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能源安全治理與歐盟─俄羅斯關係 / Energy Security Governance and EU-Russia Relations邱意晴 Unknown Date (has links)
在歐盟與俄羅斯各自能源安全考量與政策的基礎上,本論文進一步討論雙邊能源安全治理機制安排,以及歐盟與俄羅斯之間的能源爭端。2000年,歐盟與俄羅斯建立「歐俄能源對話」(EU-Russia Energy Dialogue),處理雙邊的能源安全問題與促進能源事務合作。但後續2006年與2009年兩次俄羅斯與烏克蘭的天然氣爭端,以及2012年歐盟執委會展開對俄羅斯天然氣公司(Gazprom)的反壟斷調查,顯示歐盟與俄羅斯在能源運輸過境與能源市場規則等議題上時有衝突,能源安全治理機制仍有改進空間。
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冷戰後中國的中亞政策:美國反恐戰爭後的影響黃心儀 Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯在1991年的崩解,造成境內各加盟國的獨立,蘇聯南部的哈薩克與中亞其他四國也重新出現在國際政治舞台上。蘇聯時期是以「中亞與哈薩克」(Srednyaya Azia i Kazakhastan: Middle Asia)稱呼該地區,中亞五國元首在1993年1月中亞五國首腦會議中,通過一致使用「中亞」(Central Asia)一詞做為地區統稱。 故以下本文所指的中亞五國是包含蘇聯解體後獨立的哈薩克、烏茲別克、土庫曼、吉爾吉斯以及塔吉克五個共和國。中亞五國宣佈獨立後,中國政府在1992年旋即承認中亞五國的獨立,並且派出高規格的政府代表團出訪,顯示中國政府相當重視與中亞國家的關係,其主要原因在於中亞地區的哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克三國與中國有3000多公里的共同邊界,同時與中國的新疆地區邊界存在許多跨境民族,因此中亞地區的形勢變化與中國密切相關。
中亞位於歐亞大陸接合處,連接中國、俄羅斯、高加索與西亞,乃至歐洲,深具重要的戰略意義。 中亞五國的獨立,外界首先注意到的是本地區的能源蘊藏豐富,據估計裡海(Caspian)地區的石油蘊藏約占全球8%,天然氣蘊藏量約占全球4.3%,其他例如水資源、稀有金屬等蘊藏量充沛,亦使得中亞地區在國際政治上的地位日益水漲船高。
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中俄關係的能源因素 / The energy factor in Sino-Russian relations噢克薩納 Unknown Date (has links)
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能源因素在中國對外政策所扮演的角色杜仰高 Unknown Date (has links)
在1993年中國成為石油淨進口國後,年消費量不斷擴大,產量卻無法大幅提升,石油供給不足的缺口正逐步擴大,且依國際能源總署評估,中國將是未來世界能源爭奪上的關鍵國家。 能源因素從1993年以來逐步地成為中國外交方面的思考。中國在處理外交事務越來越重視能源問題。在21世紀的石油價格不斷提升的趨勢對中國經濟造成相當大的衝擊,一旦能源供應短缺,享受經濟快速發展的中國面將臨極大的危險。另外在軍事力量加強的同時中國需要建立石油儲備來因應軍事行動之所需。
因此,本論文的研究目的在於以1993年至2006年能源因素影響中國外交政策和計劃的追蹤資料,搭配政治分析法, 探討以下問題: 一,分析預測將來中國能源方面的需求趨勢;二,探究能源需求促使中國政府採取何種外交手段。三,在中國外交決策中能源因素扮演何種的決定因素。 / Since 1993, China has become an importer of oil; the oil consumption has been growing. At the same time, China couldn’t increase the oil production, as the result, the lack of oil supplying has continuously increased. If we analyze from the point of international resource consumption, China comes to be the key country between those, who will struggle for the energy resources in the future. Since 1993, energy factor has been implemented to the consideration in the Chinese diplomacy. China has started to pay more and more attention to the energy factor while dealing with its international affairs. In 21 century, the oil price has been increasingly rising, that has become a serious danger for Chinese economy. The sudden lack of energy resources will be the great threat for fast developing Chinese economy. Also, been increasing its military power, China needs to create strategic oil stocks in order to move effectively its military forces.
