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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新聞從業人員對民意的認知與評估:以電視新聞記者為例 / Journalists' Perception and Evaluation of Public Opinion --A Case of Taiwan TV Reporters

林宛瑩, Lin, Wan Ying Unknown Date (has links)
新聞媒體在強調民意的民主政治中,扮演著不可或缺的角色。一方面,媒 體傳送民眾所需的資訊,幫助民眾形成意見與判斷;另一方面,媒體作為 公共論壇,呈現不同的聲音,展現多元的民意,並藉此牽制政府的行動。 因此,在新聞從業人員宣稱自己與群眾站在一起的同時,瞭解他們如何認 知民意,如何評估民意,毋寧是相當重要的。在此,本研究希望探討新聞 從業人員對於新聞媒體與民意關係的認知,以及他們評估民意的方法,以 期對新聞工作者有進一步的了解。本研究以國內三家電視台的新聞記者為 研究對象,進行問卷調查。結果發現,電視記者認為新聞媒體應該「反映 民意」的功能,遠比媒體「引導民意」、「匡正民意」重要。而且愈傾向 「解釋╱調查者」專業意理的電視記者,愈認為新聞媒體應該反映民意; 而愈傾向「資訊傳佈者」專業意理的電視記者,愈認為新聞媒體不應該影 響民意。在評估民意的方式上,一般而言,電視記者最常用來評估民意的 管道是報紙的新聞報導,其次分別是選舉、學者專家的意見、民意代表的 質詢或辯論,以及民意測驗、與民眾的親身接觸等等。而報紙社論則是電 視記者最不常用作評估民意的方式。至於那一種方式最能代表民意呢?資 料分析顯示,電視記者認為選舉結果最能夠代表民意,與民眾的親身接觸 也是判斷民意的很好指標。而電視新聞報導似乎不很能夠展現民意的趨向 ,報紙社論的評價則屬最低。


陳瑞中, Chen, Ruey-Jong Unknown Date (has links)
媒體面臨多元化、自由競爭的激烈挑戰,往往在MBA參與經營(林添貴譯,2000)、市場導向的考量下(蘇鑰機,1997;McManus,1994),媒體會以廣告業績、發行量掛帥,而枉顧了新聞媒介的專業意理,以及媒介應有的社會責任,成為社會爭議的工具,也成為國家整體競爭力提升或沉淪的重要力量。 公開向社會大眾市場發行的各種視聽媒體,因為面臨市場慘烈的競爭壓力,對社會中堅份子普遍要求自律、社會責任的呼籲,回應似並不盡理想,公眾媒體的亂象於是更遭人詬病。 「企業雜誌」是企業文化的表徵,從「企業雜誌」是否可一窺企業在經營追求獲利之外,行有餘力,也會去關心周遭的環境與社會?並對周遭的環境保護、社會正義及人文理想等投入關懷,並盡一份心力?值得企業人及社會大眾重視,更值得傳播工作者關切。 從「企業雜誌」的內容、訴求及編排,是否也可反映出一些企業負責人的經營理念、組織文化與機構特徵?是否可以分析出企業對社會責任履行的標準?而「企業雜誌」有沒有一定的標準模式或典範?應可作為各家企業或傳播人士在投入「企業雜誌」編輯的參考。 本研究期盼經由《大同雜誌》月刊逾廿年的發展歷程,找出脈絡軌跡,找到可以為企業加分及社會加分雙贏的模式,並藉此一研究,喚起有關企業及傳播人士,對此一領域的重視。 / The media confronts intensive challenges from the open market. Under the partnership with MBAs (林添貴譯, 2000) and the consideration of market-driven (蘇鑰機, 1997; McManus,1994), the media puts the main focus on its publicity to increase sale and the circulation but neglects the professional ideology of news media and the social responsibility the media should have. The media has become the tool for controversies in the society and the primary influence on the overall competitiveness of a nation. Because of the intensive pressure of competition in the market, the mass media does not seem to be self-disciplined and socially responsible as the elites are supposed to be in the society. People are also disgusted of the chaos within the public media. Corporate magazines is the representation of the Corporate culture. Do the Corporate magazines show any sign that the business put in effort in caring about the surrounding environment and society besides pursuing benefits? Do they put in effort in environmental protection, social justice and cultural ideals? This is something on which the businessmen and the public should put emphasis and about which the media workers should concern. Do the content, pursuit and layout of the Corporate magazines reflect some of the executive ideals, organizational culture and corporal characteristics? Could we analyze the standard of a business toward performing social responsibility from them? Is there a certain standard format or paradigms for Corporate magazines? All of the above should be able to be a reference for individual business and media workers in editing Corporate magazines. From the twenty-year development of “Tatung monthly”, this study hopes to find the format that can improve both the business and the society. Moreover, this study hopes to bring this field to related business and media workers’ attention.

