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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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戴柔秀 Unknown Date (has links)
科幻電影自一九五○年代成為明確的類型,迄今已達四十年,屢創票房佳績。尤其《星際大戰》(Star War)自1977年上映後,更盤據影史賣座排行榜龍頭地位達二十年。科幻電影也幾乎成為賣座的保證。即使在台灣,亦常在賣座排行榜前十名內。其能受到觀眾的青睞、盛行不衰,必有其特色以引起觀眾認同,可能是故事情節、拍攝技術或因其反映了當代的社會文化思想。   然而,國內關於科幻電影的研究,多屬於評論性質的文章,少有以學術角度出發探究者。國外的研究雖較多,卻往往僅是分析單一電影,再加上多以化約論詮釋,無法瞭解科幻電影不同層面的意涵。據此,本研究認為科幻電影實有深入研究的必要。尤其科幻電影常以未來時空為故事背景,但其所呈現的未來世界圖像卻未有研究能較為具體且完整地加以描繪。   敘事理論自一九二○年代發展後已漸趨成熟,從故事層面到論述層面,其相關研究及討論已更為細緻、深入。在研究敘事電影上有其優勢,不僅可瞭解表面元素,亦可深入探討深層結構,可找出多元化敘事之下的深層結構。   因此,本研究將以敘事理論的角度,選擇八○、九○年代的影片共計五部加以分析,探究「科幻電影所建構的未來世界」,並援用類型研究的概念,深入探討其故事、論述及其深層意涵,尤其著重於價值觀及意識型態層面,並將之與世紀末思想作一對照。並藉此找出科幻電影的敘事慣例,且將八○及九○年代影片的主題、角色、場景等加以比較。   研究發現可具體描繪出科幻電影所建構的未來世界景觀。未來世界科技文明發達、自動化設備充斥於社會的各個角落。然而,這樣的社會也潛藏著極大的危機,可以導致人類滅絕。也因此,未來的世界並非是個令人充滿希望的世界,不會比現在更好,尤其人往往因過度重視物質文明、忽略精神文明,不重視人性、生命,此亦是引發危機的重要因素。只有靠對於人性及生命的重視,才能化解危機,拯救人類於危亡之際。   此外,亦發現科幻電影與當代文化、思想的符應,科幻電影愈到九○年代,呈現愈多與世紀末思想的關連性,人類生活隱藏著重大危機,世界末日即將到臨,人心惶惶不安。而科幻電影所呈現的高科技社會,也正是後現代社會、資訊社會的寫照,除具體描繪出未來世界電腦、網路等資訊科技的發達程度,也提出其所帶來的隱憂,以達警示之目的。

電視新聞神話之敘事分析—以馬英九為例 / Narattive Analysis of Mythmaking Ma Ying-Jiu in Television News

簡淳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在藉由2008年馬英九當選「中華民國第十二屆民選總統」後電視新聞相關報導內容的敘事分析,探討其試圖傳達的意義、形象,以了解電視新聞媒體對廣大閱聽眾「說了什麼」及「如何說」馬英九之神話故事,藉此歸納出新聞媒介「造神運動」的過程。 Barthes (1972)指出,神話系統可劃分為一級語言系統與隱含意識形態的二級神話系統。本研究循此從古代神話進而論述媒體神話、電視新聞神話於兩階層不同深度的意義,並根據Chatman (1978 )敘事理論和考量電視新聞之媒體特質將電視新聞神話第一層分為故事內容與敘事手法,以敘事分析之研究方法分析馬英九相關電視新聞。 研究結果發現,馬英九新聞故事多描述其個人形象塑造、兩岸與經濟政策、520就職典禮相關事宜及內閣人事等情節,並不時突顯其領導才能、公共議題與政見、政黨代表因素、政治風格、本土化特質、個性與個人背景等特色,且多報導其於公共流行文化領域之內容。其敘事手法則多以全景、長景與中景鏡頭拍攝,且記者多使用非干擾性旁白聲調述說新聞故事,而聽覺的後製效果應用較少。 資料分析亦顯示馬英九新聞故事暗示之意識形態可分為人民認為優秀總統應具備的條件與期許、兩岸關係爭議、親美思想以及新時代來臨等四類,此亦反映台灣社會價值觀、國際與政治情勢以及人民對新政府的期待。 / The research aims at exploring the meaning and individual image presented in Ma Ying-Jiu’s television reporting after his election of R.O.C president in 2008. By means of narrative analysis, the study is expected to understand the TV news media “what to tell” and “how to tell” the mythical news story of Ma Ying-Jiu, and to generalize the “Mythmaking Movement” process. As Barthes (1972) points out, myth is a second-order system constructed of linguistic system and ideological myth system. Based on the structure, this research discusses two orders of “myth” from ancient myth to media and television news myth respectively. Besides, with the concerns of television features, the linguistic system of TV news myth can be further divided into narrative “content” and “techniques” according to narrative theory proposed by Seymour Chatman. Results of this analysis indicate that, in terms of news plots, Ma Ying-Jiu’s TV news stories can be classified into the following categories such as individual image presentation, cross-Strait relations and economic policy, 520 inauguration ceremony and government personnel. For the role traits part, news stories are generally focused on Ma’s leadership, public issue, political party and style, localization, personality, and personal background. Even more, the sphere of public and popular is the most used setting in Ma’s news story according to this analysis. As for the technique, the full, long and medium shot and non-interrupted reporting tone are regularly used, while the other postproductions are not. In respect of ideology, Ma’s television reporting reflects four categories as follows: condition and expect of an outstanding president, cross-Strait controversy, pro-America thinking, and the coming of new epoch.