If we consider from strategic point of view, China is in the center of Asia, with Pacific Ocean on its East Coast, bordering with Pakistan on the South, China has very favorable geographical strategic advantages. China needs to use its strategic position for early planning strategy in its “non-blood war” for oil resources. Otherwise, China will face containment from the other countries. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the following issues based upon the date for the influence of energy factor on Chinese foreign policy and intentions during the period of 1993-2006: 1.Understanding the trends for the future growth of energy demand in China. 2.Investigating what kind of measures can be applying by Chinese government in the face of these trends. 3.Figuring out how big the role of energy factor in the Chinese foreign policy implementation.
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國際能源安全之研究—以美國石油安全政策涉足中亞油源為例許庭瑜, Hsu, Ting-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
由區域安全分析的層次來看,資源蘊藏與地域分配有密切關係,在60年代後石油躍升成主要的能源來源,加上石油輸出國家組織的成立,使石油生產集中的情況更加明顯,面對政治夾雜經濟的複雜供需情況,使區域安全分析成為研究能源安全的重要途徑。本文以美國涉足中亞之石油能源安全為例發現,因為能源生產分配集中,使油氣產地對更具戰略意義,然政治因素仍是目前影響美國石油安全的重要變因,但經濟及環境發展在能源安全政策整體制定上仍是不可或缺的內涵。 / The thesis is aimed to make the study of oil energy security in the viewpoint of new security concept. In the framework of security analysis, what may affect the oil security of supply will be possible to be the reference object of security agenda. And after the WW II, the purpose of oil using form the war fighting to economic development emphasize the importance between the energy security and economic interaction. With the environmental destruction uncertainties resulting from the nuclear using, the environmental issue became the main factor— the functional behavior within the framework of energy security analysis. Thus, international energy security is concerned by the aspects of the self-limitation of energy supplier, the interaction between the economic development and energy industries, and the environmental regulation.
We can reach the conclusion that there is the close relation between the energy resource and regional distribution with the regional level of security analysis. In 60s, oil raise to be the main global energy source, and phenomenon of oil production centralization became more obvious after the foundation of OPEC. Facing the situation mixed with the energy supply and demand because of the political and economic reasons, it is the best method to take the way of regional security analysis to make the study of energy security.
Besides, it concludes that the oil production place become more strategic as making the study of “American oil energy security policy set foot in Central Asia”. At the present time, political factor still ruling guides the American oil energy security; however, the environment development is indispensable in making the whole energy security policy.
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國際能源安全研究-以歐盟的能源政策為例張皓竣 Unknown Date (has links)
而歐盟正面臨的這種新式能源安全的挑戰,所以歐盟在2006年提出了《永續發展、競爭力和能源安全的歐洲戰略》的能源綠皮書(Green Paper)。在歐盟內部的能源政策目標中,積極希望能夠達成環境安全的要求來因應氣候變遷。同時也希望能夠配合歐盟的東擴,整合歐盟的內部天然氣市場,增加經濟與工業的競爭力;而在歐盟對外的能源戰略方面,主要是希望達成能源供應源多樣化的目標。因此,希望能與重要的能源生產國如俄羅斯、裡海地區與中東地區的國家建立能源合作的機制。最後,儘管面對許多挑戰,但是歐盟內部還是希望能建立共同能源政策,來增加歐盟對外能源談判的籌碼。
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美國與印度軍事及安全合作之研究1993-2008 / A Study of the military and security cooperation between the United States and India,1993 - 2008劉明龍 Unknown Date (has links)
基於民主性、多元民族與法律規則等共同價值,美國與印度的確具有成為「戰略性的夥伴關係」的重要條件。2005年,美國與印度簽署一項為期十年的國防架構協議,開始擴展雙方安全合作。許多經濟性、安全以及全球的新計畫,包含「民用核能全面合作計畫」都持續進行中。這項計畫係由小布希總統於2005年啟動, 2006年獲參議院通過(海德法案The Hyde Act),並於2008年10月經眾議院的通過。另外;自2002年,兩國已共同參與許多前所未有的聯合軍事演習,美國對印度的重大軍售也都在計畫中。
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俄羅斯能源戰略與俄中能源合作 (1991 – 2008)于琳 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞 : 能源外交, 俄羅斯能源戰略, 俄中能源合作, 能源安全. / Since 1993, China has become an importer of oil; the oil consumption has been growing.At the same time, China couldn’t increase the oil production, as the result, the lack of oil supplying has continuously increased. If we analyze from the point of international resource consumption, China comes to be the key country between those, who will struggle for the energy resources in the future. Since 1993, energy factor has been implemented to the consideration in the Chinese diplomacy. China has started to pay more and more attention to the energy factor while dealing with its international affairs. In 21 century, the oil price has been increasingly rising, that has become a serious danger for Chinese economy. The sudden lack of energy resources will be the great threat for fast developing Chinese economy. Also, been increasing its military power, China needs to create strategic oil stocks in order to move effectively its military forces.
