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以MapReduce做有效率的天際線查詢 / Efficient Skyline Computation with MapReduce陳家慶, Chen, Chia Ching Unknown Date (has links)
隨著巨量資料的議題逐漸被重視,有越來越多的巨量資料的分析都利用MapReduce作計算處理。而在資料庫查詢中,天際線查詢是一種常見的決策分析方法,其目的是要幫助使用者找出資料庫中各維度的數值貼近使用者查詢條件的資料。然而,過去在大量資料的查詢方法中,如果資料筆數較多,同時查詢的維度也大的情況下,往往會有著效率不彰的問題。因此,本研究提出一種在大量資料中,有效率應用MapReduce作天際線查詢的方法。而根據實驗結果顯示,我們的方法,比先前方法更有效率。 / With the big data issue being taken seriously today, more and more big data is processed with MapReduce. Moreover, skyline query is a common method for decision making, which helps users find the data whose value in each dimension is close to the user query. In the past, if the data is huge, or the data space involves many dimensions, the query processing becomes inefficient. Therefore, in this study, we present a new method to process skyline queries with MapReduce. According to the experimental results, our method is more efficient than previous methods.
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由食譜資料探勘料理特徵樣式 / Mining Cuisine Patterns from Recipe Dataset呂耀茹 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多人基於健康理由,自己動手烹調料理,也帶動食譜社群網站的成長。雖然隨著Big Data議題受到注目,Data Mining在近年來相當熱門,然而針對食譜的巨量資料探勘與分析研究並不多。
針對資料前處理,本論文提出結合食材詞庫並利用連通單元標籤演算法,提出解決食材同義詞的方法。為了探勘料理的食材樣式與特性,本研究透過網絡分析、關連規則、Phi, PMI等方法來探勘分析各種料理的特色食材、核心食材與食材搭配樣式。此外,本論文依據料理食材之相似度,並結合階層式分群技術,有別於一般以地理位置來群聚各類料理。本論文也提出運用階層式分類技術,以根據食材來自動判斷食譜的料理種類。
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巨量資料分析應用於顧客關係管理之研究 / A Study of Big Data Analytics for Customer Relationship Management黃盈智, Huang, Ying Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過次級資料的收集,探討巨量資料分析在顧客關係管理之應用,並著重於零售業、金融業與醫療業三個產業。近幾年來,巨量資料(Big Data)的浪潮襲捲而來,隨著網際網路的發展與智慧型裝置的普遍,現今每個人在日常生活中不斷產生巨量資料,透過智慧型手機、社群網站、信用卡、全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、感測器等,在無形中製造了大量的數據。而在此同時,企業用來儲存、記憶、處理資料的成本不斷降低,設備越來越便宜,技術越來越先進,再加上新的資料來源,巨量資料分析對企業的重要性不言可喻。
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網路輿情分析在公共政策的應用與影響 / Application and influence of internet public opinion analysis in public policy林文涵, Lin, Wen Han Unknown Date (has links)
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巨量資料分析之虛擬矩陣設計 / Designing of Virtual Matrix of Big Data Analysis黃日佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為解決在巨量資料分析下所產生之主記憶體不足之問題,設計虛擬矩 陣架構,透過虛擬矩陣架構提供快速、高效能的矩陣操作及運算,並降低巨量資 料在運算時所佔據之主記憶體容量。並結合 R 語言,提供 R 語言巨量資料分析、 高速矩陣運算之能力。
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以前端瀏覽器為中心之雲端運算服務模型研究 / A Research into Cloud Computing Service Model – Focusing on Front-end Browser余宛儒 Unknown Date (has links)
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物聯網與大數據平台之通訊架構設計與實作 / Design and Implementation of the Communication Architecture for IoT & Big Data Platform胡學賓, Hu, Hsueh Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對物聯網與雲端大數據分析之不同程度的通訊需求,以微服務架構為基礎,設計一個四層式物聯網與大數據平台之通訊架構。面對物聯網之即時通訊需求,本研究採用MQTT通訊協定做為解決方案,而雲端大數據分析之通訊需求則採用Apache Kafka。
本研究基於參與者模型(Actor Model)所提出之「裝置代理人」,全面的解決了物聯網中異質通訊協定所產生的複雜性,同時解決了集中式物聯網閘道器所造成的系統複雜性與效能瓶頸,使物聯網閘道器能進行分散式部署,並且共享運算資源。
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金融業與網路科技業導入巨量資料系統的關鍵因素之個案研究 / Case Studies of Key Factors for implementing Big Data system on Financial and Internet Technology Industries陳冠廷, Chen, Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
巨量資料的導入與分析可以提供企業掌握消費者行為,也可透過數據分析研發新服務與產品,此研究從三方面來探討金融產業與網路科技業導入巨量資料系統的關鍵因素,分別為導入流程、企業本身與巨量資料系統,另外藉由三家個案公司訪談,並輔以文獻所探討的研究架構來進行驗證”金融業與網路科技業導入巨量資料的流程為何?”、”金融業與網路科技業導入巨量資料時的關鍵因素?”、” 金融業與網路科技業導入巨量資料後有何優勢?”
