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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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顧客生命週期及獲利力之相關性─田野實證研究 / The Relationship between Customer Lifetime and Customer Profitability:Field Empirical Evidences

劉俊儒, Liu, Chun-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在以往探討非財務性績效指標與財務績效指標關係的相關文獻中,大多以品質、顧客滿意度、瑕疵率及準時送達率為主,甚少討論顧客生命週期時間(customer lifetime)。本研究主要探索顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係、顧客生命週期時間的影響因素與多重通路的相關議題。 本文以一家大型電視購物業的公司為個案,64,632名顧客30個月的交易資料為樣本,實證結果發現:(一) 顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係為正向關係。(二)顧客的交易金額與顧客生命週期時間呈正向關係;平均間隔購買時間、自有品牌與耐久財對顧客生命週期時間的關係為反向關係;退貨次數與顧客生命週期時間是U字形關係。(三)自電視購物通路所取得的顧客,未來的顧客生命週期時間會較短,但自型錄通路所取得的顧客則會較長;來自電視通路的顧客利潤顯著高於其它通路。(四)使用多重通路的顧客其顧客生命週期時間顯著高於單一通路的使用者,但顧客利潤則顯著低於單一通路的使用者。 / Non-financial measures have been widely advocated and adopted, such as quality, customer satisfaction, defective rate, and on-time delivery rate. However, empirical research has little focus on customer lifetime. This study explores (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability; (2) the determinants of customer lifetime; (3) the impact of multi-channel shopping on customer profitability and customer lifetime. Using 64,632 customers level data (30 months) from a large TV Shopping company, this study finds: (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability is positive; (2) customer transaction amount is positively related to customer lifetime duration; average interpurchase time, private brand, and durable goods are negatively related to customer lifetime duration; the relationship between customer’s return frequency and customer lifetime is U shape; (3) the customer lifetime duration of TV channel customers is shorter than that of other channel customers, but the customer profitability of TV channel customers is larger than that of other channel customers; (4) the customer lifetime duration of multi-channel customers is longer than that of single channel shoppers, but the customer profitability of multi-channel customers is less than that of single channel customers.

多重通路互補與替代關係之探討-以台灣銀行業為例 / The Study of the Complementarity and Substitution Relationship of Multiple Channels-By Example of Taiwan Banking Industry

馬紹懷, Ma,Shao Huai Unknown Date (has links)
多重通路的經營型態於台灣已呈現穩定發展的狀態。然而,在過往研究中多重通路之間的關係較多從廠商的角度探討通路衝突與互補的情形,忽略了學者Stewart 與 Pavlou (2002)所強調:「多重通路間彼此互補或替代的關係,應由消費者的觀點來加以檢視」。本研究從消費者的角度,檢視在消費者心中不同通路之間呈現出替代亦或是互補的關係。以銀行業為研究背景,並以近半年內曾使用多重通路辦理銀行相關業務的民眾為抽樣對象,同時採用網路問卷以及人員訪問的方式,收回有效問卷共365份。藉由多元迴歸分析,針對銀行所提供之廣泛性決策與非廣泛性決策型業務,從服務品質的角度,探討消費者在實體通路與網路通路中的顧客滿意度對消費者未來持續與該銀行往來意願之影響。並藉由消費者對不同通路之顧客滿意度的交互作用分析,推論在消費者心中多重通路彼此間的互補或替代關係。 研究結果顯示,針對廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的整體滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行整體價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出互補的效果。 針對非廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的資訊提供滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的服務人員間呈現出互補的效果。 3. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出替代的效果。 / The multi-channel business model has been stable development in Taiwan. However, most of the researches toward the channel relationship within the multi-channel environment focused on the corporation perspective in the past research, but ignored what Stewart and Pavlou (2002) have stressed that substitution and complementarity of different channels should be examined from a customer perspective. This research surveyed the channel relationship from the perspective of the consumer. The research chose the banking industry environment, and targeted the consumer who has applied multiple channels in dealing with banking related service in the last 6 months. The survey collected 365 valid questionnaires by adopting internet survey and people interview. By using multiple regression analysis, the research differentiated the extensive and non-extensive decision making services and probed the impact of the satisfaction in brick-and-motar (B&M) channel and internet channel toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company with the view of service quality. By adopting interactive analysis of customer satisfaction in different channels, the research deduced the relationship of multiple channels. The research concludes that for the extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the overall value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the information providing in the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the employee of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 3. There is substitution effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank.

