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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

法務部及所屬機關兩地夫妻與家庭關係-以工作輪調制度為例 / Family relationships of two-location couples employed by Ministry of Justice and the subordinating agencies–an example of job rotation system

李宜璇, Lee I-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
兩地家庭已成為臺灣一種新的家庭型態之一,其成因,各有因素,其中ㄧ種原因係特殊職業別的工作輪調制度所造成。在這種情況下形成的兩地家庭,對於當事人和其家庭而言,可說是較無選擇性的,以公務人員為例,此種職業相較於其他職業較具有永業性的,亦即一旦投入公務人員行列,絕大部分的人都繼續從事這份職業直到退休,因此在這種職業別下設有跨地區的工作輪調制度,大部分的人不論是否出於自願,均得接受工作的調整,然而對於已經組成家庭的人而言,跨地區的工作輪調制度多半會形成兩地家庭,其家庭關係、夫妻關係、親子關係會有什麼衝擊及影響?以及面臨何種問題?都是值得深究的課題。 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計8人,均為現服務於法務部及所屬各機關之公務人員,夫妻其中一方或雙方曾經因法務部之工作輪調,造成兩地夫妻,且當時兩地婚姻的狀態至少持續6個月以上並育有1個以上子女。 經分析訪談資料後,研究發現綜述如下: 一、雖有準備、有異其他家庭:因法務部暨所屬機關工作之特殊性而設有輪調制度,雖然對於將來有可能會成為兩地家庭的情形已有心理準備,但兩地家庭與其他類型家庭生活的不同,包括平日溝通無法見面,只能依賴電話聯繫、無法陪伴配偶、子女等。 二、適應與否、有賴內外支持:分隔兩地的夫妻雙方對於生活適應程度與是否有內在、外在支援有關係,因本研究訪談對象大部分分隔兩地家庭的子女年齡均較小,且多為學齡前兒童,因此由夫妻其中一方要獨力負起照顧幼兒的責任,負擔是相當重的。 三、工作繁重、另一半亦心憂:如果同時還有工作,照顧小孩更是分身術,另一方在異地工作也會擔心家中的情況。 四、時空乖隔、噓寒問暖不易:分隔兩地對於配偶和子女未能朝夕相處,減少感情聯繫,多了疏離感。 依據本研究發現,提出以下建議: 一多加溝通:建議在進入分隔兩地的生活前,應該充分和家人溝通和討論,降低分隔兩地對家庭的衝擊。 二接受支援:本研究建議適時接受內在、外在的支援可以減輕兩地家庭的生活壓力。 三常保聯繫:因此建議保持聯繫、常常溝通、定期相聚,強化夫妻關係以及和子女的關係。 四有賴有司:因工作性質特殊,同仁需配合工作歷練而調動造成的兩地家庭,建議機關可以提供住宿、交通費補貼、彈性請假制度、調動時尊重個人意願等協助,幫助同仁及其家人早日適應兩地生活,減輕壓力,讓同仁無後顧之憂。 / Economic and social transformation has created great impact and change on life, including wider disparity between wealth and poor and emergence of M-shaped society. To earn a living, it is more and more common to seek job opportunities in other places or for both spouses to be in work, which is the cause of two-location families that are more and more prevailing and have become a new family trend in Taiwan. This study is to discuss one of the reasons for two-location families to emerge – the rotation system of particular occupations – which researchers consider less optional for the party involved and their families. For example, compared with other occupations, being civil servants is a relatively permanent career; that is, once being a civil servant, the majority stay until they retire. No matter they are voluntary or not, most civil servants have to accept the change of rotational relocation in their position. However, for those who have families, rotational relocation will lead to two-location families and it can't be neglected how the phenomenon will impact family relationship, spousal relationship, parent-child relationship and what problem will therefore occur. In-depth interview of qualitative research is adopted in this study. The interview subjects are 8 civil servants currently employed in Ministry of Justice and the subordinating agencies and one or both of each couple was once rotationally relocated due to work, causing l two-location families that lasted for at least 6 months and raised at least 1 child. After the interview data are analyzed, findings discovered are summarized as follows: 1.Even though likelihood of two-location family due to particularity of the rotation system in Ministry of Justice and the subordinating agencies has been expected, two-location family is different from other types of family, including relying only on telephone but not face-to-face communication or not being able to accompany the spouse or children. So, sufficient communication and discussion with family members are recommended before living separately to reduce impact on the family. 2.Is internal or external support related with how long-distance spouses get accustomed to life? Because most interview subjects in this study have relatively young children in two-location families, most of whom are pre-school kids, it is a rather heavy burden for one spouse to shoulder responsible alone to take care of young children, to say nothing of being torn between looking after them and work. Besides, the spouse working in the other place will be worried about the family. So, it is recommended in this research that appropriately accepting internal or external support can relieve life pressure of being a two-location family. 3.Long distance causes alienation between spouses and children so it is recommended to stay in contact, frequently communicate and regularly gather together to strengthen spousal and parent-child relationship. 4.Due to particularity of work, fellow employees have to be relocated based on work experiences, which leads to two-location families. Therefore, it is recommended that government organizations can provide accommodation, transportation subsidies and a flexible system for taking leaves as well as respect personal choice for relocation to help fellow workers and their families to get accustomed to living in two places and relieve pressure. Also, it can help fellow workers devote themselves to work without any further concern.

