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由食譜資料探勘料理特徵樣式 / Mining Cuisine Patterns from Recipe Dataset呂耀茹 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來越來越多人基於健康理由,自己動手烹調料理,也帶動食譜社群網站的成長。雖然隨著Big Data議題受到注目,Data Mining在近年來相當熱門,然而針對食譜的巨量資料探勘與分析研究並不多。
針對資料前處理,本論文提出結合食材詞庫並利用連通單元標籤演算法,提出解決食材同義詞的方法。為了探勘料理的食材樣式與特性,本研究透過網絡分析、關連規則、Phi, PMI等方法來探勘分析各種料理的特色食材、核心食材與食材搭配樣式。此外,本論文依據料理食材之相似度,並結合階層式分群技術,有別於一般以地理位置來群聚各類料理。本論文也提出運用階層式分類技術,以根據食材來自動判斷食譜的料理種類。
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根據食材搭配與替代關係設計食譜搜尋的自動完成機制 / Autocomplete Mechanism for Recipe Search by Ingredients Based on Ingredient Complement and Substitution周冠嶔, Chou, Kuan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
「民以食為天」,飲食與我們的生活息息相關。近年來由於食安風暴肆虐,自行烹煮的需求隨之高漲。然而在家自行烹煮時常會面臨不知道該烹煮什麼料理的問題,因此有便利的食譜搜尋系統對烹煮的人而言將是相當方便的。然而使用搜尋系統時,由於我們只知道想用某些特定食材進行烹煮,而不知道哪些食譜含有特定食材,因此在以少數食材進行查詢時不免會得到過多的食譜結果而難以快速找到喜好的食譜。我們建立了一個食譜搜尋的自動完成機制,並依照該機制實做出了食譜搜尋引擎。使用者使用系統進行搜尋時,我們將會依照使用者輸入的食材尋找適合搭配的食材推薦給使用者,幫助使用者在查詢時使用更完整的Query讓搜尋系統可以找到更少更精準的食譜,幫助使用者更快的找到喜歡的食譜。然而只推薦搭配性食材,可能會推薦出與Query中的食材是替代關係的食材,也就是通常不會一起出現的食材,因此我們也進行了替代性食材的研究。給定由兩個食材組成的食材配對,我們研究如何自動的判斷替代性食材。我們將問題轉化成分類問題來解決,並使用One-Class Classification的技術解決分類問題中的Imbalanced Problem。我們使用f1-score觀看One-Class Classification與傳統分類器的比較。經實驗測試,One Class Classification與傳統分類器相比,One Class Classification較能協助我們解決Imbalanced Problem。
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Chef Mommy-數位料理輔助系統設計研究 / Chef Mommy - a study on design of digital cooking support system黃蘭茵, Hwang, Lan Yin Unknown Date (has links)
「餐桌變化多端,輕鬆管理菜籃。」是Chef Mommy帶給使用者的主要價值。
Chef Mommy為了解決有烹飪需求者在菜色變化與食材選購上的問題,透過網站與手機應用程式,應用雲端科技提供食譜搜尋引擎、食材庫存管理、食譜比對推薦、一週菜單規劃與採購清單管理等服務,為使用者提供方便省時,又可兼顧菜色變化與食材管理的料理解決方案。使用者藉由Chef Mommy的服務,能夠以家中庫存食材為基礎,得到原本沒想到的菜色建議,進而在備餐時搭配出更多菜色變化,為家人、朋友準備出豐盛而美好的一餐。
以台灣為例,行政院主計處2010年的家庭收支調查顯示,國內家庭花費在飲食相關採購上的支出,高達8,400億元,在這當中,國內整體食材供應市場規模粗估超過2,000億元。Chef Mommy除了在第一、二階段,針對網站與手機應用程式開發服務功能外,第三、第四階段更將規劃與食材供應業者或連鎖超市業者進行合作,將食譜推薦服務與食材購買進行連結,切入使用者的購買流程,並據此獲利。
藉著滿足使用者輕鬆管理食材與希望菜色天天有變化的需求,Chef Mommy將投入資源,培養使用者常用的習慣,以深入使用者的飲食體驗。透過使用者長期使用的歷程記錄,可了解使用者習慣購買的食材與偏好的食譜、料理方式等資訊,據此拓展出更大的飲食市場商機。 / In order to solve users’ problems of dish variety and ingredients purchase, Chef Mommy will provide services such as recipe search engine, ingredient inventory management, recommended recipes, weekly menu planning and shopping list management via its website and mobile app. As for these convenient services, Chef Mommy wants to provide a total cooking solution that can help users saving their time and giving consideration to dish variety and ingredients purchase at the same time. Based on ingredient inventory in home, Chef Mommy will recommend recipes that users may not expect or remember originally, and then with more dish variety, they can prepare a bountiful meal for family and friends.
