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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

希臘債務危機-肇因及展望 / The Greek sovereign debt crisis: causes and future

吳家均, Wu, Chia Chun Unknown Date (has links)
現今世界中,國家之間緊密結合已達前所未有之程度,一國或一區域內之小型銀行之金融困境甚有可能瞬間爆發成全球性經濟危機。二零零八年之金融海嘯即為一例證,其影響範圍遍及全球,嚴重程度不在話下。繼金融海嘯後,最為人關注之另一危機非歐洲債務危機莫屬。歐洲債務危機涵括數個歐元區會員國,而至今依舊深陷債務危機中之國家即為希臘。希臘債務危機之處置及發展牽動著整個歐元區未來動向以及歐元身為全球主要貨幣之一之前景。執事之故,瞭解希臘債務危機有其必要性及迫切性。希臘債務危機自二零零九年爆發至今已邁入第八年,期間亦有數輪紓困案及金融援助,惟希臘債務危機至今仍尚未解決。 本論文欲探討之問題包括:希臘債務危機爆發之根本原因為何?為何歷經數輪紓困案及金融援助後,希臘債務危機依然尚未解除?最新一輪之紓困案是否能一掃過去陰霾,為希臘債務危機劃下句點? 由於希臘債務危機本質上仍在發生當中,武斷預測其最終結果不免不切實際。惟經比較三輪紓困案之細項內容後,仍能推論出第三輪紓困案可能造成之影響,繼而預測希臘債務危機是否得以由此次紓困案解決,抑或於第三輪紓困案後,危機仍將持續發展甚或惡化。 現今有關希臘債務危機之研究相當零散,其資訊分散於各項學術著作當中。本論文希冀竭力統整分散於各學術著作中之資訊,撰寫為一有關希臘債務危機完整之著作。 / The world is ever more interdependent both politically and economically. Nations are extensively intertwined that financial crisis in one country or region may emerge as a global economic catastrophe. The European Sovereign Debt Crisis, which involves a series of crises in various member states, perfectly exemplifies the situation. Among the countries that were exposed to crises, Greece is currently at the epicenter, on which the integrality of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) hinges. This thesis explores three questions: What caused the Greek sovereign debt crisis? Why have hundreds-of-billions-of-euro rescue funds failed to end the crisis? Will the most recent bailout agreed in 2015 solve the crisis this time? This thesis applies a qualitative method, and analyzes information and statistics derived from diverse scholarly works and official documents. Because of the ongoing nature of the crisis, there could be no unequivocal predictions of how the crisis would end. However, comparing the details of all the bailout packages, there is a possibility that the Greek sovereign debt crisis would continue for at least a few more years. Until now the information on the Greek sovereign debt crisis scatters around different scholarly works. This thesis compiles those information into one piece of study. Moreover, since the mishandling of the crisis could incur devastating effects across the globe and thus there needs to be follow-up research. This thesis also lays the foundation for future studies on the topic.


江澄祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本文全文共約二十五萬字,分為五章。 第一章研究旨趣與寫作方法,對就本文研究之旨趣、重點、性質、與寫作方法、寫作態度等,提出說明。 第二章緒論,首先闡明,從背景因素探討思想涵義之意義與重要性。重點在強調欲瞭解政治思想家之思想旳本 質及其時空意義,必先瞭解產生或孕育思想之各種背景。大其是對與吾人處於不同時空之思想家的思想,對其 思想背之瞭解,更屬瞭解其思想本身之先決條件。 第三章討論地理環境與自然條件對我國先秦時期與希臘古代政治思想之影響。共分二節:第一節從地理環境與 自然條件探討我國先秦政治思想的本質;第二節從地理環境與自然條件探討希臘古代政治思想旳本質。 第四章研究分析我國孔、孟與古希臘柏拉圖、亞里斯多德政治思想之歷史、文化、與時代背景。本章實為本文 中之本論。全章共分四節:第一節從歷史與文化背景探討我國孔、孟政治思想之本質和涵義:第二節從時代背 景與思想家之身世探討孔、孟政治思想之本質和涵義;第三節從歷史與文化背景探討柏拉圖、亞里斯多德政治 思想的本質與涵義;第四節從時代背景與思想家之身世探討柏拉圖與亞里斯多德政治思想的本質與涵義。 第五章為比較與結論,係就第三、四章所述之內容分別作一結論,並加以比較。本文結論之所以分為二部分, 乃因第三章所述內容性質與第四章所述者不同。第三章所述自然環境對思想發展之影響,乃是對整個思想之本 質或屬性方面的,與思想之具體內容方面較少關聯;第四章所述之歷史文化與時化背景諸因素對個別思想家之 思想內容的影響,則有其個別之關聯性。故前半部之比較與結論,係就地理環境與自然條件對整個先秦與古希 臘思想之基本本屬性方面之影響,作一概述,而不分別細述其與孔、孟或柏、亞政治思想內容之關係;反之, 後半部之比較與結論則分別列述孔、孟與柏、亞之政治思想內容之涵義與本質之相異處。 本文之準備與撰寫時間,雖長達七、八年之久,所蒐集、研閱、參考之資料達五百種以上,舉凡中國先秦以前 之典籍史料,與古希臘自荷馬史詩至紀元前四世紀思想家之論著及有關史書,無不句句研閱詳讀數遍以上。 /

