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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

非營利組織社會創新網絡之探討 / A Study on the Social Innovation Network of Nonprofit Organization

林建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要研究非營利組織推動社會創新過程中的網絡關係,希望從中瞭解非營利組織推動社會創新的實務情形並從中找到創新成功的關鍵。近年來興起的社會創新活動代表的是一種創新的思維,希望跳脫傳統的框架之外,找到一個更有效解決社會問題的方法或途徑。本研究以網絡關係做為分析的主要理論架構,透過網絡的架構瞭解在創新的過程中有哪些重要的參與者,各自扮演了什麼角色?網絡的建立過程為何?以及社會創新網絡的過程中有哪些因素影響到創新的成效? 本研究採用質性研究,並使用文獻分析、深度訪談和個案研究為主要的研究方法。本研究選定「街遊Hidden Taipei活動」為研究個案,分為創新網絡的萌發期、創新網絡的發展期和創新網絡的困境與未來展望三個部分,透過分析其中幾個主要參與者如芒草心協會、萬華社區大學、萬華社福中心、夢想城鄉協會和街遊活動發起人曾小姐間的互動網絡關係來瞭解街遊創新方案各參與者的動機、互動的模式、創新發展的歷程以及未來可能的創新方案。研究發現包括: 一、 創新網絡的萌發期 (一) 相同的參與動機和跨部門間價值觀的衝突是創新發展初期的基礎 (二) 透過社會資本建立相互合作關係 (三) 各參與者是平等的互動關係 (四) 導覽課程的規劃做為各參與者之間的溝通平台 (五) 跳脫與傳統公部門的互動方式 二、 創新網絡的發展期 (一) 以信任為基礎的合作關係有助於網絡的穩固和擴展 (二) 與社群媒體的互動有助於創新理念在地扎根 (三) 合作的行動策略是影響創新成功的因素之一 (四) 跨部門身分的參與者是創新過程中重要的中介角色 三、 創新網絡的困境與未來展望 (一) 對街遊創新方案價值觀上的差異是主要困境 (二) 跨部門的互動連結是未來發展的重點 關鍵詞:非營利組織、網絡、社會創新

社會創新的師徒傳承關係:以賴青松和黃聲遠的兩個個案為例 / Mentoring Processes in Social Innovation: Two Cases from Taiwan

