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龍碧雅寶農 : 綠色農業專家,社區與農民之友 / Lombriabono: helping farmers and communities using green agriculture蘇和, Astorga Solano, Jose B. Unknown Date (has links)
龍碧雅寶農 : 綠色農業專家,社區與農民之友 / Social enterprises are the solution to many of today’s global problems. Although great efforts have been made by nongovernmental organizations and charity, there is still a gap between the world’s most fortunate and less fortunate.
In Nicaragua two of the biggest issues are malnourishment and waste management. Both reinforced by the amount of poverty in the country. LOMBRIABONO looks to bridge the gap in malnourishment while alleviating waste management in the country.
LOMBRIABONO will involve the communities of the state of Carazo in waste management. The people of Carazo will recycle food waste and hand it to one of our partners in the markets. They in turn will receive payment in the form of food for their efforts and their waste. We will then collect the food waste, process it and turn it into vermicomposting, which is an organic fertilizer made with the use of red worms that presents many benefits to the soil, crops and overall health of the population, later selling the vermicomposting, vermicomposting tea and red worms to sustain our business model.
The time is now for our product as people are catching on to the benefits of green agriculture. With the industry being in its embryonic stage, with the proper use of marketing and advertising we will reach thousands of households and bridge that gap caused by poverty all while inspiring other entrepreneurs to start similar ventures.
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公部門組織創新之研究:以臺北市垃圾減量政策為例蔡明謙 Unknown Date (has links)
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食農產業與社會創新的挑戰 - 以臨海農場為例 / Food agriculture industry and social innovation challenge - Pierre Organic Farm曾晴美, Tseng, Ching-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
食安問題引爆,人們關注入口的食物。人類社會發展歷史中,人類與大自然最貼近的是農業,人類生存動機帶動食農產業創新,追求富足牽動社會演進的動能。社會型態的改變就是社會創新的歷程與成果,食、農與人類的歷史進程、社會的結構、生活習慣、文化的演進、經濟、政治力環環相扣。本研究以臨海農場為例,探討個案廚餘堆肥的創新研發成果,在現有的法規規範下無法進入有機農業市場及肥料市場。研究發現以農業為核心,廚餘堆肥的創新研發,生物的智慧有機農法(Smart Organic Farming Model)對生態農業、傳統有機農業對食農產業是一項翻轉性的變革,也是社會創新。社會創新的成果進入市場機制推廣與銷售將衝擊現有利害關係人與法規政策,建議政府在社會創新的變革,政策政治力及時予以反饋,政策創新,向生態農業永續發展方向調整。 / As the food safety issues attracted prevailing attention in recent years, organic farming is widely considered an important solution of the daunting problem. Advocating eco-friendly farming in Taiwan has encountered two major challenges, however. First, most of the organic farming methods are labor intensive which would be hard to be promoted in rural places where the population are aging rapidly. Second, without the aid of chemicals, the produce production tends to be low, and incomes, therefore, tend to be insufficient for sustaining the family. The social innovation conducted by a French Canadian, Pierre, found a perfect solution for both problems. His smart organic farming, basing on turning kitchen waste to compost, shed a light on the future of organic farming in Taiwan. By experiment and intensive interview, this research shows the potential of this innovative farming method.
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畜牧業以綠能生態循環模式在大陸的經營發展研究 - 中華綠能公司個案為例劉哲男 Unknown Date (has links)
全球人口快速成長至七十億,且未來可能正成長到90億,糧食匱乏已是不爭的事實,若不儘快研究對策,只一味從事經濟成長是不理性的。2011年索馬利亞有30萬人餓死,全球玉米價格也上漲60 %,扣除人為因素的炒作外,耕地減少、溫度效應下欠收嚴重、養殖生畜與人爭食,都是造成糧食短缺的原因。如果能以「農產廢棄物轉換成動物日糧」、「廚餘轉換成綠能發酵飼料」的概念來研究農牧業的經營策略,比僅單方面提高農產量會來的更有效益。
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