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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

基於Hadoop雲端運算架構建立策略交易與回測模擬平台 / Building algorithmic trading and back-testing platform based on Hadoop

黃柏翰 Unknown Date (has links)

充分維度縮減於整體性檢定之應用 / Application of sufficient dimension reduction to global test

徐碩亨, Hsu, Shuo Heng Unknown Date (has links)

運用充分資料縮減法於基因組分析 / Application of the Sufficient Dimension Reduction to Gene Set Analysis

蔡志旻, Tsai, Chih Min Unknown Date (has links)

基於基因演算法發展之最佳化合作學習分組策略:以問題導向學習為例 / Developing a Group Formation Scheme for Collaborative Learning : A Case Study on Problem-Based Learning

郭旗雄, Kuo, Chi Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討基於基因演算法(genetic algorithm)在同時考量先備知識水平及學習角色異質互補,以及社會互動關係同質因素下,發展之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略,是否有助於提升問題導向網路合作學習之學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某國小六年級三個不同班級合計83名學生為研究對象,並將三個班級學生隨機分派為採用基因演算法最佳化分組策略的實驗組,以及分別採用隨機分組及學生自行選擇分組策略的控制組一與控制組二,三組學習者皆在問題導向學習系統(Problem-based learning system,簡稱PBL)上進行不同分組策略之問題導向網路合作學習活動。藉由學習成效與團體效能與團體凝聚力評量,以及分析三組學習者在問題導向學習系統上的學習歷程與互動關係,最後再輔以半結構式訪談,以驗證三種不同分組策略在學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力上的差異。 結果顯示本研究所提出之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略具有提升學習成效之效益;本研究所提出之最佳化分組策略對於促進問題導向網路合作學習之同儕互動具有正面效益;採用不同問題導向網路合作學習分組策略組別學習者在團體效能與團體凝聚力上具有顯著差異;採用最佳化分組策略組別學習者在問題導向網路合作學習的滿意度接近同意的水準。 / This study aims to explore whether the optimized group formation scheme based on genetic algorithm helps students enhance learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Factors associated with heterogeneous complementation of students’ prior knowledge levels and learning roles and the homogeneity of social interaction relationship were simultaneously considered in the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme. In this paper, a quasi-experimental research method is employed to assess the effects of three different group formation schemes on the learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Eighty-three students in three different sixth-grade classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City were invited to participant in the experiment and were randomly divided into three groups: the experimental group, which adopts genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme, and two control groups, one is randomly grouped; while the other allows students group themselves. Learners in these three groups all use collaborative problem-based learning system (CPBL) to perform collaborative problem-based learning activities. Learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and group cohesion evaluation are applied to analyze the learning process and interaction among learners in these three groups. Finally, a semi-structured interview is supplemented to validate the variation of these three different group formation schemes in learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and cohesion. The result showed that the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme helps students promote learning performance and provides positive effects on peer interaction in collaborative problem-based learning. Three group learners adopting different group formation schemes for collaborative problem-based learning show significant difference on group effectiveness and group cohesion. The satisfaction of learners adopting genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme for collaborative problem-based learning reached a nearly agreed standard.

預防醫學大數據之法律研究:以「蒐集端」、「管理端」、「應用端」為中心 / Studies on the Legal Issues of Big Data for Preventive Medicine : Centered on Its Collection, Management and Application

