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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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盧韋芊 Unknown Date (has links)
自從網路蔚為潮流,消費者的商業購物模式就產生了巨大的變化。消費者既對於實體通路的優勢無法忘情,又希望享有網路世界的種種好處,因此發展出多重通路購物的模式。多重通路購物係包含:在網路搜尋產品之後再到實體店家實際觀察並檢視產品;或是先在實體店家體驗、了解產品之後再到網路去購買的方式。 本研究想要針對先在實體店家接觸實際產品後,再到網路購買的行為模式裡,了解除了產品特性、風險意識、社交人際、售後服務等影響單一通路選擇的因素在多重通路購物裡是否會產生和單一通路選擇時相同的激盪。 而最重要的便是本研究最後了解消費者的道德觀感確實會影響他們對於多重通路購物的態度,而且在哪些情況下消費者容易合理化自身不道德、不合宜的行為。以期透過調整五種中和不道德因子(techniques of neutralization)來提升消費者的道德心,避免消費者購物時,不斷追尋多重通路的模式。 關鍵字:多重通路購物、道德觀、態度

寵物食品業面對多重通路衝突的行銷策略 - 以美商艾汾臺灣分公司為例

吳勝良, Wu, Sheng Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究觀察臺灣的狗食市場,並且選擇兩家動物醫院與三間的寵物商店進行深入訪談,從訪談過程中發現在專業市場通路裡的動物醫院和寵物店之間明顯存在經營邏輯與對狗食商品定位截然不同的期待,這種對於狗食的期待不同,形成狗食品牌經營者在產品定位、包裝規格、定價策略與促銷安排上,對不同的通路型態,必須制訂不同的行銷策略,以避免不理性的通路衝突,而造成行銷資源的浪費與消費者對品牌認同的干擾。 依照深度訪談的整理結果,發展出寵物食品通路量表,此量表主要可分為販售狗食的目的、選擇販售狗食品牌的考量因素以及選擇往來經銷商之考量因素三部分,並以郵寄的方式施測於艾汾公司全省13家經銷商所掌握的467家寵物店和297家動物醫院。 從回收的問卷中發現:在銷售寵物食品的目的上,寵物商店較動物醫院更重視增加營業收入以及增加其他商品的銷售目的,但在追求經營利潤、提供飼主一次購足的便利以及創造衍生性服務的目的上,兩通路間並無顯著差異;在選擇銷售的狗食品牌的考量因素上寵物店比動物醫院更在乎該品牌廠商是否有消費者促銷活動、消費者是否對該品牌指名購買和試吃包與餵養手冊的提供;而動物醫院則相對較重視特殊功效、與來源國形象;寵物店與動物醫院在選擇與哪家經銷商往來時,二者的考量因素並無明顯差異,並不因本身專業知識的多寡,而對前來拜訪的業務員或所提供的配送服務,有不同的期盼或要求。 多重通路衝突現象在寵物食品業確實存在,寵物店或動物醫院都不希望本身所販賣的狗食在其他通路也有販售,深怕其他通路因為販售目的的不一致,而造成促銷價格難以掌控的困擾,尤其是其他通路開啟價格戰時,可能進而被消費者貼上黑店記號,或是有利潤減損與存貨滯銷的風險。利潤是影響專業市場通路業者是否推薦某一品牌狗食的主要考量,而價格的限定與依通路別區隔產品,是通路利潤能否確保的主要關鍵,因此本研究提供作為企業在面對多重通路型態時,價格訂定與行銷策略制訂之參考。 / From the study of Taiwan Dog food market and the in-depth interviews with 2 Vet Clinics and 3 Pet Shops, it was identified that significant difference existed in the business model and role of Dog food in their overall product portfolio between Vet clinics and Pet Shops in Taiwan, although these two store types were both classified as the “Specialty Trade” channel for Petcare products. Given this different expectation for selling Dog food, it was inevitable for Dog food suppliers to provide different product offerings and marketing mix for different trade customers, in order to avoid the irrational trade conflicts, wastage in brand investment and consumers’confusion about brand image. From the results of those in-depth interviews, we also developed questionnaire to conduct quantitative research on 467 Pet Shops and 297 animal hospitals that had business with the 13 regional distributors under Mars Foods Taiwan. The questionnaire composed of three major sections, which were: Purposes for selling Dog food, Major factors in brand selection and choices of distributors. Based on those responded questionnaires, it showed that, in terms of selling objectives, both Pet shops and Vet clinics were quite similar in the pursuit of profit, providing one-stop shopping for pet owners and generating additional demand for other services items, although Pet shops were also keen to drive incremental sales of other products. In the selection of Dog food brands, Pet shops cared more about consumer promotion, consumers’ preference for the brands and the offering of sample packs and feeding booklets, while animal hospitals concerned more with origins of country and functional benefits. As to the selecting criteria for local Petfood distributors, there was no major variance in their expectation/request on the salesmen or logistics service between these two store types. “Multiple channel conflicts” truly existed in Petfood market, as both Pet shops and Vet clinics did not want to see the same products also available in the other grocery channels with the fear of consumers’ complaints caused by other channel’s inconsistent pricing and different selling strategy on Dog food. In particular, the price war on Petfood among major retailers may get consumers mad about the Pet shops or Vet clinics and cause negative impact on their margin and inventory of the same dog food brands. It was crucial for suppliers to provide stable trade margin to earn the recommendation from Pet shops and vet clinics by strict cross-channel pricing control and channel-specific products offering, as profit was the most important motivator for “Specialty Trade” customers. This study provided a couple of initial thoughts for marketers to better deal with the pricing management and marketing strategy across multiple trade channels.