朱思年 Unknown Date (has links)
社會創新是將舊有的智慧與新穎的點子創意結合之後,創造新的問題解決方案,經由創新執行的過程產生影響力,達到促進社會變遷的目的,是社會未來發展的重要驅動力。以社會創新為使命的社會創業家,在創新和創業的過程中都需要累積的經驗與專業知識的引導和心理社會的支持,而師徒關係(包含同儕師徒關係與反向師徒關係)的建立與維持可以提供社會創業家所需的支持與引導,擁有師徒關係協助的社會企業家,樂於承先啟後擔任年輕人的導師,因此師徒關係亦為有效培育社會創業家的方法。 本研究嘗試回答的問題是:(1)社會創業家的社會創新來源、社會創新類型、社會影響力和其解決的未滿足社會需求為何? (2)社會創新中的師徒關係屬於何種發展網絡類型? (3)社會創新中的師徒關係具備何種師徒關係的功能?。為回答上述問題,本研究選擇擁有師徒傳承關係和社會影響力的社會創業家為研究對象,因此選擇兩組個案:穀東俱樂部創辦人賴青松和田中央聯合建築師事務所創辦人黃聲遠為研究對象,藉由文獻探討、個案訪談和參與觀察,探討賴青松和黃聲遠兩位社會創業家的社會創新和兩組師徒的師徒關係內涵。 本研究發現穀東俱樂部的社會創新融合「風險共同分擔的委託種植」、「預約訂購」和「共同購買」的概念以及創辦人的創意,而提供新商業模式和新平台兩類型的社會創新,解決小農耕種的困境,為有志歸農者鋪設歸農道路,前後吸引超過一千五百人成為穀東,其中更吸引了年輕人學習農耕,創組宜蘭小田田計畫,並且透過社群創造社會影響力,帶來農村文化的復興。 黃聲遠亦吸引許多年輕人加入他的團隊,每年開放實習機會給各校學生,有些人透過實習機會成為團隊成員,於2012年改制更名為田中央聯合建築師事務所。田中央的創新,融合建築設計的創意、在地特色和社會關懷,創造出一個個獲獎無數的社會創新,而田中央的組織創辦精神與運作方式也都充滿社會性目的,提供新產品、新的組織形式和新流程三種類型的社會創新。 賴青松的師徒關係特徵符合導師來源富多樣性且關係緊密的「創業型發展網絡,在創業過程中獲得「職涯」、「心理社會」和「角色楷模」的師徒關係功能,為創業過程中的關鍵助力。宜蘭小田田可視為賴青松的徒弟,他們之間的師徒關係則兼具「傳統型發展網絡」和「創業型發展網絡」的特性。 黃聲遠的師徒關係也符合「創業型發展網絡」的特色,從中獲得「職涯」、「心理社會」和「角色楷模」功能,帶給他深遠的影響。本研究在他的眾多學生中選擇洪于翔與劉黃謝堯為代表,黃聲遠和他們的師徒關係則符合「傳統型發展網絡」和「創業型發展網絡」的特性。賴青松和黃聲遠都擁有良師益友的同儕師徒關係與向下學習的反向師徒關係,並且他們都將自己領受到的師徒關係特性同樣的傳承給徒弟們。 在政府推動青年返鄉創業和整個社會鼓勵社會創新的今天,這兩個個案的社會創意、創新、創業過程,以及其師徒關係值得參考學習。 關鍵字:社會創新、師徒關係、傳承 / Society’s ability to solve its most pressing problems is largely dependent on social innovation. By combining new ideas with old methods and knowledge, the solutions and changes brought about by social innovation make it the driving force behind future development. A social entrepreneur is someone who has taken social innovation as a core mission, and this requires support in the forms of experience, professional knowledge, and psychosocial acceptance. Mentoring relationships (including peer relationships and reverse mentoring) are one source of the support and navigational guidance a social entrepreneur needs. Further, social entrepreneurs who have benefited from the assistance of a mentoring relationship tend to become mentors in turn. Thus mentoring is an effective way to train future social entrepreneurs. This research seeks to answer the following questions: 1) For social entrepreneurs, where do their social innovations originate? What are the typologies of social innovations? What are their impacts, and what are the social needs left unresolved?; 2) Which developmental network typology does a social innovation mentoring relationship fall under?; 3) What kinds of mentoring functions are present among social innovators? To answer these questions, this study adopts a case study method based on two social entrepreneurs who have both had significant social impact and been engaged in mentoring relationships: 1) the GuDong Club founder Qing-Song Lai, and 2) Fieldoffice Architects founder Sheng-Yung Huang. The analysis and study was informed by an extensive literature review, and data gathered via in-depth interviews and participant observation. Regarding the GuDong Club, this study reveals that the source of their innovation is a combination of mutual risk sharing through commissioned planting, advanced purchasing, cooperative purchasing, and the creativity of its founders. Two social innovation typologies emerged from the analysis, including a new business model and new platform. Their innovations have helped generate solutions to challenges faced by small farmers, while providing guidance to future farmers, generating a customer base of over 1500 consumers over the past decade, and encouraging young people to study and pursue agriculture. Among those is a group that founded the Yilan Xiao Tian Tian (literally “little field”) program. Using community to create social impact, the GuDong Club has helped to revive agricultural village culture. Sheng-Yung Huang also utilizes the power of youth, attracting many young people to join his team. Fieldoffice Architects, a name adopted in 2012, offers an annual student internship program, through which some participants eventually become full team members. Their social innovations emerge from a combination of creative architecture, local features, and social concern, and the results have garnered substantial praise and acclaim. With a strong sense of social purpose at the core of Fieldoffice Architects’ values and operations, this case provides three typologies of social innovations: new products, new processes, and new organizational forms. In terms of mentoring relationships, results of both case studies provide evidence for the importance of mentoring in social innovation. Lai’s mentoring relationship is built on the procurement and sharing of diverse information through strong ties, and therefore can be considered an entrepreneurial development network. This provides professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Yilan Xiao Tian Tian can be viewed as a descendent of Lai’s, whereby the mentoring relationship can be characterized as both an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development network. Huang’s mentoring relationships can also be characterized as being within an entrepreneurial development network, providing similar professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Selecting two of his students, Yu-Xiang Hong and Huang-Xie-Yao Liu, as representative examples, the mentoring relationships can be seen as both part of an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development networks. Overall, Lai and Huang both receive support from peer and reverse mentoring relationships, in addition to passing on their mentoring relationship characteristics on to mentees. With governments around the world encouraging social innovation and youth entrepreneurship, the creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial processes revealed in these two cases, along with the characteristics of the mentoring relationships central to these social innovation processes, are worth learning from. Keywords: social innovation, metoring relationship