楊現貴 Unknown Date (has links)
科技進步神速且日新月異,電腦大數據資訊的傳播與統計資料,可以與物聯網結合,方便消費者一系列之採購需求,各行各業也莫不受其恩賜,但同時可能讓個人隱私權的保密受到威脅。同理,今日預防醫學大數據比起傳統生物統計學,可以處理更多複雜的生物統計項目,包括昔日公共衛生之生物統計學所難以處理的複雜DNA序列,而加以收集、歸納、分析與應用於基因流行病學、癌症基因之篩選、個人化醫療的用藥、老人之長期照顧、孕婦產檢、新生兒疾病篩檢等,並且越來越蓬勃發展。 預防醫學大數據主要是由三種類型之電腦資訊所建構而成:(一)病歷,必須將紙本病歷之數據轉為電子檔案,才可能對於所收集之資料加以歸納分析,形成日後具備預知能力的大數據。(二)病患提供之DNA,收集病患提供之DNA亦可作成具有預測能力的大數據,應用於未來人類基因缺陷之篩檢或治療,以及提供個人化醫學更精準的治療。(三)傳染病之通報案件,作成預防醫學大數據以利於調查疫情,亦有釐清何種因素促成疫情擴散之能力,進而實施衛教宣導,讓民眾知道當地疫情狀況,並貢獻預防方法及加強自我保護。 因此,預防醫學大數據的DNA序列也涉及隱私權之保障,雖指紋、虹膜與DNA序列皆可用來辨識個人身份,對尋人偵辦法律案件皆有幫助,但唯獨DNA序列可用於大眾疾病之預測以及個人化醫學之預防與治療,是人類生物辯識系統中可謂重中之重,不僅可以依此DNA序列尋人辦案,更可以評估個人健康狀況與未來壽命,具備有「預測能力」。因此,不論病患日後之求職履歷或投保,皆可能因DNA序列之外洩,而遭遇到主管的監督或審核者的排斥。將來病患對DNA序列所要求的保密程度會因此更加嚴謹,使得原先醫病之間的隱私權關係,提昇到另一更高的層次。 整個預防醫學大數據基因庫之建立如同水壩,在研發基因庫的單位當然希望「上游」的自願者欲提供自身之DNA人數,可以源源不絕,以增大基因庫的量,期待有更多新的發現。因此,基因庫之「蒐集端」應該以其他國家建立基因庫建置前之規劃或與民眾有公開且相互瞭解之溝通,來進行研討。在「中游」之「管理端」,著重資料之保密與更新,遇到「選擇退出」的民眾,則必須將選擇退出之民眾資料徹底銷毀。如果保密工作未做好,不但自願者會減少,甚至會影響已經參與者繼續參加之意願,正如同水壩有管理上之缺口,容易潰堤。至於「下游」之「應用端」須考慮DNA用於病患篩檢結果,是否影響其日後生活與人際關係。 不論「蒐集端」之提供者對收集者之無私供出自身病歷與DNA資料;「管理端」之對已經提供巨量自願者的DNA的資料,於固定時間與自願者的日常習慣、作息或歷年來的病歷記錄作交叉比對,經常年累月之採取自願者的DNA與更新的日常習慣或最新之病歷記錄作交叉比對,如此不斷更新(up-date)來取得統計學上有意義的DNA序列與某疾病多因子的關聯性,對自願者之病歷與DNA資料有保密義務;或是「應用端」測得DNA後之結果,揭發於受測者知曉;此三階段之流程,無不涉及到個人之隱私權。 世界各國對基因數據的保障有不同立法之思維:德國對基因數據的蒐集及利用,從「個人資訊自決權」著眼,看重於外顯的自由行為是否同意來決定,必須與「告知後同意」始能蒐集、管理與利用的程序保護連結在一起,之後才有權利對抗的問題。然而美國是從個人的「隱私權」出發,強調個人內心私密空間不容任何人干擾,保障個人人格的最後一道城牆,凡侵入或侵占城牆內的任何行為,皆構成侵權行為。 本文解說出「國家防疫」、「個人疾病基因隱私權」與「臨床醫學研究」,此三者間的「衡平原則」:以預防醫學大數據運用而言,所涉及社會秩序公共利益,流行性傳染病之通報,個人「隱私權」之保障,臨床醫學的研究,聯合國宣言等,亦合併本文對國內外案例判決之評析以探究之。 最新之歐洲聯盟執行委員會(European Commission)就「歐盟資料保護規範」(General Data Protection Regulation ; GDPR)之條文內容,使歐盟新個人資料保護法擴及至非歐盟企業也一體適用的法律,已經於2016年年初獲得確定後,並且於2018年正式生效,尤其是法規要求於資料洩漏時必須在72小時內發出通知,知會其所屬企業公司個體、行政主管機關及個資當事人,以及必須遵守資料傳輸的重要相關規定,於本文亦有詳細介紹。 我國最新的醫療法第82條已經於民國107年1月24日公布施行,內容對醫師的損害賠償責任及刑事責任規定為:「醫療業務之施行,應善盡醫療上必要之注意。醫事人員因執行醫療業務致生損害於病人,以故意或違反醫療上必要之注意義務且逾越合理臨床專業裁量所致者為限,負損害賠償責任。醫事人員執行醫療業務因過失致病人死傷,以違反醫療上必要之注意義務且逾越合理臨床專業裁量所致者為限,負刑事責任」。此次修法之目的在於:近年醫療爭議事件動輒以「刑事方式」提起爭訟,不僅無助於民眾釐清真相獲得損害之填補,反而導致醫師採取防禦性醫療措施,修正醫療刑法「過失」之要件,即以「違反醫療上必要之注意義務且逾越合理臨床專業裁量」定義現行條文所稱之「過失」。但是,本文所引用國內外之法院判決,皆為民法與行政法的範圍與案例,即使在最新之醫療法第82條公布之後,亦不影響本文的主張。 本文結論分兩大節提出見解與建議:第一節內容,著重於綜合國內外之民法與行政法的案例判決,以提出評析與見解。第二節內容,從「上游」源頭增加預防醫學大數據「蒐集端」基因庫之泉源,提出建議,以增加我國大數據基因庫的量。透過基因(DNA)之捐贈,可以使「上游」之預防醫學大數據「蒐集端」的源頭能夠源源不絕。「前人種樹,後人與前人皆可以受惠乘涼、利益共享」,況且「預防又勝於治療」;不論國家社會或個人,對於如何促進預防醫學大數據之茁壯與永續經營發展,並且兼顧病患隱私權之保障,本文也提供了最佳的方法與展望。

