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新興節慶活動之省思:以新北市歡樂耶誕城為例 / Reflection on Innovative Festival Activities:A Case Study of Chrismasland in New Taipei City Government李上泰, Lee, Shang Tai Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果歡樂耶誕城在規劃階段,因受政府採購法的期程限制壓縮活動規劃時間,且在非在地文化背景下在人潮方面較難預估,另承攬廠商自尋贊助部分也是一大挑戰;執行階段,因活動期間較長且幅員較大,所以面臨人力成本龐大的問題,另也因為活動主體性偏向親子,在客群層次較無法突破,多數參加歡樂耶誕城的遊客以親子為主。就歡樂耶誕城政策目的性而論是成功的活動,能夠有效聚集人潮,但「成功不代表具備永續發展的價值」,此類節慶活動沒有在地特色及文化背景,僅存在政策手段與目的之關係,沒有獨特性的狀況下,可隨時被其他活動取代。故本研究針對歡樂耶誕城若欲永續發展提出之建議,在活動內容上必須不斷投入創新元素,因建構於非文化的基礎之上,必須透過更多的創意來吸引遊客,另永續發展的價值也必須創造在地認同、連結在地文化與特色 / In a 2006 serial reports named as “Festivals in Taiwan” in China Times, numerous faults in Taiwanese festivals are indicted, such as: the excess of festivals, the lack of long-term plans, the loss of media’s standpoint…and more, ten in total. The objective of the local’s hosting new festive events are various; for example, boosting local tourism, enhancing local distinctive industry, and promoting local economical development…etc. However, new festivals are not based on local culture or local characteristics; rather, they do not possess any cultural meaning since they developed shortly with abundant and boisterous events. Due to their strategic purposefulness, if the results are not ideal, those festivals cannot outlive to the second year.
This study expects the local to possess the idea of sustainable development while hosting new festivals. Not merely focusing on strategic purpose, it is expected to market its local distinctiveness and indigenous culture. This study uses “Christmasland in New Taipei City” as target to discuss further. This festival is categorized as newly risen and developing festive event in the past five years. The goal is to promote the development of Xinban commercial center and its economy. Through having in-depth interviews with the organizer, expert, scholar, media, contractor, this study is to understand the new and developing festival of no local features and the challenges as well as predicaments it faces in each phase; also, we would like to explore the value of its sustainable development.
The study shows that when “Christmasland in New Taipei City” was planned, the event schedule was condensed due to time limit set by Enforcement Rules of the Government Procurement Act. Moreover, it is rather difficult to estimate the crowd in that it did not form in an indigenously cultural background; and one other huge challenge is that the contractor has to find sponsorship itself. In terms of enforcement, since the duration of the event is comparatively long and the size large, it faced the problem of massive personnel cost. Furthermore, because the theme of the event is family-oriented, the range of target customer is restricted; visitors are mainly parents and children.
In terms of strategic purpose, “Christmasland in New Taipei City” is successful, effectively gathering crowd. However, “being successful does not equal to possessing the value to manage sustainably.” This type of festive event, under the circumstance of not having its distinctiveness, can be replaced by other events in no time since it is lack of indigenous features and cultural background; there exists only the relation of strategic means and goal. Therefore, this study suggests that if “Christmasland in New Taipei city” would like to manage sustainably, in respect of content of event, constantly adding in innovative elements is in need. Also, because it is based on non-cultural foundation, it needs to be put in more creativity to attract visitors. The value of sustainable development is to bring up local cultural identity, connecting with local culture and distinct features.
