the overall performance of the platform, but it can also diminish the waste of time on tedious installation and uninstallation of plug-ins which are seldom used. Other advantages of our method include the feasibility of invoking remote plug-ins which are either hard or unable to be installed in local Eclipse, as well as more complete control of vendors to client's access to their tools deployed as remote plug-ins.
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金融業跨業合併探討周士淳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國的商業銀行Chase Manhattan和投資銀行JP Morgan的跨業合併案,進行個案分析,以瞭解其背後合併的動機、組織調整方式、合併經營後的績效以及合併過程中所遭遇到人事、文化整合的問題。
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以XML Web Service整合理財諮詢服務之研究張嘉任 Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中將試圖以XML Web Service的技術架構,建置一整合性的應用服務平台,讓平台能快速的和網路上任一網路應用提供者整合,並能整合網際網路上服務提供者所提供的服務,讓系統和系統間、使用者和系統間,都是以鬆散耦合結構來進行互動。使用者在使用網路服務時也能擺脫過去受限於網站應用提供資及應用上的限制,讓使用者在使用網路服務時能根據自己的需求進行個人化的服務選用,讓使用者得到的是即時性、個人化、整合性的資訊。
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分散型無線通信ネットワークのための高効率アクセス制御技術 / Efficient Access Control Techniques for Distributed Wireless Communication Networks井上, 保彦 23 March 2015 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第19128号 / 情博第574号 / 新制||情||101 / 32079 / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科通信情報システム専攻 / (主査)教授 守倉 正博, 教授 高橋 達郎, 教授 梅野 健 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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新北市國民中學校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Junior High School in New Taipei City林松德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在先探討新北市國民中學校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的現況;接著,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項的教師知覺校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的差異情形;再來探討校長分散式領導與教師學術樂觀之間的關係;最後,以逐步多元廻歸檢視校長分散式領導對教師學術樂觀的預測力效果。為達到上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市42 所國民中學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷895 份,回收有效問卷743 份,有效回收率為83.0%。本研究採用SPSS 20.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論,根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考:
三、51(含)歲組以上的教師知覺校長分散式領導高於30 ~ 40 歲組的教師;在知覺教師學術樂觀則高於所有其他年齡組的教師。
最後,依據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校行政及未來研究人員的參考運用。 / The Study of the Relationships between Principal Distributed Leadership and Teacher Academic Optimism in Junior High School in New Taipei City
First, this study aimed to explore the current situation of New Taipei City junior high schools’ principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism; then, to analyze the demographic variables on the different perception of principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and then to discuss the relationship between principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism. Finally, stepwise multiple regression was used to predict teacher academic optimism.
Based on the research conclusions, I also proposed recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. I used the directors, team leaders and teachers from 42 junior high schools in New Taipei City as my study subjects. A total of 895 questionnaires were distributed, with 743 valid questionnaires. The return rate was 83.0%. Survey data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. In junior high schools in New Taipei City, teachers’ perception of principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is high.
2. There’s no significant difference in education levels, service years, and school locations in teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism.
3. The teachers’ perception over 51 (inclusive) years old on principal distributed leadership is higher than the teachers from 31 to 40. On teacher academic optimism, it’s also higher than all the other groups.
4. The teachers’ perception over 95 (inclusive) classes on teacher academic optimism is higher than the teachers under 44(inclusive) classes.
5. Teachers hold the post as directors whose perceptions both on principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism are higher than team leaders and class teachers.
6. Principal distributed leadership is high positively correlated to teacher academic optimism.
7. The prediction of the relationships between principal distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is supported.
Finally, based on the above research conclusions, I provide recommendations as references and applications for educational administrations, junior high school administrations and future researchers.
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臺北縣國民小學分散式領導對教師學術樂觀影響之研究 / Research on the influence of distributed leadership on teachers’ academic optimism in elementary schools in Taipei County劉文章, Liu, Wen Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北縣國民小學分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的現況,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項知覺分散式領導與教師學術樂觀的差異情形,探討分散式領導對教師學術樂觀的關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北縣60所國民小學之主任、組長及教師為研究對象,共寄發問卷632份,回收有效問卷553份,有效回收率為87.5%。本研究採用SPSS 17.0 for Windows和LISREL 8.80統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論:
關鍵詞:分散式領導、教師學術樂觀 / This study aimed to explore the current situation of Taipei County elementary schools’ distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and to analyze different background variables and school variables’ on the different perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism, and to discuss the relationship between distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism. Based on the research conclusions, I also submitted recommendations for the relevant institutions’ reference. To achieve these purposes, this study used questionnaire survey method. I used the directors, team leaders and teachers from 60 elementary schools in Taipei County as our study objects. A total of 632 questionnaires were distributed, with 553 valid questionnaires. The effective rate was 87.5%. In this study, I used SPSS 17.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80 statistical software for analysis and obtained the following conclusions:
1.Taipei County elementary school teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is high.
2.There is no significant difference in different gender, education level, school size, school location in teachers’ perception of distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism.
3.Over 50 (inclusive) years old teachers’ perception on distributed leadership is higher than teachers under 40 years old. The teacher academic optimism is also higher than 30 (inclusive) to 40 years old teachers.
4.Teacher’s year of service above 20 (inclusive) years, their perception on distributed leadership and teacher academic optimism is higher than the teachers under 10 years.
5.Teachers also hold the post as directors’ perception on distributed leadership is higher than class teachers. Their perception of teachers academic optimism is also higher than teachers also hold the post as team leaders and class teachers.
6.Teachers at the school history of less than 30 years and school history over 90 years, their perception of distributed leadership is higher than teachers at school years between 30 (including) years to 60 years and school history of 60 (inclusive) years to 90 years. Their perception of teacher academic optimism is also higher than teachers at school history of 30 (inclusive) years to 60 years.
7.The model constructed in this study was supported through structural equation modeling test. Distributed leadership has a significant positive impact on teacher academic optimism.
Finally, based on the above research conclusions, I submitted specific recommendations as references and applications for educational administration and elementary school administration.
Keywords: distributed leadership, teacher academic optimism
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二相系格子ボルツマン法を用いた流れ場中の微粒子分散化過程の研究西山, 卓哉 23 January 2013 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第17263号 / 工博第3665号 / 新制||工||1557(附属図書館) / 30020 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科航空宇宙工学専攻 / (主査)教授 稲室 隆二, 教授 斧 髙一, 教授 青木 一生 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当
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