If we consider from strategic point of view, China is in the center of Asia, with Pacific Ocean on its East Coast, bordering with Pakistan on the South, China has very favorable geographical strategic advantages. China needs to use its strategic position for early planning strategy in its “non-blood war” for oil resources. Otherwise, China will face containment from the other countries. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the following issues based upon the date for the influence of energy factor on Chinese foreign policy and intentions during the period of 1993-2003: 1.Understanding the trends for the future growth of energy demand in China. 2.Investigating what kind of measures can be applying by Chinese government in the face of these trends. 3. Figuring out how big the role of energy factor in the Chinese foreign policy implementation.
Keywords: Chinese foreign policy, oil, energy security.
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中共當前的能源戰略及其對外交的影響王道和 Unknown Date (has links)
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中共能源安全與其在東南亞戰略布局 / China's energy security and its strategic arrangement in Southeast Asia吳國安, Wu, Kuo-An Unknown Date (has links)
In 2003, China surpassed Japan to become the world’s second largest oil consumer (behind the United States), and the third largest oil importer (behind the United States and Japan). China’s huge demand for oil and its dependence on oil imports have forced the Chinese government continuously to adopt the energy expansion strategy in order to secure the country’s oil supply. The energy supply and reserves in Southeast Asian region are not the critical core area to supply China’s energy demand, but it is located in the periphery of China where it controls the transportation link of the Strait of Malacca, directly to hold a strategic point of the sea lane of communication for transporting oil to China. Under this scenario, China is proactively to carry out its energy diplomacy with ASEAN’s nations and to ensure completely an overall strategic arrangement in Southeast Asia so as to assure China’s oil security.
In this thesis, it is mainly to probe into the following questions: the inquiring into China’s oil security strategy? Why China and how to readjust its relations with the nations in Southeast Asia? What is the driving factor? After China has become the oil importer, China has to face what kinds of challenges in oil transportation security? What is its intention of resolution projection? In terms of geographic shares, about 60% of the China’s oil import comes from the Middle East, passing through the highly insecure the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia that has taken the advantages to influence China’s oil sea transportation routes. Those issues will lay stress on the key points of breaking through the “Malacca Dilemma,” meet the China’s oil demand, sustain economic development, even consolidate the legitimacy of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, and conform to the national interests. / In 2003, China surpassed Japan to become the world’s second largest oil consumer (behind the United States), and the third largest oil importer (behind the United States and Japan). China’s huge demand for oil and its dependence on oil imports have forced the Chinese government continuously to adopt the energy expansion strategy in order to secure the country’s oil supply. The energy supply and reserves in Southeast Asian region are not the critical core area to supply China’s energy demand, but it is located in the periphery of China where it controls the transportation link of the Strait of Malacca, directly to hold a strategic point of the sea lane of communication for transporting oil to China. Under this scenario, China is proactively to carry out its energy diplomacy with ASEAN’s nations and to ensure completely an overall strategic arrangement in Southeast Asia so as to assure China’s oil security.
In this thesis, it is mainly to probe into the following questions: the inquiring into China’s oil security strategy? Why China and how to readjust its relations with the nations in Southeast Asia? What is the driving factor? After China has become the oil importer, China has to face what kinds of challenges in oil transportation security? What is its intention of resolution projection? In terms of geographic shares, about 60% of the China’s oil import comes from the Middle East, passing through the highly insecure the Strait of Malacca in Southeast Asia that has taken the advantages to influence China’s oil sea transportation routes. Those issues will lay stress on the key points of breaking through the “Malacca Dilemma,” meet the China’s oil demand, sustain economic development, even consolidate the legitimacy of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, and conform to the national interests.
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