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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王金清, Wong, Jin-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
烘焙業為一具發展潛力之產業,故本論文對其進研探討.本論文之目的,在於對不同連鎖體系之行銷策略作深入的瞭解與比較分析,進而建構相關命題,供業者及後續研究者參考.本論文以個案研究法進行研究,共選定四個連鎖體系作為研究對象. 經由探討,本論文獲致下列結論:1.烘焙業具有"深具發展潛力"等十項產業特性. 2.烘焙業之重要行銷策略包括新產品發展,定位及行銷組合等.3.不同連鎖體系,其行銷策略各異,但一般而言,定位相同者,策略同質性較高,策略特色也較相近. 4.依具比較分析,本論文共導出24項命題,供後續研究者參考.本論文之最後,並提出數項建議,期望對業者及後續研究者有所俾益.


王尚文 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以文獻資料分析法、深度訪談法與問卷調查等多重研究方法,試圖剖析在面對內、外部媒體環境變遷中,香港《蘋果日報》來台發行上市後所引發新環境衝擊的情境下,國內報紙的行銷作為;探討報紙在行銷上所出現的主要問題,並找出報紙行銷的關鍵因素。 本文以台灣創刊最早的民營報紙,具指標性卻承受衝擊最大的《中國時報》為個案研究對象,深度訪談了八位《中國時報》編、經兩部門及總管理處等單位之高、中階主管,另有效回收讀者閱讀行為問卷調查412份,從策略行銷的本質--區隔、目標市場、定位,即STP模式切入,分析、檢討《中國時報》的行銷策略與4P行銷組合策略。研究結果顯示,《中國時報》在其經營管理上,雖有「全面成本領導」的策略性思考,即正在努力降低生產與配銷成本,以便用較低的價格與競爭者競爭,期能贏得更大的市場佔有率,但是就行銷理論與相關行銷觀點而言,《中國時報》的行銷主要問題,在於產品對消費者(讀者)所提供的充分價值、多元性服務不足,以及促銷活動質、量不足、營運模式與效果欠佳等方面。 研究結果同時發現,在面對新環境的衝擊下,報紙行銷的關鍵因素包括:1、產品的資訊化、知識化、智慧化;2、加強娛樂性;3、發展數位化內容;4、開發多元通路;5、促銷從靜態走向動態;6、跨媒體整合;7、內外部資源整合的程度。 本文然雖指出《中國時報》在面對新環境衝擊下,其行銷作為上的主要問題,但也看到台灣報紙在短期內尚不會被其他媒體所完全取代的機會,因而對《中國時報》提出1、擴大營收;2、流程變革;3、組織再造等近、中、長程的具體建議,並對其他報業提出建言,提供媒體經營者參考。本文不僅試圖因應報業市場競爭環境填補過去在此一方面較少作系統性研究的缺憾,也指出後續值得研究的方向。

企業在網際網路上行銷活動之研究 / The Research on Companies' Marketing Activities on Internet

張元琦, Chang, Yuan-Chyi Unknown Date (has links)

後進品牌拓展新手機市場之個案研究 / A case study on a late comer's entry into a new mobile phone market

