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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林錦鈺 Unknown Date (has links)
潛在群體分析及對應分析是在探討多個類別變數間關係常用的兩種分析方法,因其運用之領域不同,解說之方式不一,以致過去常被認為是兩種不相關的分析方法,然而實際卻非如此。本研究之目的係就雙變數及多變數的情況,針對這兩種分析方法間之關係作詳細的探討,並說明其對等及不對等的時機。 / Latent class analysis and correspondence analysis are two well-known methods that can be used to study the relationship between categorical variables. Since the two were developed and applied in two different fields in the past, they were never thought to be related. In this study, we examine the relationship between the two in more details. We further point out the situations where they are equivalent, and where they are not.


粱志平, LIANG,ZHI-PING Unknown Date (has links)
在1964年, V.G.Vizing證明了: 假如一個圖G 的最大度數為ρ時, 則G 的著色數不是 ρ就是ρ+1。那G 的著色數定義為X (G)。若X (G)=ρ時, 我們說G 是屬於第二類。 本篇論文主要研究的圖是完全3 分圖、完全四分圖及完全分裂圖。研究目的是希望找 出對於這三種圖在何種條件下是屬於第一類, 又在何種條件下是屬於第二類。 對於完全3 分配及完全4 分圖, 本篇論文是利用一個從邊對應到顏色的函數去證明的 。所得到的結果是,對一個完全3 分圖G (=K ), 只要m1≠m2和m3<2m 1 二個條件下, 則G 就是屬於第一類。又當m1=m2=m3=m, m是偶數時, 則G 是屬於 第二類。對於一個完全4 分圖H(=K ), 只要m1≠m3和m1+m4>m2+m3 二 個條件下, 則H 就是屬於第一類。又當m1=m2=m3=m4––1 時, 則H 是屬於第二類 。 最後, 對於完全分裂圖, 本篇論文是利用完全圖的塗色方法加以技巧化, 也是利用了 一個邊對應到顏色的函數證明的。所得到的結果是對於一個完全分裂圖S(=K(mln ),只要m+n為偶數或m 3n–5 時, 則S 就是屬於第一類。又當m+n是奇數和 m> (n–1) 時, 則S 是屬於第二類。

影響離岸風力發電態度之研究 / Research on the influence of attitude toward offshore wind energy

吳貞儀 Unknown Date (has links)
綠色能源為大多數國家所追求之能源,我國政府也不例外,近年來開始推動綠色能源,如:太陽能、風力發電,依台灣各地區合適之發電條件,採取合適的綠能之發電方式,本研究為探討台灣西部地區離岸風力發電之民意調查,瞭解當地居民對於在當地外海興建離岸風力發電之看法,並深入了解是哪些因素影響對該計畫之贊成程度。 本研究問卷在台灣西部沿海縣市實施面訪,其中最多樣本數之縣市為彰化縣,因此除了觀察整體西部縣市受訪者回應之特性,亦觀察彰化縣之受訪者,並依問卷各項題目與計畫贊成程度題目做交叉分析,瞭解有哪些題目與受訪者是否贊成本計畫相關,並且以對應分析,將與贊成程度相關之選項來判斷與贊成度之關係,瞭解是具備哪些回答要素之受訪者會較不贊成本計畫,以及使用決策樹分析,利用分支來找尋贊成、不贊成、有條件贊成本計畫之因素。 研究結果顯示,所有題目均與計畫贊成與否之題目相關,唯獨有一題目與贊成程度不相關;在決策樹分析無不贊成該計畫之分支,因此若是要瞭解不贊成該計畫之原因,則這決策樹分析無參考價值,但由對應分析發現某縣與不贊成該計畫之選項相近,代表樣本較傾向於不贊成該計畫,因此將之樣本做決策樹分析,研究發現有部分特徵之受訪者一般最後會選擇不贊成本計畫。

從多視角影像萃取密集影像對應 / Dense image matching from multi-view images

蔡瑞陽, Tsai, Jui Yang Unknown Date (has links)
在三維模型的建構上,對應點的選取和改善佔有相當重要的地位。對應點的準確性影響整個建模的成效。本論文中我們提出了新的方法,透過極線轉換法(epipolar transfer)在多視角影像中做可見影像過濾和對應點改善。首先,我們以Furukawa所提出的方法,建構三維補綴面並加以做旋轉和位移,或是單純在二維影像移動對應點兩種方式選取初始對應點。然後再以本研究所提出的極線轉換法找到適當位置的對應點。接下來我們將每個三維點的可見影像(visible image)再次透過極線轉換法去檢查可見影像上的對應點位置是否適當,利用門檻值將不合適的對應點過濾掉。進一步針對對應點位置的改善和篩選,期望透過極線幾何法來找到位置最準確的對應點位置。最後比較實驗成果,觀察到以本研究所提出的方法做改善後,對應點準確度提高近百分之十五。 / In the construction of three-dimensional models, the selection and refinement of the correspondences plays a very important rule. The accuracy of the correspondences affects modeling results. In this paper, we proposed a new approach, that is filtering the visible images and improving the corresponding points in multi-view images by epipolar transfer method. First of all, we use Furukawa proposed method to construct three-dimensional patches and making rotation and displacement, or simply move the corresponding points in two-dimensional images are two ways to select the initial corresponding points. And then to use epipolar transfer method in this study to find the appropriate location of the corresponding points. Next we will check the corresponding points on the each 3D point’s visible image again through the polar transformation method , and we use the threshold value to filter out the corresponding points. Further the location of the corresponding points for the improvement and screening, hoped that through the epipolar geometry method to find the most accurate corresponding points’ location. Experimental results are compared to observe the improvements that the method proposed in this study, the corresponding point accuracy by nearly 15 percent.

