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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


羅正忠, LUO, ZHENG-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
教育性質融合了消費性、投資性、生產性之特質。我國政府的教育經負擔。以七十四 年為例,教育經費支出位各級歲出總額之百分之十六、五七。教育投資與否,或者投 資結構的分配,均應詳加評價,否則將導致資源之浪費與人力供需之不平衡。 本文之目的乃設法將教育視為一種產業,求出其成本曲線,並分析其是否具有經濟規 模,及解出平均最低成本之學生人數。本文共分為五章,主要研究對象為臺灣現行之 高級中學,及大專院校。第一章為緒論;第二章為教育成本之剖析;第三章為有關文 獻之探討;第四章為我國教育規模之實證分析;第五章結論與建議;就實證分析之結 果,討論與建議,如何達到最適之經濟規模,並降低教育成本。

台灣地區住宅消費性需求彈性與投資性需求彈性之估計 / The Elasticity of Consumption and Investment for Housing Demand in Taiwan

林素菁, Lin, Sue Jing Unknown Date (has links)
首先針對租屋市場與與購屋市場,分別估計其所得彈性與價格彈性。對租 屋者而言,僅包括消費性的需求。藉由彈性的估計,我們可知道住宅為必 需品或是奢侈品;在價格上漲時,消費者是否有議價能力。另外再將購屋 市場依不同的需求目的,如居住目的與非居住目的,估計所得彈性與價格 彈性。對非居住目的的購屋者而言,僅包含投資性的住宅需求。接著利用 估計的消費性與投資性需求彈性,計算出對只有一棟房屋的購屋者,其消 費與投資需求佔房屋支出之比例。 In this paper, we estimated the elasticity of income and price for rental and purches housing. For rental housing, it just includes the consumption demand for housing. By these estimations, we can know housing is a luxury or a necessity. When the price increase, the consumers are able to charge. On the other hand, by the different targets --- living or not, there is only one or there are two or more houses, we estimate the elasticities. For two or more houses, it just includes the investment demand for housing. Then we use the elasticities to computer the share of consumption and investment in housing expenditure.

我國保險業未來適用IAS 40續後評價方法之選擇及原因之探討 / Fair value or cost model? Drivers of choice for IAS 40 in insurance industry

廖雅芬, Liao, Ya Fen Unknown Date (has links)
我國在金融監督管理委員會2009年5月14日宣告全面採用國際會計準則後,所有公開發行公司即受到全面性的衝擊;而在眾多的IFRS中,IAS 40投資性不動產會計準則,是目前國內會計準則所沒有的規定,且此號公報最特別的規定,是允許投資性不動產的續後評價,企業可以擁有選用公允價值法與歷史成本法的彈性,這樣的特殊規定觸發筆者想瞭解,企業未來適用此號公報,其續後評價方法之選擇及影響選擇原因的動機。 相對於歐美,由於我國缺乏具有長期收益性與安全性的資金投資管道,造成我國保險業長期偏好將可運用資金投資於實體不動產,故IAS 40對我國保險業影響重大,因此筆者以我國保險業為研究對象,以問卷、個案分析及訪談來探討保險業者對未來適用IAS 40之看法與期待。 經過研究分析,本研究發現60.61%的保險業在未來實施IAS 40後會繼續延用歷史成本模式,對影響選擇的因素方面,受訪者認為「對盈餘數字高低的影響」、「所得稅金額大小的考慮」、「對不同年度的損益造成波動的關係」等三項因素最為重要,另外,受訪者最認同新會計準則方法規定允許公司選用歷史成本法或公允價值法「會增加公司間財務資訊比較的複雜性」,且60.6%受訪公司傾向不同意提前適用此號公報。 / After the Financial Supervisory Commission Executive Yuan, R .O.C. declaring on May 14, 2009 that adopt International Accounting Standard in an all-round way in our country, all the public company were totally impacted promptly; Among the IFRSs, IAS 40 investment property is not exist at our present domestic accounting regulations and the most special of this regulation is allowing the enterprises can have elasticity of selecting the cost method or fair value method for measurement after recognition. The special treatments induce me to understand the drivers of the reason in its choice. As to America and Europe, because our country lacks have long-term rentability and security fund investment channel, cause the insurance of our country prefer to invest in real estate for a long time, so the implemental of IAS 40 will influence our insurance industry very much, so the study use questionnaires, case analysis and interview to researching the determinants of insurance industry choice to use the cost or fair value model to account for their real estate. Researched and analyzed, originally discover that 60.61% of the insurances will continue to use the cost method after implementing IAS 40 in the future, to influencing the factor chosen, interviewees think ”the amount of earnings”, “the tax amount” and “the volatility of income in different years” three factors are most important. In addition, interviewees admit that IAS 40 permits enterprises to choose cost method or fair value method will increase the complexity of comparisons among the companies’ report, and 60.6% interviewed disagree earlier application with this criterion.

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