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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國對東南亞國家之能源策略與外交 / PRC’s energy strategies and diplomacy toward the Southeast Asian Nations

余達德 Unknown Date (has links)
中國與東南亞之間有著深厚的地緣關係及無法切割的民族情感;但處於現今經濟快速成長的時代,在能源需求量急速擴張的競爭中,尋求能源供應、保護能源安全,已經是刻不容緩的手段,因此,利用各種外交方式及合作方案來達成此目的,是中國目前所採取的積極作為,冀望在最安全、便利的狀態下獲取、保護最大的能源需求及供應。 東南亞的能源儲藏及供應量,並非是中國能源需求的重要核心地區,但是它位處中國外圍,掌握麻六甲海峽的戰略要衝,以及豐富的天然氣存量,引發各國對此區域的爭奪。再面對此一局勢,中國便加速推動以「和諧世界」為理念,發展「與鄰為善、以鄰為伴」以及「睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰」的外交政策宗旨,進行能源外交及戰略,以爭取能源需求量和鞏固區域內的能源運輸安全及穩定雙方的合作關係。本文即從能源外交策略及作為的架構與理論,就中國對東南亞能源外交的挑戰與競逐做一研析,試圖觀察、探究從雙方的合作關係中所衍生出的問題及產生的困境,以及如何利用外交方式獲得解決之道,並營造出具有前瞻性的宏觀願景。 / Southeast Asia and China are closely connected to each other from the geographical and historical aspects. In the competitive time characterizing with fast economy growing and demands for energy expanded enormously, it has become an urgent measure for China to search for continuous energy supply and protect the energy resources. Today, the initiatives China seeks for is to achieve by means of diplomatic channels. It is hoped that the energy can be acquired by the safest and convenient ways, making sure the maxima energy supply can be assured. Frankly speaking, China did not deem the energy reserves and energy-provide ability of Southeast Asia seriously except that that area locates in the periphery of China, holds an important strategic point for the Strait of Malacca and its abundant natural gas reservoir, all of this attracting fierce competitions among nations. Being beware of this, China therefore based on the idea of “harmonious world” increasingly promotes the diplomatic policies, such as “Good-Neighbor Diplomacy” and “Good-neighborliness, Peaceful-neighborliness, and Prosperous-neighborliness,” engaging in energy diplomacies and strategies with an eye to expanding energy resources, fortifying energy transportation safety within the area, and stabilizing the corporative relationship with the area. Based upon application and theories of energy diplomatic strategies and actions, this thesis analyzes the challenges and competitions that China faces when carrying on energy diplomacy. By observing and exploring the problems and predicaments derived from the cooperative relations of the two sides, we hope that a workable resolution and a proactive vision on energy can be reached via diplomacy.

中國對開發中國家之能源策略與外交:蘇丹與委內瑞拉案例比較 / China’s Energy Strategies and Diplomacy toward Developing Country-Cases Comparison between Sudan and Venezuela

易孔道, Yin, Kung Daw Unknown Date (has links)
能源是經濟和社會發展的重要基礎和戰略資源。近百年中,能源安全不斷的被各國列為首要問題。隨著中國改革開放,國家經濟不斷成長,成為世界經濟大國,其能源的需求量日趨增加,從自給自足到至今依賴進口,使中國將能源外交列為外交戰略的主要目標,藉由走出去得戰略,積極到海外尋找能源。在這種情況下,能源外交顯然將成為繼大國外交與周邊外交後,中國外交政策的第三個重要環節。 開發中國家具有豐富的能源,再加上中國以開發中國家自居,因此開發中國家在中國的外交政策上,佔有重要地位,且可配合中國國家經濟發展。中國藉由其與開發中國家建立並維持良好的外交關係,以為中國尋找迫切需要的能源。 中國積極透過多邊組織或是雙邊接觸,向非洲、拉丁美洲尋找油源。中國能源問題不僅關係著中國的經濟發展,在擴展能源佈局全球的同時,也引起國際的注意,意涵著這是國際能源戰略問題,更是國際外交爭議性議題。 中國為化解能源進口來源過於集中的風險,於是拉美及非洲成為中國石油進口的戰略來源地。中國將觸角伸向拉美及非洲地區,其中對委內瑞拉及蘇丹這兩個國家最為積極,近期拉美的左傾化浪潮,委內瑞拉查韋斯政權與美國對抗,以及蘇丹有關達富爾的人權問題,使得中國的能源外交被國際社會說成與美國分庭抗禮及罔顧人權,造成中國受國際社會的譴責。 本文研究發現,中國與開發中國家能源外交有助於提升中國國際影響力,「能源競爭」與「權力競爭」是中國對非洲及拉丁美洲的能源外交目的。中國的能源外交對各地區之目的有所不同,不一定都是以獲取能源為主要目的,有時權力競爭反而佔據相當的份量,即中國能源外交之目的有時為了能源競爭,此時著重於取得能源;但有時卻不是為了能源競爭,能源本身不是目的,而只是工具,其真正目的是權力競爭。 / Energy is an important strategic resource and the critical basis of economic and social development. During the last hundred years, energy security has been identified as primary problem. With its successful open-door reform, China became the world economic giant of the constantly growing up of the national economy. With the increasing needs of oil energy day by day, China was transferred from an oil self-sufficient country to an oil import one. Now, one goal of the diplomatic strategy is the energy diplomacy. With the strategy of “going out” looking for the energy abroad, China is searching for oil resource actively. In this situation, the diplomacy of energy will obviously become the third important aspect of the China’s foreign policy, in addition to major power diplomacy and diplomacy with neighboring countries. Developing countries with the abundant energy, plus China itself poses as a developing country, developing countries occupies an important position in Chinese foreign policy in general, China's national economic development in particular. For the purpose of acquisition of oil energy, China has to maintain actively good diplomatic relations for developing countries. So China looks for the oil source to Africa, Latin America through both multilateral organizations and bilateral relations. The question of the Chinese energy is not merely only concerning the economic development of China, but also its global strategy of energy acquisition. So that it has attracted international concerns and became a controversial issue of international diplomacy. China has made every effort to reduce the risk that the import of energy resources overly concentrates, and, consequently, Latin America and Africa become the strategic source of China's petroleum imports. China stretches the feeler to Latin America and Africa, among them the most positive to these are two countries, i.e., Venezuela and Sudan. The left-leaning political tide in Latin America recently, the regime of Chavez in Venezuela confronting with U.S.A., and the human rights issue of Sudan, China’s energy diplomacy is to be condemned by the international community, because of deliberately confrontation with the United States and ignorance of human rights. This study discovers that the energy diplomacy will be helpful for China’s influences in the international arena and its major purpose is for either energy or power in Africa and Latin America. The Chinese diplomacy of energy varies in terms of geographic factor. Sometimes, Chinese energy diplomacy is for energy acquisition so as to resolve its development needs, sometimes for power and energy is only an instrument.