RC(M)模型之探討 / On RC(M) Models

高佩瑄, Kao, Pei-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文是就有序變數的模型在 個不同“維度”的架構下做探討,主要可以區分成兩部份。 1.就兩個有序變數的二維列聯表,我們介紹RC(M)模型,並分別探討關聯性模型,相關性模型及對應分析模型。 2.就三個變數的三維列聯表,在給定一個變數的情形之下,我們討論了如何運用三變數的RC(M)關聯性模型來探討另外兩個有序變數間的關係。 / We examine statistical models for ordinal variables that allow for more then one“ dimension ”of association in this study. The focus are on the following two types of models: 1. RC(M) models for two ordinal variables, including RC(M) association model; RC(M) correlation model and RC(M) correspondence analysis model. 2. Conditional RC(M) association models which can be used to analyze a 3-way contingency table with at least two ordinal variables.

台灣地區社會犯罪住戶面受侵害者模式之研究 / Study in the Social Criminal Victimization's Model on Housing Unit in Taiwan

謝志偉, Hsiesh, Jyh Woei Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的犯罪學在於研究犯罪者生理與心理的特性以及外在環境因素,藉以 尋求預防犯罪的策略。其實,預防犯罪的目的是要減少被害者數目。因此 ,吾人希望藉由探討被害者家庭形態的特質與社會犯罪的關係,使防範被 害的政策能夠落實到家庭層面。所以本研究的目的就是要利用統計方法, 透過數字及圖形上的表達,來描述住戶之家計負責人的特性(如性別、年 齡、教育程度)與住戶遭受侵害的事實(曾或否)及類型(如財物侵害、暴力 侵害、其他侵害)之間的關係,期為犯罪統計工作提供一些分析的工具。 在本篇論文,首先利用對數線性模式分析,選出最適合的模式,以解釋家 計負責人之性別、年齡、教育程度與住戶是否遭受侵害等四個變數之間的 關聯性。接著利用推理值模式分析探討家計負責人之性別,年齡,教育程 度這三個解釋變數各分級對住戶遭受侵害之影響的主效應及交互作用效應 。最後則是利用對應分析處理資料,透過對應分析的顯示圖形,可以用來 解釋家計負責人之性別、年齡、教育程度以及住戶遭受侵害的犯罪類型之 間的對應關係。

以事件相關電位探討中文語音辨識中的字形一致性效應 / Event-Related Potentials studies for the Orthographic Consistency effects on Chinese spoken word recognition

陳薇帆, Chen, Wei Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件相關電位方法,探討中文字在進行聽覺詞彙辨識的作業中,分別受字形表徵的同音字密度多寡、以及字音-字形對應一致性的影響。首先 進行中文字的字音-字形一致性語料庫的建立,量化中文字的音形對應一致性程度。透過明確的定義並操弄中文字的音形對應一致性,以及中文字同音 字密度的特性,探討在進行中文字聽覺詞彙辨識歷程中,字形表徵屬性如何對語音辨識作業產生影響的認知歷程。實驗分為三種情境(1)同音密度低 (low HD)、(2)同音密度高/音形對應一致性高(high HD/high P-O)、 (3)同音密度高/音形對應一致性低(high HD/low P-O)。前兩項的比較為高同音字密度下的音形對應一致性效果,而後兩項的比較則為在高音形對應一致性下的同音字密度的效果。實驗一採語意判斷作業,研究結果顯示,在高同音字密度時,高音形對應一致性的字引發較大的 N400;而在高音形對應一致性時,同音字密度效果在 LPC 得到顯著的差異。反應中文字在聽 覺詞彙判斷作業上,字形可自動被激活,進而影響語音的辨識。實驗二採押 韻判斷作業,研究結果同樣發現高音形對應一致字引發較大的 N400,實但同音字密度效果性效果在判斷押韻作業上並未達顯著效果。另外,在高音形對應一致性情形下所得到的押韻效果最大,尤以同音字密度高且音形對應一致性高的情況下,押韻效果出現的時間較早。本研究結果支持雙向交互激發模型(BIAM)的假設:中文口語詞彙辨識的歷程中,也會自動激發字形訊息,而語音、字形、語意之間的對應一致性越好,口語詞彙辨識及其整體處理的效能也越高。

Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.