社會公益之創新商業模式:多益捐 / Innovative Business Model for Social Charity: Do It

李柏毅, Lee, Po Yi Unknown Date (has links)
社會大眾之發票與零錢捐獻是民間社福團體所仰賴的收入來源之一,但近年來由於統一發票新政策的推行,加上大眾的消費行為開始改變,導致民眾捐獻的機會與意願逐漸下滑,而影響社福團體之公益運作。本研究的目的是為了提出一項創新的經營模式解決此捐獻缺乏的社會問題,藉由結合發票、公益彩券制度、零錢捐獻之行為、連鎖零售業者與政府公益組織之資源,賦予公益行為一個報酬機制,提升大眾捐獻意願,以擴大臺灣社會之捐獻基礎與價值。 為了尋求可行之商業模式,本研究透過市場需求分析,調查目前臺灣消費者之生活趨勢、統一發票政策推行現況與社福團體之困境,並藉由問卷調查、訪談社福團體與各類潛在消費者深入確認實際需求與創新服務之可行性。最後,經由前述分析,本研究提出一個能滿足社會需求並能讓服務參與者共同獲益的解決方案,其中包括消費者的參與方式、廠商合作模式、利潤分配方式,以及針對不同時期之目標族群研擬之營運計畫。 / Receipt lottery and donation box play important roles in the source of income for social welfare organizations (SWOs) nowadays. However, after the reform of receipt policies in recent years, the receipt taking behaviors of consumers have changed. In general, the willingness of consumers to donate receipt has been declining. This decrease of donation seriously damaged the operation of the SWOs. The purpose of this research is to propose an innovative business model to solve this social problem. By connecting the resources of retail chain business and government, the business model initiates the incentives of major consumers (self-interested and reputation seeking) to contribute the charity in the process of consumption based on the empirical study of the consumers’ behaviors of donating receipt /change and purchasing lottery.

推廣型使用者的社會創新:常民專家如何改寫台灣衛生棉條科技的社會腳本 / Social innovations of promoter-users: How lay-experts rewrite the social scripts of tampon technology in Taiwan

