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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳嘉欽, Wu, Jia-Qin Unknown Date (has links)
在中國傳統文化中易經為首要,是六經之首。(癸辭)亦曰: 「易與天地準。故能彌綸天地之道。」可知易經之道廣矣、大矣。清康熙皇帝其在為(日講易經解易)御制(序)中,就這樣說道: 「惟帝王道法,載在六經,而極天人,窮性命,開物前民,通變造利,則其理莫詳於(易)。(易)之為書合四聖人立象設卦繫辭焉,而廣大悉備。自音包我、神農、黃帝、堯、舜,王天下之道,咸取諸此。蓋(詩)、(書)之文,(禮)、(樂)之具,(春秋)之行,事罔不於(易)命通焉。漢班固有言,「六藝」具五常之道,而(易)為之原。若乃越諸躬行,措諸事業,有親民設教之方,有通德類情之用。恐懼修身以治身,思患豫防以維世。因而仲之,觸類而長之,而治理備矣。 就當代管理親點亦越來越重視哲學思考能力,Robert B.Denhart認為一個好個管理者與卓越的管理者的區別不在於其專門技術了而在於對自我及其環境的見識,此一見識只能透過深思熟慮的反思,經由理論才可推導出來。因此,卓越管理者所需要的技術已超過「專門技術」(Technical skill) ,這種能力是只有透過理論的素養及哲學思考才能獲得,此即「概念的技術」。易經的哲學思想就能加強此一能力的培養。在未來的管理者所面對的是一個充斥著不定變數及瞬息萬變的複雜環境,對管理工研究生而言將無疑是項艱鉅挑戰,然吾人深信管理者是可透過易經哲學思想來達到更清楚的解析,因為易經就是以簡單的支卦來作整體把握及清楚認識這宇宙中萬事萬物,透過易經哲學可以清楚認識管理問題上所面對的複雜情境,且亦提供一套整體思維及組織中自我的修養。 本文的撰寫,著重在第三章易經人文內涵作發揮,我們提出全人及內省與自覺精神及尚中和的發揚以解決當前組織所碰到的問題,然這些論點亦是當代管理者所需具備的內在修為。全人的觀點作為組織中人修養的目標,其背後所借用的易經哲學思想中的道德修養以及整體的概念。從內在的自我,強調超越個人的自我,由自我越向大我,來論述人本身應有的自我認識,經一此認識人能不被外物所役,發揮主動性,真正發揚人文的精神,並能夠真正體會到存在的真正本質與工作意義。其次以易經中的內省與自兔精神,在管理人員內在的思想形成一種主體的自覺與內省及憂患意識,透過此一的心觀點,擺脫外在制度的束縛及對組織人員心態的壓迫而形成物化及僵化的思考。憂患意識的產生方可帶來行政人員責任感的養成。冉以尚中和的觀點,持及制度與自主的均衡、主體與客體的和諧相對於行政人員主客對立的思考等視點的探討。吾人等所討諸易經哲學的人文精神是對當前人與組織之間的所產生種種弊病具有拯治性的啟發和建議。第四章就以易經中的陰陽對待之內涵,就管理中理性與直覺的相整合,陰陽反思的辯證法,能讓管理者處理事物擺脫舊有的框架,並提供管理者不佳要看到事物問起顯性的一面,亦要能察覺出潛在的隱性面,並能有陰陽相依的整體看法。再是以易經整體觀內涵作為論述,並將此觀點與混沌理論與系統理論作一連結,並再由混沌理持及系統理論,延伸到管理上的運用,以使在處理組織事物問題上不流入偏斷的思考,能把握整體的宏觀及微觀。最後變之管理觀點,引述了易經變的觀點,從組織的受及管理者面對變所應持的觀點,文中提出所謂動態思考以茲因應。

知識工作者與組織績效關聯性之研究 / The Relationship between Knowledge Workers and Firm Performance

