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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rumsbaserad bangenerering : En jämförelse av procedurella tekniker / Room based level generation : A comparison of procedural techniques

Evertsson, Jesper January 2014 (has links)
Procedural Content Generation innebär att spelinnehåll genereras automatiskt för att dels minska arbetsbelastningen hos designers men också för att öka variationen i spel. Ett användningsområde för detta är rumsbaserad bangenerering där banor byggs upp av fördefinierade rum. Målet med det här arbetet var att implementera och jämföra tre olika algoritmer som kan åstadkomma detta; Binary Space Partitioning, Shortest path och en evolutionär algoritm. De kriterier som algoritmerna utvärderades på var tidseffektivitet, variation och möjligheten att nå alla rum. Resultatet visade att Binary Space Partitioning och Shortest path var de två algoritmer som var bäst lämpade att användas i ett spel där genereringen ska ske under körtiden. Detta eftersom de genererade banor förhållandevis snabbt och av god kvalitet. Om arbetet skulle fortsätta i framtiden skulle det vara intressant att utföra fler tester med fler olika värden samt använda algoritmerna i ett spel och sedan låta spelare bedöma banorna som genereras.

Procedurell Generering - Rum och Korridorer : En jämförelse av BSP och Bucks algoritm som metoder för procedurell generering av dungeons / Procedural Generation - Rooms and Corridors : A comparison of BSP and Buck's Algorithm as methods to procedurally generate dungeons

Helge, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Procedurell generering av spelinnehåll är idag ett populärt alternativ för många spelutvecklare då det kan minska kostanden, tiden samt arbetsbördan för mindre bolag. Den här studien har som syfte att undersöka två stycken algoritmer inom procedurell generering där den ena är BSP och den andra är Bucks algoritm. Bucks algoritm är en ny, okänd och tämligen oanvänd algoritm som är av intresse att undersöka för att utvärdera dess användbarhet inom spelutveckling. Resultatet från studien visar att BSP genererar innehåll snabbast och i gengäld skapar Bucks algoritm innehåll med en högre nivå av densitet och relativ storlek.

A Study on Mixed-Initiative for Fostering Creativity in Game Design

Österman, Axel, Nuevo Nolasco, Chelsi Mutya January 2018 (has links)
Mixed-initiative systems highlights the collaboration between humans and computers infostering the generation of more interesting content in game design. In light of theever-increasing cost of game development, providing mixed-initiative tools can not onlysignificantly reduce the cost but also encourage more creativity amongst designers. Thisstudy focused on the improvement of mixed-initiative aspects for a previously developedtool called Evolutionary Dungeon Designer or Eddy for short. Eddy placed a focus onusing its genetic algorithms to produce content that adhere to game design patterns.Using the feedback from Eddy 2.0’s user study and studying other related works, newfeatures have been planned and implemented to improve the elements of mixed-initiativein Eddy for version 3.0. The results primarily feature a new and improved workflow aswell as enhancing a room’s context with the addition of a logical world grid. This in turnimproves the program’s intuitiveness and makes it possible for the designer to createmore complex designs of their preference while maintaining the general functionalities ofthe original Eddy.The study was evaluated with a small scale user study of five users at a gamedevelopment company with most of the feedback being positive in nature. From thefeedback more features have been planned for a future version of Eddy being version 4.0.

A Study on Fitness Functions and Their Impact in PCG

Johansson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) is a tool for developers to take advantage of the computational power of the computer in order to create new content. There are many different method that a PCG program is able to utilize but finding the most optimal may be very challenging. In this paper we improved Evolution Dungeon Designer (EDD) by integrate symmetry and similar fitness function. We evaluated them with experiments and a user study that involved participants that are active in the field of game development. We can see that both symmetry and similar functions can easily be integrated for creating 2D dungeon rooms but has the potential of overwhelm the existing functions.