In Taiwan, 2010 Family Income and Expenditure Survey by the DGBAS shows that domestic household expenditures spent on diet-related purchase, up to NTD$ 840 billion, in which the overall food supply market size were roughly over NTD$ 200 billion. Chef Mommy will focus on developing services functions in the 1st and 2nd stages, and cut into the users’ buying process by recipes recommend service in the 3rd and 4th stages. By linking users’ recipe choice and ingredient purchase, Chef Mommy will cooperate with food supply companies or supermarket chains and gain profit from it.
Chef Mommy will invest resources to training users’ habits of using Chef Mommy’s services. Via users’ long-term usage history, Chef Mommy will know users’ accustomed to buy ingredients, preferred recipes, cooking methods and other cooking information. According to this, Chef Mommy will be able to expand to a greater diet market.
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使用者需求及創新行銷新思考:Illuscook+手繪風食譜App / New Thinking from User’s Needs & Innovative Marketing: Illuscook+,An App of Recipes in Illustrations林冠儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以量化之網路問卷為主、質化之深度訪談法為輔,利用動機理論的概念及Maslow(1943)的需求理論了解數位食譜使用者使用數位食譜的動機、需求,另運用Davis et al.(1989)提出的科技接受模型、張銀益等人(2010)提出的手機線上遊戲特性進行延伸,做為使用者需求問卷調查的評測及分析指標,並依照以下項目分別對使用者的想法進行探討:(1)使用動機與需求、(2)知覺價值、(3)數位食譜三大平台特性與使用意願、(4)數位食譜行銷策略、(5)手繪插畫與數位食譜結合之吸引力。探討數位食譜的發展現況及行銷策略則以質化之深度訪談法進行,訪談國內數位食譜網站愛料理、多多開伙,外國案例則是美國手繪食譜網站They Draw & Cook,並且發現現有數位食譜平台主要的行銷策略以依照節慶或食材進行主題式的行銷活動居多,除了數位食譜網站/App本身的食譜內容外,常見的行銷方式則為(1)社群媒體、(2)異業合作與置入、(3)實體產品發行或實體活動。創新行銷案例探討則以覺旅咖啡為對象,以質化之深度訪談法了解其創新行銷方式,並發現覺旅咖啡將文化價值深植於體驗行銷的概念是數位食譜平台應該加以學習、深化的行銷方式。綜合以上結果,本研究對研究結果進行分析及整理,並對數位食譜的行銷策略與發展提出建議。
最後,本文將研究結果運用於輔助、支持Illuscook+的創作發展與功能設計,將 Illuscook+做為數位食譜創新行銷策略的構想場域,在「資訊有用性」、「介面易用性」及「使用趣味性」上均收到使用者相當良好的評價,未來可持續發展為具有完整功能的數位食譜資訊整合平台。 / With the advent of digital age, the development of digital recipes is a growing trend, they market and promote themselves in various forms. Besides, the cultural and creative industries which integrate culture, creation and marketing are quite popular, bringing cultural values into digital recipes and creating new spark are worth exploring.
In this study, researcher used online questionnaires and depth interviews to understand users’ motivations and needs of using digital recipes, supplemented by motivation theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1943), also used TAM by Davis et al. (1989) and mobile online games features by Chang Yin-Yih et al. (2010) as the indicators of evaluation and analysis of questionnaires. This study used the following items to discuss user’s ideas of digital recipes: (1)usage motivations and needs, (2)perceived value, (3)the relations between three characteristics of digital recipe platforms and willingness to use, (4)marketing strategies of digit recipes, (5)the attraction of combining hand-drawn illustration and digital recipe. Researcher explored the current development and marketing strategies of digital recipes in depth interviews, using iCook, dodocook and They Draw & Cook as subjects.
