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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

負債評價、資產負債組合與資本強化策略:台灣人壽保險產業分析 / Liability valuation, portfolio of assets and liabilities, and capital strengthening strategy: analysis of Taiwan life insurance industry

謝奇芳 Unknown Date (has links)
經過2008年金融海嘯影響後,台灣壽險業帳列資產價值大幅縮水,整體 壽險產業淨值下跌。加上國際會計準則 (IFRS) 及資本監理標準 (Solvency II) 之修正,具體呈現於歐洲保險子公司在台股權移轉交易,紛 紛退出台灣市場,突顯集團母公司必須遵循母國標準,必須將資產負債移轉給 相對寬鬆資本規範之本國公司。當金融產業不穩定下,監理機關採取暫行措施 可以穩定金融市場運作,對於降低金融監理標準之作法稱做監理寬容。持續低 利率環境造成過去壽險公司在1990年代高利率時期,發行之長期性過高利率保 單產生利差損問題。尤其在接下來預定實施國際會計準則第四號公報 (IFRS4) 後,壽險公司需依照「市場實際利率」提存準備金,預估整體壽險 業將至少須增提10%到15%的資本,此增資壓力龐大,利差損問題益加嚴重。 本研究主要回顧過去之保險負債評價文獻,並且引用國際會計準則委員會 (IASB) 針對保險合約會計之討論稿,整理IFRS 4中對於保險負債評價的部 份,IASB希望以「現時移轉價值」來衡量保險負債,其中現實移轉價值包括現 金流量、時間價值、風險邊際、服務邊際四個部份。此外,本研究將透過主成 分分析檢視台灣壽險公司的資產與負債結構,從結果可得知,在資產部分,可 以大略歸類出四種不同的投資性質;而負債部分,除了兩家外商公司以外,其 他壽險公司在各險種的經營上仍有些許差異。資產負債結構相似的公司在資產 負債管理及風險管理上較為相近,在面對利率波動及其他市場風險時,可作為 決策之借鏡。最後,在國際財務會計準則第四號公報實施後,利差損問題會益 加嚴重,本研究試著提出由政府成立「政府再保險公司」,透過風險轉換,也 許可以減緩台灣壽險公司的增資壓力。

外商壽險在台灣發展之省思與探討 / Development Review for Foreign Life Insurers in Taiwan

湯維華, Tang, Wei Huah Unknown Date (has links)


莊啟生 Unknown Date (has links)
立法院於1992年2月26日修定保險法第146條,將國外投資正式列入保險業資金運用之項目,引導保險業參與國外金融市場。保險業因國內利率環境與資本市場欠缺長天期金融工具下,衍生顯著利差損問題,而國外金融商品的多樣性、高創新能力與高收益率似乎提供保險業資金投資選擇。 本研究嘗試透過不同構面的探討,將國外投資所面臨的風險與金融主管機關的監理措施加以說明,並詳細分析資產負債管理策略-資產負債區隔,建議保險業者應從資產負債管理出發,考量不同性質負債,尋找適合金融資產做為支撐之標的,如此才能透過搭配性質相近且年期適合的國外金融工具進行負債面的管理,使得國外投資能充份地發揮其多樣性與享有較高之投資收益。 亦應利用支撐負債面之金融資產組合所計算出來市場利率做為負債面評價基礎,做到資產與負債皆採用市價評估,更能反應保險公司真實的價值,並可做為主管機關監理參考。保險業者除透過資產負債區隔了解本身國外資產配置的適當性外,應輔以嚴謹的風險管理機制與自律機制,如此才能保有永續經營的能力。 / The article 146 of Insurance Law had been amended by Legistrative Yuan on 26 February 1992. It allows insurance company invests funds into foreign financial assets and across boundary to attend foreign markets. Taiwan insurance industry face significant losses from the actual credit interest lower than the credit interest rate due to economic environments and lack of long-term investment vehicles. The foreign financial market with multiplicity, innovation and higher yield seems to provide Taiwanese insurance companys a channel to resolve its interest rate gap problem. This research employs boarder discussions on the foreign investment risk of the life insurance industry from various angles. This paper also analyzes the control issues from regulator’s rerspective and outlines the asset-liability management tool “segmentation”. We also provide suggestions to Taieanese life insurance industry to adopt the asset and liability segmentation as their major tool in performing oversea investment. In the same time, the realistic surplus of the insurance company can be monitored by measuring the difference between mark to market assets and contingency liability that is calculated by market yield from replicated portfolio. In recent years, the foreign investment play a major role in Taiwanese Life insurance company’s asset portfolio, hence they are required to carefully monitor appropriate financial assets to support their liabilities. It also includes enhancing the risk management framework and self-control mechanism in order to maintain their business ability.

壽險公司最適資產配置與風險管理之探討-以郵政簡易壽險為例 / The Optimal Asset Allocation and the Risk Management in Life Insurance Companies: the Case of Postal Simple Life Insurance

黃振忠, Huang, Jenn Jong Unknown Date (has links)
國內壽險公司面臨資金不斷累積與同業間激烈競爭,加上全球經濟動盪不安,國際金融偶有黑天鵝事件發生,尤以2008年金融海嘯重創全球產業為最,壽險業亦難以倖免,肇致壽險業者經營益顯艱困。因此,為維繫公司永續經營,規劃長期財務穩健性至關重要。是故,如何訂定投資策略與妥適資產配置,並兼顧風險管理,為當前壽險公司重要課題。 本研究分析郵政壽險資產配置行為,歸納影響公司資產配置之內、外在因素,例如流動性風險、利率風險、信用風險、資本適足率、匯率風險及法令規範等因素,皆影響資產配置策略。另為建構最佳資產配置,提升獲利,逐步改善財務結構,在現行法令限制下,運用Markowitz之投資組合理論為分析工具,導出效率前緣線,再運用夏普指標績效分析,來建立最佳投資組合。 另外分析壽險公司必須正視未來「國際會計準則」(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)IFRS 4第二階段適用公平價值評估負債,利差損問題會更加嚴重,對業務發展與負債評價將產生巨大衝擊。尤其我國壽險業發行商品大都以長年期終身險為主,若壽險商品負債評價與資產不一致時,其缺口將因利率變化影響損益波動。 / Abstract Domestic life insurers are in a challenging environment with increasing asset size to manage and fierce competition within the industry. Moreover, the world economy is going down a bumpy path. Every now and then in the global financial system, we encounter a black swan event. Among them, the financial tsunami of 2008 hit global industries most severely. The financial tsunami of 2008 also left life insurers having an increasingly difficult time running the business. It is crucial to have sound long-term financial plans in order to ensure business sustainability. Therefore, how to form an investment strategy, determine asset allocation and manage risks at the same time becomes a critical issue for life insurers. The research studies the asset allocation behavior of Chunghwa Post insurance sector and lists both the internal and the external factors affecting asset allocation. Factors like liquidity risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, capital adequacy, currency risk and regulations all have some influence on the asset allocation strategy. Meanwhile, the research constructs efficient frontier with Markowitz Portfolio Theory and adopts Sharpe ratio as the performance measure to build an optimal portfolio under current regulations with the goal of optimizing asset allocation, boosting profits and gradually improving the financial structure. The research also studies the tremendous impact of IFRS 4 on business development and liability valuation of life insurance companies. The implementation of IFRS 4 Phase II will require fair value measurement of liabilities, which will exacerbate the negative interest spread problem. When the liability valuation approach of insurance products is not in line with asset valuation, the gap will intensify the income fluctuations from interest rate movements, especially for domestic life insurers whose main products are long-term whole life policies.

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