華語文學習信念轉變與歷程:在台歐美外籍生之個案研究 / Chinese Language Learner’s Changing Beliefs and Experiences: Case Study on European and American Students in Taiwan

白玉琪, Peh, Giok Kee Unknown Date (has links)
本質性個案研究旨在從三位歐美外籍留學生的視角了解他們的華語文學習信念,探討他們在台灣留學期間所處的社會文化環境如何改變他們的語言學習信念,以及台灣作為華語文環境所能提供的機會與挑戰。本研究主要透過深入訪談(In-depth Interview),邀請三位來台留學半年至一年的歐美華語文學生敘述自身語言學習歷程,包括他們的個人華語文學習背景、來台緣由與期待、在台華語文學習歷程及信念。歷時半年四次的定期訪談均被錄音,經謄錄為逐字稿、重現(reconstruct)個別故事樣貌後,再依Lieblich等人(1998)提出的敘事分析方法,以整體——內容(Holistic-content)和類別——內容(Categorical-content)之邏輯整理成個別個案,並作為後續跨個案分析的資料依據。結果發現,研究參與者從華語為外語(Chinese as Foreign Language)學習環境,到台灣華語文為第二語言(Chinese as Second Language)學習環境的不同學習階段裡,他們的華語文目標、期待和能力不斷地與社會環境互動,而互動所產生的結果足以鞏固或動搖其舊信念。來台前,研究參與者過往的語言學習經驗和成長環境對於外語學習的觀點,無形中都型塑了他們的華語文學習信念。來台後,他們經歷固有的信念和實際與母語者交際情況之間的落差,衝擊了他們原有的信念,而且覺得自身的華語文使用者身份及所付出的努力難以受當地母語者社交圈之認同。此外,研究參與者的留學經歷也反映出台灣作為華語文學習場域的一些情況,既當他們的華語文能力變強後,才有能力善用台灣華語文環境所提供的學習機會,當他們的華語文能力仍偏弱時,他們一般較難在非正式場域與母語者互動,或從中獲得學習機會,反而需依賴課堂環境為主的學習機會。最後,由於信念會隨著學習歷程波動及變化,面向多元,具動態特質,因此本研究建議未來可選擇某一項議題做更深入的研究,若採取類似BALLI研究信念橫斷面的工具時,還可加入情景及情感面向,探討信念歷時的直斷面。在教學運用上,華語文中心能著手處理外籍華語文學生的行前準備資料,加強對留學生有關語言學習進程的輔導,在師資培訓上也應該注意如何處理初出國留學生在語言學習適應上的調整,以減少留學生因學習期待落差而受到的衝擊。另外也建議常與學習者接觸的當地母語者接受跨文化交際的教育,雙方才能創造合宜的華語文學習環境,促進外籍留學生赴台學習華語文之發展與成效。 / This qualitative case study aims to look into Chinese language learning beliefs from the perspective of three Chinese learners from Europe and America and to explore how the Taiwanese social-cultural environment changes their language learning beliefs, as well as the affordance and challenge Taiwan offers to these international Chinese learners. Three students from Europe and America who have been learning Chinese in Taiwan from six to twelve months respectively are invited to the study and receive four in-depth interviews within six month. Their personal Chinese language learning experiences over the time are narrated and recorded. The data is then analyzed using Holistic-Content and Categorical-Content method proposed by Lieblich et al., (1998). The results shows that, at different learning stages, the interaction of the participants’ Chinese language goals, expectation and proficiency levels with social environment either reaffirms or shakes their beliefs. Before studying in Taiwan, the past language learning experiences as well as the prevailing view of their native community towards foreign language basically constitutes the beliefs of the participants. At the early stage of studying in Taiwan, the gap between their expectations and the actual communication experiences with local native speakers also has critical impacts on their beliefs. The participants would also find that their efforts to make themselves live as Chinese speakers are constantly challenged by the local native community. In this case, Taiwan and its social community as the field for learning Chinese actually provide more opportunities to the learners with higher Chinese proficiency. When proficiency is low, such as at the beginning stages of Chinese proficiency or upon arrival, the participants have great difficulty getting benefits from the target language community; their learning mainly happens in the language learning classroom. It is clear that language learning beliefs is dynamic, multifaceted, and fluctuate from time to time. The study suggests that, specific topic under the multilayered nature of belief should be focused in the future research. Social environments and emotions of students should also be included in BALLI. Finally, to promote the development and effectiveness of foreign students studying in Taiwan, stronger pre-departure briefing, orientation and counseling services are needed to facilitate language development. Teachers also need training on how to reduce the impact of crashed expectations of new foreign students. In addition, local people (i.e., native speakers) who often come into contact with the learners are recommended to develop intercultural communication skills in order to provide the learners with the best possible informal communication experience.

