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互動電視(IPTV)加值服務之滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究:以中華電信MOD「心靈開運網」算命服務為例 / The effect of IPTV value-added service on customer satisfaction and loyalty: The case of Chunghwa Telecom MOD "Superfate" service李宜安 Unknown Date (has links)
中華電信MOD是台灣目前最具規模的互動電視(IPTV)平台,全台已有68萬用戶,除了提供影片隨選(Video on demad)的服務之外,也積極發展其他類型的加值服務,本研究以中華電信MOD之「心靈開運網」算命服務為例,從中探討該服務使用族群的「使用動機」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」之間的相互關係,並研究使用動機與服務品質等因子中,何者影響使用族群的滿意度?希望這樣的研究結果日後可提供其他互動電視加值服務開發廠商參考。
關鍵詞:互動電視、IPTV、MOD、加值服務、心靈開運網、使用動機、資訊來源、服務品質、滿意度、忠誠度、電視問卷 / Abstract
Chunghwa Telecom MOD is the most popular IPTV provider in Taiwan, which now has around 680,000 subscribers. In addition to providing video on demand services, Chunghwa Telecom MOD is also aggressively expanding other value-added-services (VAS). Using Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service as an example, this study tried to examine the relationships between “usage motivation”, “service quality”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty”. Furthermore, we tried to investigate which of the following factors (e.g., usage motivation and service quality) has the greatest impact on “customer satisfaction”. We hope that the research outcome could provide some directions for other VAS developers of IPTV industry.
Using both quantitative statistical analysis and qualitative in-depth interviews. We extensively surveyed different consumer groups of Chunghwa Telecom MOD's "Superfate" service in order to understand consumer profile and user behavior. At the same time, we also conducted in-depth interviews Based upon research outcomes from consumer surveys and key industry players interviews, we provide several recommendations to the "Superfate" service as follow:
1.Different age groups have different demands on fortune telling content. To make this service more user-friendly, we should customize the front page according to the record of the customers' most-frequently-visit fortune-telling categories.
2.Based on the usage records of each user, we can easily identify the associated services each customer might need. We can effectively increase customer satisfaction level by forming strategic alliance with other value-added-services, e.g. personal finance, match-making, wedding-planning, and health care related services.
3.Demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, occupation, and income) do not have a significantly different impact on usage motivation, service quality, customer loyalty, and satisfaction. Educational level is the exception. Our results imply that demographic differences do not significantly influence customers' preference on fortune-telling.
4.Service quality has a stronger influence on satisfaction level than usage motivation. The better the service quality, the more satisfied the users are.
5.Service quality has a strong influence on the level of customer satisfaction. Moreover, the reliability of the service, or the accuracy of the fortune-telling result, can greatly impact customers' perception of service quality.
6.Users are more willing to reuse this service when they feel their privacy is protected. Meanwhile, the user is more willing to recommend this service to others when they feel the fortune-telling results could help them approach the positive luck and avoid the negative fate.
Keywords:Multimedia On Demand(MOD)、IPTV、value-added-services、Superfate、usage motivation、service quality、customer satisfaction、customer loyalty、TV questionnaire survey
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打造一個成功的零售服裝品牌:以Abercrombie and Fitch公司為例 / The Making of a Successful Retail Fashion Brand:Abercrombie and Fitch Co. as an Example樊亭余, Fan, Christine Unknown Date (has links)
此研究將探討台灣消費者的消費行為對於國外知名零售絣牌Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 本品牌建立位於美國以休閒服裝為主,。此研究會探討品牌知名度, 品牌形象, 購買意向對於這個品牌。
此研究採用便利抽樣調查以定量分析取出結果。本研究採取192個樣本中34.9%為男性,65.1%為女性。研究員採用階層回歸分析調查出本研究調查。調查結果指出消費者俱有高度認知對於品牌知名度和品牌形會有嚴重影響消費者的購買意向。同時,消費者俱有高度炫耀性消費和時尚觀念對於Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 品牌知名度和品牌形的認知會增加。Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 的資訊來源大多數以網路和朋友,因此也提升消費者的品牌知名度對於此品牌。 / In this study the researcher examined the influence of Taiwanese consumers behavior towards overseas retail fashion brand Abercrombie and Fitch Co.
The brand was established in the United States of America that offers a range of products such casual sportswear apparel, outerwear, and accessories for men, women, and kids. This study investigated on Taiwanese consumers brand awareness, brand image and purchase intention for the brand.
