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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國對東南亞國家之能源策略與外交 / PRC’s energy strategies and diplomacy toward the Southeast Asian Nations

余達德 Unknown Date (has links)
中國與東南亞之間有著深厚的地緣關係及無法切割的民族情感;但處於現今經濟快速成長的時代,在能源需求量急速擴張的競爭中,尋求能源供應、保護能源安全,已經是刻不容緩的手段,因此,利用各種外交方式及合作方案來達成此目的,是中國目前所採取的積極作為,冀望在最安全、便利的狀態下獲取、保護最大的能源需求及供應。 東南亞的能源儲藏及供應量,並非是中國能源需求的重要核心地區,但是它位處中國外圍,掌握麻六甲海峽的戰略要衝,以及豐富的天然氣存量,引發各國對此區域的爭奪。再面對此一局勢,中國便加速推動以「和諧世界」為理念,發展「與鄰為善、以鄰為伴」以及「睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰」的外交政策宗旨,進行能源外交及戰略,以爭取能源需求量和鞏固區域內的能源運輸安全及穩定雙方的合作關係。本文即從能源外交策略及作為的架構與理論,就中國對東南亞能源外交的挑戰與競逐做一研析,試圖觀察、探究從雙方的合作關係中所衍生出的問題及產生的困境,以及如何利用外交方式獲得解決之道,並營造出具有前瞻性的宏觀願景。 / Southeast Asia and China are closely connected to each other from the geographical and historical aspects. In the competitive time characterizing with fast economy growing and demands for energy expanded enormously, it has become an urgent measure for China to search for continuous energy supply and protect the energy resources. Today, the initiatives China seeks for is to achieve by means of diplomatic channels. It is hoped that the energy can be acquired by the safest and convenient ways, making sure the maxima energy supply can be assured. Frankly speaking, China did not deem the energy reserves and energy-provide ability of Southeast Asia seriously except that that area locates in the periphery of China, holds an important strategic point for the Strait of Malacca and its abundant natural gas reservoir, all of this attracting fierce competitions among nations. Being beware of this, China therefore based on the idea of “harmonious world” increasingly promotes the diplomatic policies, such as “Good-Neighbor Diplomacy” and “Good-neighborliness, Peaceful-neighborliness, and Prosperous-neighborliness,” engaging in energy diplomacies and strategies with an eye to expanding energy resources, fortifying energy transportation safety within the area, and stabilizing the corporative relationship with the area. Based upon application and theories of energy diplomatic strategies and actions, this thesis analyzes the challenges and competitions that China faces when carrying on energy diplomacy. By observing and exploring the problems and predicaments derived from the cooperative relations of the two sides, we hope that a workable resolution and a proactive vision on energy can be reached via diplomacy.


張宜華 Unknown Date (has links)
石油為全球重要戰略資源,世界主要國家均制定對外能源策略及能源外交政策,以求在能源供應上得到保障,能源政策成為各國對外政策和外交活動最重要的一部分。放眼未來,至21世紀中葉,石油仍將是世界的主要能源,繼續主宰世界經濟的持續發展。中國當前整體規模相當龐大,近幾年已接近10%的經濟增長速度繼續擴展,使其市場及能源壓力較其他國家更為沉重,石油對中國的經濟發展已經成為「最大的開銷,最大的變數」。 中國採取「兩種資源、兩個市場」的戰略構想,以保障石油供應,國內除加強勘探外,亦注重能源有效使用,更積極建立石油戰略儲備機制;國外,參與全球性多元能源開發合作,建立多元能源措施,採取全球化能源外交,透過能源產業之交流合作,強化對外關係,為能源獲取創造更多機會;惟中國能源焦點並非專注一地,而是廣視全球,以求最大限度增加能源供應安全的實現。 目前中國將焦點集中可由陸路運輸之中亞及俄羅斯,俄羅斯的經濟以能源出口作為支撐,擴大油氣資源出口成為俄羅斯發展經濟的重要舉措。因此,亞洲地區成為俄羅斯積極搶攻的市場,其豐富的能源和中國巨量的需求,為兩國能源合作奠定基礎,但中俄間能源合作計畫進展緩慢,充滿不確定性。俄羅斯基於增加在全球石油秩序和政治格局中的影響力,不會把籌碼完全放在中國,不願意單純成為中國原料產地,多元化的出口策略才能使俄羅斯獲得最大利益。 日本挾巨大經濟實力,誘使東北亞各國競相爭奪俄羅斯石油能源,造成遠東石油管線搖擺不定的主因,惟中國以多元能源戰略應對,希在多變國際政治互動與經貿交流中獲得保障。未來中國更將致力能源多極合作,目前合作雖存困境,但長遠仍存互利條件,不但可增進雙邊貿易及關係,更具鞏固中俄戰略協作夥伴關係重要意義。俄羅斯向中國出口石油為經濟發展需要,可提供參與國際石油市場巨大機會;而中國引進俄羅斯能源,則有利其能源安全保障,將是一個雙贏與互利的合作。

