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我國電機電子中心廠企業之綠色專案團隊的組織方式與知識管理程序 / A Study of Organization and K.M. Process : Cases of Green Project Team in Core Factories of Taiwanese in Electrical and Electronics companies.李權憲, Li, Chuan Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所得到的研究結論包括:1.不同事業模式的企業,對同一外部環保壓力來源有不同壓力強度的感受;2. 企業內部環保壓力的自發性改變往往是發生在外部環保壓力的推動之後;3. 專案特性為產品或製程的延伸變動、改良、或品質改進,如綠色產品專案,適合以輕量級團隊進行專案之運作;4. 輕量級專案經理在團隊知識管理程序裡的知識吸收、創造、蓄積與擴散之運作中,扮演主要的角色;5. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊之專案贊助者(The Executive Sponsor),可避免發生決策偏頗之情形。從本研究對於實務上所提出的建議包括:1. 中心廠企業應有專責人員持續負責綠色產品的推動;2. 企業應創造內部人員成立跨部門專案團隊的機制;3. 由中立的高階主管擔任跨部門專案團隊的專案贊助者。 / When properties and designs of electrical and electronics equipments are renewed more and more quickly, many countries noticed that the waste produce during product life-cycle process by manufacturers, junk by end users, and hazardous substances of products are threatening human healthy and living environment increasingly. Therefore, European Union announced and entered into force of EU environmental directives that induced the industries to pay close attention on the surrounding environment impacts and the healthy & safety risk of people. Thus, we would expect that the electrical and electronics companies in our country faced challenges of Green-Product production.
The Taiwanese core factories built up a cross-divisional Green Project Team which coordinated each function to team up with conformed the Green-product regulations by government and customers. However, most of the past studies in the Green-Product issue were focused on how to manage green supply chain efficiently, and how to reply to the Green-product regulations rightfully. Thus, we focus on the organization and knowledge management process of the Green Project team, this issue is rarely touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the K.M. process of a project team by interviewing with personnel of case companies and reading second-hand materials about the case companies. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1.What is the Green Environmental Pressure a company mainly received? 2. What are the motives of a core factory to build up a Green Project Team? 3. What is the structure of the Green Project Team, and how does the team work together?
The preliminary research conclutions include: 1.Companies with different business models face different Green Environmental Pressure. 2. External Green Environmental Pressure influences a company first and then comes the Internal Green Environmental Pressure. 3. Operations of a Lightweight Project Team are suitable for the task of product or processing extension, and quality improvement, just like Green Project. 4. The key person in the knowledge management process is project manager in the Lightweight Project Team. 5. Biased-decision can be avoided by giving the position of cross-divisional executive sponsor to a neutral senior manager.
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飯店產業服務創新專案開發模式-以日月潭雲品酒店為例曾鳳秋 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管服務創新對飯店產業來說是非常重要的發展方向,然回顧過去文獻,飯店產業的服務創新乏人探討。因此,本研究參考Bilderbeek & Hertog所提出之服務創新四構面作為本研究之研究架構,並以日月潭雲品酒店「數位飯店及虛擬管家建置計畫」為例,運用個案研究法並輔以次級資料之搜集與整理,詳細剖析其發展服務創新的過程與模式,以及探討服務創新各構面與發展活動會對服務創新的成果產生哪些影響。
6.企業應不斷地將服務精緻化,構築競爭者的模仿障礙,而若將成功案例推廣至集團其他據點,亦可發揮規模經濟的效益,降低整體平均建置成本。 / The expenditure for information technology in Taiwan’s hotel industry increased 17.5% in 2008, and further on to 50.8% in 2009. The scope of this increment is very conspicuous and reveals that even in the face of difficult times, the hotel operators are still willing to invest large amount of money in IT. The main reason driving the operators to start offering a variety of IT services is they want to enhance their brand’s image in consumers’ minds by adding more value-added services to their already extensive portfolio.
In a market where the competition is becoming more intense every year, it is a major challenge for the hotel operators to retain regular customers while attracting new ones. Hence developing new service innovations is seen as a way to increase customer value and simultaneously help the hotels maintain its competitive advantages.
However, despite the importance of service innovations to the hospitality industry, there are barely any studies conducted on it. Therefore this paper aims to look deeper into this subject, using the service innovation model by Bilderbeek & Hertog as a starting basis.
