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社會創新的師徒傳承關係:以賴青松和黃聲遠的兩個個案為例 / Mentoring Processes in Social Innovation: Two Cases from Taiwan朱思年 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試回答的問題是:(1)社會創業家的社會創新來源、社會創新類型、社會影響力和其解決的未滿足社會需求為何? (2)社會創新中的師徒關係屬於何種發展網絡類型? (3)社會創新中的師徒關係具備何種師徒關係的功能?。為回答上述問題,本研究選擇擁有師徒傳承關係和社會影響力的社會創業家為研究對象,因此選擇兩組個案:穀東俱樂部創辦人賴青松和田中央聯合建築師事務所創辦人黃聲遠為研究對象,藉由文獻探討、個案訪談和參與觀察,探討賴青松和黃聲遠兩位社會創業家的社會創新和兩組師徒的師徒關係內涵。
關鍵字:社會創新、師徒關係、傳承 / Society’s ability to solve its most pressing problems is largely dependent on social innovation. By combining new ideas with old methods and knowledge, the solutions and changes brought about by social innovation make it the driving force behind future development. A social entrepreneur is someone who has taken social innovation as a core mission, and this requires support in the forms of experience, professional knowledge, and psychosocial acceptance. Mentoring relationships (including peer relationships and reverse mentoring) are one source of the support and navigational guidance a social entrepreneur needs. Further, social entrepreneurs who have benefited from the assistance of a mentoring relationship tend to become mentors in turn. Thus mentoring is an effective way to train future social entrepreneurs.
This research seeks to answer the following questions: 1) For social entrepreneurs, where do their social innovations originate? What are the typologies of social innovations? What are their impacts, and what are the social needs left unresolved?; 2) Which developmental network typology does a social innovation mentoring relationship fall under?; 3) What kinds of mentoring functions are present among social innovators? To answer these questions, this study adopts a case study method based on two social entrepreneurs who have both had significant social impact and been engaged in mentoring relationships: 1) the GuDong Club founder Qing-Song Lai, and 2) Fieldoffice Architects founder Sheng-Yung Huang. The analysis and study was informed by an extensive literature review, and data gathered via in-depth interviews and participant observation.
Regarding the GuDong Club, this study reveals that the source of their innovation is a combination of mutual risk sharing through commissioned planting, advanced purchasing, cooperative purchasing, and the creativity of its founders. Two social innovation typologies emerged from the analysis, including a new business model and new platform. Their innovations have helped generate solutions to challenges faced by small farmers, while providing guidance to future farmers, generating a customer base of over 1500 consumers over the past decade, and encouraging young people to study and pursue agriculture. Among those is a group that founded the Yilan Xiao Tian Tian (literally “little field”) program. Using community to create social impact, the GuDong Club has helped to revive agricultural village culture.
Sheng-Yung Huang also utilizes the power of youth, attracting many young people to join his team. Fieldoffice Architects, a name adopted in 2012, offers an annual student internship program, through which some participants eventually become full team members. Their social innovations emerge from a combination of creative architecture, local features, and social concern, and the results have garnered substantial praise and acclaim. With a strong sense of social purpose at the core of Fieldoffice Architects’ values and operations, this case provides three typologies of social innovations: new products, new processes, and new organizational forms.
In terms of mentoring relationships, results of both case studies provide evidence for the importance of mentoring in social innovation. Lai’s mentoring relationship is built on the procurement and sharing of diverse information through strong ties, and therefore can be considered an entrepreneurial development network. This provides professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Yilan Xiao Tian Tian can be viewed as a descendent of Lai’s, whereby the mentoring relationship can be characterized as both an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development network.
Huang’s mentoring relationships can also be characterized as being within an entrepreneurial development network, providing similar professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Selecting two of his students, Yu-Xiang Hong and Huang-Xie-Yao Liu, as representative examples, the mentoring relationships can be seen as both part of an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development networks. Overall, Lai and Huang both receive support from peer and reverse mentoring relationships, in addition to passing on their mentoring relationship characteristics on to mentees.
With governments around the world encouraging social innovation and youth entrepreneurship, the creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial processes revealed in these two cases, along with the characteristics of the mentoring relationships central to these social innovation processes, are worth learning from.