使用光束調整法與多張影像做相機效正與三維模型重建 / Using bundle adjustment for camera Calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images

蔡政君, Tsai, Jeng Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
自動化三維建模需要準確的三維點座標,而三維點的位置則依賴高精度的對應點,因此對應點的尋找一直是此領域的研究議題,而使用稀疏光束調整法(SBA:Sparse Bundle Adjustment)來優化相機參數也是常用的作法,然而若三維點當中有少數幾個誤差較大的點,則稀疏光束調整法會受到很大的影響。我們採用多視角影像做依據,找出對應點座標及幾何關係,在改善對應點位置的步驟中,我們藉由位移三維點法向量來取得各種不同位置的三維補綴面(3D patch),並根據投影到影像上之補綴面的正規化相關匹配法(NCC:Normalized Cross Correlation)來改善對應點位置。利用這些改善過的點資訊,我們使用稀疏光束調整法來針對相機校正做進一步的優化,為了避免誤差較大的三維點影響到稀疏光束調整法的結果,我們使用穩健的計算方法來過濾這些三維點,藉由此方法來減少再投影誤差(reprojection error),最後產生較精準的相機參數,使用此參數我們可以自動化建出外型架構較接近真實物體的模型。 / Automated 3D modeling of the need for accurate 3D points, and location of the 3D points depends on the accuracy of corresponding points, so the search for corresponding points in this area has been a research topic, and the use of SBA(Sparse Bundle Adjustment) to optimize the camera parameters is also a common practice, however, if there are a few more error 3D points, the SBA will be greatly affected. In this paper, we establish the corresponding points and their geometry relationship from multi-view images. And the 3D patches are used to refine point positions. We translate the normal to get many patches, and project them into visible images. The NCC(Normalized Cross Correlation) values between patches in reference image and patches in visible image are used to estimate the best correspondence points. And they are used to get better camera parameters by SBA(sparse bundle adjustment). Furthermore, it is because that it usually exist outliers in the data observed, and they will influence the results by using SBA. So, we use our robust estimation method to resist the outliers. In our experiment, SBA is used to filter some outliers to reduce the reprojection error. After getting more precise camera parameters, we use them to reconstruct the 3D model more realistic.

從優選理論分析台灣閩南語的重疊構詞 / An OT Approach to Reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min

許淨涵, Hsu, Ching Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論為框架探討閩南語三字組及四字組重疊構詞,三字組及四字組重疊構詞可分成完全重疊與部分重疊,重疊詞要緊鄰其對應詞基越好,此外,對於四字組部分重疊構詞有對整方向不一致的體現,筆者認為不同的制約排序會產生不同的重疊規則,並採用音韻共存理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋閩南語多元的重疊構詞策略是由多個次語法運作的結果。在三字組重疊構詞,根據句法結構判斷主重音的位置,主重音的分佈影響重疊的規則,但有語意強調某成份時,主重音會轉移且會使原成份之本調喪失變成輕聲,有主重音的音節才可進行重疊構詞,同時,重疊詞要越緊鄰其對應詞基。在四字組完全重疊構詞,語義的強調與弱化影響詞基音節以及音步的重疊運作,音節與音步制約層級不同可解釋不同的重疊規則;在四字組部分重疊構詞,不同於過去研究以單一方向對整制約論證,筆者提出雙向的對整制約來解釋四字組部分重疊構詞。簡言之,本篇論文藉由優選理論的觀點,首度就閩南語重疊構詞提出一個整體分析。 / This thesis examines the derivation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min under the framework of Optimality Theory. Reduplication can be divided into two categories. One is trisyllabic reduplication and the other is quadrisyllabic reduplication. Besides, each type of the trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic reduplication has both partial and full reduplication. This thesis adopts Cophonology Theory to account for the subgrammar of the divergent reduplications. Based on Locality Generalization, the reduplicant should be adjacent to its corresponding base. In trisyllabic reduplication, from the perspective of syntactic relation, stress affects the derivation of the reduplication. The primary stressed syllable is the only syllable which can be reduplicated. This thesis proposes constraint *RED(W) to require this condition. In quadrisyllabic reduplication, given the base is disyllable AB, semantic weakness and stress closely relate to the full reduplication AABB and ABAB. The different ranking of the Adjacency-BR-by-syllable and Adjacency-BR-by-foot explains the full reduplication. In quadrisyllabic partial reduplication, this thesis proposes the different edges alignment constraint Align(RED, R; Rightmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, L) and Align(RED, L; Leftmost Monosyllabic Morpheme, R) to explain ABAC and ACBC, respectively. In summary, based on the constraint-based theory, and the interaction of Nonhead stress, Focal stress, *RED(W), alignment, anchoring, adjacency, and contiguity constraint, this thesis has given a general explanation of the reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min.

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