中俄關係的能源因素 / The energy factor in Sino-Russian relations

噢克薩納 Unknown Date (has links)
能源因素在中俄關係的分析顯示,處理政治與經濟兩者間的聯繫幾乎無法與能源安全的問題脫鉤。中俄能源合作對於中國與俄國分別具有不同的意義,主要原因取決於雙方對於能源安全的認知上差異。在中國方面,強調的是能源供應方面的安全;而俄羅斯方面,能源的需求才是首要。然而,中俄對於能源安全認定的差異呈現的是一種互補關係,因此能為彼此的合作奠定良好的基礎。 本論文的主要論點是,中俄合作的重要性是一種很強的經貿互補關係,而能源這個因素在過程中扮演了關鍵。中國與俄羅斯的能源合作以及從該國增加的進口貿易量,符合中國使其海外能源供應多樣化和安全運輸的目標,也同時強化了他的能源安全與經濟的穩定發展。另一方面,中俄能源的合作將提升俄羅斯的出口貿易額,讓俄國在亞太地區的經濟地位可以維持,甚至是強化。鑑於中國對於能源的需求,以及俄國對於本身經濟發展的重視,兩國未來能源合作將可望進一步的深化。 關鍵字詞:中俄能源合作、能源安全、能源外交

China’s energy security: the impact on China’s foreign policy and the international order

柯愛蓮, Kork, Aire Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explores the topic of China’s rise through evaluating the impact of the rising China on the present international order. This is done through examining China’s foreign policy aimed at energy supply security and its effect on the institutions of the international order, as well as the Sino-US relationship. The thesis shows that China’s oil supply related foreign policy is overwhelmingly strategic in nature, and this creates more competition than cooperation while also causing a number of controversies in relation to the character of the rising China within this international order and its impact on it. The research results tend to support a more realist perspective as they show that China’s expanding foreign policy has been undermining key norms and values of the present international order for the sake of securing its key national interests. China’s relationship with the US has not become more cooperative but has been undermined by distrust which has resulted in China engaging in soft-power balancing vis-à-vis the US.