駐外人員工作與家庭關係之研究─以僑務委員會為例 / The research of overseas official’s work-family relationship-A case study of Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission R.O.C(Taiwan)

楊子瑤 Unknown Date (has links)
我國外交工作的目的在營造爭取一個有利我們國家人民生存發展的國際環境,內容包含了經貿、金融、教育、文化、科技、農業、醫療、衛生、軍事、環保、觀光、援外、司法互助、國際宣傳、領務、僑務及海外國人急難救助等諸多工作面向。其中僑務駐外人員係以服務海外的僑胞為主,手機要保持24小時的暢通,他們工作的時間相當的長,而且僑務駐外人員因為工作的環境是在外交部的駐外單位下,當外交部與僑務委員會的長官意見有出入時,他們要如何扮演好溝通橋樑的角色;再者,當他們派外在國外時,又是如何維繫家庭關係。研究者藉由本研究能以期瞭解駐外人員在各駐外館處面臨工作壓力時如何調適及家庭關係又是如何去維持,藉此瞭解駐外人員在異鄉堅持奮鬥下去的動力。 本研究所採用的是文獻回顧法及半結構式的訪談兩項研究方法。以僑務委員會曾駐外過人員為受訪對象,共訪談10位受訪者,透過深度訪談僑務駐外人員,彙整僑務駐外人員訪談內容,針對訪談內容加以分析討論,研究發現:(一)在工作領域方面:冷靜思考、果決的判斷力、負責任是影響駐外僑務人員主管領導的重要因素;僑務駐外人員同時接受外交部與僑務委員會的指示,當兩者政策不同時,會形成僑務駐外人員的工作壓力;僑務工作內容是僑務駐外人員工作壓力來源之一;工作夥伴關係良好,會提升僑務駐外人員的工作滿足感;缺少語言、溝通等專業能力亦為僑務駐外人員工作壓力來源之一。(二)家庭關係方面:配偶的支持與僑務工作人員工作家庭間的衝突有正相關性;對家庭採積極投入的態度,對於親子關係有正關聯性;協助配偶建立社交圈與僑務駐外人員工作家庭衝突有負相關性;海外物價高與僑務駐外人員家庭關係有相關性;親友間的互動與僑務駐外人員工作家庭衝突有負相關性。

模糊統計在社會調查之應用 / The Application of Fuzzy Statistics in Social Survey

鄭勝元 Unknown Date (has links)
在問卷設計上,一般人常用傳統勾選的方式讓受訪者作答。這種0或1的二分法方式,讓受訪者在數個選項中勾選出一個較適當之答案,但其勾選的並非絕對,而其無勾選的卻非不曾發生的,如此所得到的資料往往會扭曲事實的真相。   本論文即是利用模糊之概念來改良傳統之問卷,允許受訪者在數個選項中填寫百分比,解決上述傳統問卷之缺失,並以家庭關係問卷為例,來比較傳統及模糊問卷結果的差異性。更進一步建構一家庭關係模糊指標及定義一家庭關係警訊燈號,用來衡量一般人家庭關係之優劣。分析結果我們可以得到以下三點結論:1.傳統問卷之結果,往往容易集中在某個選項上;而模糊呈現的較為均衡。2.由於模糊問卷答題方式較為多樣化,故家庭關係模糊指標分布較為廣泛且均勻。3.整體而言,較多數人之家庭關係警訊燈號為綠燈,顯示家庭關係不錯。 / In survey question design, people used the method of traditional selection to let respondent to answer. This method let respondent to select an appropriate answer in several options. However, his selections would not be absolute, and the options that he did not select would happen. Such data may skew the reality.   In this paper, we make use of fuzzy concept which allow respondent to write down percentage in several options to improve traditional survey question and to resolve the shortcoming of traditional survey. Also, we take family relation survey question for instance to compare the difference of traditional and fuzzy survey question result. Furthermore, we build a family relation fuzzy index and define a family relation warning signal to judge the good and the bad of one's family relation.

澳門青少年幸福感及其家庭因素探究 / Investigation into the family factors of the subjective well-being of Macao youth

蔡瑞珍 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

家庭因素對女性生涯抉擇影響之紮根研究 :以內地來澳女研究生為例 / Grounded analysis of family factors which are influential to female master students' career decision making