Varianter av Occupancy-Regulated Extension : Tekniker för iterativ generering av tätt packade rum i en dungeon / Variants of Occupancy-Regulated Extension : Techniques for iteratively generating densely packed rooms for dungeons

Hagberg, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Occupancy Regulated Extension (ORE) är en algoritm som används för att procedurellt generera banor till spel. Detta arbete undersökte användning av ORE för att skapa byggnader med tätt packade rum, specifikt från ett prestandaperspektiv. Detta genomfördes med treimplementationer av olika varianter av ORE. Dessa varianter är rutnät, svepande linje, och AABB. För små rum var rutnät snabbast, med svepande linje därefter och AABB den långsammaste. Med större rum var svepande linje i stort sett oförändrad och därmed snabbast, medans de andra två visade en ökning i genereringstiden. Rutnätsgeneratorn påverkades mest av rumstorlek, men inte tillräckligt för att vara långsammare än AABB. Resultatet var inte betydligt nog för att definitivt utse en implementation som bäst, eftersom skillnaderna var för små för att utesluta problem med implementationerna. Ytterligare arbete krävs för att uppnå ett mer exakt resultat. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

Applicering av en 2D dungeon algoritm i en 3D rymd : Hur bra presterar TinyKeeps dungeon algoritm i tre dimensioner? / Application of a 2D dungeon algorithm in 3D space : How well does TinyKeep’s dungeon algorithm perform in three dimensions?

Birgersson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Procedural content generation inom spel refererar till algoritmiskt, procedurellt skapande av digitalt innehåll i syfte att automatisera och minska mängden arbete för designers och grafiker. Ett område procedural content generation används för inom spel är dungeon generering. Målet för detta arbete var att utforska en 2D algoritm som används i spelet TinyKeep för just generering av dungeons och se hur den algoritmen kunde prestera om den modifierades för generering i en 3D rymd. Den modifierade algoritmen utvärderades baserat på attributen variation, justerbarhet, pålitlighet samt tidseffektivitet. Resultatet visade visade att det är möjligt att använda algoritmen i spelet TinyKeep i en 3D-rymd med godtagbart prestationsresultat. Som värst visade den modifierade algoritmen på en viss svaghet angående genereringstid vid en större tom rymd med större antal rum hos en dungeon. För framtida arbete vore det intressant att dela upp av delar av den modifierade algoritmen på separata trådar. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

Procedurell Generering av Tredimensionella ”Pseudo-oändliga” Dungeons genom L-system

Sturk, Fabian, Tran, André January 2016 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen presenteras ett nytt sätt att procedurellt generera pseudo-oändligadungeons som kan traverseras i tre dimensioner. För att hålla genereringen koherent bådeunder och mellan spelsessioner utgår genereringen från ett ”seed”. Ett seed garanterar sammainnehåll på samma plats varje gång miljön genereras. Med en metod som är baserad iL-system genererar vi här en maze dungeon med tvådimensionell grammatikexpansion ochvi undersöker sedan hur duglig den är. Vi försöker få svaret på hur avancerade L-system somkrävs för att nå en nivå av variation som känns tillräcklig för en miljö av pseudo-oändligkaraktär. Variationstestet samlar data från ett urval områden i den färdiggenererade dungeonen.Resultaten visar på att den utvecklade metoden i det här projektet fungerar väl förändamålet. / In this paper we present a novel way of procedurally generating pseudo infinite dungeonsthat can be traversed in three dimensions. To ensure consistent generation both duringand between playing sessions the generation is ”seeded”. Seeded generation guarantees thesame content in the same place every time the environment is generated. Using a methodbased in L-systems we generate a maze dungeon with two dimensional grammar expansionand explore its viability. We try to find the needed complexity of the L-system to achievea level of variation that feels adequate for an environment of pseudo infinite character.The variation tests collect data from sample areas in the generated dungeons. The resultsindicate that the method used in this project works well for the intended purpose.

線上遊戲領導力形塑歷程研究-以魔獸世界公會為例 / A process analysis of how the leadership skills honed in multiplayer online games: A case study of a world of warcraft's raiding guild.

