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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


疏淑貞 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章是研究動機、目的、前人研究成果等。第二章、從飲食生活、季節景物、色調…不同角度,分別比較魯迅的魯鎮、沈從文的湘西鳳凰、老舍的北京、張愛玲的上海。沈從文與老舍對故鄉色彩的描述並不多,對故鄉實景實物的描寫卻是甜美而豐盛的;魯迅與張愛玲對故鄉實物實景書寫的分量比不上前二者,卻在故鄉色彩的著墨上用力甚深。古樸的紹興、清新的鎮筸、歷史文化的北京、都會的上海,這是作家心中的永恆。 第三章先從晦暗的角度分析作家沉鬱的心靈原鄉,這可能是禮教宗法束縛、或是苦難迷信桎梏、或是昏聵現實…形成的庸貧原鄉;也可能是吃人的、蕭索的、壓抑的、受宰制的原鄉,又或者是物化異化衝擊、城鄉衝突絕望失望激盪、大我小我交疊而成的愚弱原鄉。 第四章作家心目中所眷戀的原鄉不全是美好的,但確乎有其馨香豐美的一面。這是童話與神話、理性與自然、理想與現實、純厚含蓄而令人嚮往的原鄉;這令人耽溺、愛戀、情牽而又眷戀的原鄉;或者是烽火情愛的原鄉。老舍關心的是文化內涵、魯迅關心的是國民「思想」體質、張愛玲關心的是女性精神的渴望、沈從文關心的是純美天性的追尋。沈從文以浪漫清新的筆調在嚴肅的原鄉意識中運鏡,老舍以笑中帶淚、幽默又嚴肅的態度審視北平文化,他們都成功的刻劃了原鄉。 第五章本章回歸到原鄉最原始的「根性」為討論的方向,也就是從原鄉中具體的外在事物-節慶、人物、語言、生活…等方向探討,以梳理或建構出他(她)們不同的原鄉情。無論是記憶或在異地遙想中的原鄉,都可能有着荒涼孤寂的成分,也有暖而「靈性」的層面。所以第六章從「靈性」原鄉的建構與比較中,可以看到作家對自然原鄉「返璞歸真」的渴望、市民原鄉的內心掙扎、文化原鄉的再造工程,以及在新舊交替時代中眾人對自己原鄉文化有了重新檢視與再思考的機會。 結論:老舍用道地的京語寫對北平人事物的種種,流露很深的北平文化意識;沈從文輕柔寫意的筆調,道出湘西淳厚的民風;魯迅灰暗蕭索的原鄉中有更深刻的國民性刻畫;張愛玲在蒼涼的筆調中描繪出都會男女的迷魅情戀。他們各自從自己的原鄉出發,從地理的原鄉到心靈的原鄉,他們都有很深的懷鄉情以及對家鄉人事物的終極關懷。


陳伯軒 Unknown Date (has links)
相對於空間,時間的研究在古今中外各個領域都受到極度的重視。事實上,根據研究指出,時間的概念比空間概念生得要晚,所以從各民族的語言來看,時間概念往往要借用空間概念來表達。人類早期對時間概念的理解相當模糊,很大程度上必須依賴空間的概念。儘管空間概念的形成早於時間,但是人們對於歷史、生命、歲月的關懷似乎遠遠超越於對空間的認識。   回顧台灣的現代散文創作,即便是近三十年來各式各樣散文題材的勃興,懷舊主題仍是歷久不衰。懷鄉、懷人、懷事、懷物一直是現代散文的創作主流。如果我們的時間概念往往依循著空間,那當這些懷舊文章無論是揭示了歲月與個人生命歷程的糾纏或是大歷史大時代的洪流沖積,散文家創作當時有意無意依循的「空間意識」為何?如果作者無意書寫空間的情況之下,他無意識透露出的空間感如何?如果是有意識書寫空間,那麼又如何進行藝術性的經營,顯示了什麼效果?除了懷舊文學之外,空間議題的漸次關注或多或少影響了創作者的視野,旅行文學與都市、鄉土文學,都是與空間書寫密切相關的文類,也勢必影響讀者的視野。諸如此類的問題,是作為散文研究時,必須思索的。   「空間」作為一獨立討論的範疇,關涉到散文情感和思緒的研究。   我們以此作為討論的出發點,將逐步顯現空間的政治性與實踐意義在散文中的構成。換言之,我們研究散文的文本空間時,無可避免地討論著不同空間型態所具備隨之相異的關懷,但是在充分掌握之後,本文企圖回歸散文藝術構成的原則──思索「空間」如何在散文中更有效地進行文學性的經營。確定了這樣的論述策略,我們就更容易分辨出既有的研究成果,能夠分別在什麼層次上給予本文協助與啟發。也就是說,從「藝術性」和「議題性」兩大方向進入散文研究,我們會發現,徒有「議題」的研究,恐怕會使文學作品成為附和「議題」的文獻/文宣;但若在缺乏議題作為討論的對象,單單從「藝術性」的角度分析散文,又有落於修辭格分析的困境。其實,題材與技巧常常在不同的程度上相互影響,我們確立了本文的策略與方法,即是將散文中的「空間意識」以及「書寫型態」提在平衡等重的位階,避免偏廢。

山地鄉的平地客家人—以新竹縣尖石鄉前山地區客家住民之經濟活動為核心之研究 / Non-Indigenous Hakka People in the Indigenous Township—A Study of Economic Activities of Hakka Residents in the Front-Mountain Area of Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County