This paper centers on a pre-chosen establishment, FLEUR DE CHINE HOTEL, using the method of case study. Assisted by second hand data, the study attempts to analyze the service innovation development process of the hotel and also determine how the various related activities influenced the final innovation results, so that areas for further improvement can be identified.
The study concludes that:
1.Service innovation should be flexible, so it can adapt well and quickly to the customer’s needs.
2.The new client interface must be based on “operating conveniently” and integrate all other interfaces effectively. If it is able to provide additional service smoothly, it can also increase the chance of sales.
3.The support of the executives is a key factor for the success of developing new service innovation.
4.When introducing a new service, it should be done step by step, so that it’s easier for the employees to follow up and reduce their uneasiness.
5.With the assistance of IT, it can improve employees’ skills and enhance their sense of mutual achievement.
6.A company should enrich and refine their services continuously and proactively. If a company is able to propagate a project’s success to other departments or branches, it can also bring other economic benefits and reduce the overall operational cost.
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從釋意觀點探討大學生資訊系統專案團隊之運作尤松文 Unknown Date (has links)
最後本研究從團隊合作與學生學習策略的說明來補足認知理論的不足,並以多層次的分析架構,從學生個人認同、團隊認同、班級認同逐層擴展,確立在專題式學習中個人地位、團體地位與組織地位的重要性,同時共提出十二大命題說明研究結果。 / From the perspective of the theory of knowledge, the most critical question is how concept and knowledge are produced, what are the relationship between experience and the new group. There are two opposing theories of this question: the association theory and the cognitive theory. In cognitive theory, the key point is to confer the doubt of how people get knows. Based on the cognitive theory, this research explored students’ sensemaking in the team formation, operation, and learning strategies through observation and interviews.
Developing an information system is a requisite training for all MIS students. The learning activities include system analysis and design, database, programming, team working, schedule planning, etc. Such a project-based leaning, a database management course, was chosen by this study. There were two cases. In the first case, this research observed ten student teams to interpret how sensemaking to be a central activity in the construction of both the learning environments and the environments it confronts. Students continuously interpreted the meaning of learning environments, adjusted their steps with other team members in order to finish an information system. The results indicate that the characteristics of student project teamwork are different from the real world. In the second case, this research explored the relationship of team working and learning strategies. The findings show that students adopt learning strategies through their organization identity. Different interpretation of environment cause distinct learning strategies that students use.
Finally, this research provides complementary explanations to the cognitive theory and uses multi-level theorizing model to replenish students sensemaking process. Twelve propositions are introduced to understand the IS development process from students’ deep insides.
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產品專案團隊跨專案知識管理研究-以台灣自有品牌消費性電子產品為例 / Knowledge Management in projects environment of Product team communication—Taiwanese Electronic Brand Products郭君怡, Kuo, Jun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
跳脫過往專注單一專案關鍵成功因素討論的專案管理研究,本研究針對目前企業多專案互動的常態工作環境,以動態角度綜觀探討多個專案之間的互動溝通;同時將過往知識管理文獻多以組織整體為主的角度,進一步深入專案執行階段的角度;本研究也不同於過往宏觀角度討論代工業務及自有品牌企業經營策略之研究,以微觀角度詳細描述品牌產品專案之開發流程,挑選Acer、ASUS、MIO、HTC四家台灣經營自有品牌消費性電子產品績優企業,討論Acer液晶顯示器、ASUS主機板、ASUS筆記型電腦、ASUS智慧型手機、MIO導航產品及HTC智慧型手機六個自有品牌產品個案,以「產品開發專案流程」與「跨專案知識管理程序」兩個程序構面,訪談九位帶領產品專案團隊的產品專案經理,透過實際的第一手經驗資料 ,詳細撰寫產品專案開發流程,從產品定義、規格設計、生產製造、市場銷售到顧客回應各階段之整體開發,深入分析產品專案中涵蓋的各個獨立專案工作彼此之間的分工溝通互動、專案團隊組織、專案經理工作,並探討個案產品開發與市場的互動,以及跨專案的知識管理,從市場趨勢及顧客回饋兩方面檢視自有品牌產品在技術面及行銷面的知識吸收。