Through the results of interviews, the main marketing strategy of existing digital recipes platform is theme-based marketing activities in accordance with festivals or ingredients, and in addition to their own recipe content of digital recipe website / App, the common ways of their marketing are: (1)social media, (2)cross-sector cooperation and placement, (3)release actual products or hold actual activities. Depth interview was also used to know the innovative marketing of Journey Kaffe, and found that its concept of making cultural values deeply rooted in the experiential marketing is the way that digital recipes platform should learn. Based on the above results, this research analyzed and organized the findings, and made recommendations of digital marketing strategies and development.
Finally, the results of study was used to support the development and functional design of Illuscook+, made it a field to realize the innovative marketing ideas of digital recipes, and had received pretty good feedback from users in "information usefulness", "interface usability" and "usage interesting", may develop as a fully functional digital recipe platform in the future.
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食譜粉絲團行銷策略之研究-以 Facebook 之 icook 為例 / The marketing strategies for a recipe community:An example of iCook on Facebook陳婉姿, Chen, Wan Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
全球第一大社群網站 Facebook,在 2007 年推出的 Facebook 粉絲專頁(Fan Page),是一個公開的介面,集合了娛樂、社交、資訊尋求三項商業行銷功能。根據 Facebook 官方統計,目前共有 118 萬個粉絲專頁,由一百多萬個公司團體開立,更吸引了超過 5 億 3,000 萬人次粉絲。近年來,台灣食譜 Facebook 粉絲團備受關注,本研究將探討網友對 iCook 愛料理粉絲團的使用動機。
其次,本研究目的,在探討 iCook 食譜粉絲團之「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。探討人口統計變相對「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的顯著差異性。檢定「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談之相關研究,針對iCook食譜粉絲團提出行銷策略建議。
本研究以 馬斯洛《需求層級理論》,探討 Facebook 粉絲團的閱聽眾使用動機,針對經常瀏覽 iCook 粉絲團的常用使用者為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷 506 份,並針對 iCook 愛料理網站創辦人、美食部落客、粉絲團會員重度使用者進行深度訪談。
研究結果顯示, iCook 食譜粉絲團以女性家庭主婦和上班族為主,年齡層以26-45 歲居多,教育程度以大學為最多,居住地區以北部為主。在使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關;使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關;顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。
經質化與量化分析,本研究對於 iCook 食譜粉絲團之行銷策略建議如下:
1. 提供豐富多樣的食譜資訊,讓使用者感覺有其價值性
2. 善用社群口碑行銷傳播,以內容取代廣告創造利基
3. 優化服務與開拓異業結盟機會,有助品牌知名度與滿意度
綜合上述,以鞏固其品牌忠誠度,朝長久經營之路邁進。 / Facebook, the biggest social network site in the world, launched the Page service in 2007. It is a public platform including entertainment, social contact and information seeking functions for business and marketing. According to the official statistics from Facebook, there are currently 1.18 million Facebook Pages created by more than 1 million organizations, attracting more than 530 million users. In recent years, the cookbook’s Facebook Pages in Taiwan attract more attention than before therefore the research is going to discuss the motivation of fans using iCook Facebook Page.
Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to explore using motivation, sources, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for iCook Facebook Page. To analyze the demographic variables differences on using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty differences. Also to test the relation between using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods, provide marketing strategy recommendation.
The study is based on “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory” and investigates Facebook Page audiences’ usage motivation. The target research group is the user who visits iCook Facebook Page frequently. In order to give consideration to both quantitative and qualitative approach, this study adopts questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews for research methods. There are 506 effective questionnaires from the Internet survey and conducts the in-depth interviews to iCook founder, Cuisine Bloggers and heavy users.
The result indicates that the users of iCook Facebook Page are mainly female, housewife and office worker by occupations, the age between 26 and 45, education background is college and above, living around the northern Taiwan. The using motivation, information sources and service quality have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction, as well as customer loyalty. Therefore the service quality and customer loyalty are positive correlation.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study suggests that iCook Facebook Page should apply more Social Media Marketing strategies and several recommendations as follows:
1. Providing various recipe for readers to let users feel valuable.
2. To leverage the power of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) and to replace the advertisement to content in order to create the niche.
3. Optimizing the web services and features to expand cross-industry strategic alliance opportunities, it helps to promote the brand image and reputation.
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