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違約精神損害賠償研究 : Study on compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract / Study on compensation for mental damage caused by breach of contract李雅茜 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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應用區塊鏈之金融KYC平台 / The banking KYC platform based on blockchain technology楊金祥, Yang, King-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
KYC(Know Your Customer)是銀行非常重要的一項程序,除了法規上的遵循外,也同時要滿足控制客戶投資風險和防制洗錢的目的,但各銀行重複花費大量的金錢和時間成本在相同客戶KYC資料的收集和驗證上。
此平台不使用集中式資料庫,KYC原始資料存放在客戶資料註冊銀行本地資料庫中,銀行透過區塊鏈驗證KYC資料之正確及完整性,並透過區塊鏈上紀錄的相關資訊,進行銀行間的資料的授權及同步作業。本研究實際建置展示了七個金融KYC平台的使用情境,驗證原先的各項程序假設,都能在兼顧安全和效率下完成。 / KYC (Know Your Customer) is a very important procedure for banks not only for regulatory compliance, but also to meet the controls of customer investment risk and the purpose of money laundering control. It takes a lot of money and time in the process of verifying the same customer’s information for each bank.
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger platform that uses cryptography and consensus algorithm to ensure that transactional data can not be tampered with, and is known as a “Trust Machine”.
Without changing current KYC procedures, this study build a "Banking KYC Platform" based on blockchain technology. And let the KYC validation be only conducted once for each customer between banks.
This platform does not use centralized database. The original KYC data is stored in bank's local database. Banks verifiy customer KYC data’s correctness and completeness through blockchain and synchronize them based on the information recorded in blockchain. This study shows the result of verifying seven KYC use cases with this Banking KYC Platform. It is a complete demonstration for reaching the goal of solving security, efficiency and cost reduction problems.
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職業運動員重簽薪資與績效之關聯性-以美國MLB為例夏雯俐 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1999年至2006年共八年期間,在此期間有簽訂符合本研究定義之「優渥複數年合約」之球員為研究對象。實證結果顯示投手與野手皆無在簽訂優渥複數年合約前投入較多的努力,在簽約後績效開始下滑的情況;最後,投手合約薪資的決定因素為簽約前的績效、球齡和勝場數;合約長度的決定因素為球齡;合約總薪資的決定因素為球齡和勝場數。野手合約薪資的決定因素為球齡;合約長度的決定因素亦為球齡;合約總薪資的決定因素為簽約前的績效、球齡和得獎與否。 / Many scholars did researches on performance of baseball players before, however, few of them mentioned MLB players’ performance before and after signing contracts.
By using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) techniques to measure MLB players’ changes of efficiency defined as signing ‘high salary and multi-year contracts”. And
to find out the most important factors in determining the players’ salary in MLB in order to provide useful information for club owners and players in the future.
The sample year includes MLB players from 1996 to 2001 who sign high salary and multi-year contracts. On the other hand, the results show that the main factors in determining the pitchers’ salaries are wins and tenure respectively and the main factors in determining the fielders’ salaries are performance, prize and tenure.
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國際貨物買賣中關於風險轉移的研究 =Study on the transfer of risks in the international good trade / Study on the transfer of risks in the international good trade何亦樓 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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合同附隨義務研究梁妙娜 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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以智能合約實現快速醫療保險理賠 / Streamlining Medical Insurance Claims Processing With Smart Contracts林展民, Lin, Chan Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文提出了一套基於智能合約來實現快速醫療保險理賠的方案,我們在以太坊上實作智能合約,我們的方案除了能改善現有的問題,也建構出一套公開透明,且兼顧病人隱私的理賠系統,並考量實際狀況,讓保險公司的業務邏輯可以重用,在理想與現實之間取得一個適當之平衡點。 / Current medical insurance claims application process is complex. It requires the insured to apply for medical diagnosis, and to fill out an application form to the insurance company. The insurance company then reviews the case. If they are unable to approve the claims, they must first obtain the consent form from the insured in order to access to his or her medical records to facilitate subsequent claims review. Throughout the process, the insurance company needs to pay a lot of labor costs; while the insured will have many concerns of information transparency.
Blockchain operates in an open and transparent manner and maintains its data in a tamper-free way. Smart contracts are programs executed on a blockchain platform to enforce an agreement such that the program will not be tampered with, and all records of execution will be kept from modification. These characteristics of a smart contract make it very good as a tool for streamlining the medical insurance claims process, as it will greatly reduce the human efforts involved on the insurance company side while increase the information transparency from the perspective of the insured.