研究發現產品專案開發流程包括產品定義、生產協調、市場回饋三大階段,由不同專案團隊專職各個階段,其中產品開發團隊與研發生產團隊之間的專案分工溝通互動,具有一致性的緊密互動 ;專案團隊組織方面則發現,產品專案團隊日常主要以輕量型團隊執行衍生性產品專案,而進行新創產品時,則以重量型團隊搭配平台性產品專案執行。本研究以衍生性產品專案/平台性產品之專案分類方式,發現產品專案在執行上的不同特性,對專案管理體制有許多影響,如越常執行平台性產品專案的品牌產品,與市場團隊之間的合作連結越緊密,也越重視區域行銷單位的市場回應知識與內部研發團隊的市場技術知識。
本研究提出以產品家族的角度經營品牌產品專案的結論,依據產品特性規劃產品系列,讓產品經理自產品開發階段就了解產品上下代的關係、清楚產品專案代表的企業市場意義、上一代產品在市場上最受喜愛及最被詬病的特點,以及認識執行上一代產品的PM,使產品經理之間的合作更有一致性與歸屬感,藉由自有品牌產品專案團隊跨專案的互動,更積極頻繁地針對產品經營討論溝通,以經營自有品牌產品、開創新產品、強化品牌印象、開創市場佔有率為主要工作目標。使產品經理充滿經營產品的熱誠、具有執行品牌產品開發的使命感;使大量多元的產品有系統的依據各不同規格、功能、設計,以產品家族方式統整呈現於企業品牌下,使各產品特色不受混淆地在同一品牌中發展茁壯,既突顯產品獨特性,也加強品牌印象,是創造領導品牌最重要的根基。 / As the business environment goes more challenging, all the organization functional projects in different stages need to start its work earlier than the product process. All the functional projects in different stages of the product process seem need to work almost at the same time to deal with the shorter product lifecycle. Managing through projects has become a standard way of doing business and now can be seen from an integral part of many organization’s business strategies.
As Taiwanese electronic product companies transformed the critical RD and manufacturing knowledge which is from the project-based OEM/ODM business experience for decades to OBM business managing, the OBM Product Project covers all the product lifecycle and has wider working process than an OEM/ODM Project. The OBM Product Project creates product by several independent projects of different RD functional areas, which led by different team leaders, processing through all the stages of the product cycle. Without well interactions among the independent projects during an OBM Product Project’s lifecycle, once the knowledge assets lost between the projects working process connection, final product of the OBM Product Project can be fail or totally not match up the original product design. So how do the best Taiwanese electronic brand products make it? In this research you will find out what the real OBM Product Project working process is of the famous brand products as Acer, ASUS, MIO and HTC. How the independent projects communicate with upstream and downstream team to make the OBM Product Project successful. Also reveal the real working detail of all kinds of project leader in project team organization under different company organization.
The structure of this research for cases writing and analyzing structure is following the New Product Project process and the Sequence of Knowledge Management process as the working process sequence to discuss the communication between project leaders and the interactions between the independent projects of the Product Project steps by Four Mode of Upstream-Downstream Interaction . The case materials is interviewed from 11 Product/Project Managers, also analyzed numerous second materials from magazines, reports, conferences and so on, working on revealing the real working process form all the independent projects of the OBM Product Project.
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技術知識特質與團隊運作之探討-以台灣新藥研發專案為例蔡宗儒 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 新藥研發專案各階段中,技術知識路徑相依程度與技術知識系統複雜程度呈現負相關,當路徑相依程度越高時,系統複雜程度則越低。
2. 新藥研發專案隨著階段的推進,專案團隊的組成與結構也會隨之產生變化,臨床前與臨床試驗皆有不同的團隊組成與結構。
3. 技術知識系統複雜程度會影響新藥研發團隊組成的異質/多元程度:技術知識系統複雜程度越高,其團隊組成的異質/多元程度越高。
4. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響團隊採取何種團隊運作策略:(1)路徑相依程度愈「高」或是愈「低」,專案團隊會傾向採取「自行發展」的團隊運作模式;(2)路徑相依程度為「中」時,專案團隊會傾向採取先執行「初步研發」活動之後,再與外部廠商進行「合作研發」。
5. 技術知識路徑相依程度會影響新藥研發專案各階段的團隊類型:(1)技術知識路徑相依程度愈低,專案團隊會傾向採用「重量級」、「自主型」的團隊運作模式;(2)技術知識路徑相依程度愈高會傾向採用「功能型」、「輕量級」的團隊運作模式。
6. 技術知識內隱化程度愈高,該專案在團隊運作上愈容易將外部成員視為內部團隊,甚至在團隊組成上直接將外部成員納入內部團隊之中。
7. 在臨床試驗階段,試驗主持人的過往經驗為成功關鍵之一。
8. 新藥研發廠商若擁有先導研發的能力,可以減短研發時程與成本。 / Most of previous the studies on pharmaceutical industry have been focused on the development strategy, environmental analysis and intellectual property. Very few of them emphasize the stage of new drug development concerning the project team management.
