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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


楊雅菱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用雲端運算的技術,發展大量使用者使用的策略交易的系統。為滿足大量使用者的運算需求,本系統包括幾項特性: 1. 採用服務導向架構以充分使用雲端運算的特性。 2. 建立非同步事件控制機制以提供服務間非同步運算能力。 3. 採用集中式資料結構,提出收縮式肋骨網絡(SRN)資料結構,減少運算需求。 4. 提供基因演算模擬環境,讓使用者可以發展符合個人投資偏好的投資策略。 / In this study, we designed a algorithmic trading system for large numbers of users on a cloud computing plateform. So the main features of the algorithmic trading system have been as follows. 1. The use of Service-Oriented architecture in order to fully use the characteristics of cloud computing. 2. The establishment of asynchronous event control mechanism to provide services to non-synchronous computing power. 3. A centralized data structure, proposed Systolic Ribs Network (SRN) data structure, reducing the computing needs. 4. To provide the genetic algorithm simulation environment that allows users to develop in line with the investment strategy personal investment preferences.


溫士城 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著產品生命週期的縮短和環保法規的訂定,逆向物流成為21世紀重要的課題,而越來越多的企業也注意到逆向物流的重要性,他們開始將產品復原(recovery of product)納入整體企業作業的考量,本次的研究特別注重於產品復原中的再製造活動。我們假設一製造商有一再製造中心,製造商面對的是不確定的產品需求率和回收率,為最小化總存貨管理成本,製造商所關心的決策為在每次的再製造和再訂購點時應向供應商訂購多少零件及應有多少的回收品須被再製造。換句話說,我們處理的是一個同時考量最佳經濟製造批量(EPQ)和最佳經濟訂購批量(EOQ)的模式,在此模式中不管是經再製造處理的零件或全新訂購的零件皆可滿足需求且將經再製造處裡的零件視為全新的零件。首先我們混合模糊控制和基因演算法的概念建立一基因-模糊控制架構,藉此架構發展一基因-模糊控制系統,靠著此系統我們能得到一套決定最佳EPQ和EOQ的規則。依照規則,根據不同的回收率和需求率就能同時得到不同的EPQ和EOQ。最後我們會測試由模糊控制系統所得的EOQ和EPQ在存貨管理成本上的績效。

以財務比率、共同比分析和公司治理指標預測 上市公司財務危機之基因演算法與支持向量機的計算模型 / Applying Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines for Predicting Financial Distresses with Financial Ratios and Features for Common-Size Analysis and Corporate Governance

黃珮雯, Huang, Pei-Wen Unknown Date (has links)

以演化方式模擬人群運動行為 / Simulating Crowd Motion with Evolutionary Computation

王智賢, Wang, Chih-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在電腦動畫的應用中,虛擬人群模擬的需求越來越多;但人群運動的模擬對於動畫設計師而言,仍是一件十分繁瑣耗時的工作。過去有許多研究曾以虛擬力場模擬簡單的生物群聚行為,但所模擬出的動畫品質與虛擬力場的參數及虛擬環境息息相關,因此經常需要以人工的方式耗時地調整出適當的虛擬力場參數。因此,我們提議以此問題定義成一個基因演算法的問題,針對不同的移動行為,定義適切的適應函數,再由系統根據不同環境自動演化出適當的虛擬力權重組合,以供產生不同人群移動行為之動畫時參考。在本篇論文中,我們已完成基因演算法的設計及人群動畫模擬系統,並設計了不同的典型環境進行電腦模擬實驗,以驗證此方法的可行性。 / The demands for virtual crowd simulation have been increasing in recent years but creating realistic crowd motions remains a complex and time-consuming task for a computer animator. In the literature、much work has been proposed to use virtual forces to simulate the motion of a group of virtual creatures such as birds and fishes. However、the quality of the simulations largely depends on the weights of the component virtual forces as well as the scene where the agents are situated. Usually it requires the animator to tune these parameters for a specific scene in order to obtain the desired result. In this thesis、we propose to use genetic algorithm to generate an optimal set of weighting parameters for composing virtual forces according to the given environment and desired movement behavior. We have implemented the proposed genetic algorithm as well as the crowd simulation system. Extensive experiments have also been conducted to study the effects of typical scenes and behaviors on the parameter sets and verify the feasibility of the approach.