電視新聞攝影記者採訪報導颱風新聞的採訪應變與專業意理 / The Study of Adaptation Strategies and Professional Ideology of Television Photojournalists Who Cover Typhoon News

黃安琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討國內電視新聞攝影記者採訪報導颱風新聞的採訪應變與專業意理。研究採取質化的深度訪談法,訪談12名任職於台北有線、無線電視新聞頻道的男性攝影記者。研究結果發現,攝影記者在自然環境破壞與充斥新聞編輯室時效、災難影像競爭壓力的報導現場裡,克服環境、設備資源侷限發展應變之道,而能因地制宜、就地取材、或朝向預防準備方向。當自然環境衍伸出採訪安全風險時,攝影記者會權衡多重面向因素,如:編輯室內控壓力、自然環境、個人因素、與文字記者配合程度而決定是否涉險,過往受傷經歷也讓攝影記者累積採訪智識,判斷環境風險。但是,攝影記者為了應付編輯室壓力、採訪安全問題,常產生目的導向的「偏差介入式」報導手段。   攝影記者採訪報導颱風創傷新聞情境,面對死者遺體與受創傷者的情緒壓力會在現場或報導完後有所展現,他們會藉由採訪智識、前輩經驗傳承或自我創建降低心理創傷的採訪方式、調適辦法。且攝影記者對颱風創傷情景的記憶,會連帶觸動他們工作生涯裡初次與印象最深刻的創傷新聞情景,進行跨事件聯想。過往創傷新聞經驗會脈絡性地影響攝影記者採訪報導方式,有助於專業意理養成、但也可能助長偏差的報導手段。   專業意理於攝影記者採訪報導颱風新聞的實踐,傾向以新聞本質的記錄真實、快速傳遞訊息而自然而然地發揮媒介助人、批評譴責、動員、關懷、設定議題、解決問題等正向功能。但是,這些正向的媒介功能卻會被攝影記者作為合理化偏差報導手段的藉口,記者僅重視報導可能帶來的正向「結果」,忽視採訪報導方式的「程序正義」。在在反映攝影記者欠缺採訪報導創傷情境的認識、應變颱風報導環境限制的安全策略,與抵抗編輯室內控壓力的適切辦法。 / This study investigates television photojournalists’ adaptation strategies and professional ideology when covering typhoon news in Taiwan. 12 male photojournalists who work in cable and network television stations in Taipei are in-depth interviewed. The findings indicate that photojournalists seek resources from the news venue and adapt them to fit in the local circumstances, or prepare in advanced to deal with the possible restrictions from natural environment due to typhoon disasters. Simultaneously, photojournalists also weigh multiple factors to take risks for news or not, like competitive pressures, newsroom routines, natural environment, individual causes and the degree of cooperation with their counterpart. They evaluate risks of natural environment based upon their hands-on wisdom that is collected from past physical hurt experiences. However, photojournalists under the pressure of competition sometimes use inappropriate ways to shoot news footages and get involved in news events to make sensational typhoon news.   Interviewed photojournalists have emotional stresses when facing corpses and traumatized people at the news venue, even after work. Covering wisdom, senior photojournalists’ experiences and suggestions are good way to mitigate photojournalists’ emotional stresses and trauma. The interviewees’ answers to typhoon reporting are often associated with their first trauma news experiences and most impressive event. Those significant experiences in their career will influence photojournalists’ reporting methods towards nurturing beneficial professional ideology or increasing inappropriate covering measures.   Photojournalists tend to develop positive media functions, like helping, criticism, mobilization, care, agenda-setting and solutions-developing to accomplish their professional ideology by reporting truth and conveying disaster messages as soon as possible. Nevertheless, photojournalists only focus on “consequentialism” of effective media functions, but discard “procedural justice” of moral reasoning in typhoon reporting. The so-called professional ideology is only optimistic bias among photojournalists.

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