專屬資產種類對忠誠度與多重通路購物行為模式之影響 / The study of the impact of specific assets to loyalty and multi-channel environment

楊育華, Yang, Yu Hua Unknown Date (has links)
許多學者紛紛提出專屬資產對品牌忠誠度的影響,本研究主要想探討不同的專屬資產種對品牌忠誠度的影響。其中將專屬資產種類分為:特有使用知識專屬資產;特有實體設備、軟體或服務專屬資產;忠誠客戶優惠專屬資產;無形專屬資產;心理層面認同專屬資產;特有無形社會壓力專屬資產。 隨著網路普及,網路也漸漸改變我們的購物模式。近年來許多廠商紛紛採用多重通路的模式以增加其效益,而消費者也依本身偏好利用不同通路進行產品資訊蒐集及交易等行為。因此本研究的另一主軸為專屬資產種類將如何影響消費者對品牌之官方網站的購物態度及購物意願,又此對官方網站的購物態度將如何影響消費者之多重通路購物意願。本研究以百貨公司專櫃化妝品為例,探討專櫃品牌和消費者所建立的專屬資產種類會如何影響消費者之品牌忠誠度及對官方網站的購物態度、購物意願,以及對官方網站的購物態度又會如何影響其在百貨專櫃及在官方網站的購物意願。 研究結果發現,特有使用知識專屬資產、特有實體設備、軟體或服務專屬資產、忠誠客戶優惠專屬資產、無形專屬資產、心理層面認同專屬資產都和品牌忠誠度呈正相關,唯特有的無形社會壓力專屬資產對品牌忠誠度無顯著相關。而其中僅忠誠客戶優惠專屬資產對官方網站的購買意願呈負相關。對官方網站的購物態度則和在官網蒐集資訊在專櫃購買、在專櫃試用在官網購買、在官網蒐集資訊在官網購買皆呈現正相關,表示對官網的購物態度愈正面,愈可能透過官網進行資訊蒐集或購買之行為。

從虛擬通路延伸至實體通路之個案研究─以女性服飾為例 / From virtual channel to traditional channel─ a case study of female clothing