中共對非洲之能源外交政策研究 / China's foreign policy of the energy in Africa

胡乾增 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,中共經濟持續高速發展受到世人的高度矚目,亦被國際公認為崛起的大國。但由於中共生產的石油無法滿足經濟成長需求,自西元1993年成為石油淨進口國後,西元2004年更超越日本成為第二大能源進口國,這成為中共經濟成長甚至是國家安定最大的隱憂。在無法自給自足的情況下,中共採取一系列包含「走出去」等能源供應多元化方面的能源外交策略以確保其油源供應穩定,以支撐其快速的經濟發展狀況。 中共與非洲國家在政治上保有良好的傳統友誼,而非洲豐富的資源能彌補中共能源供給缺口,並且非洲擁有適合中共產品生存的市場,這使得非洲產油國成為中共能源外交的主要對象。在手段上,中共重視與非洲在政治、安全、經濟等方面之合作關係,為求實質加強與非洲合作關係,以利能源外交在非洲國家的拓展。 因此,本文嘗試在經濟、政治與安全領域,以文獻分析法來探討中共對非洲能源外交手段與影響,及中共對非洲能源外交之成果與未來趨勢。 關鍵字:中共、非洲、能源外交 / In recent years, the rapid economic development of the People’s Republic of China(PRC)has caught the attention of the world and is recognized as a rising power in the world. However, the oil production of the PRC does not meet the need of economic growth. China has imported oil since 1993 and has surpassed Japan to become the second largest energy importing country since 2004, which is the biggest threat to economic growth and national security and stability of the PRC. Facing the challenge of being self-sufficient, the PRC has adopted a series of diversified energy supply and energy diplomacy strategy, including “going global”, to ensure a stable supply of oil source and to support the rapid economic development. The PRC has maintained a good political friendship with African countries. The rich resources in Africa can make up for the energy supply shortage of the PRC. African market is necessary for the survival of Made-in-China products, which makes the African oil-producing countries the main objects of the PRC’s energy diplomacy. In terms of means, the PRC values the collaboration with African nations in politics, security, and economy; also, it strengthens cooperation with African nations to facilitate energy diplomacy. Therefore, this study is to explore the energy diplomatic means and impact of the PRC on Africa with the Literature Analysis Method; also, the achievement of the PRC in the energy diplomacy with Africa and the future trend is discussed. Key words: People’s Republic of China (the PRC), Africa, Energy Diplomacy

中國對開發中國家之能源策略與外交:蘇丹與委內瑞拉案例比較 / China’s Energy Strategies and Diplomacy toward Developing Country-Cases Comparison between Sudan and Venezuela

易孔道, Yin, Kung Daw Unknown Date (has links)
能源是經濟和社會發展的重要基礎和戰略資源。近百年中,能源安全不斷的被各國列為首要問題。隨著中國改革開放,國家經濟不斷成長,成為世界經濟大國,其能源的需求量日趨增加,從自給自足到至今依賴進口,使中國將能源外交列為外交戰略的主要目標,藉由走出去得戰略,積極到海外尋找能源。在這種情況下,能源外交顯然將成為繼大國外交與周邊外交後,中國外交政策的第三個重要環節。 開發中國家具有豐富的能源,再加上中國以開發中國家自居,因此開發中國家在中國的外交政策上,佔有重要地位,且可配合中國國家經濟發展。中國藉由其與開發中國家建立並維持良好的外交關係,以為中國尋找迫切需要的能源。 中國積極透過多邊組織或是雙邊接觸,向非洲、拉丁美洲尋找油源。中國能源問題不僅關係著中國的經濟發展,在擴展能源佈局全球的同時,也引起國際的注意,意涵著這是國際能源戰略問題,更是國際外交爭議性議題。 中國為化解能源進口來源過於集中的風險,於是拉美及非洲成為中國石油進口的戰略來源地。中國將觸角伸向拉美及非洲地區,其中對委內瑞拉及蘇丹這兩個國家最為積極,近期拉美的左傾化浪潮,委內瑞拉查韋斯政權與美國對抗,以及蘇丹有關達富爾的人權問題,使得中國的能源外交被國際社會說成與美國分庭抗禮及罔顧人權,造成中國受國際社會的譴責。 