IFITM基因剔除鼠之下視丘功能之缺失研究 / Study of hypothalamus dysfunctions in IfitmDel mutant mice

林万焜, Lin, Wan-Kun Unknown Date (has links)
Ifitm基因是一群可被干擾素刺激表現的基因,目前已知這些基因參與細胞對病毒的防禦,然而其生化特性及這些基因參與的其他生物功能並不清楚。將這些基因敲除後小鼠會產生過度攝食的行為並會造成肥胖,同時在下視丘中黑皮質素的前驅物POMC的表現量顯著降低,此發現表明破壞Ifitm基因可導致下視丘功能被破壞。然而由於代謝的調控並非只由下視丘控制,Ifitm基因是否直接參與下視丘的功能並不清楚。本研究卽是在探討Ifitm基因是否在下視丘的功能中扮演重要的角色。我們首先透過與下視丘功能有關的行為分析測試是否有其他下視丘功能被破壞的證據。我們發現在IFITM基因剔除公鼠,3-6個月開始出現過度攝食的行為與體重明顯增加;然而IFITM基因剔除母鼠在18個月後才出現同樣的表現型。IFITM基因剔除公鼠,在OFT與FST的行為測試中行動力下降,IFITM基因剔除母鼠卻有較多的活動;在公鼠與母鼠中焦慮均顯著增加。我們進一步測試這些剔除鼠的下視丘組織及神經胜肽的表現,在組織分析中並沒有發現組織結構異常。在神經胜肽的分析中IFITM基因剔除鼠的CRF的表現量增加,與IFITM基因剔除鼠的焦慮行為顯示相同趨勢。POMC表現的減少與CRF表現的上升顯示下視丘的功能紊亂。我們同時發現IFITM基因剔除鼠中微膠細胞數增加,以及位於下視丘的細胞本體的體積增加。另外IFITM基因剔除鼠中的細胞激素TNF-α與IL-1β在周邊血清中的增加表明此剔除鼠的下視丘產生發炎。本研究發現剔除IFITM基因會造成多項下視丘功能受到影響,並發現此突變鼠有下視丘發炎的現象。此下視丘發炎是否為下視丘功能破壞的主因,及IFITM基因剔除鼠的下視丘功能異常的細胞分子機制將會進一步被分析。 / Ifitm genes are a group of interferon-inducible genes, best known for their antiviral roles. Their biological functions other than cellular antivirus and the biochemical properties of these proteins are not well-understand. Previously age-dependent hyperphagia and obesity were reported in IfitmDel mutant mice, in which 5 Ifitm genes were deleted. The levels of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) in hypothalamus of these mice were significantly reduced, suggesting that the hyperphagia phenotype of IfitmDel mutants is caused by defective central melanocortin signaling. In this study, we examine whether the hypothalamic dysfunctions are developed in these mutants. Whether hypothalamus associated behaviors are disrupted in IfitmDel mutants was first examined. We discovered that the hyperphagia and obesity phenotype in IfitmDel mutants are gender-dependent. These phenotypes in male mutants are detectable starting from 4-6 months of age, but not detected until one-year old in female mutants. Male mutants reveal the trends of decreased activities, while female mutants exhibit increased locomotor activity. Both gender develop anxiety-like phenotype. The behavioral abnormalities support the hypothesis of hypothalamic dysfunctions. As the Ifitm genes are expressed in various stage during development, the anatomy and the functions of the hypothalamus of these mutants were further tested. The histological analyses show no anatomical defects, neuron count differences and morphological alterations of neurons in IfitmDel mutant brains of both genders. These results indicate that these proteins are rather crucial for maintaining normal physiology in the developed central nervous system (CNS). The expression levels of neuropeptides related to stress response and anxiety or depression status, such as corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), are altered in mutant hypothalamus. In contrast, Cell count and cell body size of microglia, whereas sera levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α and IL-1β are elevated in IfitmDel mice, indicating hypothalamic inflammation and microglial activation phenotypes. The cellular mechanisms underlying the hypothalamic dysfunctions and the causative relationship of the hypothalamic inflammation with these phenotypes shall be further explored in the future studies.