女性員警之親子關係、角色期望及衝突之研究—以基隆市警察局為例 / A study of the parent-child relationships, role expectation ,and role conflict for Keelung policewomen

陳風傑 Unknown Date (has links)
警察勤務是24小時晝夜輪替服勤,其工作性質具高度危險性、辛勞性、不確定性及機動性,警政署規劃逐年降低男女警員員額十比一的錄取比例限制,未來女警人數勢必增加且在未來人力運用上,女警扮演日益重要的角色。以往女警在警界中往往扮演邊陲角色或擔任性質單純的內勤工作,現在的勤務卻是包羅萬象,諸如,值班、巡邏、交通整理、執行擴大路檢、追捕逃犯、緝毒肅槍等勤務。如此,女警要面對多元複雜的治安環境及兼顧家務,此舉是否導致她們面臨角色衝突,女警的角色是否必須有所調整,為值得探究的課題。 本研究採用質性研究法中的深入訪談法,以基隆市警察局機關編制內已婚且育有子女的12位女警為訪談對象,以探討女性員警之親子關係、角色期望與衝突,以期深入了解女性員警的生活及所面臨的問題,並探究其在扮演多重角色時,如何有效因應身兼工作角色及家庭角色。訪談所得資料,經歸類、分析所得研究結果: 一、親子關係、權威管教 受訪者受到傳統觀念的影響,再加上雙薪家庭,工作時間長且工作時間日夜顛倒,壓縮到陪伴子女的時間,親子間互動減少,然而必須在短暫的時間內傳遞溝通的訊息,避免子女出現偏差行為,所以大多數受訪者採取權威式管教方式,並設定規範要求子女遵守。 二、經濟考量、從警主因 受訪者當初選擇進入警界的原因,經濟因素是女性選擇從警的主因之一,另一項原因就是崇拜警察陽剛、打擊犯罪的正義形象。 三、母職扮演、傳統依舊 受訪者對於「母職」與「妻職」的角色,仍無法擺脫傳統的性別角色與義務,她們通常把家庭與教養視為自己理所當然的責任與義務,不得不犧牲自己的時間,滿足子女與先生的需求。 四、兼顧子女、負荷頗重 受訪者對於學齡前子女教養工作花費的許多時間與精力,超出體力的負荷,有時會將子女帶進辦公處所,一邊工作、一邊照顧子女與指導作業;如果先生無法分擔家庭事務工作,更增加受訪者的壓力,而無法調適的情形,感到蠟燭兩頭燒的窘境。 五、角色衝突、尋求支持 受訪者在面臨工作與家庭事務衝突時,最重要的是尋求支持系統,例如長輩的照顧、辦公室的托育等;另一方式就是會找尋丈夫、家人、朋友聊天獲抒發己見以獲得暫時的安慰或者聽音樂、做運動紓解壓力,這些都是對於受訪者感到有效的策略。但是女警在專心追求事業的同時,仍會配合家庭運作,以家庭生活為重心,畢竟維持家庭生活運作仍然是女性員警的最終考量。 本研究依據研究結果,提一些建議:一、對警察機關的建議:舉辦健康親子休閒活動、宣導女警角色、強化性別平等教育、合理勤務時間、紓解工作壓力、協助育兒托育、適當的女警輪調制度;二、對已婚女警的建議:提供社會支持、重視家庭溝通、做好時間管理、尋求支持,善用資源、平權的家務分工。 關鍵字:已婚女警、親子關係、多重角色、角色期望、角色衝突 / Police staff works round the clock and on a shift basis. Their jobs involve high risks, physical strength requirements, uncertainty and mobility. On a year-by-year basis, the National Police Agency is planning to lift the 10:1 quota for male and female recruitments. Increase in the number of female police staff, therefore, is foreseeable. In terms of human resources management, policewomen will play an increasingly important role in the industry. In the past, policewomen were normally assigned to minor tasks or less complicated office works. Now their roles are becoming versatile, having to fulfill different job requirements including shift works, patrolling, traffic conduction, roadside inspection, chasing criminals, combating guns and drugs, etc. They have to deal with a diversified and complicated environment for public security and to fulfill their family responsibilities at the same time. Are policewomen, therefore, facing role conflicts? Do they need role adjustments? These are all issues worthy of further exploration. In this research, we adopted the In-Depth Interview approach, one of the Qualitative Research methodologies, and have interviewed 12 married policewomen with children, who are working for the Keelung City Police Bureau. The purpose is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the life of these policewomen; the parental relationship, role expectation and role conflicts; as well as various problems they encountered. We also tried to understand the approaches they took to achieve an effective work/family balance when dealing with their multiple roles. The results of the interview have been classified and analyzed, and are summarized below: 一、Parental Relationship and the Authority Teaching Style Most of the interviewees are influenced by traditional concepts. Facing the pressure of double-income families, as well as lengthy and irregular working hours, they are forced to squeeze the time spent with their children. The interaction between parents and children, therefore, is reduced. Having to communicate with the kids within limited time and minimize undesired behaviors from the children, most of the interviewees adopt the authority teaching style. They set up rules and asked their children to follow. 二、Financial Considerations – The Key Reason for Selecting Police Jobs For female police staff, one of the key reasons for joining the police force is financial considerations. Another reason is their adoration of the “manlike” nature of the police jobs and their positive image in combating crime and protecting justice. 三、 The Traditional Role as a Mother In terms of their roles as a “mother” and a “wife”, the interviewees still could not free themselves from the traditional roles and obligations for the gender. They believed that they had unshirkable responsibilities to look after the family and educate the children. They have no choice but to sacrifice their own time to satisfy the need of their husbands and children. 四、 Childcare – a Heavy Load The interviewees have spent tremendous time and energy in looking after and educating their preschool children. They felt physically overloaded. Sometimes they needed to bring the kids to offices so that they could, while working, look after the kids and help with their homework at the same time. The pressure would become worse if their husbands were unable to share the house chores. Some interviewees felt themselves “a candle burning at both ends”, having difficulties in adapting themselves to the situation. 五、Role Conflicts and the Need for Support When facing a role conflict between family and work, the interviewees felt it most important to turn to a support system. For example, they would seek help from the elders in the family for help, or rely on the childcare services from the employers. Other methods for temporary relief are to talk with their husbands, families or friends, listening to music or join sport activities. These are all effective strategies for the interviewees. While striving for their career, policewomen are still required to remain family-focused and support all family activities, since family care is still reckoned as their ultimate goal of life. Based on the results of this research, we wish to provide the following recommendations: (1) For police agencies: We recommend to arrange parental/children activities, provide education on the roles of policewomen, enhance education on sexual equality; review and ensure reasonable working hours, provide childcare supports and build up a good rotation system for policewomen. (2) For married policewomen: Provide social supports, improve communication within the family, develop time management skills, solicit external supports, improve resource management and ensure equality in the sharing of housework. Key Words: Married Policewomen, Parental Relationship, Multiple Role, Role Expectation, Role Conflicts