本文研究發現,中國與開發中國家能源外交有助於提升中國國際影響力,「能源競爭」與「權力競爭」是中國對非洲及拉丁美洲的能源外交目的。中國的能源外交對各地區之目的有所不同,不一定都是以獲取能源為主要目的,有時權力競爭反而佔據相當的份量,即中國能源外交之目的有時為了能源競爭,此時著重於取得能源;但有時卻不是為了能源競爭,能源本身不是目的,而只是工具,其真正目的是權力競爭。 / Energy is an important strategic resource and the critical basis of economic and social development. During the last hundred years, energy security has been identified as primary problem. With its successful open-door reform, China became the world economic giant of the constantly growing up of the national economy. With the increasing needs of oil energy day by day, China was transferred from an oil self-sufficient country to an oil import one. Now, one goal of the diplomatic strategy is the energy diplomacy. With the strategy of “going out” looking for the energy abroad, China is searching for oil resource actively. In this situation, the diplomacy of energy will obviously become the third important aspect of the China’s foreign policy, in addition to major power diplomacy and diplomacy with neighboring countries. Developing countries with the abundant energy, plus China itself poses as a developing country, developing countries occupies an important position in Chinese foreign policy in general, China's national economic development in particular. For the purpose of acquisition of oil energy, China has to maintain actively good diplomatic relations for developing countries. So China looks for the oil source to Africa, Latin America through both multilateral organizations and bilateral relations. The question of the Chinese energy is not merely only concerning the economic development of China, but also its global strategy of energy acquisition. So that it has attracted international concerns and became a controversial issue of international diplomacy. China has made every effort to reduce the risk that the import of energy resources overly concentrates, and, consequently, Latin America and Africa become the strategic source of China's petroleum imports. China stretches the feeler to Latin America and Africa, among them the most positive to these are two countries, i.e., Venezuela and Sudan. The left-leaning political tide in Latin America recently, the regime of Chavez in Venezuela confronting with U.S.A., and the human rights issue of Sudan, China’s energy diplomacy is to be condemned by the international community, because of deliberately confrontation with the United States and ignorance of human rights. This study discovers that the energy diplomacy will be helpful for China’s influences in the international arena and its major purpose is for either energy or power in Africa and Latin America. The Chinese diplomacy of energy varies in terms of geographic factor. Sometimes, Chinese energy diplomacy is for energy acquisition so as to resolve its development needs, sometimes for power and energy is only an instrument.