郭昭貝 Unknown Date (has links)
為了提升競爭優勢與生產能力,並進而達到永續經營的目的,突破現況、持續改善產品品質、降低產品成本與服務成本則成為提昇競爭力的重要因素之一,因此產品在設計開發階段就必需要考量品質與成本的問題。 本研究以電源轉換器為對象。該電源轉換器目前已設計完成且已通過美國UL安規認證,並已在國內量產銷售,但因為該電源轉換器的溫升及其變異很大,仍然會導致該產品的壽命過短,因此降低電源轉換器的溫升及其變異是一急需解決的問題。 透過了田口與實驗設計的方法規劃及進行實驗並收集數據。並利用十二種分析方法(包括:田口方法、主成份分析、主成份+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法、主成份灰關聯+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法、指數型理想函數+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法、MSE方法、MSE方法+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法、SUM方法、SUM方法+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法、重要零件加總法、重要零件加總法+倒傳遞類神經網路+基因演算法)對實驗數據進行分析,以決定最適因子水準組合。 由改善後的確認實驗得到:雖然平均溫升下降的程度不大,然而大部份量測點的溫升標準差都顯著變小了。因此本研究在降低該電源轉換器溫升變異的效果十分顯著。對於電源轉換器的生產者而言,品質提升就是提升銷售量的保證,因此本研究所得到的最適因子水準組合,雖然產品在成本上有些微的增加,但品質改善後之產品將可為生產者帶來更多有形與無形之利益。

CPFR流程下之銷售預測方法~混合預測模型 / A Hybrid Modeling Approach for Sales Forecasting in CPFR Process

黃蘭禎, Huang,Lan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
協同規劃、預測與補貨(Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment,CPFR),在歐美經過一些企業的採用後已經有顯著的成效,目前國內已經有一些企業相繼採用或即將採用CPFR,期望能因此降低供應鏈作業成本及提升供應鏈作業績效,以提升企業競爭力。在CPFR流程與供應鏈協同作業環境下,一個供需雙方協同,且績效良好的的銷售預測具有關鍵的重要性,是管理決策與協同合作時的的重要依據;但是多數的企業並沒有一個結構化、系統化的預測流程及方法,而是各部門透過簡單時間序列方法、天真預測法或人為經驗法則估算需求,進行多點且不同方法之預測,這樣的銷售預測較無穩定的品質,亦較難提供管理者合理的數據解釋。本研究結合時間序列、多元回歸模型與基因演算法發展出一個CPFR流程下之三階段混合預測方法,以買賣方直接之銷售資料、銷售計畫等資訊進行以「週」為單位之個別商品銷售預測。同時本研究中,亦以國內某製造業公司與其顧客(一國際大型零售連鎖店通路商)之產品銷售資料進行方法的驗證;實驗顯示,本研究所提出之預測方法之預測結果較Jeong等人(2002)所提結合多元回歸模型與基因演算法之二階段預測系統之預測結果佳;亦較傳統使用普通最小平方法求解之一般統計回歸方法預測結果佳。 / It has been verified in pilot projects by many European and American Corporations that Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) can improve supply chain performance. Enterprises nowadays in Taiwan are implementing or going to implement CPFR, with hopes to reduce their supply chain operation cost, enhance logistic performance and increase their competition capability consequently. Under CPFR process and supply chain collaboration environment, a supply and demand both sides promised identical sales forecast with well forecasting performance for order decision making and cooperation is very important. Due to the dynamic complexities of both internal and external co-operate environment, many firms resort to qualitative, navie forecasting or other simple quantitative forecasting techniques and have many forecasts in their organization. However, these forecasting techniques lack the structure and extrapolation capability of quantitative forecasting models or without stable performance, while multi-forecasts providing different views of demand. Forecasting inaccuracies exist and typically lead to dramatic disturbances in sales order and production planning. This paper presents a hybrid forecasting model for sales forecasting requirements in CPFR. A three stage model is proposed that integrate the time series model, regression model and use genetic algorithm to determine its coefficients efficiently. Direct sales information and related planned events in both collaborated sides is used for individual product’s “week” sales forecasting. To verify this model, we experiment on two different products and produce forecasts with datum from one manufacturer in Taiwan and its international retailer. The results shows that the hybrid sales forecasting model has better forecasting performance than not only the causal-genetic forecasting model proposed by Jeong et al. (2002), but also ordinary regression model with no genetic training process.