吳文欣, Wu, Wen Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣衛生棉條科技網絡的開展為例,目的在於探討使用者的力量如何帶動一個社會技術網絡的擴充。衛生棉條引進台灣已逾30年,但卻因為台灣社會文化脈絡中根深蒂固的價值觀腳本,再加上法令、市場與知識等結構性障礙的阻力,讓衛生棉條這項技術物與使用衛生棉條的價值觀無法順利擴散。當政府當局與權力宰制都間接「不鼓勵」使用衛生棉條,台灣的生理用品市場現況與價值觀腳本又阻礙著衛生棉條科技網絡的開展時,推廣型使用者選擇從台灣主流的經期處理中方式出走,藉由推動生理教育與傳遞相關知識來打破傳統的價值觀腳本,利用創造多元選擇與開拓流通管道來掙脫台灣限縮的衛生棉條市場。台灣衛生棉條科技網絡的開展以「使用者」作為主要行動者,打破專家知識由上而下的擴散模式,創造出使用者主導的社會結構模型。當社會環境與市場機制處於「獨占」的情況,再加上傳統主導創新擴散的權威機構都處在反對的角色時,實際使用產品與經歷生理期的使用者為了追求更佳的身體經驗與取得產品的管道,便發揮她們改變社會技術環境的能動性並進行社會創新。性別結構的鬆動與新式觀念的出現也幫助推廣型使用者改寫台灣衛生棉條科技的社會腳本,台灣近年來開拓女性身體的潮流與社會價值觀漸趨開放的訊號,讓社會創新與社會文化風氣的轉變相輔相成,再加上網際網路所帶動的多元知識生產與資訊流通的跨國性質,讓推廣型使用者成功帶動一個日常生活科技的知識革命。凡妮莎等推廣型使用者的出現也型塑出新的常民專家文化,開啟另一種呈現社會技術網絡擴充的方式。本研究期望藉由使用者為衛生棉條科技網絡開展所作的努力,提供政府政策、教育單位、醫療權威與所有台灣民眾一個認識衛生棉條的機會與反思的空間,希望透過友善的政策環境與生理教育的配合,能夠成功改寫台灣女性的經期處理習慣與傳統的價值觀腳本。 / The purpose of this case study “Network of Tampon Technology in Taiwan” is to explore how users can do to expand a social-technical network. Tampon has been introduced to Taiwan over 30 years. However, this technical object and tampon usage cannot be spread successfully because of the deep-rooted script of values and the structural barriers of law, market and knowledge. As government and authority discourage indirectly from tampon usage, the restricted feminine hygiene products market and the script of values both disadvantage expansion of tampon technology, Promoter-Users choose to run away from the main menstrual management. They break the traditional script of values by strengthening physical education and delivering relevant knowledge, free themselves from the restricted tampon market by creating multiple choices and developing commodity circulation channels. “Users” are primary actors in network of tampon technology in Taiwan. They break the expert-oriented distribution model and create another user-driven structural model. As social environment and market mechanism are both monopolized, plus traditional authority in charge of distributing innovations is on the opposite side, users who use products and experience menstruation can still show their agencies and promote social innovations in order to pursue better body experiences and commodity channels. Loosening of gender structure and emergence of modern values help Promoter-Users rewrite the social scripts of tampon technology in Taiwan. Liberation of female body and unrestricted social climate make social-cultural transformation complement social innovations well. Diversified knowledge and international communication allow Promoter-Users to advocate a revolution of everyday-life technology. Promoter-Users such as Vanessa also initiate a new culture of lay-experts and offer another way of expanding a social-technical network. This study expects to provide governmental policy, educational organization, medical authority and the pubic an opportunity to know more about tampon and a space for introspection by introducing Promoter-Users’ efforts. We look forward to a more friendly policy environment and better physical education in order to rewrite the fixed menstrual management and the traditional script of values.

食農產業與社會創新的挑戰 - 以臨海農場為例 / Food agriculture industry and social innovation challenge - Pierre Organic Farm

曾晴美, Tseng, Ching-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
食安問題引爆,人們關注入口的食物。人類社會發展歷史中,人類與大自然最貼近的是農業,人類生存動機帶動食農產業創新,追求富足牽動社會演進的動能。社會型態的改變就是社會創新的歷程與成果,食、農與人類的歷史進程、社會的結構、生活習慣、文化的演進、經濟、政治力環環相扣。本研究以臨海農場為例,探討個案廚餘堆肥的創新研發成果,在現有的法規規範下無法進入有機農業市場及肥料市場。研究發現以農業為核心,廚餘堆肥的創新研發,生物的智慧有機農法(Smart Organic Farming Model)對生態農業、傳統有機農業對食農產業是一項翻轉性的變革,也是社會創新。社會創新的成果進入市場機制推廣與銷售將衝擊現有利害關係人與法規政策,建議政府在社會創新的變革,政策政治力及時予以反饋,政策創新,向生態農業永續發展方向調整。 / As the food safety issues attracted prevailing attention in recent years, organic farming is widely considered an important solution of the daunting problem. Advocating eco-friendly farming in Taiwan has encountered two major challenges, however. First, most of the organic farming methods are labor intensive which would be hard to be promoted in rural places where the population are aging rapidly. Second, without the aid of chemicals, the produce production tends to be low, and incomes, therefore, tend to be insufficient for sustaining the family. The social innovation conducted by a French Canadian, Pierre, found a perfect solution for both problems. His smart organic farming, basing on turning kitchen waste to compost, shed a light on the future of organic farming in Taiwan. By experiment and intensive interview, this research shows the potential of this innovative farming method.

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