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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張晴玲 Unknown Date (has links)
採用金融控股公司方式合併數家金融機構是近年來金融改革採取之方式,但也因此產生了相關之問題,其中最重要的便是金融控股公司法對於控股公司型態下關係人交易之規範是否妥適?是否能遏止非常規交易之發生?有無值得檢討改進之處。本篇論文從金融機構跨業經營可能的型態談起,討論各種型態的模式,及其可能有的優缺點,再說明何以會採取金融控股公司模式作為金融業跨業經營之模式。 另外討論金融控股公司法下,金融控股公司與子公司的資金流動類型與控管機制,並針對其中平行資金交易下控管機制的缺失作深入的討論,進而闡述現行法可能有的缺失,如列舉規定、董事會監控機制能否發揮功用、交易條件不得優於其他同類對象之認定標準及是否需排除無銀行子公司的金融控股公司等。以及對現行法的建議。並探討相關法律在關係人交易的部分應採取的配套修正,以免疊床架屋。 本論文並以95年發生中信金插旗兆豐金為案例加以分析,探討實務上對關係人的認定標準。亦針對金融監理的部分作討論,現行的金融監理是否能有效防止或發現複雜金融交易下非常規交易之發生?最後以美國法和日本法為例,研究其對關係人交易之規範,並對前述討論作出結論。

金融集團業務經營之法律問題-以關係人交易規範為中心 / A study of regulation of financial business -based on related party transaction

朱美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構所經營之業務涵蓋種類繁多、型式各異並各有其相關之法令,而金融機構透過直接或間接投資方式,一般而言將構成金融集團間之關係人及其交易,本論文之目的在於分析各種金融集團關係人交易相關法令之缺漏,並進而提出建議。 本文首先從現行金融機構經營及投資規範及金融機構關係人交易法律規範,歸納整理出相關法規機制,並探討現行該等關係人及交易之法律規範之「過」與「不足」之處。 此外,本文也參考美國法及跨國性金融監理機構之相關規範,藉此與我國相關規範比較,以作為我國相關立法之參考方向。 接著,本文再以金融機構關係人之實際相關案例,深入分析本國實務上常見之問題,以探討實務上對關係人的認定標準,並釐清現行金融監理對關係人間非常規交易之管理缺漏。 最後本文以上述之分析結果,提出對現行金融機構關係人相關法規之建議,以提供未來修法之參考。 / Due to deregulation and globalization in banking system, financial institutions are increasingly burring traditional differences between banking, insurance, and other institutions. As results, intra-group transactions cause more concern about the conflicts of interests. From a legal point of view, different legal relationships will confer different rights and impose different duties on financial parties. Therefore, it is sensible to analyze the legal nature of the relationships of different participants and their roles in financial institutions’ related party transactions. This study presents an analysis of regulations of related party transactions within Financial Conglomerates, and proposes reforms to deal with conflicts of interest: Firstly, discusses the regulations about the business scope of financial holding company, bank, securities and insurance company. Then further analyzes the regulations of related party transactions within each above financial parties. Secondly, depicts the American regulatory scheme and the frames guidelines and principles of international financial supervisory institutions. The former focuses on the background of banking regulations and the latest issue about The Dodd-Frank Act. The later includes the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and the Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates. A comparative analysis of regulations of the above and Taiwan was made. Thirdly, further analyzes the controversial issues of intra-group transactions based on several judicial cases, and then discusses the operational deficiencies of financial institutions and flaws of law and regulations. Finally, summarizes the said issues and propositions about related party transactions of financial institutions.

從臺灣關係企業制度檢視中國大陸關聯企業之立法 / Examining the China Affiliated Enterprise legislation from the prospect of Taiwan Affiliated Enterprise systems

陳宏, Chen, Hong Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸經濟體制改革中最為重要的是對國有企業的改革,而企業集團(關聯企業)的產生與發展,就可以追溯到20世紀80年代對國有企業的一系列改革。1993年《公司法》的制定主要目的和功能是爲了進行國有企業股份制改革,因此並未對企業集團(關聯企業)有所規定。最近20年來,中國大陸經濟飛速發展,企業集團化非常普遍,關聯企業在中國大陸的經濟活動中有著舉足輕重的地位。 臺灣公司法1997年修正時,新增關係企業專章,以保障從屬公司少數股東及其債權人之權益,並促進關係企業之健全運營。而中國大陸《公司法》幾次修正卻從未將關聯企業納入其中。本文認為,在中國大陸,如何規範關聯企業之發展,如何保護從屬公司少數股東及其債權人之利益,已經成為一個迫切需要進行立法規範的議題。 因此,本文會對臺灣公司法關係企業章進行研究,尋求中國大陸《公司法》可以借鑑之處,同時亦會分析中國大陸在關聯企業形成過程中的不同之處,以提出適合中國大陸環境之立法建議。 / The reform of State-owned enterprises has been the top priority in China for the economic reform. The formation and development of enterprise group (affiliates enterprises) can be traced back to the enterprise system reform in 1980s. The China Corporate Act 1993 focus on the reform of State-owned enterprises but not the enterprise group (affiliates enterprises). The following amendments still did not regulate the enterprises group (affiliates enterprises). In the last two decades, the economy developed rapidly and enterprise group is very common. Affiliated enterprises play an important role in China's economic activities. Taiwan amended its Corporate Law in 1997, adding Affiliated Enterprises chapter to protect the minority shareholders and the creditors of the affiliated company. The purpose is to promote the sound operation of the affiliated enterprises. There are some substantial developments from the practical experience and legal inquiry for the relevant operations. This paper argues that in order to protect the transaction safety, improve the regulations and development for affiliates enterprises, ensure the interests of minority shareholders and creditors of affiliated companies, we should clarify the forms, types, legal operation background, and difficulties of affiliated enterprises in China. Based on the examination and analysis of Taiwan Corporate Law, and learning from the China Corporate Act at the same time, this paper hopes to propose appropriate legislation fit to China's corporate structures and environments.

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