兩階段特徵選取法在蛋白質質譜儀資料之應用 / A Two-Stage Approach of Feature Selection on Proteomic Spectra Data

王健源, Wang,Chien-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
藉由「早期發現,早期治療」的方式,我們可以降低癌症的死亡率。因此找出與癌症病變有關的生物標記以期及早發現與治療是一項重要的工作。本研究分析了包含正常人以及攝護腺癌症病人實際的蛋白質質譜資料,而這些蛋白質質譜資料是來自於表面強化雷射解吸電離飛行質譜技術(SELDI-TOF MS)的蛋白質晶片實驗。表面增強雷射脫附遊離飛行時間質譜技術可有效地留存生物樣本的蛋白質特徵。如果沒有經過適當的事前處理步驟以消除實驗雜訊,ㄧ 個質譜中可能包含多於數百或數千的特徵變數。為了加速對於可能的蛋白質生物標記的搜尋,我們只考慮可以區分癌症病人與正常人的特徵變數。 基因演算法是一種類似生物基因演化的總體最佳化搜尋機制,它可以有效地在高維度空間中去尋找可能的最佳解。本研究中,我們利用仿基因演算法(GAL)進行蛋白質的特徵選取以區分癌症病人與正常人。另外,我們提出兩種兩階段仿基因演算法(TSGAL),以嘗試改善仿基因演算法的缺點。 / Early detection and diagnosis can effectively reduce the mortality of cancer. The discovery of biomarkers for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer is thus an important task. In this study, a real proteomic spectra data set of prostate cancer patients and normal patients was analyzed. The data were collected from a Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) experiment. The SELDI-TOF MS technology captures protein features in a biological sample. Without suitable pre-processing steps to remove experimental noise, a mass spectrum could consists of more than hundreds or thousands of peaks. To narrow down the search for possible protein biomarkers, only those features that can distinguish between cancer and normal patients are selected. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a global optimization procedure that uses an analogy of the genetic evolution of biological organisms. It’s shown that GA is effective in searching complex high-dimensional space. In this study, we consider GA-Like algorithm (GAL) for feature selection on proteomic spectra data in classifying prostate cancer patients from normal patients. In addition, we propose two types of Two-Stage GAL algorithm (TSGAL) to improve the GAL.


陳建宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對多廠區訂單分配(Multi-plant order allocation)問題進行探討,此問題模式下企業擁有多間製造不同產品之工廠,且生產成本、產能、運送成本等也各自不同,因此這些因素都必須納入訂單分配時的考量。研究中同時考量三個目標:製造成本、配送前置時間和工廠平均產能利用率之均衡性,利用層級分析法(AHP)將三者進行結合,以達到多目標規劃。除了提出此模型架構外,並以基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)結合層級分析法進行問題的求解,以達到最佳的分配方式,而為了加強求解的品質與效率,利用禁忌搜尋法(Tabu Search)來改善演化過程中,對於產生不可行解的處理方式。在研究最後,將計算結果與過去研究成果作比較,顯示採用基因演算法混合禁忌搜尋法,在求解多廠區訂單分配問題時,可以得到較佳的結果。

有限理性與彈性迷思 / Bounded Rationality and the Elasticity Puzzle

王仁甫, Wang,Jen Fu Unknown Date (has links)
在總體經濟學中,跨期替代分析方法佔有相當重要的地位。其中跨期替代彈性(the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, EIS)的大小,間接或者直接影響總體經濟中的許多層面,直覺上,例如跨期替代彈性越大,對個人而言,是對當期消費的機會成本提升,使延後消費的意願上升,同時增加個人儲蓄,在正常金融市場情況之下,個人儲蓄金額的增加,將使市場資金的供給量增多,使得企業或個人的投資機會成本降低,經由總體經濟中間接或直接的影響下,則總體經濟成長率應會上升。其中,當消費者效用函數為固定風險趨避係數(constant coefficient of relative risk aversion, CRRA)且具有跨期分割與可加性的特性,加上在傳統經濟學中,假設每個人皆為完全理性的前提下,經由跨期替代分析方法推導後,可以得到相對風險趨避係數(the coefficient of relative risk aversion, RRA)與跨期替代彈性(the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, EIS)恰好是倒數關係。 / 在過去相關研究中,Hansen and Singleton (1983)推估出跨期替代彈性值較大且顯著,但Hall (1988)強調,若考慮資料的時間加總問題(time aggregation problem), 則前者估計出跨期替代彈性在統計上則不再是顯著;Hall亦於結論提出跨期替代彈性為小於或等於0.1,甚至比0小。在經濟意義上,代表股票市場中投資人的相對風險趨避程度(RRA)極大,直覺上,是不合理的現象,這也是著名的彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)。於是Epstein and Zin (1991)嘗試建議並修正效用函數為不具時間分割性(non-time separable utility)的效用函數,並得到跨期替代彈性(EIS)與相對風險趨避係數(RRA)互為倒數關係,不復存在的結論。這也說明影響彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)的原因有許多,其中之一,可能為設定不同形式效用函數所造成。 / 在傳統經濟模型中,假設完全理性的個人決策行為之下,利用跨期替代方法,可以得到跨期替代彈性(EIS)與相對風險趨避程度(RRA)互為倒數關係後,又得到隱含風險趨避程度為無窮大的推估結論。這也是本研究想要來探究的問題,即是彈性迷思(elasticity puzzle)究竟是假設所造成,或者是因為由個體資料加總成總體資料,所產生的謬誤。 / 因此,本研究與其他研究不同之處,在於利用建構時間可分離形式的效用函數(time-separable utility)模型基礎,以遺傳演算(Genetic Algorithms)方法,建構有限理性的人工股票市場進行模擬,其中,模擬方式為設定不同代理人(agent)有不同程度的預測能力,代表其理性程度的差異的表現。 / 本研究發現在有限理性異質性個人的人工股票市場下,相對風險趨避程度係數(RRA)與跨期替代彈性(EIS)不為倒數關係,且設定不同代理人不同的預測能力,亦會影響跨期替代彈性(EIS)的推估數值大小。