許時彬, Hsu, Shih Pin, Unknown Date (has links)
行動電話早已成為大多數人日常生活中的必需品。在台灣,幾年前行動電話普及率便已超過100%,手機市場是一個非常成熟和相當競爭的市場。手機供應商在市場上提供不同平台(作業系統)產品,來滿足消費者的需求和與其他手機製造商競爭。任何新的公司誰想要進入這個飽和的手機市場,並與其他供應商競爭,將是一個很大的挑戰。 ABC是一個國外品牌的手機供應商,自行開發Windows Mobile平台的手機產品在世界很多地區和國家行銷多年。該公司決定進入台灣市場,第一階段選定一款PDA手機作為進入市場的先驅產品。這項研究的目的是想要瞭解這一外國品牌如何來進入這個成熟的市場,研究者將運用一般行銷人員廣泛採用的行銷計劃相關過程,來進行分析與建議。 這個新品牌理想的行銷策略是什麼?如何區分市場和選定目標市場?什麼樣的定位最適合這的產品?要找什麼樣的銷售管道?研究者在做了相關的分析包含消費者分析、競爭者分析、SWOT分析和STP分析後,建議此新品牌應該在較小市場採取”焦點差異”策略的目標行銷、只選定兩個市場、並定位該研究產品為商業人士的手機。研究者也依據所建議的策略和STP結果,提供行銷4P的作法。希望這些建議可作為該新品牌規劃行銷計畫的參考。除此,這份研究也可做為其他任何對於在台灣銷售行動電話業務有興趣的公司來參考。 / Mobile phone has been in our daily life for the majority of the people. In Taiwan, the penetration rate had been over 100% a few years ago. The mobile phone market is very mature and competitive. Phone suppliers in the market provide different platform (operating system) products to meet consumer needs and compete with other phone manufacturers. Any new player who wants to get into this saturated phone market and compete with other suppliers would be a big challenge. ABC is a brand phone supplier being designing Window Mobile products and selling them in many countries for years. The company decided to enter Taiwan market with a selected PDA phone for the first phase of the entry. This study is aimed to realize how this foreign brand can penetrate into this mature market by going through most of the processes of preparing a marketing plan which is widely used by markers. What strategy is ideal for this new brand to adopt? What segments should be targeted and how the brand should position the studied product? What channel partner should be considered? After going through customer analysis, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis, and STP process, the researcher suggested this new brand pursue “differentiation focus” strategy to differentiate the studied product with competing products in a narrower market, target only two selected segments, and position the studied product as a business user device. The researcher also suggested suitable marketing mix based on the recommended strategy and STP to penetrate this market. This study result can be a good reference to the new brand company and any other companies who might be interested in the same business in the industry.


甘齡珺 Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際原油價格不斷攀升,加上節能、環保議題、休閒運動和樂活新興生活型態等各項因素的交互影響,使的自行車產業成為新一代的明星產業。為了順應此一趨勢,故本研究期望透過資料採礦的應用,配合SPSS Clementine 12.0軟體,冀望找出是否擁有自行車之影響變數,並以巨大捷安特以及愛地雅為個案分析對象,進行行銷組合策略分析與建議。 投入變數共分為三大部分:基本人口統計變數、生活型態變數以及自行車消費行為變數,進行模型建置,由於分類迴歸樹不論是在整體預測正確率或準確度,皆是高於羅吉斯迴歸和類神經網路,故最後選擇分類迴歸樹此一模型。 透過分類迴歸樹共獲得八項影響「是否擁有自行車」之相關變數,其中「月可支配所得」、「出生年次」、「性別」、「報紙接觸率」、「商品訴求-樂活」、「保健食品最近一年使用時間」、「親疏關係情人」、「商品訴求-排毒」,此八項變數對自行車擁有者具較大影響力,故本研究以此八項變數為巨大捷安特和愛地雅之行銷策略建議依據。 / Due to the interrelationship among the dramatic run-up in gasoline, advocacy for energy-saving issue and conservation of the earth, leisure activities, and LOHAS lifestyles, the bike industry turns out to be a leading and star industry in this era. In order to follow this trend, the study aims to discover the core factors of possessing bicycles through the application of SPSS Clementine 12.0 software. Three variables—demographics, lifestyles and the bicycle consumption behavior—were used to construct the model. Since Decision tree-CART is excellent in the forecast accuracy and validity as compared to Logistic regression and Artificial neural network, the Decision tree-CART was adopted in this research. Through using Decision tree-CART, this study identified eight factors that have greater impact on possessing bicycles and they are “ monthly income”, “year of the birth”, “sex (distinction)”, “The frequency of reading newspaper”, “product expectation—LOHAS”, “ The usage of health products within a year”, “the relationship with the opposite sex”, “product expectation—detoxification”. This research will chiefly use these eight factors to provide the marketing portfolio strategy recommendations for GIANT and IDEAL. Keywords: Cycling, Data Mining, Decision tree-CART, GIANT, IDEAL, Marketing Portfolio Strategy

電腦週邊事業行銷策略之研究-以G公司為例 / The study of business marketing strategy of computer peripheral industry: in case of G co.