羅文君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉前山地區的旮旯牌與尖石兩個客家聚落的經濟活動為研究範疇,藉由史料爬梳與深度訪談建構兩個移居聚落的形成過程、產業類型及社會關係網絡的樣貌,細緻地討論兩者的經濟活動如何運作,並於原鄉經濟發展的不同階段中扮演角色;同時,運用鑲嵌理論討論經濟活動與社會關係如何交織互動。本研究有三個主要的研究發現:一、在平地人無法輕易取得原鄉土地所有權的情況下,地權狀態與地理區位對於移居聚落的經濟活動與社會關係形塑具有決定性影響;二、不同時期出現的平地人聚落處在原鄉經濟發展的不同位階上,從早期作為泰雅族人的佃農與第一線山林資源採伐的勞動者,轉變為平地商品與山林產物交換的中介者;三、Polanyi與Granovetter對於經濟與社會鑲嵌的討論,提供本文不同的觀察尺度來解釋兩聚落中出現的不同鑲嵌型態;此外,本研究以兩個聚落雜貨店交換行為為例,指出經濟活動的「鑲嵌標的」,以及作為「交換媒介的物品特質」皆可成為觀察鑲嵌性質的指標。整體而言,本文突破以原(被剝削者)漢(剝削者)的二元架構來解釋原鄉中經濟關係的討論模式,並對鑲嵌理論的實際運用提出新的思考方向。 / This study focuses on the economic activities of Ga La Pai Community and Jian Shi Community in the front-mountain area of Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County. Adopting the methods of literature review and in-depth interview, this study retraces the history of the forming of these two communities, explores the industries and social relationships within, reveals how their economic activities operated, and the roles they played in different development stages of this region. Base on the concept of embeddedness, this study also discusses the role of social relations in economic activities. There are three main findings in this study. First, the land tenure and location of settlement area have significant impacts on the residents’ economic activities and social relations. Second, non-indigenous settlement are in different stratums of indigenous economy in different periods. They were at once peasants of Tayal people and workers of forest logging, but later they transformed into agents for the exchanges of forest products and commodities from urban area. Third, the different concerns of embeddedness from Karl Polanyi and Mark Granovetter provide multiple scales of view to approach several types of embeddedness occurred in each community. Besides, the comparison of exchange systems between two grocery shops respectively from Ga La Pai Community and Jian Shi Community points out that both of “the subject of embeddedness” and “the nature of medium for exchange” can be the indexes reflecting the characteristics of embeddedness. In general, this study makes a breakthrough in elaborating the roles of non-indigenous in indigenous economy other than the “Han-Chinese (exploiter)/ indigenous people (exploited)” dichotomy. Furthermore, this study makes additional remarks to the concept of embeddedness after practice case studies.

原鄉教育路對幼師生涯發展之影響—烏來地區非原住民幼師之個案研究 / The Influences for the Career Development of Preschool Teachers Working in Indigenous Areas:The Multiple-case Study of Non-indigenous Preschool Teachers in Wulai

阮雅潔 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為探討原鄉教育路對幼師生涯發展的影響,透過四位烏來地區非原住民幼師的個案研究,瞭解幼師的生涯發展、影響幼師生涯發展因素、幼師的原鄉教育路及原鄉教育路如何影響幼師生涯發展,期望能提供到原住民族地區任教的其他非原住民教師在生涯規劃上的參考或協助。 本研究探討教師生涯發展主要以三位學者的理論為依據:Newman的週期論、Katz的階段論,與Fessler的循環論。影響幼師生涯發展因素則從以下的面向做討論:工作內容、人際交往、經濟報酬、文化因素等。幼師的原鄉教育路則分別從四個面向做討論:政策與制度、原鄉幼教師資、幼師與社區的關係與文化回應教學。 本研究採個案研究法,輔以半結構訪談方式蒐集資料,本研究綜合分析結果發現:個性、志向與家庭是影響教師生涯發展的風向球。個性、專業與關注方向會影響教師生涯發展模式的改變。人際關係、經濟報酬與福利影響幼師職涯變動。選擇原鄉教育路與幼師過去經驗有關。角色衝突與文化認同主宰文化回應教學的成效。 / The main purpose of this study was exploring the influences for the career development of preschool teachers working in indigenous areas. To understand the career development of preschool teachers, teacher career development factors, the working situation of preschool teachers in indigenous areas, and the influences for the career development of preschool teachers working in indigenous areas through four non-indigenous preschool teachers in Wulai. Hopefully, this study can be a reference to the preschool teachers when they plan their career development or make the career decisions. This study investigated that teacher career development mainly based on the theories of three scholars: the phase theory of Newman, the stage theory of Katz, and the cycle theory of Fessler. Career development factors of preschool teachers were discussed as follows: work content, interpersonal relationship, finance, and culture factors. The working situations of preschool teachers in indigenous areas were discussed as follows: policies and institutions, the profession of preschool teachers, the relationship between preschool teachers and community, and culturally responsive teaching. This study adopted multiple-case study, combined with semi-structured interviews to collect data. The results of this study were summarized as follows: Personality, ambition and family influence teachers' career development. Personality, profession and concerns will affect the model of teacher career development. Interpersonal relations, finance and welfare effect the career decisions of preschool teachers. Working in indigenous areas is related with the preschool teachers’ past experiences. Role conflict and culture identity dominate the effects of culturally responsive teaching.

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