童維華 Unknown Date (has links)
學界常以中共自改革開放以來經濟快速發展,而造成石油的短缺問題,但經本研究透過石油的地緣政治形勢、影響中共石油安全戰略的因素、中共在石油安全戰略的布局、以及未來可能發展趨勢等,主、客觀的環境逐一剖析檢驗。發現中共並非單純以石油需求為單一的經濟問題,而涉及軍事、政治及外交等各個戰略層面。在中共開展能原外交之際,其背後所隱藏的動機與企圖,非常值得吾人所關注與省思。 自1993年中共成為石油淨進口國,且為因應經濟的快速發展,自產又嚴重不足,然而直到2001才開始重視石油安全的問題,因此,到處找油已成為中共近期對外戰略之重心,從中東、中亞、非洲、拉丁美洲凡有油之處皆見其跡。由於石油是有限資源,在近期內也無法研發出完全能夠取代石油的能源。因此,中共到處找油、搶油,已引起國際間的關切,「中國能源威脅論」也甚囂塵上,致而受到世界大國的制約與競逐,如美國、歐盟、日本等國。中共在石油安全上面臨內、外在壓力的情況下,如何突破困境,確實達到其提升國際地位,躋身世界強國之目的,仍待觀察。


龔祥生 Unknown Date (has links)
本文從中日雙方能源安全環境出發,首先探討中共能源外交戰略的背景因素和佈局策略,接著從日本因素介入入中共實行戰略的過程,觀察日本所造成的影響,最後再以中共對於日本的政策回應探討雙方這一連串的互動過程,其所蘊藏的意涵為何,並探討雙方解決能源問題的思維與方式之可能形式。 1993年中國大陸由石油淨出口國轉為石油淨進口國起,原油進口依存度逐年快速增長,中共官方因此必須向外尋找更加穩定及更多樣化的供應管道,以因應國內經濟發展需要。故為了維護本身的資源安全,「能源外交戰略」於90年代中期開始迅速實施,這包含了對內的能源戰略以及對外的資源外交、軍事合作等兩方面行動。 日本長期為世界第二大石油消費國(在2004年才被中國大陸超越),和中國大陸一樣對於海外時有著高度的依賴,甚至猶有過之(日本國內生產石油僅能供應總需求量0.2%),並且因為其經濟實力所支撐的外交能力和軍事能力,是中國大陸在亞洲當中經濟實力最強大的競爭對手,因此日本對於中共在亞洲區域內能源外交的成敗影響能力,自然也就遠超過其他鄰國。於是日本基於能源地緣政治考量,在陸上管線和東海油氣田兩方面著手介入了中共能源外交戰略,造成了兩者的相互競爭,而中共用阻止日本「入常」和派遣艦隊巡邏和潛艇偵察的政策回應,對中日雙方帶來的是更進一步的矛盾。 雙方在1970年代曾有過短暫的石油合作先例,但在目前的權力結構以及難以克服的歷史恩怨等兩大難題影響下,雙方的競爭面大於合作面,這將不利於區域的和平穩定並反而增加整個區域維護能源安全成本的上升,故唯有雙方跳脫出成見,才能冷靜的共同解決能源問題,如此才符合區域整體利益。

中國大陸對非洲能源外交之研究 / The Study on Mainland China’s Energy Diplomacy toward Africa

游智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年中國大陸在全球各地簽訂原油供應與相關原油探勘、開採合約,引起部分西方國家對此不滿,中國大陸能源外交的本質、目的、型態與手段亦成為學政界辯論的焦點,歐洲國家更將其對非洲的能源外交批評為新殖民主義,但中國大陸學者則認為僅止於重商主義。本文的研究目的在於檢視中國大陸外交政策屬於古典或新現實主義、能源是否為中國大陸對非洲外交政策的重心,與其對非洲能源外交的型態究竟是重商主義或新殖民主義;並回顧現實主義、國際政治經濟學、新殖民主義等相關理論,建構不同指標以檢驗本文的研究假設。 本文的研究成果可歸納為四個面向:其一,中國大陸對非洲政策為相當典型的新現實主義風格,追求優於非洲地主國的相對利得、政策佈局亦受國際體系權力結構制約;其次,能源為目前中國大陸對非洲政策的重心,中國大陸企業對非洲的投資亦以能源為主要考量;第三,包括中海油、中石油與中石化在內等三家中國大陸石油企業在非洲的投資以原油的探勘、開採權為主,符合其國內能源安全政策辯論的結果;第四,中國大陸在非洲的能源投資實無助於非洲國家的經濟發展,但亦無延滯非洲國家經濟發展,藉此擴張中國大陸在非洲的政經影響力的目的在內。 / In recent years, Mainland China has tried to sign oil supply and related exploration and exploitation contracts around the world, which has caused some western countries dissatisfaction. The essence, purpose, and means of Mainland China’s energy diplomacy have become the focus of debate in the academic and political circles. Some European countries even judged that Mainland China’s energy diplomacy toward Africa is a kind of neo-colonialism, but scholars from Mainland China consider it as mercantilism. The purposes of this thesis are to examine three assumptions: whether Mainland China’s foreign policy belongs to classical realism or neo realism; whether energy is the core of Mainland China’s foreign policy toward Africa; and whether the type of energy diplomacy toward Africa is neo- colonialism or mercantilism. The related theories including realism, international political economy and Neo-colonialism will also be reviewed of this thesis in order to establish four dimensions and twelve indictors to examine my assumptions. The conclusions of this thesis could be summarized into four dimensions: Firstly, Mainland China’s Africa policy is the typical neo-realism, seeking the better relative gain than African countries, and its policy arrangement is restricted by the power structure of the international system. Secondly, energy, especially oil, is the core concern of the Mainland China’s African policy. The investments of Mainland China’s enterprises in Africa also take energy as the main consideration. Thirdly, investments derived from three oil enterprises including China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC) focus on the right of oil exploration and exploitation, which conforms to the result of its domestic debates about energy security. Finally, Mainland China’s investments toward Africa can not help the economic development in Africa, but will not slow down the Africa’s economic development nor extend its ability to influence Africa.

