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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

物件導向分類法於DMC航照影像萃取崩塌地之研究 / Object-oriented Classification for Extracting Landslides Using DMC Aerial Images

孔繁恩, Kung, Fan En Unknown Date (has links)
台灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,地形為山地居多,且地質脆弱,加上位於西太平洋副熱帶地區,使得山區常受到颱風的侵擾而發生崩塌,導致土石流和洪水等災害發生,進而影響人民的生命和財產安全。因此,如何有效地建置崩塌地區域資料庫,成為國土保育與災害防治的重要課題。以往利用遙測與航測技術於崩塌地萃取的研究中,大多是於幾何糾正後衛星影像或是航測正射影像上分析崩塌地,但產製正射影像或是糾正衛星影像時,都需要花費較多的時間,對於講求時效性的救災行動而言頗為不利。本研究之目的為發展一套不需使用正射影像萃取崩塌地的方法,以物件導向影像分類法,於DMC(Digital Mapping Camera)航測原始影像上直接萃取崩塌地資訊。首先採取多重解析影像分割的技術,將航測影像依像元光譜和形狀同質性分割成不同區塊(物件),接著利用影像光譜統計值搭配區域成長法,偵測影像中的雲覆蓋地區並過濾。其次,根據光譜亮度統計特徵值,將影像區分成陰暗地區、正常地區以及較亮地區之三種土地覆蓋類型,使用線性相關糾正法(Linear-correlation Correction)將陰暗地區光譜亮度值轉換至正常地區,並利用物件的特徵值,如光譜、面積、形狀以及相關性依序萃取此三種土地覆蓋類型內的崩塌地。最後,使用光線追蹤法 (Ray-tracing),將崩塌地區塊從影像坐標轉換至地圖坐標,使其可以套疊地形資料如坡度、坡向,並進行空間分析以提升崩塌地的判釋精度。研究結果顯示,崩塌地萃取之使用者精度和生產者精度,均有82%以上,並且整個實驗可大量批次處理影像,及快速建立崩塌地資料庫,本研究之方法和崩塌地資料庫將有助於國土保育與崩塌地的災害防治。 / Being located in a subtropical and seismic zone of the West Pacific, the geology is fragile and topography is mountainous in Taiwan. Landslides, floods and other disasters induced by typhoons occur frequently, and it cause the life-threatening and property loss of human beings in Taiwan. Therefore, how to establish landslides data effectively become an important issue of land conservation and disasters management. In recently years, most of the researchers used aerial ortho-images or satellite georeferencing images to detect landslides sites. However, it spent a lot of time generating aerial ortho-images and rectifying satellite images, and it also reduced the efficiency of landslides analysis. Thus, this study developed an object-oriented classification method, which can be directly applied in raw image data, to detect landslides sites. Firstly, this study used multi-resolution image segmentation technique to segment images acquired by Z/I DMC(Digital Mapping Camera) into individual regions (objects) according to the homogeneity of spectral and shape features, and then removed cloud areas by using brightness features depended on the spectral information of images. Secondly, the study divided the entire image into three areas, which are darker area, normal area and lighter area, according to brightness value. Next, Linear-correlation correction (LCC) method was used in this study to transform darker area to normal area so that it can easily detect the landslides sites in darker area, and the object features, such as spectral, area, shape and space correlation indices, were used to extract landslide sites in images. Finally, in order to enhance the accuracy of landslide, the initial landslides were converted from image coordinate system to map coordinate system by ray-tracing method, so the initial landslides data can be further extracted by using topographic data, including slope and aspect data. The results of this study showed that the user and producer accuracies of detecting landslides can reach up to 82%. Moreover, the entire experiments process of this study can batch analyze automatically and establish landslides database quickly. It is expected that the method and landslides data of this study may have contribution to land conservation and disasters management.