日籍學生在台接受全英文授課之學習歷程與其信念之變化:個案研究 / Japanese Student's Language Learning Experience and Transformation of Beliefs in ETP Programs in Taiwan:A Case Study

蔡正文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解日本學生的語言學習信念變化,並找出哪些因素在台灣和日本的TESOL環境中影響學生的學習信念的形成和變化。不同於傳統基於問卷的調查,只針對某些固定的學生的學習信念特徵的研究,最近的研究更注重學習信念的動態變化過程。社會文化理論還強調,社會文化環境在學生的思考過程中具有中介的效果。本研究旨在了解日本學生的學習信念是如何受他們的學習經驗影響,而這些經驗在不同的環境如何影響他們的學習信念。本研究使用深度訪談收集資料,採用半結構式訪談每個月針對學生的學習經歷和信念進行一學期五次的資料蒐集。通過Liblich(1998)的方法整理出訪談資料的整體與分類的內容,本研究希望找出在台灣和日本學習語言的意識形態的不同,這些差異和參與者的語言學習信念之關係,以及在台灣的日本學生面臨何種語言學習機會和挑戰。 這項研究的結果是,三位參與者經歷了不同程度的語言學習信念轉變,同時形成新的學習信念。來台灣之前,參與者對於自己的英文能力的自信心高低不一,但他們都相信能夠透過海外留學加強英文能力。在台灣,由台灣以及西方學生所組成的團體使參與者能夠練習英文並表達自己的意見,無須擔心被批評。ETP課程給他們一個機會可以使用英文來學習並溝通。來到台灣一年後,Yoshi對英文能力變得較有自信,且相信策略運用比天生能力來的重要。Taka變得較不在意自己的發音且把注意力放在文化學習上。Ko了解自己天生語言學習能力的極限並開始發展自己的學習策略。在研究建議方面,當未來的研究採用BALLI(Belief About Language Learning Inventory)(Horwitz,1999)分析時也應將親密團體和社會文化等因素加入。在英語教育方面,台灣的大學英語培訓課程應該包括更多的跨文化差異教學,所以當國際學生參加一般ETP(English taught program)時他們將面臨較少的文化衝擊。由於參與者提到與台灣和國際學生的非正式交流對她們的英語學習大有幫助,在ETP課程中教授應考量國際學生的英語水平,並把他們分配在具有相應英語水平的小組中,使他們能夠更快克服學習困難。期望這項研究的結果提供語言教學方法的調整建議,以滿足國際學生,特別是日本學生的需求。 / This study was aimed to understand the language learning belief change of Japanese students, and to find out what are the factors in the TESOL environments of Taiwan and Japan that lead to these changes. Unlike the traditional questionnaire-based research, which studied student’s learning belief based on certain critical characteristics; recent studies focused more on the changing process of language learning belief. Socio-cultural theories also stressed that the socio-cultural environment has meditational effects on the student’s thinking process (Furberg, 2009). This study tried to understand how Japanese student’s English learning belief was affected by their learning experiences and how these experiences in the different environments affected their learning belief reciprocally. This study adopted in-depth interviews to collect data, using semi-structured interviews per month for six months to discover how Japanese students’ learning experiences and belief changed in the process. By analyzing the interview data using the holistic-content method proposed by Liblich et al (1998), this study focused on how different language learning ideologies in Taiwan and Japan affected the participants’ learning belief, what opportunities and challenges the Japanese students faced in Taiwan in terms of language learning. Based on the result of this study, the three participants experienced different degrees of language learning belief changes and formed new learning beliefs in the process. Before they came to Taiwan, the participants had different levels of self-confidence and all believed that they could improve their English proficiency by studying abroad. In Taiwan, the supportive community formed by Taiwanese and Western students allowed the participants to practice English and express their ideas without being afraid of getting judged. The ETP (English Taught Program) offered them an opportunity to use English to both study and communicate on a daily basis. After one year of staying in Taiwan, Yoshi became more confident in his English proficiency and believed more in strategy use than innate language learning ability. Taka was less anxious about his Japanese accent and put more emphasis on learning cultural factors. Ko realized the limitation of his innate language learning ability and began to develop his own language learning strategies. As for theoretical implication, factors like community and socio-cultural influence should be added to BALLI’s (Belief About Language Learning Inventory)(Horwitz,1999) model in analyzing language learning belief in future studies. In terms of pedagogical implication, English training programs in Taiwan’s university should provide more cross-cultural information so that when international students take English taught classes they will encounter less cultural shock. As the participants mentioned that the informal interaction with Taiwanese and Western students assisted their English learning, professors in the ETP classes should consider international students’ English proficiency and put them within groups of appropriate English levels so they can learn with less difficulty.

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