無線感測器網路中利用調整偵測範圍達到延長網路生命週期之方法 / Prolong Network Lifetime by Detection Range Adjustment in Wireless Sensor Networks

李翰宗, Lee,Hon-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
在無線感測器網路中,由於感測器電池的不可替換性,有效的能源管理是一項重要的研究議題。既然通訊及偵測都會消耗感測器的能量,減少多餘偵測範圍的重疊,及降低重覆資料(duplicate data)的影響,可有效節省能量,延長網路生命週期。於本研究中,我們提出VERA (Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment),利用分散式Voronoi diagram演算法劃分各感測器負責監控的區域,並利用基因演算法計算每個感測器最合適的偵測範圍以節省能量,延長網路生命週期。此外,我們亦考慮偵測能力的限制,在減少感測器偵測範圍重疊的同時,也避免某些區域的偵測能力低於門檻值。在實驗模擬的部份,我們利用模擬系統驗證所提出的方法是否能有效降低各感測器偵測範圍的重疊性,並因偵測範圍降低而導致duplicate data的減少和整個感測器網路總能量耗損的減少。末了,也將驗證本方法是否能延長無線感測器網路的生命週期和達到滿足偵測機率的最低保證。 / In the wireless sensor networks, the batteries are not replaceable, efficient power management thus becomes an important research issue. Since both communication and detection consume energy, if we can largely decrease the overlaps among detection ranges and reduce the duplicate data then we can save the energy effectively. This will thus prolong the network lifetime. In this research, we propose a Voronoi dEtection Range Adjustment (VERA) method that utilizes distributed Voronoi diagram to delimit the responsible area for each sensor, and utilize Genetic Algorithm to compute the most suitable detection range for each sensor. As we try to decrease the detection ranges, we still guarantee to meet the lower bound of the sensor detection probability. Simulations showed that our method can decrease the redundant overlaps among detection ranges, minimize energy consumption, and prolong the lifetime of the whole network effectively.

以基因演算法優化最小二乘支持向量機於坐標轉換之研究 / Coordinate Transformation Using Genetic Algorithm Based Least Square Support Vector Machine