Hi-C實驗資料正規化 / Hi-C data normalization

魏孝全 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討高通量染色體捕捉技術 (high-throughput chromosome conformation capture, Hi-C) 實驗所產生的關聯矩陣資料之正規化方法。已知該類實驗主要用來測量染色體之間的空間距離,正規化的目的是移除資料中的系統性偏差,本文主要針對基因特徵所造成之偏差。有別於Hu等人 (2012) 所提出的「局部基因特徵正規化法」(local genome feature normalization, LGF法),我們所提出的「二次函數正規化法」(quadratic function normalization, QF法) 建立在更為一般化的二次對數模型與負二項分配假設上。本研究透過模擬實驗以及人類淋巴細胞資料 (GSE18199) 來評估QF法的表現,並且與其他方法比較。在模擬實驗中,我們發現當模型正確時,QF法能有效消除偏差。在實例中,當基因特徵偏差被消除後,則染色體之間的相對距離在重複實驗資料之間有更為一致的結果。另一方面,我們發現實驗所採用的限制酶影響關聯矩陣的結果,而且運用這些正規化方法並不能有效消除限制酶造成的偏差。 / Recently, the high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) experiment is developed to explore the three-dimensional structure of genomics. To assess the chromosomal interaction, a contact matrix is produced from a Hi-C experiment. Very often, systematic technical biases appear in the contact matrix and lead to inadequate conclusions. Consequently, data normalization to remove these biases is essential and necessary prior advanced inference. In this research, we propose the so-called quadratic function normalization method, which is a modification of the local genome feature normalization (Hu et al., 2012) by considering a more general model. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the proposed method. When the model assumption holds, the proposed method has adequate performance. Further, a Hi-C data set of a human lymphoblastoid cell GSE18199 is employed for a comparison of our method and two existing methods. It’s observed that normalization improves the reproducibility between experimental replicates. However, the effect of normalization is lean in eliminating the bias of restriction enzymes.

隨機森林分類方法於基因組顯著性檢定上之應用 / Assessing the significance of a Gene Set

卓達瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今生物醫學領域中,一重要課題為透過基因實驗所獲得的量化資料,來研究與分析基因與外顯表型變數(phenotype)的相關性。已知多數已發展的方法皆屬於單基因分析法,無法適當的考慮基因之間的相關性。本研究主要針對基因組分析(gene set analysis)問題,提出統計檢定方法來驗證特定基因組的顯著性。為了能盡其所能的捕捉整體基因組與外顯表型變數的關係,我們結合了傳統的檢定方法與分類方法,提出以隨機森林分類方法(Random Forests)的測試組分類誤差值(test error)作為檢定統計量(test statistic),並以其排列顯著值(permutation-based p-value)來獲得統計結論。我們透過模擬研究將本研究方法和其他七種基因組分析方法做比較,可發現本方法在型一誤差率(type I error rate)和檢定力(power)上皆有優異表現。最後,我們運用本方法在數個實際基因資料組的分析上,並深入探討所獲得結果。 / Nowadays microarray data analysis has become an important issue in biomedical research. One major goal is to explore the relationship between gene expressions and some specific phenotypes. So far in literatures many developed methods are single gene-based methods, which use solely the information of individual genes and cannot appropriately take into account the relationship among genes. This research focuses on the gene set analysis, which carries out the statistical test for the significance of a set of genes to a phenotype. In order to capture the relationship between a gene set and the phenotype, we propose the use of performance of a complex classifier in the statistical test: The test error rate of a Random Forests classification is adopted as the test statistic, and the statistical conclusion is drawn according to its permutation-based p-value. We compare our test with other seven existing gene set analyses through simulation studies. It’s found that our method has leading performance in terms of having a controlled type I error rate and a high power. Finally, this method is applied in several real examples and brief discussions on the results are provided.

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