翁淑雅, Shu-Ya Weng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過行政院主計處民國八十年製造業抽樣調查資料庫,探討台灣地區大型企業與中小企業在不同產業(非金屬製品業、金屬製品業及電力電子業)下知識工作者與組織績效之關聯性,並針對知識工作者之性別與組織績效的關聯性進行探索性的研究。 本研究在知識工作者與組織績效的關聯性部分,根據文獻資料提出了二個假設,其分別為: 假設1:知識工作者占全體員工的比例與組織績效呈正相關。 假設2:在製造業,專門技術人員占全體員工的比例與組織績效呈正相關。 而資料驗證的結果得知: 1. 知識工作者與組織績效的關係,在金屬製品業的中小企業及非金屬製品業的大型企業皆呈顯著的負相關,而根據進一步的瞭解,此與組織的年齡及規模有關。 2. 在組織擁有較多知識的專門技術人員,其與組織績效的關係只有在電力電子業的大型企業中呈現顯著之正相關,此應與該產業的技術需求性及對研發的投入程度有關。 而在知識工作者的性別與組織績效的探索性研究上,其研究結果有部份呈現顯著,有部份則否,至於為何會有這樣之結果,在本研究中並未進行更深入的探討,相信後續學者在從事相關之研究時,應能有更深入的解說。 / The Two primary purposes of this study is: firstly discussing the relationship between the knowledge workers and the firm performance under different firm size and industries through the database that was constructed using sampling survey by the auditing department of Executive Yuan in 1991; secondly, conducting exploratory research to study correlation between the gender of knowledge workers and the firm performance. This study proposed two hypotheses regarding the correlation between knowledge workers and firm performance based on the existing literature: Ø Hypothesis one: Positive correlation exists between the proportion of knowledge workers and the firm performance. Ø Hypothesis two: Positive correlation exists between the proportion of technical experts and the firm performance in the manufacturing industry. The results of this research revealed that: 1. There is a negative correlation exists between the knowledge workers and the firm performance in small- and medium-scaled companies of the metal products industry. Further analysis showed that the above finding could be related to the age and the scale of the company. 2. An organization that has technical experts with more knowledge could achieve better performance. However, this positive correlation is mostly statistically significant only in the companies with larger scale in the electronic industry. The requirement of advance technology and the degree of investment in R&D could partly explain this finding. The exploratory study on the correlation between the gender of knowledge workers and the firm performance present partly significant results and some results were not. Further discussion is not included in the study to offer explanation for the above observation. Hopefully, other researchers could conduct more detailed study regarding this aspect in the future.

智慧財產權管理策略研究-以模具業及其關連高科技產業為例 / Study on Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights Management: Taiwan Mold and Die Industry and Its Related High-tech Industry