Keywords: social innovation, metoring relationship
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家族企業的傳承挑戰與世代交替 / The Development and Succession of Family Business奚仲豪 Unknown Date (has links)
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家庭敘事之飲食記憶與生命傳承-以口述家傳菜餚為例 / Food Memory and Life Inheritance in Family Narratives --A Dictated Analysis of Family Recipes黃芮琪 Unknown Date (has links)
此外,家傳菜餚的味道與意義可協助個人理解家庭與建構自我。由於日常飲食經驗於長遠家庭生命歷程中可逐漸形塑為家庭獨有之飲食習慣與傳統,後輩成員得以透過經驗之複製與轉移進而將家庭生命的「過去」、「現在」與「未來」彼此牽連並開展新機。 / Food often contains invisible emotions and life memories, and its taste and smell are also likely to touch off family stories. With this in mind this study aims to explore possible connections among food, memory and life in families from the perspective of “family narratives,” focusing on clues that may be inherent in “family recipes,” with a purpose to understand how family tastes may record life courses.
It was found in this study that stories of family recipes are co-constructed by food and different members of the family. These stories not only describe these members’ past experiences in food cooking but also trace their life backgrounds, family values and personalities. Following this sense family memories often emerge from "flashbacks" while describing food story, and in doing so the time flow of present and future appears commonly.
In addition, when food stories are always linked up with family traditions, the taste and meaning of family recipes are also useful in identity construction.
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心的地圖與家的記憶:在臺蒙古人的民族認同 / Heart Map and Home Memory:Ethnic Identity of the Mongols in Taiwan許乃元 Unknown Date (has links)
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民族文化傳承與「國家級」非物質文化遺產保護之研究─以yal lengc (侗錦)為例 / A Research of the Ethnic Cultural Heritage and the Protection of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage – A Case Study of yal lengc (the Brocade of the Dong Ethnic Groups)劉少君 Unknown Date (has links)
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從公司治理觀點探討家族企業傳承風險 ---以S金控為個案分析 / From the point of view of corporate governance Discussion Family-run Business Succession Risk —A Case Study of S Financial Holding Company劉宏祺, Liu, Hung Chi Unknown Date (has links)
對於台灣本土企業而言,接班風險往往成為一項獨特的經營管理風險。本研究分析某一家未能有效管理接班風險的金控企業,並以另一家係有效管理接班風險的金控企業做為對照標竿,藉以探索金控家族企業因為傳承所面臨的接班風險。透過訪談資深幹部所得之資訊,本研究歸納金控家族企業接班過程的可能問題為潛在接班人的「培訓過程」與「態度問題」。此外,就彙整報章雜誌的額外則發現,接班風險較高的企業有較多因為內控問題而產生的裁罰案件,而若干裁罰案件顯示係因所有權凌駕經營權造成的企業損失,並損及企業的商譽。具體而言,與對照企業相較,接班風險的金控企業有顯著較高的裁罰案件與媒體負面報導,相信本研究所提供的對比分析將可提供台灣本土企業有效降低接班風險的參考。 / Succession risk is a unique risk management for local Taiwanese companies. This study analyzes a financial holding company which fails to effectively manage succession risk, where another benchmark company with effective succession risk management is used as comparison to probe into the succession risk faced by the family-run financial holding company from inheritance. The study applies information acquired from interview with senior managers to conclude that likely problems in the succession process of family-run financial holding companies could lie on the “training progress” and “attitude issue” of the potential successors. Moreover, additional findings from the compilation of newspapers and magazines suggest that companies with higher success risks tend to face with penalty cases due to internal control issues. Several penalty cases would imply corporate loss as a result from ownership overriding management with damage to the corporate reputation. Specifically, compared with controlled company, financial holding companies with succession risk is associated with significantly higher penalty cases and adverse reports from the media. The study is believed to provide a comparative analysis that will provide reference for local Taiwanese companies to effectively reduce succession risk.
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組織內部知識之有效傳承--精技電腦公司內部個案發展與教學 / Effective Succession in Organizational Internal Knowledge - “Corporate Internal Case Writing and Teaching” of Unitech Computer Co., Ltd.劉冷紅, Liu , Lung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
一、 企業內部個案發展與教學成功關鍵因素包括:
(一) 高階主管的認同。
(二) 先從簡單的個案開始,再到較複雜的個案。
(三) 授課講師對個案的了解程度。
(四) 學習者的投入。
二、 企業內部中階主管個案發展與教學之有效模式如下:
(一) 先訂出各部門中階主管的必要技能與知識(要達成哪些訓練目的)。
(二) 依照訓練目的,挑選(或撰寫)適合的企業內部個案。
(三) 企業內部個案發展模式:個案雛型發表、個案與教學指引初稿、個案驗
(四) 企業內部個案教學模式:先講述基本的專業概念,再結合經典個案進行個
案教學討論。 / Facing the challenges from the dynamic industry environment and globalization, companies need to improve the organizational internal knowledge learning capability to enhance their competitive strength. However, the knowledge transferring and sharing might be ineffective if the middle management team (MMT) can not fully implement the company’s strategy or play the bridging role between top management teams and line staffs due to their busy routine jobs and different professional backgrounds. The ill-training and invalid succession in organizational internal knowledge of MMT makes the companies difficult to operate effectively and efficiently.