劉光華, LIU, GUANG, HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探究中法戰爭(一八八四)以前,清廷主要辦理對外事務機關--總理 衙門--之對外政策(興外交政策一詞誦用,以總理衙門為主是用「對外政策」,以 國際政治理論為主時,則用「外交政策」)。為著敘述的方便,分成以下六章,約三 十餘萬字。 第一章為導論部份。首先說明總理衙門在清季外交中所佔有的關鍵地位,接著說明本 論文之研究主旨、研究方法、假設前提和分析架構。其中對於「對外政策」一詞的涵 義,且叵以澄清和重新予以界定。 第二章則探究總署對外政策的目標取向,經過將資料爬梳、排比、歸納的過和,發現 主要可以分為維持和局、保存體制,挽回利權和固結民心四個方面,均分別說明這些 目標取向所以形成的緣由,以及其主要內涵和影響。 第三章則進探究達成前述目所採用的手段。同樣經過將史料爬梳、排比和歸納的功夫 ,結果認定其所運用的策略,主要為羈縻籠絡、執約訥理、運用外交和講求戰守四種 。均分別說明這些手段的由來和運用情形。 第四章則就總署比較重要的對外措施,說明其辦理情形。其重要的措施,根據實際事 象歸納,約可分為促進國交、辦理通商、保護傳教、緩固疆圉、維持藩服和師法西藝 等六方面,均一一析述其內容和辦理經過。 以上目標取向、策略運用和重大日措施三個層次,即構成總理衙門對外政策之主要內 容,也就是本論文研究的主題所在。 第五章則根據本論文之分析架構,分別從決策環境、決策過程和決策主體三方面,析 論影響總理衙門對外政策形成的若干重要形成因素。其中決策環境部份,分別就外在 背景和內背景兩個層面加以說明。決策過程則說明政策影響體系中,皇帝、廷臣、疆 臣和外人四者,在總署決策過程中所扮演的角,色以及其對總理衙門對外政策所產生 的影響。決策主體部分則從總署決策者本身主觀因素如知識背景和意識型態等,析論 總理衙門之對外政策所遭受的影響。 最後,在第六章則分別就總理衙門對外政策的效果和特性,做一個總的檢討和評價, 以為本論文之總結。 /


鄭如惠, Catherine Ruhuei Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
新加坡是一個以國際為導向的城市國家(city-state),以貿易及工業為其生存的主要依據,因此它的外交政策一向十分靈活與務實,常常是經濟及政治工具彈性交互運用,所以,不論是與有邦交或無邦交的國家都能維持密切關係,目的在促進貿易成長與更廣泛的貿易接觸,多年來,新加坡就是以此作為與外國互動的基礎。 為什麼像新加坡這樣的小國會和美國發展出密切的政經關係?為什麼像美國這樣的超級強權願意付出諸多關注於此一小島國家?本文將以新加坡為主體,分別討論李光耀時期新加坡與美國的政治、經濟關係與發展演變。

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