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強制性管理階層盈餘預測與董事會成員年齡的關聯 / The association between mandatory management earnings forecasts and board age江侑蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
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認知年齡與品牌年齡一致性對不同產品類型品牌偏好程度之影響 / The effects of congruence between cognitive age and brand age on brand preference under different product types黃昭蕙, Huang, Chao-hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是探討消費者自我認知年齡 (Cognitive Age) 與品牌年齡之一致性程度,對其品牌偏好的影響。為使研究結果具一般性之參考價值,本研究不以單一產品為研究標的,而是將產品依其所滿足之消費者需求的不同,區分為功能型產品 (Utilitarian Product)、享樂型產品 (Hedonic Product) 與象徵型產品 (Symbolic Product) 三類,以產品類型做為調節變數,了解在不同產品類型下,消費者自我認知年齡與品牌年齡之一致性,對其品牌偏好之關係會有何種程度之變化。
整體而言,認知年齡較傳統行銷所使用之真實年齡更能反映消費者之自我概念與品牌偏好,特別是對象徵型與享樂型產品。因此,若能妥善將認知年齡與其他人口統計變數搭配使用,將有助於行銷者掌握消費特性,擬定契合之品牌策略。此外,本研究建議象徵型產品廠商在其品牌管理上尤應注重目標消費者之認知年齡,諸如品牌年齡定位與代言人的選擇,都應配合其目標消費族群之認知年齡。 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference. In order to maximize the contri-bution of the study, this study examines 3 product types, namely functional, hedonic, and symbolic rather than choosing a single product. By using product types as mod-erator, the study shows the effect of consumer’s cognitive age and perceived brand age on brand preference changes under different types of products.
Because there’s no similar study in Taiwan before, the study uses secondary da-ta to explore the relationship between a consumer’s brand preference and cogni-tive-brand age gap (the disparity between the consumer’s cognitive age and brand age). A second stage of investigation was conducted to verify the research assump-tions once the secondary data study and the results were found to be consistent.
According to the results, the gap between consumer’s cognitive age and actual age actually exists, and the two of them are positively related, implying that older people have higher cognitive age. On the main effect, although “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” both have a positive relationship with brand preference, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s actual age and brand age” and “brand preference” is stronger, indicating that cognitive age has a mediating effect on the relationship between actual age and brand preference. Furthermore, the relationship between “the congruency of consumer’s cognitive age and brand age” is much more salient for symbolic products than hedonic products, while functional product consumer choices are the least affected by this relationship.
To sum up, cognitive age tells us more about consumer self-image and brand preference than the traditional marketing variable, actual age. This is especially true for symbolic and hedonic products. Therefore, if marketers could combine cognitive age with other demographic variables, they will learn more about consumers and draw up the most appropriate strategy for their brand. Furthermore, this study re-commends that firms marketing symbolic products should take into account con-sumers’ cognitive age, when determining brand age positioning. The selection of ad-vertising actors should also be aligned with the target consumer’s cognitive age.
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台灣企業員工激勵制度之探討-引進利潤分享計畫及股票選擇權范欽舜 Unknown Date (has links)
首先本論文藉由瞭解國內相關高科技的激勵制度,對其做深入的探討並分析可能產生的問題,進而引進外國相關的激勵制度,包括利潤分享計畫(profit shaing)及股票選擇權制度(stock option),其中利潤分享計畫是以現金發放為主,而股票選擇權則是以股票發放為主。本篇論文主要探討各激勵制度使用上的優缺點並於一章節中做模擬試算,文中整理利潤分享計畫共包括六項,如現金利潤分享計畫(cash profit shaing plan)、簡單計畫(Simple plan)、簡化員工退休計畫(Simplifed employee pension plan,SEP)、遞延利潤分享計畫(deferred profit shaing plan)、現金購買計畫(Money-purchaseplan)及40lk,而股票選擇擇權則是以廣泛基礎的股票選擇權為主,另外還介紹以股票為主的員工持股信託(ESOP)、目標利潤計畫(target-benefit plan)及股票紅利計畫(Stock-bonus plan)。
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臺灣地區的人口推估研究 / The study of population projection: a case study in Taiwan area黃意萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究第一部分是生育率的研究,引進Gamma函數、Gompertz函數、Lee-Carter法三種模型及單一年齡組個別估計法,以民國40年至84年(西元1951年至1995年)的資料為基礎,民國85年至89年(西元1996年至2000年)資料為檢測樣本,比較模型的優劣,尋求較適合台灣地區生育率的模型,再以最合適的模型預測民國91年至140年(西元2002年至2051年)的生育率。第二部分是人口推估,採用人口變動要素合成方法(Cohort Component Projection Method)推估台灣地區未來50年的人口總數及其結構,其中生育率採用上述最適合台灣地區的模型、死亡率則引進國外知名的Lee-Carter法及SOA法(Society of Actuaries),探討人口結構,並與人力規劃處的結果比較之。 / Both the fertility rate and mortality rate have been experiencing dramatic decreases in recent years. As a result, the population aging has become one of the major concerns in Taiwan area, and the proportion of the elderly (age 65 and over) increases promptly from 2.6% in 1965 to 8.8% in 2001. The decrease of fertility rate is especially significant. For example, the total fertility rate was 5.58 in 1961, and then decreases dramatically to 1.67 in 1981 (1.4 in 2001), a reduction of almost 70% within 20 years.
