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張君溥 Unknown Date (has links)


林慶鉦 Unknown Date (has links)
本文係採「探測研究」方法。以運銷學術及理論為基礎,對蔬菜運銷臺北市之運銷通路做一系統性之研究分析。主要研究目的有五: (一)分析通路成員運銷行為之現狀及其形成原因。 (二)討論有關之法律,規章能否與通路活動配合及其影響。 (三)以通路為一整體系統(Integrated System)的觀念,分析現行主要運銷通路有那些缺點及其對當前蔬菜運銷問題之影響。 (四)分析當前各級中間商的利潤是否合理,有無超額利潤的存在。 (五)根據前述討論與瞭解,分析目前的通路結構是否達到均衡,以及精簡現行通路結構的可行性。 本文依據臺灣省政府農林廳所出版的統計刊物,各級批發市場的業務記錄與中華民國臺北市物價統計月報等次級資料,以及筆者親赴各級市場訪問資深的市場從業人員,實際從事運銷活動的各級中間商並觀察其交易行為所獲得之資料。加以整理,研判與分析獲得下列七項要點: 1.臺北市蔬菜每年之需要量以民國61年計達143776公噸,其中109526公噸(約佔總消費量的3/4),係自中南部輸入。由於產地與消費地相隔甚遠,且蔬菜之生產與消費均極零星分散,於是在產地有各類集貨商出現,他們收集菜農採收待銷之零星蔬菜,成一個經濟的運銷單位,再運至臺北市委託行口出售。又由於現行蔬菜之包裝過大且零售商的銷售量有限,整件購回銷售不完,於是有零批商出現,提供拆件零批的服務。因此,當前蔬菜運銷臺北市之主要運銷通路即形成「生產者-集貨商-批發商-零批商-零售商-消費者」。運銷臺北市之蔬菜經過上述各級中間商之比例分別為49.91%, 68.95%, 57.62%, 70.88%。 2.根據筆者親自對80家主要通路蔬菜運銷商調查顯示:當前集貨商、行口商、零批商與零售商平均每日營業量分別為3004公斤、2151公斤、564公斤與138.1公斤;平均營業年數分別為9年、13.7年、8年與14.5年;平均每日營業時間分別為10小時、7.5小時、8小時與9小時:參與營業人數分別為1.25人、2.14人、1.95人、2.05人;經營主的教育程度,小學及小學以下者分別為75%, 70%, 85%與85%,教育程度高者其小;輔助勞動力除集貨商僱工較多外,絕大多數都由家屬提供;再者,他們絕大多數是獨資,其他形態之組織者極少。此外,根據各種次級資料推斷,各級運銷商上述之各種特性與實際狀況頗為符合。 3.各級運銷商從事運銷商有五種交易行為。每種行為在各級交易的重複出現,即形成流程(FLOW),它們分別為情報溝通流程,所有權移轉流程,支付流程,實體分配流程及風險流程。透過情報溝通流程,消費者的需要由零售商輾轉傳遞到生產者手中。同時,各批發市場的價格與供需情況也傳送給有關人員作為交易之參考,買賣雙方因此能聚集一堂從事交易。透過所有權移轉流程,買賣雙方得以決定標的物及其附屬服務之價格,同時伴隨著支付流程,所有權逐次移轉到消費者手中。透過實體分配流程,蔬菜的實體流經各級中間商及其他有關機構送到消費者手中。各級中間商對蔬菜實體的處理,提供集貨、分級、整理、包裝、運輸、銷售等均衡產銷的服務。再者,各級中間商從事蔬菜運銷工作,可能遭遇的風險計有價差、蔬菜實體損耗以及賒賬的壞帳風險。 4.根據筆者對甘藍菜、花椰菜與蘿蔔三種蔬菜民國61年自中部運至臺北市運銷成本之估計顯示,三種蔬菜之運銷費用均以運銷商之毛利潤為最大(各佔運銷成本之50%以上,此與許教授對民國60年臺灣區蔬菜運銷成本調查結論極為接近。)損耗次之,運費再次之。各級運銷商所獲之單位利潤以零售商所獲者為最多,零批商次之,行口商再次之,集貨商最少。根據上述數字與其他資料綜合研判,運銷價差似超過運銷成本,且後者也超出必要的最低運銷成本,此種現象以零售階段為最嚴重。 5.當前蔬菜運銷臺北市之主要運銷通路計有下列缺點: (一)各級蔬菜運銷商的營業規模太小。 (二)通路成員彼此獨立,缺乏密切協調,導致許多活動的重複與浪費。 (三)家族謀生式的經營,缺乏現代管理知識與運銷觀念。 (四)託售制度使行口商無法適當控制貨源,導致到貨量日與日間的巨幅波動。 (五)情報溝通的不徹底。 (六)缺乏一套符合現況、完整的交易法規。 (七)消費者的購買習慣不能配合。 (八)議價制度有待改善。 上述運銷通路的缺點是導致當前蔬菜運銷問題的主要原因之一。 6.分析當前主要運銷通路現行之缺點,可知,當前主要運銷通路之結構似未達到均衡狀態。因此,精簡其中某些中間商或兼併某些中間商的業務而由一較大組織之運銷商承擔,似有助於運銷成本的降低。此可以由藉縮小包裝以消除中間商的作法,其整體的運銷成本並未提高與共同運銷的運銷成本似乎較低,獲得證實。 7.依據研究分析結果,玆提出若干筆者個人的看法,作為今後改進的參考: (一)建立正確的運銷觀念,使各級中間商切實瞭解他們存在的價值與彼此間必須有密切配合與協調的需要。 (二)輔導各級中間商擴大營業規模,並實施企業化管理,以發揮運銷效率,降低運銷成本。 (三)消除零批商或發展共同運銷,以精簡通路,加強產銷協調及減輕運銷成本。 (四)發展多種通路系統,維持競爭,並產生制衡作用。 (五)批發市場應改用拍賣方式交易,以取代議價的決價方式。 (六)訂定完整的交易法規,以加強對各級運銷商的管理,並統一蔬菜的規模,分級標準及硬性規定包裝體積,以促進交易速度的提高,與髒與亂的改善。