黃鈞義 Unknown Date (has links)
由於採用的地球原子不同,目前,台灣地區有兩種坐標系統存在,TWD67(Taiwan Datum 1967) 和TWD97(Taiwan Datum 1997)。在應用上,必須進行不同地球原子間之坐標轉換。坐標轉換方面,有許多方法可供選擇,如六參數轉換、支持向量機(Support Vector Machine, SVM)轉換等。 最小二乘支持向量機(Least Square Support Vector Machine, LSSVM),為SVM的一種演算法,是一種非線性模型。LSSVM在運用上所需之參數少,能夠解決小樣本、非線性、高維度和局部極小點等問題。目前,LSSVM,已經被成功運用在影像分類和統計迴歸等領域上。 本研究將利用LSSVM採用不同之核函數:線性核函數(LIN)、多項式核函數(POLY)及徑向基核函數(RBF)進行TWD97和TWD67之坐標轉換。研究中並使用基因演算法來調整LSSVM的RBF核函數之系統參數(後略稱RBF+GA),找出較佳之系統參數組合以進行坐標轉換。模擬與實測之地籍資料,將被用以測試LSSVM及六參數坐標轉換方法的轉換精度。 研究結果顯示,RBF+GA在各實驗區之轉換精度優於參數優化前RBF之轉換精度,且RBF+GA之轉換精度也較六參數轉換之轉換精度高。 進行參數優化後,RBF+GA相對於RBF的精度提升率如下:(1)模擬實驗區:參考點與檢核點數量比分別為1:1、2:1、3:1、1:2及1:3時,精度提升率分別為15.2%、21.9%、33.2%、12.0%、11.7%;(2)真實實驗區:花蓮縣、台中市及台北市實驗區之精度提升率分別為20.1%、32.4% 、22.5%。 / There are two coordinate systems with different geodetic datum in Taiwan region, i.e., TWD67 (Taiwan Datum 1967) and TWD97 (Taiwan Datum 1997). In order to maintain the consistency of cadastral coordinates, it is necessary to transform from one coordinate system to another. There are many coordinate transformation methods, such as, 2-dimension 6-parameter transformation, and support vector machine (SVM). Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM), is one type of SVM algorithms, and it is also a non-linear model。LSSVM needs a few parameters to solve non-linear, high-dimension problems, and it has been successfully applied to the fields of image classification, and statistical regression. The goal of this paper is to apply LSSVM with different kernel functions (POLY、LIN、RBF) to cadastral coordinate transformation between TWD67 and TWD97. Genetic Algorithm will be used to find out an appropriate set of system parameters for LSSVM with RBF kernel to transform the cadastral coordinates. The simulated and real data sets will be used to test the performances, and coordinate transformation accuracies of LSSVM with different kernel functions and 6-parameter transformation. According to the test results, it is found that after optimizing the RBF parameters (RBF+GA), the transformation accuracies using RBF+GA are better than RBF, and even better than those of 6-parameter transformation. Comparing with the transformation accuracies using RBF, the transformation accuracy improving rate of RBF+GA are : (1) The simulated data sets: when the amount ratio of reference points and check points comes to 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2 and 1:3, the transformation accuracy improving rate are 15.2%, 21.9%, 33.2%, 12.0% and 11.7%, respectively; (2) The real data sets: the transformation accuracy improving rate of RBF+GA for the Hualien, Taichung and Taipei data sets are 20.1%, 32.4% and 22.5%, respectively.

應用禁忌基因演算法劃分路燈巡修範圍之研究 / Using tabu-genetic algorithms in street lights patrolling and maintaining region layout

曾斐瑜, Tseng, Fei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
路燈巡修作業的落實與否,影響路燈維護的效率及品質,為能有效提升路燈管理之效能,近來管理階層逐漸重視路燈巡修區域的規劃。然而巡修區域的劃分,多依據主管人員之經驗調派,缺乏系統化、科學化的分析與評估,往往使人力資源無法有效運用,形成勞逸不均的現象,進而影響維護品質,因此如何以科學的方法劃分路燈巡修區域是個重要的課題。 本研究的重點在於針對現行路燈巡修區域劃分之缺點,提出一個新的方法,使各區域管理員巡修時間差達到最小化,以解決現行區域劃分的不合理現象。我們所提出的劃分法,以基因演算法進行演算,並加入禁忌名單改善基因演算法區域搜尋效率不佳的缺點,提升整體的求解速度,同時將路燈維護數量、故障率、維護時間、交通時間、巡修次數等影響因子,納入巡修時間的計算公式中,使劃分後各區的巡修時間差達到最小化。 本研究以台北市政府公園路燈工程管理處的路燈東區分隊為實作對象,在考慮不同的基因演化條件下,分別比較巡修區域劃分前後之變化情況,由實驗結果顯示,我們提出的劃分方法,確實使各區管理員的巡修時間差不超過3%,並且滿足巡修不跨區作業之需求。 / The efficiency and quality of street lights maintenance is influenced by the operation of patrolling and maintaining. In order to raise the working efficiency of maintenance crew, the supervisors pay more attention to region redistricting recently. The formor region districting methods normally base on human experiences without systematic or scientific evaluations, These facts, not only result in human resources wasting and uneven labor allocations, but also affecting the maintenance qualities. Therefore, it is a crucial issue to make region redistricting more scientifically. The key point of this research is to provide a systematic redistricting mechanism to minimize the patrolling time variation for all the districts. Our mechanism is based on genetic algorithm to reduce the patrolling time differences. Tabu search list is used to improve the searching efficiency of general genetic algorithms. Various factors were integrated in our mechanism to minimize the patrolling time variations. These factors include total number of street lights, average failure rate, average maintenance time, traffic delay, patrolling and maintaining frequency, etc. We used districts covered by the East Branch of SET/PSO of Taiepi City Government as the examples in our studies. The experimental results show that, using our mechanism, the patrolling time difference is reduced to 3% and maintenance crews can perform their duty without crossing region boundary.

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