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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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品牌知名度、商品稀有性及消費者獨特性需求對於消費者態度之影響 —以限量包包為例 / The influence of brand awareness, product scarcity and consumer’s need for uniqueness toward consumer’s attitude—Taking limited edition bag as example

周怡璇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來各個品牌對於限量商品的推出層出不窮,每每也引起消費者的趨之若鶩,究竟什麼樣的消費者會受到限量商品的吸引,這些限量商品吸引消費者的關鍵又是在何處,是本研究所欲瞭解之處。 因此,本研究主要在探討不同程度的獨特性需求(need for uniqueness)消費者對於限量商品的態度和購買意圖是否有所差異;此外,在台灣原本知名度較低的英國品牌Anya Hindmarch 在台推出限量環保包,竟造成轟動熱賣,過去關於限量商品的研究尚未有品牌的變數注入,本研究藉此擬探討不同知名程度的品牌限量商品是否會因為個人的獨特性需求擾動,使得消費者的反應有所差異。 研究結果顯示獨特性需求程度高的消費者,的確對於限量商品有較高的產品態度以及購買意願,但是在品牌知名度及商品稀有性的交互作用如何影響消費者對限量商品的態度,本研究並無明確的定論,因此後續研究可進一步進行探討,期能更瞭解限量商品及品牌使用限量策略對於消費者的影響,進而對行銷實務上有所貢獻。

後進品牌拓展新手機市場之個案研究 / A case study on a late comer's entry into a new mobile phone market

許時彬, Hsu, Shih Pin, Unknown Date (has links)
行動電話早已成為大多數人日常生活中的必需品。在台灣,幾年前行動電話普及率便已超過100%,手機市場是一個非常成熟和相當競爭的市場。手機供應商在市場上提供不同平台(作業系統)產品,來滿足消費者的需求和與其他手機製造商競爭。任何新的公司誰想要進入這個飽和的手機市場,並與其他供應商競爭,將是一個很大的挑戰。 ABC是一個國外品牌的手機供應商,自行開發Windows Mobile平台的手機產品在世界很多地區和國家行銷多年。該公司決定進入台灣市場,第一階段選定一款PDA手機作為進入市場的先驅產品。這項研究的目的是想要瞭解這一外國品牌如何來進入這個成熟的市場,研究者將運用一般行銷人員廣泛採用的行銷計劃相關過程,來進行分析與建議。 這個新品牌理想的行銷策略是什麼?如何區分市場和選定目標市場?什麼樣的定位最適合這的產品?要找什麼樣的銷售管道?研究者在做了相關的分析包含消費者分析、競爭者分析、SWOT分析和STP分析後,建議此新品牌應該在較小市場採取”焦點差異”策略的目標行銷、只選定兩個市場、並定位該研究產品為商業人士的手機。研究者也依據所建議的策略和STP結果,提供行銷4P的作法。希望這些建議可作為該新品牌規劃行銷計畫的參考。除此,這份研究也可做為其他任何對於在台灣銷售行動電話業務有興趣的公司來參考。 / Mobile phone has been in our daily life for the majority of the people. In Taiwan, the penetration rate had been over 100% a few years ago. The mobile phone market is very mature and competitive. Phone suppliers in the market provide different platform (operating system) products to meet consumer needs and compete with other phone manufacturers. Any new player who wants to get into this saturated phone market and compete with other suppliers would be a big challenge. ABC is a brand phone supplier being designing Window Mobile products and selling them in many countries for years. The company decided to enter Taiwan market with a selected PDA phone for the first phase of the entry. This study is aimed to realize how this foreign brand can penetrate into this mature market by going through most of the processes of preparing a marketing plan which is widely used by markers. What strategy is ideal for this new brand to adopt? What segments should be targeted and how the brand should position the studied product? What channel partner should be considered? After going through customer analysis, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, and STP process, the researcher suggested this new brand pursue “differentiation focus” strategy to differentiate the studied product with competing products in a narrower market, target only two selected segments, and position the studied product as a business user device. The researcher also suggested suitable marketing mix based on the recommended strategy and STP to penetrate this market. This study result can be a good reference to the new brand company and any other companies who might be interested in the same business in the industry.

品牌知名度對消費者對品牌聯盟態度與外溢效果影響之研究 / The Influence of Brand Awareness on Customer Attitude to Brand Alliance and Feedback Effect