落空的權利—從法律多重製圖觀點看日月潭邵族原住民族土地同意權的實踐 / The Hollow Rights: The Practice of Thao’s Indigenous Land Rights in Taiwan from the Perspective of "Multi-Layered Mapping of Law"

沈世祐, Shen, Shih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
《原住民族基本法》於2005年通過,是台灣原住民族運動努力多年的成果,但是近年來原住民族仍持續面對各種壓迫。在土地權利方面,該法第21條規定政府或私人於原住民族土地進行開發利用時,需事先諮詢當地原住民族之同意或參與(簡稱「同意權」),然而在許多案件中,原住民族主張此條文表達反對時,經常未能得到行政部門正面回應。本研究以日月潭邵族反對向山旅館開發案為例,理解「同意權」如何變成「落空的權利」。 許多文獻討論,將原住民族權利與實踐的落差歸因於「個人權」(individual right)與「集體權」(collective right)兩種概念的差異及行政部門本位主義因素。本研究則想更進一步釐清,又有哪些其他因素也影響原住民族權利的落實? 在這些因素的影響下,「同意權」的規範運作又產生了何種實際效用? 本研究將從「法律多重製圖」之觀點回答上述問題,首先將探究「同意權」概念在國際法、國內法與行政實踐中的規範生產與運作,分析在不同的場域下,場域內的參與者如何對「同意權」進行法律製圖。本文主張,法律生產過程中對權利概念的意義內涵轉換、法律生產與運作場域的邏輯結構,皆影響原住民族權利的實踐。同時,本研究進一步以日月潭邵族的案例,說明原住民族土地權中「自由與事先知情同意原則」或「同意權」規範,理想上是以原住民族的「參與」並實現自決權為目標,但在邵族的案例中,實際運作卻是不斷「排除」原住民族的過程,法律成為排除原住民族權利的合理化機制,更避開各種議題對立面的討論。 權利的落空一方面指權利主張不被理解與正視,更進一步指原住民族社會愈遠離「集體」的過程,因而我們需對原住民族同意權或各種集體權的運作有更多的反省,並持續探詢屬於每個部落或族群中所謂「好生活」(good life)的意義。本文最後藉用「草根後現代主義」(grassroots post-modernism)之概念,介紹原住民族在追求「好生活」的道路上,如何藉著在地思考、找回與族群內部的連結,以此對抗全球化、新自由主義趨勢下對原住民族權利的影響與侷限。 / Though its enactment in 2005 can be regarded as an achievement of Indigenous movement in Taiwan, The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law does not work as it promises. The indigenous people are still struggling for the fulfillment of rights. With respect to land rights, Article 21 of the Law requires the participation and consent of local indigenous people before the development and utilization of the indigenous land. However, the article is often neglected by the government in many cases. This case study then focuses on Thao people (邵族)who live around Sun-Moon Lake (日月潭)and their opposition to a Hotel program located in Xiangshan(向山), which is regarded as the traditional territory of Thao. By adopting the perspective of “Multi-Layered Mapping of Law”, I hope to analyze the enactment process and the effect of law concerning the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent as well as land rights of indigenous people, and try to describe how the “right to consent” becomes a “hollow right” in practice. The study depicts the right as “hollow” for two meanings. On the one hand, it shows the situation for indigenous people facing the gap between the law’s promise and law’s practice in the complex process of law making and law enforcement. On the other hand, it further describes the more distance from collectiveness within indigenous society. The study suggests that more dialogue and more reflection is needed when claiming rights. The last part of the study then introduces the idea of “grassroots post-modernism” which discuss the way to “Good Life" and the way of resistance against globalization and neoliberalism. Although the issues need further discussion in future studies, the idea can be a guidance for indigenous people as they pursue the fulfillment of land rights, autonomy and self-determination.