A quantitative analysis will be used for this research by using convenience sampling survey which were distributed online. A total of 192 samples were used for this study (34.9%) of the respondents were male and (65.1%) were female. The researcher used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to test for the results that were needed for this study.
The findings indicated that purchase intention is heavily influenced by brand awareness and brand image; meanwhile, consumers with higher levels of conspicuous consumption and fashion conscious orientations have greater brand knowledge and better brand image about Abercrombie and Fitch Co. Getting fashion information from friends and internet led to greater brand awareness about Abercrombie and Fitch Co.
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食譜粉絲團行銷策略之研究-以 Facebook 之 icook 為例 / The marketing strategies for a recipe community:An example of iCook on Facebook陳婉姿, Chen, Wan Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
全球第一大社群網站 Facebook,在 2007 年推出的 Facebook 粉絲專頁(Fan Page),是一個公開的介面,集合了娛樂、社交、資訊尋求三項商業行銷功能。根據 Facebook 官方統計,目前共有 118 萬個粉絲專頁,由一百多萬個公司團體開立,更吸引了超過 5 億 3,000 萬人次粉絲。近年來,台灣食譜 Facebook 粉絲團備受關注,本研究將探討網友對 iCook 愛料理粉絲團的使用動機。
其次,本研究目的,在探討 iCook 食譜粉絲團之「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」之意涵。探討人口統計變相對「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」的顯著差異性。檢定「使用動機」、「資訊來源」、「服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」和「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著關係。經由量化分析與質化訪談之相關研究,針對iCook食譜粉絲團提出行銷策略建議。
本研究以 馬斯洛《需求層級理論》,探討 Facebook 粉絲團的閱聽眾使用動機,針對經常瀏覽 iCook 粉絲團的常用使用者為研究對象,本研究利用「問卷調查法」與「深度訪談法」進行研究,兼顧量化及質化兩種研究途徑。透過網路問卷抽樣調查方式,回收有效問卷 506 份,並針對 iCook 愛料理網站創辦人、美食部落客、粉絲團會員重度使用者進行深度訪談。
研究結果顯示, iCook 食譜粉絲團以女性家庭主婦和上班族為主,年齡層以26-45 歲居多,教育程度以大學為最多,居住地區以北部為主。在使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質對於顧客滿意度有顯著正相關;使用動機、資訊來源及服務品質及顧客忠誠度有顯著正相關;顧客滿意度與忠誠度有顯著正相關。
經質化與量化分析,本研究對於 iCook 食譜粉絲團之行銷策略建議如下:
1. 提供豐富多樣的食譜資訊,讓使用者感覺有其價值性
2. 善用社群口碑行銷傳播,以內容取代廣告創造利基
3. 優化服務與開拓異業結盟機會,有助品牌知名度與滿意度
綜合上述,以鞏固其品牌忠誠度,朝長久經營之路邁進。 / Facebook, the biggest social network site in the world, launched the Page service in 2007. It is a public platform including entertainment, social contact and information seeking functions for business and marketing. According to the official statistics from Facebook, there are currently 1.18 million Facebook Pages created by more than 1 million organizations, attracting more than 530 million users. In recent years, the cookbook’s Facebook Pages in Taiwan attract more attention than before therefore the research is going to discuss the motivation of fans using iCook Facebook Page.
Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to explore using motivation, sources, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for iCook Facebook Page. To analyze the demographic variables differences on using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty differences. Also to test the relation between using motivation, information sources, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty. Through quantitative and qualitative research methods, provide marketing strategy recommendation.
The study is based on “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory” and investigates Facebook Page audiences’ usage motivation. The target research group is the user who visits iCook Facebook Page frequently. In order to give consideration to both quantitative and qualitative approach, this study adopts questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews for research methods. There are 506 effective questionnaires from the Internet survey and conducts the in-depth interviews to iCook founder, Cuisine Bloggers and heavy users.
The result indicates that the users of iCook Facebook Page are mainly female, housewife and office worker by occupations, the age between 26 and 45, education background is college and above, living around the northern Taiwan. The using motivation, information sources and service quality have a significant positive correlation with customer satisfaction, as well as customer loyalty. Therefore the service quality and customer loyalty are positive correlation.
Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, this study suggests that iCook Facebook Page should apply more Social Media Marketing strategies and several recommendations as follows:
1. Providing various recipe for readers to let users feel valuable.
2. To leverage the power of Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) and to replace the advertisement to content in order to create the niche.
3. Optimizing the web services and features to expand cross-industry strategic alliance opportunities, it helps to promote the brand image and reputation.
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