複雜抽樣下反應變數遺漏時之迴歸分析 / Regression Analysis with Missing Value of Responses under Complex Survey

許正宏, Hsu, Cheng-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Gelman, King, 及Liu(1998)針對一連串且互相獨立的橫斷面調查提出多重設算程序,且對不同調查的參數以階層模式(hierarchical model)連結。本文為介紹複雜抽樣(分層或群集抽樣)之下,若Q個連續變數有遺漏現象時,如何結合對象之個別特性,各層或各群集的參數,以及連結各層或各群集參數的階層模式,以設算遺漏值及估計模式中之參數。 對遺漏值的處理採用單調資料擴展演算法,只需對破壞單調資料型態的遺漏值進行設算。由於考慮到不同的群集或層往往呈現不同的特性,因而以階層模式連絡各群集或各層的參數,並將Gelman, King, Liu(1998)的推導結果擴展到將個別對象之特性納入考量之上。對各群集而言,他們的共變異數矩陣Ψ及Σ為影響群內其他參數的收斂情形,由模擬獲得的結果,沒有證據顯示應懷疑收斂的問題。 / Gelman, king, and Liu (1998) use multiple imputation for a series of cross section survey, and link the parameter of different survey by hierarchical model. This text introduces a method to impute missing value and estimate the parameters affected by hierarchical model if Q continuous variables has missing value under complex survey. For each cluster, the parameters are influenced by their variance-covariance matrix Ψ and Σ. The result obtained from the simulation have no clear evidence to doubt the convergence of parameters.