The goal of this paper is to study the population aging in Taiwan area, in particular, the fertility pattern. The first part of this paper is to explore the fertility models and decide which model is the most suitable based on age-fertility fertility rates in Taiwan. The models considered are Gamma function, Gompertz function, Lee-Carter method and individual group estimation. We use the data from 1951 to 1995 as pilot data and 1996 to 2000 as test data to judge which model fit well. The second part of this study is to project the Taiwan population for the next 50 years, i.e. 2002-2051. The projection method used is Cohort Component Projection method, assuming the population in Taiwan area is closed. We also compare our projection result to that by Council for Economic Planning and Development, the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China.
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以由上而下與由下而上注意力運作探討高齡者對於情緒臉孔的反應 / Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention in Visual Search of Emotional Faces in Aging李璦如, Lee, Ai Ru Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,兩實驗高齡者與年輕成人都對於生氣情緒反應較快,符合威脅優勢。高齡者較年輕人更需要借助由上而下的注意力運作幫助反應,高訊息量的線索對於高齡者幫助也較年輕成人大。另外,實驗一增益效果的結果顯示,有效線索在高齡者搜尋生氣臉孔幫助較大,在年輕成人則搜尋快樂臉孔幫助較大,但是實驗二結果則顯示,有效線索在高齡者與年輕成人搜尋快樂臉孔的幫助都較生氣臉孔大,兩實驗的年齡與情緒的交互作用結果不同可能與高齡者異質性有關。由研究結果可知,由上而下注意力運作對於高齡者在情緒臉孔反應有幫助,在未來實務上,可以多運用由上而下注意力運作的線索幫助高齡者反應。 / This research is aim to understand attention in visual search of emotional faces in aging. Two types of attention process, that is top-down and bottom-up attention, were concerned in this study. In past researches, there are empirical evidences showing age-related declination in attention function, especially in bottom-up attention. But top-down attention is still playing an important role in doing task for the older adults. In order to understand the effect of top-down attention in aging, two experiments using endogenous or exogenous spatial cues were designed. Participants have to respond whether there is a different emotional face or not in a visual search task. The independent variables are age(aging and young), emotional face(happy and angry), and cue(valid, neutral, and invalid). Dependent variables are reaction times and accuracy. In Experiment 1, there are two stages: 80% valid endogenous cues and 25% valid exogenous cues. The endogenous cues stage and exogenous cues stage were designed to probe top-down attention and bottom-up attention, respectively. In Experiment 2, there are two stages: 80% valid exogenous cues(highly informative cues)and 25% valid exogenous cues(non-informative cues). Using highly informative exogenous cues involve both top-down and bottom-up attention. In contrast, non-informative exogenous cues only trigger bottom-up attention. The major results of this study support threat advantage hypothesis that both older and young adults respond to angry face target quicker than happy face. Benefit from top-down attention was larger in older adults than young adults. Highly informative cues help older adults more in searching emotional faces than young adults. The cuing effects in two emotional face conditions were different between Experiment 1 and 2. This inconsistent result maybe relates to aging heterogeneity. In conclusion, top-down attention can help older adults search for emotional faces.
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