劉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
多人角色扮演線上遊戲內是否有領導力?若有,這種能力如何培養、展現與有效實踐?本研究期待藉由探索魔獸世界公會團隊隊長(Raid Leader,簡稱RL)的遊戲歷程,探究線上遊戲如何可能成為形塑領導能力的場域,並分析此領導力應用於現實世界的機會與限制。 / 以線上遊戲「魔獸世界」為觀察環境,從RL在遊戲裡的日常工作、與他人相處、副本經歷到追求集體目標的過程,了解RL如何帶領玩家獲得成就感及形成影響力。擁有深遠故事背景、明確角色定位、任務導向及短中長期目標的「魔獸世界」正好提供良好的虛擬試煉空間,讓玩家組隊挑戰副本空間,讓玩家在自由組隊及各種征戰練習中,以團隊的力量尋找解答與達成擊敗魔王的目標。投入條件不斷變化的副本環境獲得利益與經驗等級,此過程所產生的情感與經濟的交換,使玩家間的關係變得複雜,也增加玩家對遊戲的黏著度,線上遊戲不但塑造出新的交友管道,更可能追引出新的管理模式與領袖培養機制。 / 本研究透過不同年齡與社會歷練之RL深度訪談,加上公會論壇的內容分析,察知在管理公會事務與副本征戰過程中的RL,將會於實踐遊戲目標之際建立自信與玩家間的信賴關係,並逐步形塑其領導力。此歷程中發現之策略運用、資源交換等遊戲技能;風險承擔與情緒管理等服務態度與合作分享等人格特質,與Drucker與Senge提出的領導力特質不謀而合,玩家將遊戲裡所獲得的心得分析、重組、整合,並把遊戲中與朋友相處的法則與解決問題的方式轉化及複製為現實社會裡的應用知識,線上遊戲除了可形塑創造願景、審時度勢、協調利益、嘗試創新、激勵賦能等領導者能力,可轉換至現實社會或不適宜轉換但可引以為戒的反向思考與限制也將一併於本研究中呈現。 / Is leadership really existent amongst on-line games? If so, how can those players develop, display or effectively practice their leadership when playing games? Then what will this capability affect or contribute to the virtual environment and our physical social context after players possess it? In order to answer these questions, this research has examined the character Raid leader or RL in on-line game, the World of Warcraft, investigated the forming process of his leadership and explored the ways in which an on-line game has become an arena to train leadership. Based on the World of Warcraft, we have observed RL’s daily routines in the game, the interaction with other players and the process from the dungeon (also called instance) experience to achieve team’s goal pursuit in attempts in order to realize the model of interaction in on-line game as well as the ways in which RL has led all the team member to attain achievements and form their influence. MMORPG with a long storyline, clear role position, mission orientation and different term goals offers an on-line gaming world where designed a series of quizzes and a dungeon for different player communities to challenge. Player can team up with the others, match with one another and conquer difference practices to find the resolution and defeat the monsters (also called Boss) in the dungeon. After campaigning with team members in different personalities and joining continuously changing dungeon environments to gain different bonus and experience levels, players may form a close bond with one another and exchange treasures or information on hand in terms of their economic profit during the game. Furthermore, after having some intensive interviews with RLs who are at different ages and having their own social experience in the real society as well as the analysis of the context in the guild forum, this research has discovered that RLs who manage guild affairs and conquer dungeon will establish their self-confidence and dependence with the other players when achieving the goals in games, and extend his leadership to those players. Those findings from this forming procedure not only agree with the rules to hone leadership asserted by Drucker and Senge in recent years and the characteristics but also drew forth a team dynamics force to on-line player communities and a new mass movement that may influence the social impression or educational direction in the future. By means of daily play of on-line games, players analyzed, re-organized and integrated their own feedback from the games, and involuntarily transferred the ways to get along with friends in games and to solve questions to tacit knowledge to manage the real society. In addition to the search for the vision formed in on-line games and the characteristics of leadership as consideration of the situation, co-ordination of the profits on hand, attempt to innovate and ability to stimulate talents, some changeable key points, mechanism or limitation to the real society or unchangeable but referring points will also be presented in this research.