跨國指數連動票券新金融商品之研究:評價與避險 / The equity-linked note with cross boarder underlyings: to price and to hedge

葉澤興, Yeh, Tse-Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
到期還本的指數連動型證券為一種連結權益(equity)的債權證券,所連結的權益部分通常以隱含選擇權的方式建立。指數連動證券具有自動資產配置調整的特性,當股票市場表現不錯時,此契約給予投資人較高的股票市場風險暴露(因為股票上漲時,Delta值增加)。若股票市場表現不佳,則契約收益特徵接近債券的型式。所以是保守型投資得以參與部分股票市場表現之設計。 本論文所研究之中短期連動型票券,係以零息債券持有至到期(其面額等於到期還本金額),期間不可贖回或申購,並以期初零息債券貼現的部分來購買不同的請求權,以做為連動股票市場表現的機制。在推導多重標的資產請求權評價模型上,係採Martingale方式,其中並證明在Gisanov轉換機率測度下,多重標的之隨機項轉換的規則。 本文主要研究Rainbow Call與Spread Call的評價模型與避險參數;進一步研究標的資產間相關係數對選擇權價值之影響與避險上的財務經濟意義。另一方面,運用Martingale此一有力的工具,佐以現金流量分析,來推導跨國標的之評價模型,並提出跨國之避險操作方法,與說明標的資產與匯率間相關係數在避險上的財務經濟意義。 本文最後就兩套請求權設計之指數連動票券,模擬比較在不同相關係數下,與其他選擇權設計之指數連動票券的表現。並嘗試提出該設計票券之較佳表現時機。

全球化供應鏈管理績效評估與探討 / The Performance Evaluation and Survey of the Global Supply Chain Management

