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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳川正 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是一個非營利組織管理研究的嘗試,筆者提出一個「以組織的認同管理為本位」的理解架構,來作為對基督教教會和非營利組織的管理模式的探索。筆者的研究出發點是,非營利組織有許多的組織特性,是和營利組織相當不同的,而且,這些差異性都與組織對「認同的管理」密切相關。整個研究的論述是由二大部份所組成︰ 第一部份,又包含3個重點︰(1)先是從「組成要素、營運循環、交換的不對稱性、事業功能與組織架構」等4方面,來對照地分析出非營利組織的組織特性,並得出「組織的認同管理」作為非營利組織的管理重心;(2)接著,再從對「組織承諾」和「團體動力」的分析中,對「組織認同」和「團體認同」有了更深入的了解;(3)然後,再從細胞小組教會的組織認同管理作法,而分析出「對內凝聚」和「向外擴張」二個主要的原則方向。 第二部份,則包含2個重點︰(1)採用個案研究的方法,並依照教會「是否採用細胞小組的模式,以及會友人數是否持續增加或減少」等二方面,來選擇4大類型的基督教教會作為個案研究的對象;(2)再以「參與觀察法」來建立教會活動的個案報告;最後以「紮根理論法」對前述的個案報告,進行進一步的具體譯碼分析,內容大致如下︰ 像教會這類非營利組織的組織認同管理,可以分為二大類型,即「教導式」和「互動式」的認同管理策略;而其各自達成認同的組織學習方式,則分別是「知識性認同」和「感受性認同」的學習方式,而共同的關鍵在於組織如管理「系統性的組織學習」的方式。 就「知識性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以知識性認同來達成教導式認同管理的教會,常會把「教義的教導」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,進一步再將「知識性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「教導的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好的教會組織,會友人數容易持續增加。 就「感受性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以感受性認同來達成互動式認同管理的教會,常會把「人際互動和肢體生活」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,筆者進一步再將「感受性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「互動的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。因此,採取「互動式」認同管理的教會組織,若在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好,則其會友的人數比較容易持續增加。 於是,就獲得一個非營利組織的「組織的認同管理」的初步理論。

電視競選廣告產製策略:2014連勝文參選台北市長個案研究 / TV Campaign Advertising Production Strategy:the Case Study of Lien's Camp during the 2014 Taipei Mayoral Election.

朱凱翔, Chu, Kai Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2014年台北市長選舉,連勝文陣營為個案,探討其電視競選廣告的產製策略。首先根據外在環境因素與內在組織因素,將選戰劃分為三個時期,再分別探討連勝文陣營在這三個時期的競選傳播策略,以及組織動力,如何影響電視競選廣告的產製。研究方法為深度訪談法與參與觀察法。 研究結果顯示,由於連勝文陣營缺乏競選傳播策略,無法產製有效文宣,在選戰早期就該形塑的候選人定位也始終不明。選戰中遭遇危機,無法適時調整策略,競選廣告沒有扣連明確功能,而成為創意的試驗場,甚至造成反效果。 若從組織動力的角度切入,連勝文陣營競選傳播策略不明的問題,與遲遲無法建立領導核心有關。競選陣營的決策機制,往往是多元與效率的拉鋸,但為了因應瞬息萬變的選戰情勢,必要時應以效率為先,只是在組織與內規建立時,也應設下內控機制。 / This research focuses on Sean Lien camp’s strategy on the production of televised campaign communication during the 2014 Taipei city Mayoral election. First, the campaign can be divided into three phrases in terms of external factor and internal factor. This research will further look into the campaign communication strategy, and how televised campaign communication of Lien camp’s organization during the three phrases. The research methods are in-depth interview and observation in person. The research results show that Lien camp lacks campaign communication strategy, so Lien camp cannot produce effective campaign ads during his campaign. Lien camp fails to identify what kind of the candidate will play if elected, and also cannot adjust its campaign strategy to cope with urgent situation. Lien camp’s campaign communication cannot effectively promote candidate, but just to become the experiment of imagination and leads to counter-effect to the campaign. Judging from Lien camp’s organization, Lien camp fails to establish a clear leadership which is related to ineffectiveness of campaign communication. Decision-making mechanism of campaign headquarters is the tug-of-war between diversity and effectiveness. Sometimes, campaign headquarters must set effective measures as top priority in order to deal with changing campaign situation. However, internal control mechanism must be built while the establishment of organization of campaign headquarters and internal rules.