本研究最後發現,金融業與網際網路業導入巨量資料分成三個階段,首先企業會先詮釋自身對巨量資料之定義,定義自身巨量資料之意義後,企業會開始集體研討導入流程,依照自身對巨量資料的詮釋來集體擬定對企業最好的導入流程,此階段通常會是三階段中耗時最長,也需做許多內外部研究、規劃與管理。最後一階段為實做階段,企業會依照集思廣益後所擬定出的計畫來完成巨量資料的導入。而本研究透過個案訪談也發現七項導入巨量資料之關鍵因素,包含,導入隊伍的組成、高層管理者的支持、導入時機、巨量資料系統的選擇、明確的目標與策略、內外部員工訓練與支援。最後企業運用第三方與開放式資料軟體來處理巨量資料使企業更了解顧客需求與運用於新產品研發。 / With the popularity of internet, smart phones and Internet of Things begin to emerge. According to Institute for Information Industry, there are approximately 49.5% of smart devices in Taiwan, which mean every two people will own at least one smart device. In addition, more devices are connected to the internet. Therefore, tremendous amount of data is created and increased exponentially. With applicable and correct techniques, Big Data can provide valuable insight and business intelligent. Traditional industries are forced to change. For example, Uber is one innovative idea that changes the ways people ride taxi. Riding taxi become more efficient and effective with Uber.
This research explores critical factors of Big Data implementation on financial and internet technology industries from three perspectives. This includes key processes of the Big Data implementation, enterprises factors, and the Big Data system. Moreover, literature review was conducted to. In addition, three case studies were interviewed and analyzed based on research framework. Lastly, three research questions are answered. First, what are the key process for financial and internet technology industries implementing the Big Data system? Second, what are the critical factors for financial and internet technology industries implementing the Big Data system? Third, what are the potential benefits after the Big Data implementation?
The research findings are primarily categorized into two parts. First, there are three phases of financial institution and internet technology industries implementing the Big Data system. The three phases included defining, brainstorming and implementation phases. The three phases are described below:
1. Defining Phase: Companies will first define their own interpretation of Big Data in order to plan and coordinated their implementation.
2. Brainstorming Phase: Companies averagely spent most of the time in this phase. The implementation team leads must brainstorm to find the best way to enforce and carry out the Big Data project by searching, organizing and surveying internal and externally.
3. Implementation Phase: Companies follow their previous made proposal steps by steps.
This research also concluded and found several critical factors during the Big Data implementation. The critical factors included but not limited to:
1. An implementation team regardless the size to carry out the Big Data project
2. Top management’s commitment on implementation
3. Timing on the implementation
4. Big Data system selection
5. Clear goals and objectives
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探討AVM與顧客關係管理結合-巨量資料分析 / The integration of activity value management and customer relationship management-big data analysis林宜靜, Lin, Yi-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
作業價值管理系統(Activity Value Management , AVM)是以作業基礎成本 制為核心,並與價值管理系統作整合,發展出企業進行管理決策時所需之資訊, 藉此提升企業的決策精準度與品質,而在管理會計領域,鮮少有文獻針對作業價 值管理系統與顧客關係管理的實務結合作說明,再加上目前大數據管理之趨勢, 顯示出以資訊導向作管理決策之重要性,因此,本研究進行個案研究,為作業價 值管理系統(Activity Value Management , AVM)與顧客關係管理的結合-以巨 量資料分析所遇到之問題,提出解決方案,且針對未來巨量資料管理能力提出建 議走向,而本研究結論簡述如下:
一、 運用 AVM 所產出之作業成本資訊,將之區分為顧客服務四大屬性,並經 由開發、處理訂單、售後服務以及行政等四項屬性,評估個案公司的作業流 程是否有成本高耗的情形,並提出改善計畫,再造個案公司之顧客服務管理 流程。
二、 以 AVM 所產出之客戶損益資訊,進行個案公司的顧客區隔政策,將外 部資料納入,兼以內部資料,找出虧損的客戶問題根源與解決之道,並強化 個案公司針對表現優良之客戶,設立員工表揚之制度,並提出進一步優化顧 客關係經營的方案,使顧客關係管理的品質提升。
三、 個案公司的通路別種類繁多,因此,為補足顧客關係管理中其通路管理 的不足,本研究建議以 AVM 產出之資訊,設計通路別客戶損益的表單,使管 理者以通路別分類進行顧客經營時,能一目了然,增加管理效率,強化 AVM 與顧客關係管理之密合程度