陳麗玉, Chen, Li-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
供應鏈管理的觀念在於整合採購、生產和運送產品及服務至顧客一連串的活動,供應鏈目前已逐漸獲得企業的重視,但由於各個企業間的規劃控制、工作流程、組織架構、資訊流程架構、管理方法、權力領導及文化態度等等都存在著差異,要協調與整合供應鏈上的所有成員是一項極為困難的工作,尤其近年來在資訊資源與企業整合逐漸成熟的情況下,全球化成為新的發展趨勢與思考方向,供應鏈更是橫跨地理疆界,遍布多國,管理更加困難。 不可諱言,全球化供應鏈可以為企業帶來許多的利益與優勢,然而,供應鏈中企業間分布距離擴大,以及全球化本身所造成的高度不確定性,都使得原本產生的利益被抵消,使得我們懷疑是否採行全球化供應鏈的企業,其績效就能提升。 為了探討全球化供應鏈的績效是否如預期,我們藉由模擬方式來分析採行不同策略在不同供應網體系下,整體供應鏈管理實際運作的情形;首先以多重代理人模式化複雜的供應鏈網路系統,每個代理人可代表供應鏈上的獨立個體(結點),以代理人的功能描述個體的特徵;接著以模擬方法比較採行全球化策略與本地化策略的供應鏈績效產出;最後對模擬結果作分析說明全球化所帶給企業的利益及造成的影響。 結果發現在相同的供應網體系,由於前置時間無可避免的變長,全球化策略的確會造成不滿足率的提高,而在不同的供應網體系下,全球化策略所產生的效果也不同,第一類供應網的影響程度較輕微,第二類供應網的變化幅度激烈,而第三種供應網則產生高度不滿足的情形。 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究方法與步驟 5 1.5 研究範圍與限制 6 1.6 論文架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 供應鏈 8 2.2 供應鏈管理 9 2.2.1 供應鏈管理的定義 9 2.2.2 供應鏈管理的組成 11 2.2.3 供應鏈作業的參考模式 13 2.2.4 供應鏈管理遭遇的問題 16 2.3 全球化供應鏈管理 17 2.4 供應鏈績效評估 20 2.5 供應鏈網路 24 2.6 多重代理人系統 27 2.6.1 代理人與多重代理人 27 2.6.2 代理人的應用領域特徵 28 2.6.3 代理人的分析和設計 29 2.6.4 多重代理人在供應鏈的相關議題 32 2.6.5 多重代理人架構於供應鏈的應用 33 第三章 研究方法 39 3.1 研究方法的採用 39 3.1.1 研究方法的基本類型 39 3.1.2 本研究的研究方法 40 3.2 研究步驟 41 3.3 相關文獻與理論基礎之探討 42 3.4 評估模式之建立 43 3.5 模擬方法之採用 46 3.6 雛型診斷系統之開發 48 3.7 結論與建議 48 第四章 模式推導 49 4.1 評估模式建立 49 4.2 影響的變數與項目 50 4.2.1 控制策略 50 4.2.2 網路架構 52 4.2.3 不確定性 54 4.3 模式化供應鏈網路 56 4.3.1 架構 56 4.3.2 代理人 57 4.3.3 流程 65 內部運作 65 外部互動 69 4.4 定義績效評估指標 73 4.4.1 整體供應鏈的存貨成本 73 4.4.2 整體供應鏈的顧客服務水準 74 4.4.3 訂單的週期時間 75 第五章 模擬 76 5.1 問題描述 76 5.2 建立假說 77 5.3 模擬環境 78 5.3.1 模擬系統 78 5.3.2 參數設定 79 5.3.3 供應網設定 81 5.3.4 模擬組別 86 5.4 模擬結果 89 5.4.1 相同類別的供應網比較 89 第一類供應網 89 第二類供應網 92 第三類供應網 95 5.4.2 不同類別的供應網比較 98 第六章 結論 100 6.1 研究結論 100 6.2 建議 102 6.2.1 對實務界的建議 102 6.2.2 對後續研究者的建議 102 參考文獻 103 附錄一 系統展示 108 附錄二 參數設定 121 / The ideal in supply chain management is the fully integration of business process from end consumers through original suppliers that provides products, services and information. And we know that it is very difficult to coordinate and to integrate all members of a supply chain, especially a global supply chain that the members are dispersed in a number of countries. It is obvious that we can get some benefits from the globalization. However, because of the higher uncertainty of the globalization itself, we also get some trouble and losses. So we have the reason to doubt that whether the globalization of a supply chain can really improve its performance or not. Through the literature survey, we know that the multi-agent modeling technique is a very useful approach to model the complicated structure of a supply chain network. In this thesis, we first proposed a multi-agent based simulation model for evaluating the performance of a supply chain to help us in decision-making. Since each member of a supply chain is an independent entity, an agent is used to represent a member of the chain. And we can build each agent’s functions based on each corresponding member’s characteristics. Secondly, we used simulation approach to do the performance comparison between the globalization and localization of a supply chain to study what are the gains and the losses caused by the effects of the globalization. And we also investigated the performance variations caused by the effects of the different types of supply chain network. In this research, we find out that globalization/localization and different network types may significantly influence the performance of a supply chain.


吳柏誼, Wu, Po Yi Unknown Date (has links)
政治、經濟、科技與醫療技術的進步,今日的工作力已不似以往在需求、價值親與期望上有較高的同質性;人口組成的改裝亦使非傳統人力的開發為組織保持競爭力的方法。人與人之間存在各種差異:性別、年齡、種族、族群、身心狀況、體能、性別取向、教育程度、文化背景等;雖然此些差異並不必然影響其工作表現,但卻往往成為組織對成員採取差別待遇的原因。此外,組織成員也常因所處之層級、部門的不同,而有不同的觀點、立場、與需求。差異可以是誤解與衝突的來源,卻也可以提升創造力與決策品質。因此,組織不應壓抑各種差異,而應塑造一個可以容忍、利用差異;而使各種不同的人都可以發揮潛能的組織-多重文化組織。   多重文化組織是一個善用差異的組鐵,並對組織多樣化的成員予以良好的管理,使其發揮能力;而正這是多樣化管理之立意。由差異產生的刻板印象或偏見屆心理層面,在處理上是組織整個生活方式的轉變,亦即組織文化之變革。在智理策略上,多樣化管理以彈性與賦與活力為核心;在政策、定歸與系統採取個人化的彈性管理策咯,使組織更合於人文精神與正義原則。由多樣化管理產生打問題,有時是因自免、瞭解或彼此容忍便可解決;多樣化訓練除提供彼此互動以增加對多樣化的尊重與欣賞外,亦提供組織成員處理多樣化議題所需的技巧。由於多樣化管理是處理最基本的組織因素-「人」,因此可說是組織其它干預技術的基礎。本論忒以全面品質管理與學習型組織為例,介紹多樣化營理與其結合的方式。結論除點明多樣化管理對現代機關組織的啟示,並對實務界與學術界提出建議;以期現代組織對人員予以真正的尊重與發揮;創造一個組織與成員雙贏的工作環境。