李麗麗 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education


洪國哲 Unknown Date (has links)
所長職務是責任也是榮譽,更是中堅幹部的一項重要資歷,然所長職務工作類別項目繁冗,要善盡職責扮演好所長角色,務必全神灌注全心投入。本研究為瞭解所長之職務範疇是否合宜合度、如何建立最佳工作方案,對職場意識、家庭關係之感觀為何。以台北縣政府警察局分駐派出所所長為研究對象,採用三角交叉檢視法(量化為主、質化為輔),以派出所全體所長為研究對象實施問卷調查,共發出149份問卷,回收149份,有效回收率為100%。另在質化研究方面,採非隨機取樣擇12位所長進行深度訪談。 本研究發現如下: 一、工作壓力方面 (一)職務煩雜,容易坐立不安,苦惱多多難以入眠,於下班後十分疲憊且睡眠不足,難以早起。 (二)所長雖是歡喜做甘願受,但民眾有時對警察不夠尊重,媒體多著重負面案件報導,且少數民意代表干預行政、關說涉入。有賴抗壓力之提昇,方能勝任。 (三)所長界於基層同仁與上級長官之間,負責承上啟下並協調所內外各項勤業務活動。所長居中協調,耗費心力。 (四)各派出所普遍處於員額編制不足之情況,常常要透支警力完成專案性、突發性任務,壓力驟升。 二、工作滿足方面 (一)各項績效分配及任務分工,皆是以單位內員警數、轄區人口數、地區複雜度為基準,工作分擔尚合理有依據,大致覺得滿意。 (二)所長帶人帶心,兵隨將轉,營造各同仁間相互協助支援風氣,領導得宜,成就感高。 (三)所長職務責任雖重,但相對獎勵較多。所長職務有利自我生涯規劃,大多滿意於工作回饋。 (四)所長只要做好自身本分之事,不出員警風紀問題,上司就不會有額外的不當要求。 三、工作投入方面 (一)所長認為警察工作是一種良心事業,身在公門好修行,多能終身以工作為榮,大多全力以赴。 (二)所長幾乎以派出所為家,與同仁朝夕相處,念茲在茲,樂在工作。 四、在家庭生活方面 (一) 所長尚滿意目前的婚姻關係,溝通與互動狀況亦良好,然囿於工作性質,使得與家人相處時間少,夫妻聚少離多,有賴相互體諒。 (二) 所長多能著墨於親子教養,予以糾正、解決心理和行為上的問題。 五、對於職務範疇內各工作事項大多認為重要且滿意 (一)勤(業)之規劃、分配、派遣、管制是派出所所長的基本工作,也是所長領導統御的最初步作為。 (二)運用獎勵及鼓舞等方式,達成各項績效要求。化解歧見,講求紀律服從,將上級理念迅速正確地貫徹到基層端末。 (三)員警勤務紀律是工作之本,有紀律才會有效率。以受理報案、貫徹報告、勤務執行、裝備使用及服儀態度等為要求重點。 (四)所長必須利用各種集(機)會加強政風法令及案例教育宣導要求,提高員警知法守法信念,預防違紀情事發生。 (五)以「廉能公義健康活力」做為對「新警察」的描述或詮釋,不僅標示「新警察」的核心價值,也是實現共同努久的願景! (六)所長要強化危機處理、風險管理之智能,積極規劃相關緊急應變計畫,建立危機管理機制 (七)派出所是警政機關的第一線單位,責無旁貸應運用技巧進行探訪查證,妥適規劃勤務,分配任務積極查緝到案。 透過本研究的結果,並提出建議,包含上級清楚明訂主從關係,績效評比制度須再考量,重大事故非所長全能承受,做事尋求重點,落實代理制度, 風紀案件不宜未審先判,上級給予鼓勵主動關懷, 建立紓壓管道。 關鍵字:分駐(派出)所、職務範疇、職場意識、家庭關係

照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home

李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下: 一、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之照顧經驗與感受 個案因「角色認同、婚姻綁樁、反哺回饋及無法承受之罪」承接照顧責任,面臨「專業照護技能學習、人際關係緊張疏離、生活陷入窘迫、家人支援不足」等壓力;透過「修正照顧認知、尋找照顧意義、暫離照護情境」調適壓力;家庭照護政策未見具體效益。 二、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之生命經驗 (一)身心知覺 個案出現身心變化,關心「健康」;對身體變化未積極面對。視更年期為正常發展,對荷爾蒙等醫療處置態度保守;性生活漸入佳境,部分個案偏重心靈契合。 (二)家庭關係 夫妻角色清楚分工,情感依附互補隨時間而質變,婚姻風暴者多已迎刃而解,夫妻做到「獨留心靈空間、相近的價值觀及穩定的經濟基礎」婚姻狀態即非常滿意;先生參與家中特殊兒童的照顧,影響婚姻滿意度。個案親子關係頗佳,隨年齡增加而變化;角色功能多似朋友,成人期親子關係轉為「互惠」。 (三)自我發展 個案自我圖像偏重社會我、心理我的描述,人際互動呈現多元自我,生命經驗中的依序或脫序事件均為中年女性之人生轉捩點,但更年期或停經則非其人生重要里程碑。 三、照顧家中失能老人對中年女性生命經驗之影響 照顧工作影響身心變化;影響夫妻「親密互動」及「依附關係」;對親子關係產生「連累子女、身教典範、矛盾依附」三項結果;對自我發展的「自我實現」及「老年與死亡準備」產生影響。 關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows: (1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study: The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity. (2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts: The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife. The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits. The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event. (3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife women: Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue. Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.

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