四、 AVM 所提供的內部資訊繁多,且能有效整合各部門的資訊,以「作業」 為細胞,使各部門間的溝通語言一致化,因此,為推行良好的巨量資料顧客 關係管理,則需從 AVM 所產出的歷史資訊分析為基礎,評估個案公司所需的 外部資料,並為未來巨量資料顧客關係管理模型之建置奠基 / Activity Value Management, which is the integration of the activity-based costing and value management, provides the information which the companies need when making business policy or strategy and improves the quality and the accuracy of decision making. In the field of management accounting, few papers discuss the integration of the activity value management and customer relationship management as well as its cases in practice. Also, big data becomes a trend and shows the importance of the data-driven decision management. Therefore, the thesis is a case study which focuses on the integration of the integration of the activity value management and customer relationship management, analyzes the problem of big data and provides the possible solutions. Besides, based on the case study, the thesis
also suggests the better policy concerning big data management. And there are four main points below:
1. Through using the activity-based costing information yielded by AVM, one Taiwanese food manufacturer, the case study of the thesis, can divide their customer services costs into four attributes, which are R&D, processing order, post-sale service and administration and evaluate the cost efficiency of their procedures by these four attributes so it can revise or renew their procedures accordingly.
2. Through using the customer profitability yielded by AVM, the company can conduct their own customer segmentation, collect the related external data to find the real reason why customers bring more money or less and provide better solutions to solve the problem and strengthen the relationship with good customers.
3. Because of a variety of the channels, the thesis suggests that the company should take advantage of the information from AVM and design the customer profit form to help analyze the customers from different channels and gain the management efficiency.
4. AVM provides lots of information, use “activity” as a cell to connect different departments and integrate all information from them. Therefore, based on the historical information yielded by AVM, the company can source the connected external data, analyze the relationship between customer and the information and will develop the big data customer profitability model in the future.
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在Spark大數據平台上分析DBpedia開放式資料:以電影票房預測為例 / Analyzing DBpedia Linked Open Data (LOD) on Spark:Movie Box Office Prediction as an Example劉文友, Liu, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來鏈結開放式資料 (Linked Open Data,簡稱LOD) 被認定含有大量潛在價值。如何蒐集與整合多元化的LOD並提供給資料分析人員進行資料的萃取與分析,已成為當前研究的重要挑戰。LOD資料是RDF (Resource Description Framework) 的資料格式。我們可以利用SPARQL來查詢RDF資料,但是目前對於大量RDF的資料除了缺少一個高性能且易擴展的儲存和查詢分析整合性系統之外,對於RDF大數據資料分析流程的研究也不夠完備。本研究以預測電影票房為例,使用DBpedia LOD資料集並連結外部電影資料庫 (例如:IMDb),並在Spark大數據平台上進行巨量圖形的分析。首先利用簡單貝氏分類與貝氏網路兩種演算法進行電影票房預測模型實例的建構,並使用貝氏訊息準則 (Bayesian Information Criterion,簡稱BIC) 找到最佳的貝氏網路結構。接著計算多元分類的ROC曲線與AUC值來評估本案例預測模型的準確率。 / Recent years, Linked Open Data (LOD) has been identified as containing large amount of potential value. How to collect and integrate multiple LOD contents for effective analytics has become a research challenge. LOD is represented as a Resource Description Framework (RDF) format, which can be queried through SPARQL language. But large amount of RDF data is lack of a high performance and scalable storage analysis system. Moreover, big RDF data analytics pipeline is far from perfect. The purpose of this study is to exploit the above research issue. A movie box office sale prediction scenario is demonstrated by using DBpedia with external IMDb movie database. We perform the DBpedia big graph analytics on the Apache Spark platform. The movie box office prediction for optimal model selection is first evaluated by BIC. Then, Naïve Bayes and Bayesian Network optimal model’s ROC and AUC values are obtained to justify our approach.
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