關於週期性波包近似值的理論與應用 / On the Theory and Applications of Periodic Wavelet Approximation

鄧起文, Deng, Qi Wen Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文裏,我們將使用所謂的週期化(periodization)的裝置作用於Daubechies' compactly supported wavelets上而得到一族構成L<sup>2</sup>([0,1])和H<sup>s</sup>-periodic (the space of periodic function locally in H<sup>s</sup>)基底的正交的週期性波包(orthonormal periodic wavelets)。然後我們給出了對於一函數的波包近似值的誤差估計(參閱定理6)以及對於週期性邊界值的常微分方程問題的解的波包近似值的誤差估計(參閱定理7)。對於Burger equation的數值解也當作一個應用來討論。 / In this thesis,we shall construct a family of orthonormal periodic wavelets which form a basis of L<sup>2</sup>([0,l]) and H<sup>s</sup>-periodic (the space of periodic functions locally in H<sup>s</sup>) by using a device called periodization ([10,7]) on Daubechies' compactly supported wavelets.We then give the error estimates for the wavelet approximation to a given function (see theorem 6) and to a solution of periodic boundary value problem for ordinary differential equation(see theorem 7). Numerical solution for Burger equation is also discussed as an application.

現代社會多重親密關係現象探索 / Exploring multiple intimate relationships in modern society

許耿嘉, Hsu, Keng Chia Unknown Date (has links)
隨著西方工業革命之後「第二現代」社會的來臨,人們越來越關注自身,親密關係轉而成為個人日常生活中最重要的事務之一,親密關係也逐漸擺脫外在社會的約束,而將其基礎置於關係之中兩人對彼此的承諾上。這樣的特性,符合了英國社會學家Antony Gddens所謂民主化發展的「純粹關係」。本研究從社會學的角度,透過質性研究方法,以理解個人在現代社會中實踐多重親密關係之特性與其意義。 研究結果指出,臺灣現代社會的親密關係正邁向Giddens所指之「匯流愛」的發展趨勢,並有著下列幾個特點:第一,現代社會環境所組成的機會結構,暗助多重親密關係的醞釀與發展:;第二,「曖昧」是為多重親密關係逾越社會對於親密關係規範的跳板;第三,多重親密關係更能使當事人滿足自我;第四,實踐多重親密關係具有「堅守一對一」與「被揭穿」的雙重風險;第五,經濟與性別在多重親密關係的脫勾性。 然而,正處於轉型期的臺灣社會,多重親密關係的實踐仍面臨父權社會殘留與新舊價值的衝突現象。於是,我們也同時從經驗資料中發現類似英國社會學家Jamieson對Gidden論述的質疑,包括:第一,「性別」在多重親密關係中是最終的影響變數;第二,自我內在對於實踐多重親密關係所存在的矛盾感;第三,「一對一關係」的交往規則對多重親密關係來說,具有「限制」與「機會」的雙重意義;第四,現代社會下的「婚姻制度」對親密關係來說是更嚴格的「遊戲規則」,但卻也是多重親密關係的實踐者願意接受的遊戲方式。 / After the western Industrial Revolution comes the so-called “second modernity.” As people are more concerned about themselves, they cherish intimate relationships much more in their daily life. Intimate relationships have thus disposed of external social control and focused more on the promise between two lovers. This feature is similar to the democratization of pure relationships presented by English sociologist Antony Giddens. From a sociological perspective and through qualitative research methods, this study aims at understanding the characteristics and meanings of multiple intimate relationships as well as the individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships in modern Taiwan. The findings show that intimate relationships in the modern Taiwan society are approaching the “confluent love” stated by Giddens. Multiple intimate relationships are found in this study to carry five characteristics. First, the opportunity structure in modern society facilitates the fermentation and practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, dubious relationships serve as a jumping board for individuals to bypass the social canons of intimate relationships. Third, people are more satisfied by involving in multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, the double risks of practicing multiple intimate relationships involve the risk for keeping monogamy and the risk for revealing the practicing multiple intimate relationships. Fifth, there is a disjunction between economy and gender in multiple intimate relationships. As Taiwan go through social transformations, the practice of multiple intimate relationships nevertheless remains controversial in a society in which the patriarchic elments remains and the modern values are in conflict with the traditional ones. The empirical evidence demonstrated in this study supports some challenges raised by English sociologist Lynn Jamieson to Giddens’ arguments. First, gender still serves as an ultimate variable in affecting the practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, individuals often experience a dilemma between a sense of guilt and the pursuit of gratification in maintaining multiple intimate relationships. Third, monogamy implicates both a restraint and an opportunity to develop multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, in the “game” of intimate relationships, the marital system is considered a stricter rule and yet individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships are willing to accept it.