阮亭雯, Juan, Ting Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著線上購物發展的成熟,台灣近來有越來越多女性網友積極參與網路購物,讓美容保養與服飾精品線上購物市場在近三年來年成長率超過六成。近來更紛紛出現許多從虛擬通路經營成功後,轉戰實體通路之案例,根據資策會調查,自2005年起,從虛擬通路延伸至實體通路的業者約佔一成內,有近三成業者表示未來希望拓展到實體通路,顯示多重通路的整合經營逐漸成為業者的重要經營考量。 本研究首先探討「網路原生品牌」之定義、「虛擬與實體通路」、「安索夫產品市場矩陣」、「價值鏈」等主題,在歸納後做為本研究之分析架構,並採用個案研究法,針對國內第一大網路拍賣平台中的成功通路延伸品牌進行抽樣,為了比較的方便及研究的代表性,本研究抽樣的樣本為「累積Yahoo!奇摩拍賣之評價兩萬以上」且「具有從虛擬延伸至實體通路成功經驗」的女性服飾品牌案例:「東京著衣、I’MIUSA及Orange Bear」,配合深度訪談、觀察及次級資料蒐集,進行解釋性的質性研究,希望能夠了解女性服飾網路原生品牌由虛擬通路拓展至實體通路之動機與驅動因子、背後的策略意涵、在不同策略基礎下所導致的價值鏈差異、以及在多重通路的經營基礎下達成之綜效。 本研究最後發現女性服飾之網路原生品牌進行通路延伸的背後動機主要有兩大類型,也根據這兩種動機延伸出不同的成長策略、通路拓展策略以及價值鏈的改變,因此可以將虛擬通路延伸至實體通路的發展模式分成兩大類型。 本研究亦發現這三間個案公司的成功經驗背後有非常雷同的成長歷程與發展足跡,主要可將其成長歷程分成三大階段「初創期」、「成長期」、「成熟期」,業者在不同的階段會經歷不同的策略抉擇,以安索夫矩陣分析,三個研究對象都經歷了市場滲透策略、產品開發策略、以及市場開發策略三個階段,其中從虛擬通路延伸至實體通路則為「市場開發策略」的執行。 本研究另一大成果為歸納出多重通路經營下的價值鏈模型。由於通路延伸後在兩種通路上實際的行銷、銷售以及服務等價值鏈的主要活動部分產生了變化,因此會連帶的影響到主要活動前端的「設計與開發」,以及支援活動中的各項要素。而就目前的經營狀況分析,通路延伸對於網路原生品牌的影響除了在成功的市場開發之外,也帶來了價值鏈上的生產效率以及更多差異化的來源,整體而言,業者對於實體通路的經營是抱持樂觀及正面的態度,而從經營成果分析,對於起家於網路世界的網路原生品牌而言,虛擬通路及實體通路中的消費者有很大的差異,甚至可以看待成不同的市場,因此兩者之間可視為互補性的通路。

顧客生命週期及獲利力之相關性─田野實證研究 / The Relationship between Customer Lifetime and Customer Profitability:Field Empirical Evidences