Le château fort en images et l’image du château fort (1882-1960) : recherches sur un mythe et sa formation / The fortified castle in pictures and the representation of the fortified castle (1882-1960) : research on a myth and its formation

Périn, Marie-Thérèse 12 September 2014 (has links)
Le château fort imprègne profondément dès l'enfance l'imaginaire de nos contemporains. Le phénomène est massif et déjà ancien comme l'attestent les 418 images de châteaux forts proposées de 1882 à 1960, dans les publications pour la jeunesse, destinées à l'usage scolaire ou dans le cadre familial et qui servent de base à cette étude. L'activité éditoriale reflétant les choix de société, il s'agit alors de comprendre comment s'élaborent, durant l'enfance, la connaissance et le mythe du château fort au travers de ses diverses représentations iconiques, textuelles ou par le jouet-château.A partir de l'exploitation de ce vaste corpus, la thèse met en exergue les fondements de la connaissance du château fort qui prédominent en tous supports scolaires ou de loisirs : les références scientifiques aux travaux de Viollet-le-Duc, omniprésentes jusqu'en 1960. Ce souci d'appui sur les valeurs scientifiques reconnues nourrit les objectifs de la société de la fin du XIXe et du XXe s. qui, par ce choix déterminé, souhaite donner le meilleur à la formation de la jeunesse.Par ailleurs, l'étude des images en interaction avec l'écrit montre que les idées reçues, telle que l'huile bouillante et les oubliettes, font partie à la fois des connaissances acquises et des micro-mythes. Ces stéréotypes stimulant l'imaginaire de toutes générations, l'étude suivante analyse les émotions qui surgissent dans l'activité de réception des représentations mais aussi celles que l'enfant traduit dans le jeu symbolique. Pas à pas sont mises en évidence les peurs originelles que suscite le château fort chez l’enfant lecteur ou joueur : peur de la privation de liberté ou de lumière, peur de l'enfermement, en somme peur de la mort, cette inconnue. On rejoint là les mythes fondateurs de l'humanité.Grâce à l'analyse des manuels et des ouvrages de jeunesse, il apparaît que le château fort est aussi une construction politique instrumentalisée pour l'éducation morale et religieuse de la jeunesse, voire celle différenciée des garçons et des filles. Mais c'est le recours aux neurosciences qui permet de comprendre les processus neuronaux mis en jeu à propos du château fort, dans l'activité perceptive et sensible du jeune lecteur ou joueur mais aussi dans son activité motrice engageant la corporalité.Dans cette perspective, quel est le véritable enjeu de la restauration des châteaux forts ou même de la construction à l'identique du château du XIIIe siècle, Guédelon : préservation du passé ou plongée concrète dans l'imaginaire du château fort à l'échelle réelle ? / The fortified castle deeply pervades the imaginary world in the childhood of our contemporaries. The phenomenon is massive and already ancient, as the 418 pictures of the fortified castles proposed from 1882 to 1960 in youth publications dedicated to school or family use and which are the basis of this study can testify. Insofar as the editorial activity reflects social choices, it therefore deals with understanding how the knowledge and the myth of the fortified castle is building itself during childhood through its various iconic representations, textual or thanks to the toy-castle.Starting from the exploitation of this vast corpus, this thesis underlines the founding principles of the knowledge of the fortified castle which predominate in all supports, for education or for leisure : the scientific references to Viollet le Duc’s works, omnipresent until 1960. This will to be based on recognized scientific values feeds the goals of the society of the late 19th and 20th century, which, through this determined choice, wishes to give the best for the education of their youth.Moreover, the study of the pictures interacting with written expressions shows that the preconceived ideas, such as boiling oil or the dungeon, are part of acquired knowledge as much as of the micro-myth. These stereotypes stimulating the imaginary world of all generations, the following study gives an analysis of the emotions that emerge in the reception activity of the representations but also of the ones that the child translates in the symbolical game. Step by step, the original fears aroused by the fortified castle in the games of the reading or playing child are highlighted : fear of freedom or light deprivation, fear of imprisonment, in other words the fear of death, this unknown. Here we are in accordance with the founding myth of humanity.Thanks to the analysis of the school books and youth publications, it appears that the fortified castle is also a political construction used for moral and religious education, even the one that distinguishes boys from girls. But this is the resorting to neurosciences that enable to understand the neuronal process at stake as far as the fortified castle is concerned, in the young reader’s or player’s perceptive and sensitive activity, but also in his motor activity which implies his body awareness.With this purpose, what is really at stake in the restoration of the fortified castle or even in the identical building of the 13th century castle, Guédelon : preservation of the past, or a concrete immersion in the imaginary world of the fortified castle on a real scale ?

“If Someone Finds Out You're a Perv:” The Experience and Management of Stigma in the BDSM Subculture

Brown, Toni O.L. 22 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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