陳清賢, Chen, Ching Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電腦週邊設備製造業的發展,一直以來與 PC 產業發展具有高度關聯性。本產業大約從1980 年代開始,國內廠商大多以代工模式興起。自1990 年起,產業進入快速成長階段,產能規模持續成長,台灣亦成為電腦週邊設備的製造重鎮。而近年來隨著科技產業的蓬勃發展,電腦週邊設備更是越來越複雜,產品種類不僅繁多、汰換率高且產品生命週期日趨縮短。再加上產業集中化與微利化的情形下,彼此之間的競爭更是激烈。 本論文研究是以台灣電腦週邊設備製造領導廠商G公司為個案,研究其將近三十年之行銷實務經驗,以提供未來台灣新創中小事業行銷組合策略之參考依據。在藉由本次行銷組合策略的分析過程中,讓我們更加了解電腦週邊設備製造業的現況及未來發展趨勢,以及如何面對產業的快速變化和不確定性。 文中是以訪談G公司經營高層,以及蒐集其他相關文件資料的方式,來探討國內電腦週邊設備製造商行銷組合策略,並將所獲得之成果進行衡量,其中研究之影響變數有市場區隔、目標市場、市場定位、產品定位、研發創新能力、行銷通路布建等等。透過本個案研究之結果,提供下列數點建議,以供台灣新創中小事業之借鏡: 1.透過明確的市場區隔,可穩定成長並避免與市場既有廠商競爭及攻擊。 2.要能掌握通路布局並與經銷商保持良好關係。 3.妥善運用區域彈性定價,以保持公司競爭強度及獲利。 4.發展品牌,以避免落入價格競爭。 5.技術領先與創新產品,保持公司競爭力。 6.積極參與國內、外產品展,藉以快速打開知名度。 關鍵字:新創事業,市場區隔,行銷組合策略。 / In Taiwan, computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry has been highly associated with the PC industry. About the industry from the 1980s began, most domestic manufacturers rise to the OEM model. Since 1990, the industry entered a rapid growth stage, the capacity continued to grow; Taiwan has become the manufacturing center for computer peripherals. In recent years, the rapid development of the technology industry, computer peripheral equipment is more complex, not only the range of product categories, replacement rate and increasingly shorter product life cycles. Coupled with industry concentration and the case of shrinking profit margins, more competition between them is intense. This thesis is based on Taiwan's leading computer peripheral equipment G Co., as a case study of marketing practices for nearly three decades of experience, to provide for Taiwan's future small new ventures marketing mix strategy of reference. By this time in the marketing mix strategy analysis process, our understanding of computer peripheral equipment manufacturing industry development status and future trends, and how to deal with the rapid industry change and uncertainty. The article is based on interviews with the senior management of G co., and to collect other relevant documents, to explore the domestic manufacturer of computer peripherals marketing mix strategies, and measure the results obtained, which studies the impact of variables there is market segmentation, target market, market positioning, product positioning, R & D innovation, marketing channels, and so on. Through the case study results, the following points provide suggestions for the new ventures: 1.Through the market segmentation, we can stable growth and to avoid competition with existing companies and the victims of its attacks. 2.We should be able to master channel and maintain good relations with retailers. 3.Good use of flexible pricing strategy to maintain ours competitive and profitability. 4.To develop the brand in order to avoid falling into the price competition. 5.Technological leadership and innovative products, to keep the competitiveness of company. 6.Involved in domestic and international electronics show, in order to build brand awareness quickly. Keywords: New Ventures, market segmentation, marketing mix strategies.

新創有機棉服飾品牌關鍵成功因素 / A Study of the Key Successful Factors of Taiwan's Organic Cotton Fashion Industry

林宗翰, Lin, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)

檔案典藏機構推廣服務應用行銷組合之研究 / The Study on the Application of Marketing Mix in Archival Promotion Services