線上遊戲領導力形塑歷程研究-以魔獸世界公會為例 / A process analysis of how the leadership skills honed in multiplayer online games: A case study of a world of warcraft's raiding guild.

劉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
多人角色扮演線上遊戲內是否有領導力?若有,這種能力如何培養、展現與有效實踐?本研究期待藉由探索魔獸世界公會團隊隊長(Raid Leader,簡稱RL)的遊戲歷程,探究線上遊戲如何可能成為形塑領導能力的場域,並分析此領導力應用於現實世界的機會與限制。 / 以線上遊戲「魔獸世界」為觀察環境,從RL在遊戲裡的日常工作、與他人相處、副本經歷到追求集體目標的過程,了解RL如何帶領玩家獲得成就感及形成影響力。擁有深遠故事背景、明確角色定位、任務導向及短中長期目標的「魔獸世界」正好提供良好的虛擬試煉空間,讓玩家組隊挑戰副本空間,讓玩家在自由組隊及各種征戰練習中,以團隊的力量尋找解答與達成擊敗魔王的目標。投入條件不斷變化的副本環境獲得利益與經驗等級,此過程所產生的情感與經濟的交換,使玩家間的關係變得複雜,也增加玩家對遊戲的黏著度,線上遊戲不但塑造出新的交友管道,更可能追引出新的管理模式與領袖培養機制。 / 本研究透過不同年齡與社會歷練之RL深度訪談,加上公會論壇的內容分析,察知在管理公會事務與副本征戰過程中的RL,將會於實踐遊戲目標之際建立自信與玩家間的信賴關係,並逐步形塑其領導力。此歷程中發現之策略運用、資源交換等遊戲技能;風險承擔與情緒管理等服務態度與合作分享等人格特質,與Drucker與Senge提出的領導力特質不謀而合,玩家將遊戲裡所獲得的心得分析、重組、整合,並把遊戲中與朋友相處的法則與解決問題的方式轉化及複製為現實社會裡的應用知識,線上遊戲除了可形塑創造願景、審時度勢、協調利益、嘗試創新、激勵賦能等領導者能力,可轉換至現實社會或不適宜轉換但可引以為戒的反向思考與限制也將一併於本研究中呈現。 / Is leadership really existent amongst on-line games? If so, how can those players develop, display or effectively practice their leadership when playing games? Then what will this capability affect or contribute to the virtual environment and our physical social context after players possess it? In order to answer these questions, this research has examined the character Raid leader or RL in on-line game, the World of Warcraft, investigated the forming process of his leadership and explored the ways in which an on-line game has become an arena to train leadership. Based on the World of Warcraft, we have observed RL’s daily routines in the game, the interaction with other players and the process from the dungeon (also called instance) experience to achieve team’s goal pursuit in attempts in order to realize the model of interaction in on-line game as well as the ways in which RL has led all the team member to attain achievements and form their influence. MMORPG with a long storyline, clear role position, mission orientation and different term goals offers an on-line gaming world where designed a series of quizzes and a dungeon for different player communities to challenge. Player can team up with the others, match with one another and conquer difference practices to find the resolution and defeat the monsters (also called Boss) in the dungeon. After campaigning with team members in different personalities and joining continuously changing dungeon environments to gain different bonus and experience levels, players may form a close bond with one another and exchange treasures or information on hand in terms of their economic profit during the game. Furthermore, after having some intensive interviews with RLs who are at different ages and having their own social experience in the real society as well as the analysis of the context in the guild forum, this research has discovered that RLs who manage guild affairs and conquer dungeon will establish their self-confidence and dependence with the other players when achieving the goals in games, and extend his leadership to those players. Those findings from this forming procedure not only agree with the rules to hone leadership asserted by Drucker and Senge in recent years and the characteristics but also drew forth a team dynamics force to on-line player communities and a new mass movement that may influence the social impression or educational direction in the future. By means of daily play of on-line games, players analyzed, re-organized and integrated their own feedback from the games, and involuntarily transferred the ways to get along with friends in games and to solve questions to tacit knowledge to manage the real society. In addition to the search for the vision formed in on-line games and the characteristics of leadership as consideration of the situation, co-ordination of the profits on hand, attempt to innovate and ability to stimulate talents, some changeable key points, mechanism or limitation to the real society or unchangeable but referring points will also be presented in this research.

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