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以整合觀點分析台灣主辦國際管樂節慶活動之策略 / The strategy analysis of Taiwan's hosting of international wind music festivals via an integration perspective黃國峰, Huang, Kuo Feng Unknown Date (has links)
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數位行銷打造文化節慶品牌之研究─以大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節為例米君儒 Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣特殊的歷史背景、地理環境和種族多元性,無論是實體文化資源或無形文化傳說,都讓台灣的文化節慶極具特色與魅力,如果活動本身的內容豐富迷人加上行銷得宜,很有潛力成為各縣市的最佳品牌代表;然而,目前台灣所舉辦的眾多節慶活動,大多不具有明顯以品牌思維來經營的特徵。品牌經營是行銷重要的根基,要讓產品能永續的經營,一定要有策略地將商品或品名建立成為品牌。 / 我們已經進入了數位的時代,在資訊科技早已融入生活的今天,數位工具在行銷深度和廣度上能達到的效果已經明顯可見,但可惜的是,在眾多數位的工具中,被使用於台灣現行文化節慶行銷上的並不多,無論是工具種類或用途,甚至行銷人的思維上,都還停留在很基本的狀態中。 / 台灣眾多大型文化節慶活動中,大甲鎮瀾宮的媽祖遶境是國內極具代表性的一個節慶活動。自1999 年開始,臺中縣政府將遶境與其他文化資源結合擴大舉辦成為「大甲媽祖文化節」,2003 年正式更名為「大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節」,希望為這個龐大的民間信仰活動增加文化的深度與廣度。活動並納入多元的面向,期望能將此一活動經營成為國內文化節慶活動的第一品牌。 / 本研究是以大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節為例,以品牌策略來分析其現況,再從數位行銷的思維及應用工具中提出成為文化節慶品牌的建議。在行銷上,行銷人要能善用數位行銷的「即時」和「互動」兩大特點來打破地域和單向的行銷限制,將文化節慶的消息與內容即時且深刻地傳送到每個人的面前。唯有好的活動品質加上完善的行銷,才能讓節慶活動成為消費者心中的文化品牌,並藉此創造龐大商機並帶動地方永續性的發展。
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文化產業帶動地方發展之創新事業模式探討--以台灣的地方節慶為例李依蒨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在個案分析的過程中發現,節慶活動想帶動地方產業,必須讓活動深入民間,與地方結合,如果節慶內容可以融入地方文化,也和地方產業加以連結,節慶活動較有永續發展之潛力。目前台灣的節慶文化發展尚在起步階段,主事者應該有長遠的規劃,包括對整體環境的軟硬體建設、建立與民眾的合作關係等,並且應考量自身的條件後加入自己的地方特色,才能獲得民眾長久的支持。 / Recently, the cultural industry has great influences on the overall local economy and the development of society; it has played an important role in the modern metropolis development. Owing to the globalization and the development of information science and technology network, the original local culture gradually declines and faced with crisis of many old customs may die out. For this reason, the protection of cultures, the regeneration of traditional space and the development of local economy are the ways to preserve and continue the local culture. The objective of this research is to find out the operation mechanism of festival events’ business model and how the essential factors interact in the model. Furthermore, this research analyses which local resources are used in the establishment process of festival events and the influences on local development by these events.
The conclusions of this research include how the different resource-based festival events cause different factors composition and profit boosters. The combination between festival events and local area may be different because of the way how these events are animated. Festival events have long term and short term influences on people and the development of local cultural industry, including life style, life standard, and environment construction.
In order to lead local development, festival events must let the activities combine with more local cultures and resources to have potential of sustainable development. Taiwan's festival industry is still in the beginning, and the government should have long term plans of overall environment construction and establish populace's cooperation relations. Festival events should have their own characteristics to obtain long-time support of people.
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公部門辦理節慶活動之組織與網絡整合研究─以台北燈節為例廖炯志 Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究目的,並經文獻探討、參與觀察及深度訪談的綜合分析,研究發現:在個案部分,活動組織係依階段動態組成,具有系統功能特質,其網絡係在不同認知及權力基礎的行動者間多向互動,並仰賴行動者間的合作信任關係形成,因此可說非正式結構具有實質影響性,而在網絡整合過程,核心行動者雖能善用諸多策略,惟整合結果各行動者對達成認知仍有差異;此外在理論部分,本研究以行動與結構調和觀點提供了網絡研究的若干價值,同時也提出了若干省思。研究最後在政策層面提出了短、中、長程的建議;而在執行層面則是對活動規劃、執行組織及網絡整合等提出相關建議。 / Festivals celebrations play a significant role when cultures evolve. With the change of economic and social development, their forms and functions are getting more diversified while government departments mainly take the role of promotion or execution. Unlike common policy administration, management of networks and organization operation in festivals celebrations are much different. So the research observes Taipei Lantern Festival 2005 to probe into the organization structure and its implementation when government departments dealt with festivals celebrations. And through the forming of network, we seek to understand the position of actors and their expectations of the activity and meanwhile study the course and result of integration of executive sectors.
According to the research purpose, document study, observation and in depth interview, it concludes that in the case study, the dynamic activity changes as occasions arise and characteristic of organizationic functions. The network interacts between different sectors of diverse expectations and authorities and it leans on relationship and cooperation between sectors. The informal structure, so to speak, is influential. And during the integration of network, the sector in charge could employ strategies to get work done, but other sectors might expect differently toward the result.