李斯特《b小調第二號敘事曲》 演奏詮釋報告 / The Analysis and Interpretation of Franz Liszt Ballade No.2 in b minor

林子程, Lin, Tzu Chen January 1900 (has links)
鋼琴,樂器之王;李斯特,鋼琴之王。他以目眩神迷的鋼琴技巧、誇張的表現力、優美的歌唱旋律征服所有人。詩人杜甫曾說過:「讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。」。筆者認為李斯特則是「彈琴破萬次,音樂如有神。」。在鋼琴之王李斯特七十五年的生涯中,所創作的音樂作品包羅萬象。這些形形色色的鋼琴作品中,大致上可分為原創性作品及改編作品,本篇論文探討的作品屬於原創性作品。李斯特一生中創作兩首敘事曲,第一號敘事曲創作於1848年,完成於1849年; b小調第二號敘事曲,創作於1853年也完成於同一年。鋼琴家阿勞(Claudio Arrau, 1903-1991)曾經在霍洛維茲(Vladimir Horowitz, 1903-1989)所著的《與鋼琴家阿勞的對話》(Conversations with Arrau)中表示李斯特《第二號敘事曲》是遵照「席洛與黎安德」(Hero and Leander)的愛情故事來描寫的。李斯特在《第二號敘事曲》中賦予這個故事新的生命,運用主題變形的手法描繪黎安德以及席落在故事裡的性格以及種種感受。由於筆者受到此神話故事的感動,因此想要以音樂的角度來體會其故事中角色的變化與情境。 / Piano is the king of musical instruments; Liszt, the king of the piano. His brilliant techniques on piano, exaggerated expressions in music and beautiful melody have conquered all the people. A great Chinese poet Du Fu once said, “Read wild, and you will wisely write.” The author sincerely believes that Liszt’s works have the same vein“Practice wild and you will wisely play.” In his 75 years’ career, he has composed all sorts of piano works. In these works, they in general can be classified into two types: originals and transcriptions. The paper investigated the original one. Liszt composed two ballades during his life: Ballade No.1 was composed in 1848 and completed in 1849 while Ballade No.2 in b minor was composed and accomplished in 1853. Pianist Claude Arrau, in the book “Conversation with Arrau” written by Valdimir Horowitz(1903-1989), once claimed “Liszt’s Ballade No.2 was based on a Greek mythology also known as a love story– Hero and Leander. Touched by the mythology, the author would like to experience the scenarios of those characters in the mythology in the context of music. / 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………………I Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………II 目錄………………………………………………………………………………………………………………III 表目錄……………………………………………………………………………………………………………VI 圖目錄………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅴ 譜例目錄…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅵ 第一章緒論………………………………………………………………………………………………………1 第一節研究動機與目的…………………………………………………………………………………1 第二節研究範圍與方法…………………………………………………………………………………3 第二章李斯特的時代………………………………………………………………………………………4 第一節浪漫主義興起與時代背景…………………………………………………………………4 第二節李斯特生平與鋼琴作品分期………………………………………………………………7 第三節李斯特的炫技與對鋼琴技巧貢獻……………………………………………………20 第三章李斯特《b小調第二號敘事曲》創作背景探討……………………………35 第一節敘事曲歷史發展簡述…………………………………………………………………………35 第二節創作背景及神話故事…………………………………………………………………………39 第四章李斯特《b小調第二號敘事曲》樂曲分析與演奏詮釋………………43 第一節呈示部……………………………………………………………………………………………………46 第二節發展部……………………………………………………………………………………………………52 第三節再現部……………………………………………………………………………………………………69 第五章結論…………………………………………………………………………………………………………80 參考書目……………………………………………………………………………………………………………89

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