王欣愉, Wang, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由行銷組合的7P理論(產品、價格、通路、推廣、人員、實體證據及過程)檢視國內檔案典藏機構推廣服務情形。本研究採用文獻分析法及深度訪談法蒐集研究資料。訪談對象以立意抽樣有辦理檔案推廣活動經驗並具有特色館藏之檔案典藏機構進行受訪,計訪談8個檔案典藏機構。本研究歸納結論如下: 一、檔案行銷組合的產品策略,以實體資源與虛擬資源為主。 二、價格策略以館藏複製及加值授權為主。 三、通路策略以實體通路為主,網路通路為輔。 四、推廣策略以檔案展覽活動為主。 五、人員策略須注重服務人員教育訓練。 六、實體證據策略須提供檔案行銷推廣空間。 七、過程策略以服務流程之便利化與標準化為目標。 根據研究結果,提出建議事項: 一、設立專門負責行銷活動之部門或人員。 二、產品加值授權與開發文創商品。 三、加強網路通路之應用。 四、結合推廣活動與教育之應用。 五、加強服務人員行銷相關的專業能力。 六、提供行銷推廣空間。 七、全面開放資料庫線上閱覽。 / This study is mainly on investigating the Archival Promotion Services in the archival institutions in Taiwan through 7P marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical evidence and Process). Literature analysis and depth interviews were used in this research for gathering data. Depth interviews were investigated 8 experienced archival institutions with promotion activities and characteristic collection. The results of the research are concluded below: 1.Archival product strategy is mainly based on the physical and virtual resources. 2.Archival price strategy is mainly based on duplicate and authorization. 3.Archival place strategy relies mainly on physical access supplemented by internet access. 4.Archival promotion strategy is mainly based on exhibition activities. 5.Archival people strategy shall provide educational training. 6.Archival physical evidence strategy shall provide promotion space. 7.Archival process strategy is mainly based on facilitation and standardization of service. Recommendations: 1.To set up the department or personnel responsible for the marketing. 2.To develop the value-added authorization of product. 3.To strengthen the application of internet access. 4.To connect promotion activities to education. 5.To intensify the professional ability related marketing. 6.To provide promotion space. 7.To provide reading online database fully.

品牌商透過中間商執行通路行銷策略之研究 / Implementing Channel Marketing Strategies Through Channels—The Case of a Branding Company

陳雅芬, Chen, Ya Fen Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球化競爭與產業環境的變化,如何在動態的競爭環境下永續經營,是企業目前面臨的考驗。台灣企業積極的想從低利的代工產業轉型成品牌公司,試圖調整經營策略,並建構新的核心能力,以提昇競爭力。 成為品牌公司,除了本身的企業文化與競爭能力外,必須要投入相當多的能力與資源,尤其要有長期抗戰的準備;品牌的投資,不是一時的資本投入,而是需要整個企業的核心價值與組織架構的推動,若要深耕其品牌,企業的行銷策略與通路管理能力則是品牌經營的基礎架構。 本研究以品牌商的角度,透過其在地主國執行的行銷策略,分析其行銷策略與通路管理的重要性,以及在執行時,面對地主國各中間商(包括代理商與通路商) 不同的能力與資源所遇到的問題,因而檢視其母公司所規劃的經營策略與行銷組合,是否符合全球化的經營意圖。 經過資料整理與訪談後,發現該品牌商有其完善的行銷策略以推廣品牌,並提升該品牌的權益,但因其全球化的策略,其大部分的區域都交由代理商經營,並由代理商負責執行該區域的行銷策略,此代理商與通路商的能力與資源會影響其行銷策略的規劃與執行,因而產生客制化的行銷方案,並與品牌商所規劃的行銷策略(即通用的行銷策略),在內容與成效上存在差異。 因此,品牌商在擬定全球化的經營策略時,必須先考量到本身的能力與資源,並在規劃行銷策略時,事先做好STP分析,選擇適合的目標市場,再行擬訂通路策略,才有辦法利用通路管理將品牌的行銷組合落實到目標族群身上,以達到企業追求長期發展的願景和目標。 / Facing global competition and high volatility in the market, a major challenge of all firms is to seek long-term survival. Aiming to the future, some Taiwanese companies have changed their business models from suppliers to foreign branding companies to owners of their own brands through revising their strategies and building up new core competencies. Transforming into branding companies, in addition to changing corporate culture and enhancing competitiveness, these firms need to invest a lot of resources to prepare for the long run. Building a brand is a long-term commitment and a firm needs to have a comparable core value, a functional organizational structure, a well-thought marketing strategy and abilities to manage channels. This study, based a branding company's point of view, analyzes how it utilizes channels to implement its marketing strategy in a host country (i.e., Taiwan). The capabilities and resources of its channel members (including dealers and distributors) for successfully implementing its marketing strategy are assessed and how the resources constraints of these channels affect the firm’s global marketing strategy is also examined. After analyzing the data, gathering through personal interviews and other secondary sources, we found that the international brand did have well formulated marketing strategy to promote its brand and increase its brand equity for the long term. The implementation of its global marketing strategy relies on agents as well as channels in different countries to carry out. Therefore, whether a marketing strategy is effective really is in the hands of partners abroad. The international branding company’s experience in Taiwan illustrates this point well. We examined several types of channels and found that some executed its marketing strategy well and some did not. The differentiation factor is the resources and capabilities of a channel: the more it has, the better for it to implement the marketing strategy of the branding company. We also found that local adaptation is needed when a channel member had limited resources or capabilities. To conclude, when a branding company formulates global strategy, it has to assess its own capabilities and resources first and then engages in STP analysis and develops marketing strategy. After selecting a host country and target segments, it needs to select agents or/and channels to implement its marketing strategy. Because channels in foreign countries are the keys to create brand-awareness, a branding company has to spend resources to select and manage channels.