閻秀樺, Yen,Hsiu-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
品牌聯盟是市場上經常被運用的行銷策略,廠商藉由搭配另一個品牌共同推出產品,不僅增加原本產品的屬性,更讓消費者對於新產品產生更高的信心與正面的態度。消費者在對品牌聯盟產品形成態度的同時,也對原本單獨兩品牌產生了新的評價,使得消費者在品牌聯盟前後對於個別品牌的態度出現差異,造成品牌聯盟的外溢效果。本研究之目的在探討品牌聯盟類型中的組成份共品牌,是否會因為不同品牌知名度的組合,而影響消費者對品牌聯盟的態度。另外當品牌參與聯盟之後,消費者對品牌態度的改變,是否受其本身知名度以及在聯盟中擔任角色的影響。本研究設計一個2(主品牌知名度高/低)x2(成分品牌知名度高/低)x2(品牌聯盟成功/失敗)=8組的實驗,利用問卷瞭解消費者在各種組合下對品牌聯盟以及個別品牌的態度,再利用統計分析比較彼此的差異。 透過對214份有效問卷的分析,研究發現品牌知名度確實是影響消費者對品牌聯盟態度的因素。此外,消費者在品牌聯盟之後對個別品牌態度的變化幅度,會受品牌聯盟市場反應的好壞,品牌本身知名度,以及此品牌在聯盟中擔任角色的交互影響,而造成外溢效果的差異。品牌聯盟市場反應好壞不必然同時影響消費者對聯盟中兩個品牌的態度,消費者傾向於將品牌聯盟的成敗歸因於主品牌上,使主品牌的外溢效果大於成分品牌。另外品牌外溢效果同時會受品牌知名度與聯盟中主附品牌角色不同的影響。低知名度加上主品牌的組合最容易產生顯著的外溢效果。 / Brand alliance, also called co-branding, is a useful marketing strategy which helps an existing brand to leverage associations, strengthen its image and influence consumers’ attitudes by linking itself to other brands. A special case of brand association is ingredient branding, which highlights a product’s ingredient brand in order to signal the quality of co-branded products. While consumers perceive a co-brand and form attitudes to it, the attitudes toward each constituent brand are also influenced, causing the spillover effect. This study tries to find out if brand awareness is the key factor to impact consumers’ attitudes to a brand alliance. Further, it explains how spillover effect differs between a main brand and an ingredient brand when either positive or negative information about an ingredient branding product is presented to customers. Experiments are conducted to compare an array of consumer’s attitudes and spillover effects of ingredient branding products. Main brands and ingredient brands of different awareness levels are paired alternatively to design eight co-branding conditions. The study finds out brand awareness is a key factor that influences consumer’s attitudes toward a brand association. The combination of two high-awareness brands gains the more positive attitudes than other awareness combinations. However, the level of awareness has little to do with the strength of spillover effect. Attitudes to a brand alliance, positive or not, do not necessarily influence the attitudes to either allied brands. Spillover effect is not a symmetrical phenomenon, and therefore one brand usually gains more spillover effect than their counterpart. Generally the main brand in an ingredient branding has higher spillover effect than the ingredient brand.


January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 企业并购是经济管理领域长盛不衰的研究话题,也是企业高投资与高风险并行的战略举措。并购后对品牌进行有效整合是实现并购价值的重要过程,只有对并购后的品牌进行整合,才能使并购取得应有的并购协同效应。在消费者导向意识不断深化,服务导向逐渐成为服务行业的主流导向的背景下,研究品牌并购中消费者感知及其忠诚显得尤为重要。企业并购过程中面临的风险与挑战之一就是消费者未必对商家的品牌并购行为买账,消费者忠诚受到影响。尽管已有学者提出品牌并购的企业更应关注消费者及其忠诚,但目前从消费者感知角度研究企业或品牌并购行为的研究较少。为了揭示消费者感知品牌并购的过程,探究品牌并购是否及如何影响消费者感知及忠诚,本文基于深度访谈法与情境下问卷调查法分析了消费者对品牌并购的感知及结果,并设计两项研究:研究一在理论分析与前人研究基础上,通过对消费者的深度访谈,确立了消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度,分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质,并在借鉴前人研究结合本研究的具体背景,得出消费者感知的品牌并购价值的测量条目。研究二通过情境模拟下的问卷调查法,检验了消费者感知品牌并购价值、感知质量、感知价值、品牌忠诚、产品涉入以及品牌知名度之间的关系。在此基础上,本文对L教育集团在实践运营过程中的品牌并购案例进行详细分析,发现了L教育集团发起品牌并购的原因以及并购过程中存在的问题和改进建议。 研究结果显示:(1)消费者感知的品牌并购价值的四个维度分别为品牌联想、产品联想、组织联想与人员服务品质;(2)消费者感知品牌并购价值与感知质量有显著正相关关系,表明消费者感知品牌并购价值能够提高消费者的感知质量;(3)消费者感知质量对其感知价值有显著的正向影响,表明感知质量正向预测消费者的感知价值水平;(4)消费者感知质量对其品牌忠诚有显著的积极作用;(5)消费者感知品牌并购价值与消费者感知价值存在显著的正相关关系;(6)消费者感知品牌并购价值对消费者品牌忠诚的路径系数达到显著性水平;(7)消费者感知质量在感知并购价值与感知价值、品牌忠诚之间起部分中介作用;(8)产品涉入与品牌知名度在消费者感知并购价值与感知质量的关系之间起调节作用。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019

影響網路團購之顧客滿意度與忠誠度及其前置因素之研究 / Effect of customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and relative antecedents on group purchasing