劉俊儒, Liu, Chun-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在以往探討非財務性績效指標與財務績效指標關係的相關文獻中,大多以品質、顧客滿意度、瑕疵率及準時送達率為主,甚少討論顧客生命週期時間(customer lifetime)。本研究主要探索顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係、顧客生命週期時間的影響因素與多重通路的相關議題。 本文以一家大型電視購物業的公司為個案,64,632名顧客30個月的交易資料為樣本,實證結果發現:(一) 顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係為正向關係。(二)顧客的交易金額與顧客生命週期時間呈正向關係;平均間隔購買時間、自有品牌與耐久財對顧客生命週期時間的關係為反向關係;退貨次數與顧客生命週期時間是U字形關係。(三)自電視購物通路所取得的顧客,未來的顧客生命週期時間會較短,但自型錄通路所取得的顧客則會較長;來自電視通路的顧客利潤顯著高於其它通路。(四)使用多重通路的顧客其顧客生命週期時間顯著高於單一通路的使用者,但顧客利潤則顯著低於單一通路的使用者。 / Non-financial measures have been widely advocated and adopted, such as quality, customer satisfaction, defective rate, and on-time delivery rate. However, empirical research has little focus on customer lifetime. This study explores (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability; (2) the determinants of customer lifetime; (3) the impact of multi-channel shopping on customer profitability and customer lifetime. Using 64,632 customers level data (30 months) from a large TV Shopping company, this study finds: (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability is positive; (2) customer transaction amount is positively related to customer lifetime duration; average interpurchase time, private brand, and durable goods are negatively related to customer lifetime duration; the relationship between customer’s return frequency and customer lifetime is U shape; (3) the customer lifetime duration of TV channel customers is shorter than that of other channel customers, but the customer profitability of TV channel customers is larger than that of other channel customers; (4) the customer lifetime duration of multi-channel customers is longer than that of single channel shoppers, but the customer profitability of multi-channel customers is less than that of single channel customers.

多重通路互補與替代關係之探討-以台灣銀行業為例 / The Study of the Complementarity and Substitution Relationship of Multiple Channels-By Example of Taiwan Banking Industry

馬紹懷, Ma,Shao Huai Unknown Date (has links)
多重通路的經營型態於台灣已呈現穩定發展的狀態。然而,在過往研究中多重通路之間的關係較多從廠商的角度探討通路衝突與互補的情形,忽略了學者Stewart 與 Pavlou (2002)所強調:「多重通路間彼此互補或替代的關係,應由消費者的觀點來加以檢視」。本研究從消費者的角度,檢視在消費者心中不同通路之間呈現出替代亦或是互補的關係。以銀行業為研究背景,並以近半年內曾使用多重通路辦理銀行相關業務的民眾為抽樣對象,同時採用網路問卷以及人員訪問的方式,收回有效問卷共365份。藉由多元迴歸分析,針對銀行所提供之廣泛性決策與非廣泛性決策型業務,從服務品質的角度,探討消費者在實體通路與網路通路中的顧客滿意度對消費者未來持續與該銀行往來意願之影響。並藉由消費者對不同通路之顧客滿意度的交互作用分析,推論在消費者心中多重通路彼此間的互補或替代關係。 研究結果顯示,針對廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的整體滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行整體價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出互補的效果。 針對非廣泛性決策型業務: 1. 消費者「對實體銀行服務人員相關的滿意度」以及「對網路銀行的資訊提供滿意度」,皆對未來持續往來意圖有顯著的正向影響。 2. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的服務人員間呈現出互補的效果。 3. 網路銀行交易價值與實體銀行中的環境及便利性間呈現出替代的效果。 / The multi-channel business model has been stable development in Taiwan. However, most of the researches toward the channel relationship within the multi-channel environment focused on the corporation perspective in the past research, but ignored what Stewart and Pavlou (2002) have stressed that substitution and complementarity of different channels should be examined from a customer perspective. This research surveyed the channel relationship from the perspective of the consumer. The research chose the banking industry environment, and targeted the consumer who has applied multiple channels in dealing with banking related service in the last 6 months. The survey collected 365 valid questionnaires by adopting internet survey and people interview. By using multiple regression analysis, the research differentiated the extensive and non-extensive decision making services and probed the impact of the satisfaction in brick-and-motar (B&M) channel and internet channel toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company with the view of service quality. By adopting interactive analysis of customer satisfaction in different channels, the research deduced the relationship of multiple channels. The research concludes that for the extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the overall value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 1. The satisfaction of the employee in the B&M bank and the satisfaction of the information providing in the internet bank both have significant positive impact toward the intention to continuous dealing with the bank company. 2. There is complementarity effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the employee of the B&M bank. For the non-extensive decision making services: 3. There is substitution effect between the trading value of the internet bank and the environment and convenience of the B&M bank.

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