汽車行銷的適配組合: 企業品牌個性、代言人類型、廣告類型、消費者生活型態 / The Optimal Composition of Marketing in Car Industry: Brand Personalities, Endorser Types, Advertisement Types and Consumer Life Styles

張睿涵 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣汽車市場競爭激烈,台灣市佔率前12大汽車品牌中,沒有一個品牌能夠獲得過半的市占,除了TOYOTA占了3成的市占率,其他11家品牌都只分別占了10%左右以及更少的市場份額。這說明了台灣汽車市場屬於高度異質寡占的性質,在此種性質的市場之下,消費者不只一種選擇,也有充足的資訊來比較各品牌間的差異,因此各品牌的行銷策略就變得格外重要。從各品牌市占率分析中也可以發現,台灣消費者對汽車的偏好相當具有多元性,汽車品牌商很難一網打盡,在資源有限之下,為達到最大效益,如何尋求最適合自身品牌特質的廣告、代言人等型行銷手段就成了研究課題。因此,汽車產業的廠商在行銷上,如何將資源做最適的分配,並能吸引目標消費者,便是一件極端重要的事情。 有鑑於汽車行銷策略中針對不同市場做出差異化的重要性,本研究透過聯合分析法,試圖歸納出何種汽車行銷組合最能受到何種類型消費者的偏好。首先選定汽車品牌個性、代言人類型和廣告類型三大構面作為行銷組合的構成要件,並以聯合分析法為主、單因子變異數分析以及人口統計變數為輔分析出不同類型消費者對於不同行銷組合之偏好正負與多寡。最後分析歸結出以下5點: 1. 對「群體社交集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能型廣告」三種屬性所組合而成的汽車行銷組合。 2. 對「領導自主集群」而言:此集群和群體社交集群相同,也最偏好「想像的本田」、「名人周杰倫」以及「功能性廣告」所組成的汽車行銷組合。 3. 對「流行時髦集群」而言:此集群最偏好「想像的本田」與「驚奇廣告」的組合,對於代言人類型則較不影響。 4. 對「精打細算集群」而言: 此集群最偏好「專家郭台銘」與「親情廣告」的組合,對於品牌個性則較不影響。 5. 對「重視家庭集群」而言: 此集群只重視家人給予的建議,因此並無偏好任何一組合。 / The automotive industry in Taiwan is very competitive, for the brand having the biggest market share only accounts for 30% of the whole Taiwan market, and the rest of the other top 11 car brands all have about 3%~10% market share. From the market share, we can also tell that the consumers’preferences on cars differentiate a lot among different types of consumers. Therefore, to efficiently use the budget on marketing and maximizing the effect, it is of upmost importance for automotive companies to find the endorsers and adverstisement types that best matches their own brand personalities and also attract their target audiences. In this research, we attempt to summarize what kinds of marketing combinations would attract the most attention from certain types of consumers by conjoint analysis. We first choose brand personalities, endorsement types and advertisement types as 3 major variables in the marketing mix. We then use conjoint analysis, ANOVA analysis and demographic variables to analyze the preferences of consumers with different life styles. We find the best optimal compostions as follows: 1. Social groups: Combination of imaginative Honda, the celebrity Jay Chou and functional advertising. 2. Leadership groups: Same as social groups. 3. Fashion groups: Combination of imaginative Honda and amaze advertising. 4. Scrimp-style groups: C.E.O Mr. Guo and emotional advertising. 5. Family valuing groups: No significant preference on any combination.

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