楊雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
網路團購已是目前台灣電子商務重要趨勢之一,不僅消費者積極參與、供應商也希望能尋求新的獲利來源,連接兩者提供交易平台的團購網站,更有國內外廠商均積極投入、競爭。之前的文獻研究中,大多是針對網路團購模式建立的探討,包含定價策略、營運模式…等,由消費者角度出發,針對網路團購行為之研究較少。 本研究係以曾參與網路團購之消費者作為研究對象,探討「知覺風險」、「品牌知名度」、「網站服務品質」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」彼此的關係與影響因素,並以研究結論為基礎,提供網路團購業者後續行銷策略之建議。 本研究採量化之「問卷調查」與質化之「深度訪談」方式進行研究。量化調查方面,共取得303 份有效問卷,運用敘述性統計、t 檢定、ANOVA檢定、Pearson 相關分析法、迴歸分析法,將資料進行統計分析與假設驗證;質化研究方面,透過深度訪談國內三家知名團購網站經營者,了解網路團購之經營模式與現況,並藉由他們的觀察,洞悉主要消費族群之輪廓及意向,最後,並探討團購網站未來可能的挑戰與機會。 本研究的研究結果如下: 1.性別、年齡、學歷、職業、婚姻狀態與收入不同的消費者,對網路團購之知覺風險、品牌知名度、網站服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度,確實存有差異性。 2.知覺風險與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 3.品牌知名度與顧客滿意度具顯著相關性,與顧客忠誠度則無相關。 4.網站服務品質與顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度間具顯著相關性。 5.顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度具顯著正向關係。 網路團購行銷策略建議: 1.知覺風險構面:持續加強隱私安全保障機制,並優化商品呈現方式,避免消費者購買到與網頁呈現不符之商品,降低消費者認知的隱私濫用與品質績效風險,提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 2.品牌知名度構面:持續開發具有高知名度的商品或服務,運用行銷合作方式說服更多高知名度廠商參與網路團購,以提升顧客滿意度。 3.網站服務品質構面:網站必須持續優化其網頁視覺與動線設計,並提供多元化的商品選擇,以提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 / Online group purchasing grows very fast and has become a trend of e-commerce in Taiwan. Not only the consumers are very interested in but also the supplers would like to start the business and create more profit from the new modle. The competition between group-purchasing sites is strong, too. But the previous studies were more focus on pricing strategy, business modle, and lacked of the study of sonsumer behaviors of online group purchasing. The consumers who have participated online group purchasing are taken as the object of the research. The purpose of this research is to define the relationship and influence between the perceived risk, brand awareness, website service quality, consumer satisfaction and loyalty, and to provide the suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing industry base on the results and findings. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 303 effective questionnaires are obtained for statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, regression are utilized to verify the hypothesis and assumptions. As to qualitative approach, there are three experts from the management level of the well-known group-purchasing sites in Taiwan shared the business modle, status, consumer insights and purchasing intention, challenge and opportunities therough in-depth interviewing The result of this research includes: 1.Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences. 2.Perceived risk has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 3.Brand awareness has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction, but shows no correlation with customer loyalty. 4.Website service quality has a dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 5.Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty have a positive relationship. The suggestions of marketing strategy for online group purchasing are as below: 1.In perceived risk aspect: Keep enhancing the security system and optimizing the instruction of product to alleviate perceived risk. It is helpful to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty. 2.In brand awareness aspect: Provide the products or services which are popular and famous to the customer to improve the customer satisfaction. 3.In website service quality aspect: Keep optimizing the visual and process of the website, and providing customers with various product choices to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty.

打造一個成功的零售服裝品牌:以Abercrombie and Fitch公司為例 / The Making of a Successful Retail Fashion Brand:Abercrombie and Fitch Co. as an Example

樊亭余, Fan, Christine Unknown Date (has links)
此研究將探討台灣消費者的消費行為對於國外知名零售絣牌Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 本品牌建立位於美國以休閒服裝為主,。此研究會探討品牌知名度, 品牌形象, 購買意向對於這個品牌。 此研究採用便利抽樣調查以定量分析取出結果。本研究採取192個樣本中34.9%為男性,65.1%為女性。研究員採用階層回歸分析調查出本研究調查。調查結果指出消費者俱有高度認知對於品牌知名度和品牌形會有嚴重影響消費者的購買意向。同時,消費者俱有高度炫耀性消費和時尚觀念對於Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 品牌知名度和品牌形的認知會增加。Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 的資訊來源大多數以網路和朋友,因此也提升消費者的品牌知名度對於此品牌。 / In this study the researcher examined the influence of Taiwanese consumers behavior towards overseas retail fashion brand Abercrombie and Fitch Co. The brand was established in the United States of America that offers a range of products such casual sportswear apparel, outerwear, and accessories for men, women, and kids. This study investigated on Taiwanese consumers brand awareness, brand image and purchase intention for the brand. A quantitative analysis will be used for this research by using convenience sampling survey which were distributed online. A total of 192 samples were used for this study (34.9%) of the respondents were male and (65.1%) were female. The researcher used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to test for the results that were needed for this study. The findings indicated that purchase intention is heavily influenced by brand awareness and brand image; meanwhile, consumers with higher levels of conspicuous consumption and fashion conscious orientations have greater brand knowledge and better brand image about Abercrombie and Fitch Co. Getting fashion information from friends and internet led to greater brand awareness about Abercrombie and Fitch Co.

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