This study uses technological knowledge characteristics (path dependence, complexity, and explicitness) and drug development process (drug discovery, non-clinical, pre-clinical, and clinical ) to explore the effect upon project team management.
The result of this study:
1. In every stage of new drug development, the path dependence and the complexity of technological knowledge have significantly negative correlation.
2. When the new drug development project evolves into the clinical stage, the structure of project team will be different.
3. The complexity of technological knowledge can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher.
4. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the development strategy. If the path dependence is higher or lower, the team members prefer “inner development”. If the path dependence is medium degree, the team members prefer “primary inner development” and then “cooperative research and development”.
5. The path dependence of technological knowledge can affect the team structure. If the path dependence is higher, the enterprise prefers “Heavyweight team structure” or “Autonomous team structure”. If the path dependence is lower, the enterprise prefers “Lightweight team structure” or “Functional team structure”.
6. If the explicitness of technological knowledge is higher, the enterprise intends to recruit team member from outside.
7. In clinical stage, the practice investigator can be key person of the success.
8. If the enterprise has the ability of “primary inner development”, the time and the cost of the new drug development can be reduced.
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我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future.
When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge.
In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.
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跨領域專案團隊培養共享心智模式的歷程─2010台北國際花卉博覽會夢想館綻放專案之個案研究 / The Developmental Process of Team Mental Model in an Interdisciplinary Project Team- A Case Study of the Blossom Project in the Pavilion of Dreams of the 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition凌漢璋 Unknown Date (has links)
籃球場上背後妙傳常是得分的關鍵,那種流暢的默契也是所有團隊協作者夢寐以求的境界。這種默契絕非一蹴可幾,而是有賴團隊成員透過持續互動而共同培養出來的;有默契的成員以類似的方式解讀任務環境且彼此了解,基於這種共通理解,團隊成員不須外顯的溝通就能精準預測夥伴下一步的行動,藉此做出相容互補的行為。如此透過成員互動培養出來的共通理解即團隊共享心智模式(team mental model, TMM)。
在實務方面,本研究指出跨領域專案團隊形成TMM的關鍵角色之功能和管理重點,也提供管理者根據「議題、前提、術語」的表徵,診斷跨領域專案團隊之TMM發展狀態,以及導引團隊朝向收斂效率還是發散創意的方法。 / This dissertation explored the developmental process of team mental model (TMM) in an interdisciplinary project team. TMM has been recognized as one of the most relevant constructs in collective cognitive and team learning. Prior researches acknowledged the contribution of TMM to team performance; teams with better TMM perform better. Limited empirical TMM researches were focused on action teams working on structured tasks like PC-based command and control simulations, cockpits, air traffic control towers, or military missions. Disagreed results emerged in teams dealing with knowledge integration however. This student attributed said discrpancy to some presumptions due to traditonal TMM researches. The objective of this research was to investigate how TMM is developed with those presumptions lifted.
This study used a single case approach. In this interdisciplinary project, artists and engineers alien to each other were recruited to build a mechanical flower in twenty two months. Team members were interviewed to rebuild the process from which following findings were inferred in a team that requires knowledge integration:
1. A project initiator inherent to an interdisciplinary team substantially defines the initializing vector of the TMM.
2. The process by which a proposal becomes part of the TMM can be operationalized as a role transition of that proposal from a theme to a premise in the team. Each TMM ingredient is characterized as a team-specific jargon.
3. Proposals accepted and rejected by the team both constitute the TMM and influence the following development.
4. The TMM is developed as a layered conformal structure. More stable and shared by all members, the core TMM is interfaced by the intermediary TMM to the peripheral TMM. The peripheral TMM is shared only by subgroup members. With such a structure, decisions and actions are locally performed without departing from the core TMM.
This research contributed to the TMM community by explicating the complex process and contents of the TMM developed in a cocreating team. The goal as well as the strategy was negotiated and cocreated by team members along their way to the end. Thus, both the research method and the findings of this study paved a way to facilitate cross fertilizing between TMM researchers and interdisciplinary fields.
This research also provided interdisciplinary team leaders with tools to deploy key members, to diagnose the TMM development, and to balance the team between inertia and momentum. Finally, research limitations and future research suggestions are discussed.
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