俄羅斯能源戰略與俄中能源合作 (1991 – 2008)

于琳 Unknown Date (has links)
能源問題是當今世界經濟發展中最引人關注的一個重大問題,能源問題的核心是解決能源供求穩定和安全問題,如何保障一個國家的能源安全是今后長時期內各國能源外交工作的重點。在全球化過程中,各國的能源安全問題仍將是一個相互依存、相互促進的體系,沒有一個國家能夠脫離其他國家和地區的能源安全而保証自身的安全,加強雙邊和多邊的能源對話與合作將是開展能源外交的重要議題。俄羅斯是世界能源大國,它的能源戰略對未來國際能源安全和中俄能源合作將具有重要影響。 俄羅斯作為世界能源大國,在國際能源領域具有獨特地位。它使俄羅斯在諸多國際問題上擁有了更多的發言權,特別是在后蘇聯空間和東北亞地區。同時,地緣政治問題是各國的政治和經濟實力生存和發展空間的問題。能源地緣政治的核心問題是各國掌控政治經濟發展所需要的能源資源的能力。世界各國競相發展經濟,各國加強對能源的爭奪,世界能源價格上漲,世界能源市場格局的變動,這些因素極大地提高了俄羅斯的能源國際影響力,促進了俄羅斯經濟增長的能源化趨向。中俄近年來政治關系穩固發展,加之地理位置相鄰,資源互補,按理說雙方的能源合作應卓有成效,但現實表明,雙方進展緩慢,結果不能讓人滿意。本文就是從中國近年來的能源安全局勢、俄羅斯的能源外交、整個東北亞的能源需求困境及近年來世界能源局勢的發展等中俄能源合作的背景因素出發,論述了中俄能源合作的現狀與動力因素接著,即而深入分析了影響中俄能源合作的俄國內因素,外部影響因素以及中國自身的問題。 最后,基於對雙方能源合作的有利條件與不利條件的分析,論文從兩國戰 略關系的高度,雙方民間交往的基礎,兩國能能源外交及構建地區能源合作機制通的可能性等因素出發,初步提出中國為中俄能源合作而採取的對策思路。 筆者認為隻有克服雙邊合作的不利因素,發揮雙方的有利條件,兩國的能源合作就定能邁向一個新的台階。 關鍵詞 : 能源外交, 俄羅斯能源戰略, 俄中能源合作, 能源安全. / Since 1993, China has become an importer of oil; the oil consumption has been growing.At the same time, China couldn’t increase the oil production, as the result, the lack of oil supplying has continuously increased. If we analyze from the point of international resource consumption, China comes to be the key country between those, who will struggle for the energy resources in the future. Since 1993, energy factor has been implemented to the consideration in the Chinese diplomacy. China has started to pay more and more attention to the energy factor while dealing with its international affairs. In 21 century, the oil price has been increasingly rising, that has become a serious danger for Chinese economy. The sudden lack of energy resources will be the great threat for fast developing Chinese economy. Also, been increasing its military power, China needs to create strategic oil stocks in order to move effectively its military forces. If we consider from strategic point of view, China is in the center of Asia, with Pacific Ocean on its East Coast, bordering with Pakistan on the South, China has very favorable geographical strategic advantages. China needs to use its strategic position for early planning strategy in its “non-blood war” for oil resources. Otherwise, China will face containment from the other countries. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the following issues based upon the date for the influence of energy factor on Chinese foreign policy and intentions during the period of 1993-2003: 1.Understanding the trends for the future growth of energy demand in China. 2.Investigating what kind of measures can be applying by Chinese government in the face of these trends. 3. Figuring out how big the role of energy factor in the Chinese foreign policy implementation. Keywords: Chinese foreign policy, oil, energy security.

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