廖文璋, Johann Liaw, V. C. Unknown Date (has links)
台灣模具產業具有交期短、品質好、價格具有競爭力、製程安排彈性大等優勢,因此在高科技產業供應鍊中扮演關鍵性的角色。唯近年來,台灣許多高科技產業的外移,造成模具業產值最近連續三年呈現下降與核心技術外流,成為模具業所面臨的嚴重考驗。如何留住核心技術人才,加強研發新的關鍵技術並將研發成果取得智慧財產權相關法律保護,並以必要的組織、制度、人才、措施等妥善加以管理,已經成為模具業以及關連高科技產業必須面對的重要課題之一。 本研究以策略管理的角度切入,探討由策略前提所形成之策略,與智慧財產權管理實際運作下,對「台灣模具業及其關連高科技產業的智慧財產權管理發展現況及當前問題」提出適當建議與解決之道。 研究對象為台灣五家經營績效良好之模具業者及關連高科技業者。模具業者包含金屬沖壓、塑膠射出成型、與壓鑄模具業者;關連高科技業者則包含連接器、筆記型電腦、與行動電話業者。其中三家模具業者尚未擁有專利保護,而兩家關連高科技業者之專利保護已有相當成效。本研究主要發現如下: 一、不同的企業規模,對改善技術能力作法有其差異: (一)共同研發新技術:中小企業傾向與國內研發機構共同研發,並取得新技術之全部或部份智慧財產權或取得授權使用新技術;大型企業則傾向自行研發為主。 (二)自國外引進新技術:中小企業傾向委託財團法人或智財科技服務公司從技術先進國家引進技術;大型企業則傾向自行引進技術為主。 (三)向技術相對落後國家移轉技術方面: 1.中小企業傾向透過財團法人或智財科技服務公司之協助移轉技術,對於較單純之案件可自行為之。 2.大型企業可自行為之或採上述方法,委託專業之單位或公司為之。 3.台灣企業對大陸投資之子公司,大部分並未針對技術移轉收取權利金,僅由子公司之獲利盈餘分配取得回饋,尤以持股比例較大者最為普遍。 二、國內模具業及關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理現況為: (一)制定「營業秘密管理辦法」,規範各業務或利害關係人之營業秘密保護要項: 1.影響製造精度之技術 2.訪客參訪流程與動線 3.與供應商相關之營業秘密 4.顧客之營業秘密 5.矯正預防措施單 (二)制訂「專門技術管理辦法」,加強專門技術保護 1.規範「提案改善制度」 2.培養技術專家 3.掌握專門技術人力資源,塑造: (1)尊重專業 (2)對等報酬 (3)生涯規劃等制度完善之企業文化。 (三)專利管理制度: 1.建立提案與獎勵制度: 對創新提案、申請專利、專利核准、與達成技術移轉等階段均核發獎金,以鼓勵員工技術創新。 2.專利維護: 對專利佈局同時重質與量之提升,專利權之維護,則以成本效益為主要考量,以具市場價值者為優先申請與維護對象。 (四)技術授權考量有二: 1.視技術生命週期採行不同之授權策略,如導入與成長期採技術引進、成熟期採交互授權、衰退期技術則對外移轉。 2.以對子公司持股比例,調整技術移轉之權利金分配,持股較高則以盈餘分配取代權利金,持股較低則傾向依市場機制收取權利金。 由本研究之策略意涵得知,個案公司目前所採行之策略,均能適當地反映出其目前所處環境。如鴻海精密以綿密之專利佈局保護其技術,鉅祥、竣盟、谷崧則實施營業秘密與專門技術管理,神達機構則是專利保護與營業秘密管理兼具。 由此可知,模具業及關連高科技產業之智慧財產權管理作法具有多種不同之形式,專利保護並非模具業與關連高科技產業智慧財產權管理之唯一解答。尤其對中小企業而言,注重營業秘密與專門技術保護,塑造良好的企業文化、工作環境,設計合理對等報酬、制度完備的人力資源管理措施,亦不失為智慧財產權管理的良好解決方案之一。 目前大型之關連高科技企業非常重視智慧財產權,並已發展出一套以專利保護為主軸的管理制度。展望未來,模具業與關連高科技產業之連動性將逐漸加深,模具業者今後亦必須加快建立智慧財產權管理制度之腳步。 / Taiwan's mold & die industry plays a very important role of the supply chain for the high-tech industry around the world due to its advantages of short delivery time, good quality, competitive price and production flexibility, etc. However, in recent years, the continuing migration of the high-tech industry is resulting in production decreases and movement of core technology out of Taiwan. How should we keep the core technology, human and financial resources left in Taiwan; what can be done to strengthen research and development (R & D) on new and core technology; how can the core technology be protected by patents managed by a sever system. This is a matter of great urgency and an important issue that Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry are facing. In view of the above, this study offers Taiwan's mold & die industry and its related high-tech industry some suggestions and solutions for the problems that they faced, based on their current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management development situation. This study was researched from the strategy management view and included five (5) outstanding mold & die manufacturers and their related high-tech companies in Taiwan. These mold & die manufacturers are in the metal stamping die, plastic injection mold and die casting mold industries; these high-tech companies are in the connectors, notebook computer and cellular phone (telecommunication) industries. Three of the companies, the mold & die manufacturers, do not hold any patents, while the other two high-tech companies are well protected by their patents. The main finding of this research is as follows: 1.The strategy of technical improvement for companies of various sizes is different: 1) R & D for new technology- Small and medium companies prefer to cooperate with other local R & D institutes in developing, researching, and obtaining full or partial intellectual property rights protection; or obtaining the rights to use the new technology (invention). On the other hand, large companies tend to do the R & D in-house. 2) Technology transfer from overseas– Small and medium companies prefer to transfer the technology from high-tech orientated countries through local R&D institutes or an IPR service provider. However, large companies prefer to transfer the new technology by themselves. 3) Technology transfer to developing countries– (1) Small and medium companies tend to transfer the technology to developing countries through local R&D institutes or IPR service provider except in the case of simple projects. (2) Large companies tend to transfer their technology out by themselves or through a professional agency. 2.The IPR management situation of Taiwan’s mold & die industry and its related high-tech industries– 1) Establish “Trade Secret Management Regulations” to prevent the following trade secrets from being disclosed: (1) Technology that will influence the accuracy of machining. (1)-1 On site know-how – Limiting the visitors touring sensitive areas. (1)-2 Trade secrets of suppliers. (1)-3 Trade secrets of customers. (1)-4 Corrective action reports. 2) Establish “ Know-how Management Regulations” to: (1) Regulate “Proposal improvement systems” (2) Train and develop technical specialists (3) Retaining knowledgeable human resources by (3)-1 Professional appreciation (respect) (3)-2 Equal award (return) (3)-3 Good and complete system, employees’ career planning and enterprise culture. 3) IPR management system: (1) Establish a proposal and reward system: Encourage employees’ technology inventions by rewarding them for their proposals, applications, and completion of technical transfer for IPR. (2) Patent protection: Consider not only the number of patents, but also the quality of patents. 4) Technology transfer policy Different policy for different technique life cycle. From this research, we realized that companies apply different strategies in response to their recent situation. For example, “Hong Hai” is applying the practice of IPR management in protecting his technology; G-Shank, Giant Union and Coxon are applying the practice of trade secret and know-how management; MiTac is applying the practice of both IPR management and trade secret management. From the above, we also realize that patent protection is not the only solution for IPR management in the mold & die industry and it’s related high-tech industries. Trade secret management and know-how protection, a good corporate culture, good business and human resource management, an improved working environment, reasonable and rewarding work are also the major solutions for IPR management. For the time being, large high-tech companies highly respect IPR and have developed a good management system, especially for patent protection. Therefore, due to the close relationship between the mold & die industry and high-tech industries, speeding up the development of IPR management becomes an urgent issue for the mold & die industry.

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