To solve the above problem, Prof. Seetoo proposes a method, called “Corporate Internal Case Writing and Teaching”, to overcome the obstacle of the company knowledge sharing and transferring as well as to provide a systemic structure to create and accumulate the company valuable lessons for business practices. This study attempt to explore the key success factor of corporate case teaching for the MMT by conducting case study and in-depth interviews on the basis of knowledge management and case study method.
The major conclusions of my research include:
一、 The key success factors of corporate internal case
writing and teaching:
(一) The recognition and support by top management
(二) From the easier cases to the complex ones.
(三) Fully understanding of the case background by the
(四) Fully preparation and dedication to cases by the
二、 The efficient mechanisms for the corporate case
writing and teaching for the middle management team
(一) Identifying the needed knowledge and skills for the
middle management firstly.
(二) Selecting the appropriate case based on the purpose
of training.
(三) Developing the model of case writing: the prototype
of the case, the initial draft of the case and the
teaching note, the verification of the case, and
finally the case teaching.
(四) Developing the model of case teaching: to start
with the introduction to the basic professional
concept, and then proceed with the discussion of
typical cases.
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探討大學實驗室之持續創新 / How do the university laboratories conduct persistent creation and innovation?戴君玲, Tai,Chun-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
「傳統與學風」所保存的是實驗室的核心價值觀;這些核心價值是用以支持創新的土壤。「研究領域的開拓與經營」則須掌握大環境的變化,選擇適合發展的領域,並依據手中的資源擬定經營策略;這樣做即可保持身段的柔軟、不斷刺激進步。「人才的選擇與培育」則提供了足量的優質人力,可以執行創造的工作。 / Universities are considered as the knowledge palace while the laboratories therein are the most important places where surging the new concepts and producing knowledge. Therefore, the university laboratories become the wellspring of knowledge. Both basic and applied researches produced therein will contribute to the domain knowledge.
In order to realize why some university laboratories can conduct persistent creation and innovation, two cases which have long history during several generations were analyzed; one is the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, U.K. and another one is the Pharmacology Laboratory of National Taiwan University, College of Medicine. Both laboratories are considered as the outstanding ones with very good performance in frontier researches. Moreover, many great scientists including Nobel Prize Laureates and Academicians were educated and trained in these laboratories. Most important of all, each generation of these laboratories kept producing creative and innovative accomplishments as well as the long-lived companies do in the business world.
The main findings of this research are: 1. retaining the excellent traditions and academic atmosphere; 2. choosing research area carefully and managing it attentively; 3. selecting outstanding talents and educating them, are the key success factors to foster the university laboratories toward incessant innovation. First of all, the traditions and academic atmosphere they preserved are considered to be the core values which cultivate the emerging of creation as well as innovation. Moreover, these long-lived laboratories devoted themselves to the research areas which had been chosen very carefully based on the macro-environment and resources they had in hands. By doing so, they can keep on going forwards. Nevertheless, a lot of talents are necessary for implementing researches in these laboratories. After all, great creation or innovation could not come true without the elite.
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明成化說唱詞話異體字研究 / The Research on the Variant Characters on《Ming Cheng Hua Kan Ben Shuo Chang Ci Hua》吳佩茹 Unknown Date (has links)
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美國舊金山灣區俄裔移民之文化傳承 / Cultural heritage of Russian immigrants in San Francisco Bay Area謝昕蓓, Hsieh, Hsin-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
俄裔移民在不同時期移民美國,他們主因家庭團聚及經濟因素遷移至舊金山灣區。本文主要探討文化傳承中的四個面向:語言、宗教、飲食及節慶,俄裔移民在舊金山灣區的文化傳承現況如下:俄語傳承主要在家中及學校習得、宗教信仰觀念受移民成長環境意識形態之影響而異、飲食習性因便利性與烹飪習慣呈現兩極化、俄羅斯節對於凝聚俄裔移民及推廣俄羅斯文化具重大傳承意義。 / San Francisco, not only the important city of North California, but also home to many Russian-Americans. Russians first reached North America back in the 18th century with the expansion eastward of the Russian Empire. They set up numerous settlements to develop trade in the new continent until mid-19th century. After the end of Russian America, the cultural influence of Russia still last to date. Along with the four waves of Russian immigrants, Russian culture in San Francisco has developed diversely. Despite Russian immigrants migrated to America in different time periods, family reunion and economic consideration has been the main cause. Cultural heritage discussed in this thesis includes language use, religion, cuisine and festival.
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