Theoretically the research, in terms of reconciliation of actions and structures, focuses on the network and provides also some reflections. At last it forwards short-term, mid-term, and long-term political suggestions. For the execution part, it offers some advice for activity planning, executive organization and integration of network as well.
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從守門機制看2014年簡單生活節的策展活動 / An Exploratory Study of the 2014 Urban Simple Life Curation from the Perspective of Gatekeeping賴怡君, Lai, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現在2014年簡單生活節的守門過程中,簡單生活節團隊在劃定邊界的過程除了會受到守門專業能耐影響外,亦被牽制於可篩選的內容,導致其守門過程是一反覆修正的過程。此外,除了文獻中提及的四種守門能耐外,本研究更發現在2014年簡單生活節中最重要的守門能耐為「策展能力」,策展能力讓簡單生活節團隊能協助品牌於節慶中呈現出更適切且驚喜的內容,並提升品牌能見度。最後,本研究建議,未來節慶策展團隊都應將「守門機制」之思維納入其策展規劃,並且重視策展能力的運用,藉此能了解自身的守門類型,提升節慶的策展內容,進而協助節慶本身與產業持續創新。 / The purpose of the study is to investigate the importance of gatekeeping process in cultural festivals and the cultural and creative industries. This study uses the gatekeeping theory which is commonly discussed in the area of communications in order to understand how the festival carries out gatekeeping function in its curation by using an example of the “2014 Urban Simple Life Festival”.
The research question of the study is “how the 2014 Urban Simple Life Festival uses gatekeeping in the curation?”. The study adopts case study and uses participant observations and in-depth interviews as the research tools to investigate how the gatekeeping is used in the 2014 Urban Simple Life Festival curation. In addition, this research aims to explore how the gatekeeping outcomes influence festivals themselves and the innovations of the cultural and creative industries.
This research finds out that the festival organizer’s gatekeeping abilities and the gatekeeping contents do affect the gatekeeping boundary. Furthermore, the gatekeeping process is a repeated correcting process. Apart from the four gatekeeping abilities in the existed literature, the study also discovers that the most important gatekeeping ability in festivals is the “curatorial ability”. With the curatorial ability, the festival organizer would be able to help and assist the participants to present their best work in the Festival as well as to enhance their brand visibility to the market. This study suggests that the festival organizer should take the “curatorial ability” into consideration during the curation process to enhance the innovation ability of the cultural and creative industries
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「詩」在周代政治傳播中之應用及其媒介性格之演變彭武順, PENG, WU-SHUN Unknown Date (has links)
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觀光節慶活動整合行銷傳播與置入性行銷探討:以彰化縣2004台灣花卉博覽會為例楊可凡 Unknown Date (has links)
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地方政府政策行銷之研究-以宜蘭國際童玩藝術節為例 / A Study of Policy Marketing in Local Government-Illustrated by Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival杜昱潔, Tu,Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究先檢視政策行銷與節慶相關理論及文獻,了解地方政府節慶行銷的意義、內涵、策略與作法等,比較政策行銷與節慶行銷的異同。並以「宜蘭國際童玩藝術節」個案為例,探討地方政府進行節慶行銷之策略與環境影響因素,檢視政策行銷執行成果,根據研究結果提出實務改進建議,做為其他縣市進行節慶行銷參考。舉辦十一年的宜蘭童玩節正面臨著競爭者增加、喪失創意等永續經營發展問題。本研究發現宜蘭童玩節受到政治因素的影響最大,並且產品的創意與文化內涵逐漸消退,缺乏整體性的行銷策略。故宜蘭童玩節的決策系統必須脫離政治的影響,並且投入成本開發創意,建立消費者習慣性的消費習慣,宜蘭童玩節才能永續經營。 / In recent years, the Taiwanese local governments often use festival celebrations to generate economical and political benefits, and at the same time to create and promote their local cultural characteristics. Under the pressure of political and economical competitions, the local governments are forced to encourage festival celebrations aggressively in order to revitalize the local tourism business and further economical opportunities. The local governments use marketing concept to bring financial enhancement and improve its fresh image and unique characteristics.