WiMAX2多重跳躍中繼網路上具服務品質感知之混和自動重傳機制以提升高解析影像品質之研究 / QoS Aware HARQ to Improve High Definition Video Streaming over WiMAX2 MMR Network

王茂盈, Wang, Mao Yin Unknown Date (has links)
使用無線網路時常會遇到傳送訊號衰減、通訊死角或氣候不佳等原因,造成傳輸失敗。高畫質影像H.264/MPEG-4 編碼考慮影音封包具有不同重要性,對影音封包須制定不同的重傳機制。本研究改善WiMAX2中HARQ(Auto Repeat Request)的流程,將高畫質影像藉由TCP-Like方式傳輸影像,辨識影音封包資訊,確保GOP-Tree中"骨幹"節點的抵達率並利用Lagrange Method of Multiplier方法,對GOP-Tree中非骨幹節點提出合適的Trade-off。IEEE 802.16m標準支援Mobile Multi-hop Relay (MMR)的架構,針對目前基地台覆蓋範圍不足及遮蔽效應等問題提出中繼傳輸站(Relay Station,RS)來提升網路吞吐量並增進無線通訊品質。但也因此需要有較多的連線頻道及頻寬。然而此方式不能保證所有頻道都處於良好傳輸狀態,此而常有相當高的資料傳送失敗率。 混和自動重傳要求(Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest, HARQ)的提出就是用來確保資料傳遞成功的機制。HARQ早在IEEE 802.16-2004就被提出,然而我們發現HARQ機制在IEEE 802.16m效能不佳,更無法保證QoS (Quality of Service)的服務品質要求。在本研究中我們改善Chen [4]所提出的Dynamic Pre-allocation HARQ(DP-HARQ)機制,考慮當slot分配不足,封包在發生非連續錯誤時造成延遲時間增加等問題。我們所提出的方法加入具服務品質感知(QoS aware)的機制,來降低整體延遲時間(delay)並能有效提高吞吐量(throughput)。在模擬實驗中,我們以具二個hop,二個BS及十個SS以上的模擬環境,對不同方法做不同效能的評比,並以PSNR值檢驗所提出之方法是否能提升畫質,以確保影像傳輸品質。我們透過實驗數據證明提出的方法優於IEEE 802.16m的HARQ機制。 / This research focus on running high definition video over WiMAX2.It is usually that transmission fails through wireless network as it encounters factors like (transmission) signal attenuation, dead zone, bad weather, etc. The high definition video coding in H.264/MPEG-4 involves different degress of important video frames considering the video package. It defines different re-transmission mechanisms for video package. This research starts with the enhancement on the process of HARQ (Hybrid Auto Repeat Request)over WiMAX2, transmitting high definition video signals by“TCP-Like”protocol and indentifying the video package information to ensure a stable arrival rate of the “backbone” nodes in GOP-Tree. Furthermore, we apply Lagrange’s Method of Multiplier and propose an appropriate customization to the non-backbone part in GOP-Tree. Though the IEEE 802.16 standards has the concept of Mobile Multi-hop Relay(MMR), yet there are problems to be resolved and improved when it comes to reality due to the facts like coverage deficiency of base stations and shadow effect. The IEEE 802.16m standard uses Relay Station (RS)to enhance network traffic throughput and improve QoS over wireless network.Relay transmission stations are set for data transmission in Mobile Multi-hop Relay (MMR),thus it requires more connection channels and bandwidth. The thesis concludes with performance comparison under the simulation environments of 2 hops, 2 BSs and 10 SSs, evaluation of the methodology with PSNR for enhancing the QoS of HD video transmission.The proposed method is proved to surpass the HARQ methodology in IEEE 802.16m.

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