This thesis presents a smart contract based solution for streamlining the medical insurance claims process. We design and implement the con-tract on the Ethereum platform. In addition to improving the existing problems, our solution builds an open and transparent claims system that takes into account the patient privacy and the practical requirement of re-using the existing claims processing system of the insurance company, thus achieving a proper balance between the ideal and reality.
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"鹿特丹規則" 統一海運規則可行性研究 :以 "一帶一路" 為背景 / Feasibility for Rotterdam Rules to unify maritime transportation rules : under the background of the Belt and Road initiative;Under the background of the Belt and Road initiative;陳石 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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論贈與合同的任意撤銷權 : 以我國現行《合同法》為視角 = Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law / 以我國現行《合同法》為視角;"Discussion on the revocation right at will of donation contract : from the angle of present Contract Law";"論贈與合同的任意撤銷權以我國現行合同法為視角"王婉萍 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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財務會計準則第四十號公報對壽險公司之影響 / The Impact of the Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No.40 on Insurance Companies張逸君 Unknown Date (has links)
我國基於與國際接軌之政策,會計制度預計於2013年全面採用國際財務報導準則(IFRS),其中以IFRS 4影響保險業最深,40號公報即轉譯IFRS 4而成,可以預期台灣保險業的會計及財務報導將有很重大的轉變。
由目前國外相關實施IFRS 4對會計與財務報表的潛在影響的各種文章、學者討論中可知,壽險公司的將面臨險峻的挑戰。這些挑戰包含會計盈餘波動增加、資金成本之上升、與報表使用者溝通策略的改變、財務報導成本增加、商品設計的改變等等。
研究發現實施40號公報可能使保險公司面臨增提鉅額負債的壓力,並建議保險公司應調整商品組合,更注重資產負債管理,以緩和對損益及相關準備金科目的影響。此外,由於我國目前係共同採用監理會計與一般公認會計原則的相關規定,建議壽險公司與監理機構應研擬相關配套之修正方法,以避免因以公平價值作為衡量基礎時,遭遇監理法令規定衍生之相關問題。 / Adapting to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) will be required in Taiwan in the near future. Among the standards, IFRS 4 has the most important impact on the insurance industry. SFAS 40 was translated from IFRS 4, so the insurance industry in Taiwan is going to undergo a substantial change in accounting and financial reporting requirements.
According to the assessment of the potential impact of the new IFRS accounting and reporting system to date which largely been found in foreign trade literature, insurance industry business leaders’ comments and conflicting conclusions of expert commentators, the insurance industry faces serious challenges because of IFRS 4. The challenges include increase of accounting volatility, higher cost of capital, shift in communication policy, increase in the cost of reporting, substantial change of product design and so on.
n order to evaluate the impact of SFAS 40, this paper offers several numerical examples to show the results of the liabilities adequacy test. Further, this paper analyze the difference from the figures and offers some scenario simulations to discuss the impact of interest rate changing.
The result of this paper shows, if we adapt SFAS 40 phase II , the liability of the insurance company will increase largely. The paper suggest that the Taiwanese insurance industry should change life insurance product design, emphasize the importance of asset and liability management, moreover, our government and the insurance industry need to find some modified methods to solve some critical problems arisen from solvency regulations.
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火災保險自留比例與自留損失相關性分析 / Correlation Analysis of Retained Ratio and Retained Loss for Property Insurance林文煌 Unknown Date (has links)
決定自留額是保險人承接業務時之主要考量因素,以發揮保險之基本原理原則:危險分散與損失分攤。自留額釐定不當,不僅影響保險人財務結構,甚至波及公司整體核保營運成果而危及清償能力。本文選擇某產險公司實際損失分配資料,探討不同自留比例與再保方式對營運結果之影響,結果顯示在此實際損失分配資料模型下,適度調高自留比例,應可增加核保利潤。本文進一步以相關性分析探討自留配置。 / Retention is a key element for the insurer to determine how much it wishes to retain for its own account for the risks it has written. This point is fundamental to carrying on the business of insurance and akin to the principle upon which insurance is based, namely the spreading of risks and sharing of losses. The risk of incurring a retained loss owning to inadequate retention, which would imperil financial objective even can affect the overall underwriting results and arise insolvency. This paper select data base of occurred loss distribution for the past three years to study the impact of different retained ratio and different type of reinsurance for performance. This paper shows that, the underwriting profit can be expected to increase when the retention increases precisely under the existing loss distribution model . This paper also discuss the related factors in deciding retention by correlation analysis.
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