In all festival celebration events held by the local governments in Taiwan, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is considered as the most outstanding one. It successfully combined aspects of tourism, leisure events and cultural gatherings to establish Yilan’s distinctiveness. Such strategic activities have won the votes of its local residents and become an international recognition event. It has also been shaped into the best learning model and a practical example for many other county authorities to follow.
This study aims to examine policy marketing and other related festival theories and literature, with the purpose of understanding the local government festival marketing value, its strategic plan and procedures, and yet comparing the similarities and differences between the policy marketing and the festival marketing. By employing Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival as a study case, this paper analyzes the local government’s strategic progress in festival marketing and its environmental factors. In addition, it examines the results of such policy marketing practices for recommendations to other county authorities.
After eleven years of annual celebrations, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is currently facing with increasing competitors and at the same time, losing innovative ideas and other operating management problems. This study finds the Festival is being affected greatly by political factors and lacking the overall marketing strategy. As a result, such event must not be influenced by any political reasons and needs to increase its access to funds in developing creative ideas to attract consumers and to create a successful and sustainable festival event.
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觀光節慶活動之體驗行銷對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之影響-以澎湖花火節為例謝瑋紘, Hsieh, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為缺乏自然資源的離島縣份—澎湖縣的重要經濟來源,而自2003年開始舉辦的澎湖花火節,為提振澎湖觀光收入與打造菊島觀光特色的重要觀光節慶之一,然而近年來由於規模縮小、活動內容缺乏在地特色,且同類型競爭者頻出的狀況下,花火節的效益受到不少質疑。作為澎湖最富盛名的觀光節慶活動,花火節是否依舊能對遊客有足夠的吸引力,並結合澎湖在地文化創造出對於遊客來說具有差異性的特別體驗?本研究擬採用體驗行銷作為理論基礎,以量化的調查法輔以質化的焦點團體訪談法,探究澎湖花火節給予遊客體驗之現況,了解其體驗對遊客滿意度及維繫遊客忠誠度的影響,並就得以補強改進之部份提出實務上的建議。研究結果顯示,體驗行銷模組中之感官體驗、思考體驗及行動體驗對顧客滿意度有顯著正向關聯,而感官體驗、思考體驗及關聯體驗對顧客忠誠度間有顯著正向關聯,而顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度亦有正向關聯。差異性分析方面,人口統計變項及旅遊特性變項均有部份對體驗行銷、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度達到顯著差異。焦點團體訪談之結果大部分與量化結果相符,受訪者指出澎湖花火節的煙火聲光效果是類似活動中最佳,但其是否能與在地文化做結合才是主要考量重遊的因素,節目及週邊設施的規劃也需要改善。建議往後澎湖花火節應融入澎湖在地特色,以增加活動與澎湖本身之連結,並進一步提昇體驗;活動的基礎設施與流程管理也應加強,並增加節目的多元性與互動性,以符合不同特性遊客的需求。 / Tourism industry plays a key role in the economy of Penghu County, which lacks natural resources to develop other industries. The Penghu Fireworks Festival, which has been held annually since 2003, is the most important tourism event to help increase the income of tourism and build the special characteristics of the county as a tourism destination, but recently the effect of the event has been doubted because of the shrink of its scale, the lack of authentic localism, and the rise of many imitating competitors. Does the event still have the competitiveness against others to attract tourists? Is there any possibility to bring some local culture in the event to provide extraordinary experience for the tourists? Schmitt’s Experiential Marketing theories is used in this study as the theoretical base to examine the experience of the Penghu Fireworks Festival both quantitatively and qualitatively. Survey method is performed to find out the relationships between the main variables, which are experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. A following focus group discussion is then operated to gain further insights about the outcome of the survey. The result shows that sense, think, and act experiential modules are positively correlated to customer satisfaction. Sense, think, and relate modules are positively correlated to customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and loyalty also have a positive correlation. ANOVA analysis indicates that differences of experience, customer satisfaction and loyalty among different demographic and tourism variables are partially significant. The result of the focus group discussion is similar to the quantitative analysis. The sensory performance of the Penghu Fireworks Festival is the best among similar events, but what really makes the tourists revisit is whether the event is designed with local culture elements. The content of the shows every night, the event settings and the management system have to be improved as well. Local elements of Penghu should be used as the theme of the festval to make it more relevant to the tourism destination, and to enhance the experience. Physical setting and process of the event should be improved. The content of the event also needs more diversity and interactivity, in order to satisfy the needs of different tourists.
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