後藤, 俊夫, 堀, 勝, 西澤, 典彦 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(A)(2) 課題番号:15206012 研究代表者:後藤 俊夫 研究期間:2003-2004年度


村上, 隆 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:09610114 研究代表者:村上 隆 研究期間:1997-1998年度

數位網路上多重目標規劃的數學模式 / Mathematical Models of Pareto Optimal Path Selection on All-IP Networks

王嘉宏, Wang, Chia-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
面對通訊與資訊科技的大幅進步,通訊網路正在進行一個巨大的變革,要將電信網路與數據網路整合成一個單一的All-IP網路以支援所有網路應用服務。欲達到整合型網路的理想,仍有許多困難尚待克服,而服務品質問題是其中最關鍵的問題之一。因為受限於封包交換網路之原有的特性,All-IP網路有影響服務品質的三項因素:過長的延遲時間、抖動以及封包遺失。首先,我們利用了達成度函數(achievement function)來處理單位的轉換,使得能夠同時考量此三項不同單位的因素。接著,本文中提出一套方法來解決All-IP網路上端對端(end-to-end)的資源配置及路徑規劃問題。在分配資源時,我們企圖提供一種成比例的公平性給各個不同等級。此公平性的精神是要使得所有網路使用者的滿足程度相當,而非各個不同等級的使用者分配到相同的資源。我們將以預算方式控制端對端品質管理以追求使用者之整體最大滿意程度。 本論文的規劃概念是將網路規劃分成兩個階段。第一階段是在一筆給定的總預算底下,以成比例的方式去分配資源給各個不同等級,並建置網路上的頻寬,使各等級能依其需求拿到適當的頻寬,確保滿足程度相當。 接下來第二階段則是在第一部份已完成的規劃基礎下,做路徑規劃,指派新進入的使用者到一條較好的路徑,在滿足此使用者的延遲時間要求下,使此系統的壅塞程度越小越好。路徑規劃的概念為如何挑選最佳網路路徑,以規劃具服務品質之端對端路徑,並可達到資源之最有效利用。網路營運者將可運用此套方法來調校自身所營運的網路以追求使用者最高滿意度。 / We present an approach for the fair resource allocation problem and QoS routing in All-IP networks that offer multiple services to users. The objective of the optimization problem is to determine the amount of required bandwidth for each link and each class to maximize the sum of the users' utility. In this work, we focus on approaches that, while allocating bandwidth, attempt to provide a proportionally fair treatment of all the competing classes. First, we will show that an achievement function can map different criteria subject to various utility onto a normalized scale. It may be interpreted as a measure of QoS (Quality of Service) on All-IP networks. Using the bandwidth allocation model, we can find a Pareto optimal allocation of bandwidth on the network under a limited available budget. This allocation can provide the so-called proportional fairness to every class, that is, this allocation can provide the similar satisfaction to each user. Next, we present a routing scheme under consideration of the delay. Such an optimal path provides the end-to-end QoS guarantees to each user. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate how to solve the fair resource allocation problem and how to modify the nonlinear parts.


髙橋, 陽一 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第18028号 / 法博第161号 / 新制||法||147(附属図書館) / 30886 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 前田 雅弘, 教授 洲崎 博史, 教授 北村 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems / 多端子通信システムにおける符号化および復号の研究 / タタンシ ツウシン システム ニオケル フゴウカ オヨビ フクゴウ ノ ケンキュウ

路 姍, Shan Lu 22 March 2014 (has links)
本論文は、多端子通信路に対するマルチユーザ符号化および復号の研究成果をまとめたものである。多重接続加算通信路による情報伝送において、複数ユーザの稼働状態を識別するための誤り訂正可能なシグネチャ符号の構成を論ず,全伝送率の高いシグネチャ符号の一般的な構成法を解明する.双方向中継通信路では、2ユーザターボ符号に対する復号の演算量を低減させる復号法を提案する。加法性白色ガウス雑音環境下では復号性能を劣化することなく、レイリーフェージング環境下では僅かな劣化にとどめながら、復号の演算量を約半分程度に低減することができる. / Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems are investigated. For MAAC, we propose a coding scheme of (k + 1)-ary error-correcting signature codes. We give binary and non-binary signature codes. They are the best error-correcting signature codes for MAAC, in the sense that they have highest sum rates known. For TWRC, we propose a low-complexity two-user turbo decoding scheme when turbo codes are applied in two users. The approximate decoding algorithm preserves low decoding complexity over the Gaussian TWRC, without much performance degradation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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