蘇慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 在基因微陣列(DNA microarrays)的技術中,可同時得到數以千筆的資料,為了找出具有顯著差異的基因,一般會考慮控制整體誤差率(familywise error rate,FWE) 的多重比較方法(multiple comparison procedures,MCP)。但當基因數或假設檢定個數過多時,其檢定會產生不易拒絕虛無假設的結果,使得結論過於保守。為解決此一問題,Benjamini & Hochberg(1995)建議採用控制錯誤發現率(false discovery rate,FDR)的方法來替代整體誤差率FWE。且Tusher et al.(2001)在DNA微陣列顯著分析(significance analysis of microarrays,SAM)的文章中提出利用排列分佈(permutations)估計錯誤發現率FDR的方法。本篇論文將介紹Tusher et al.(2001)所提出的SAM估計錯誤發現率FDR的方法,且提出一修正SAM方法:SAMM。另外介紹兩種控制顯著水準的統計方法:SAME和SAMT(t檢定)。透過電腦模擬驗證四種方法其錯誤發現率FDR的表現。 / Abstract DNA microarray technology provides tools enable to simultaneously study thousands of genes. A conservative multiple comparison procedure (MCP) controlling the familywise type I error rate (FWE) is considered. However, the conservativeness of a MCP becomes more and more severe as the number of comparisons (genes) increases. Instead of FWE, another error rate, the false discovery rate (FDR), is suggested. Tusher et al.(2001) proposed a statistical procedure, the Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM), to analyze a microarray data set. In which, the conclusion is drawn at a specific threshold and the false discovery rate (FDR) of the conclusion is estimated by permutations. In this paper, inspired by the SAM, three other methods are proposed. The performances of these methods are investigated and compared through simulations.


吳東昇, Wu,Tung Shen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業持續擴張規模及多角化成長,不同功能定位的事業群相繼產生,包括產品性質、發展成熟度以及市場競爭力也有所差異,傳統各事業群獨立的行銷模式對於企業集團整體效益而言已顯不足,本研究藉由文獻理論分析的回顧建構行銷整合平台的雛型,並且進一步透過產業專家訪談的結果歸納出行銷整合平台對於企業集團整體效益之優缺點;以某企業集團為例,驗證行銷整合平台模式並提出行銷整合平台發展模式以及分析行銷整合平台對於企業集團整體之價值。 企業外部就產業訪談各功能單位的結果歸納出關於顧客關係、供應商管理及Buyer對於行銷整合平台的優缺點看法。優點方面,對管理當局當局而言,行銷整合平台可以幫助管理當局與各事業群的策略聚焦,資源利用更有效率,且由於各事業群的累積加乘效果有助於拓展經濟規模;缺點方面,企業各部門及管理單位普遍認為溝通過程的時間冗長、溝通成本過高,而各事業群由於利潤中心制自負盈虧,使行銷整合平台因績效難以評估而影響合作意願。行銷整合平台之發展分三個階段,分別帶給企業在短中長期上的整體效益。對於企業內部的價值乃在於組織內部跨單位的資源整合;在企業整體競爭力提升的前提下,隨著行銷整合平台成功案例的持續增加,長期經營上將有助於增強客戶的信任感,對新事業群的客戶開發具有延伸效果,達到企業永續經營的策略目標。

創造與感受 ── 榮格《基督教時代》的書寫與風格

洪梓源 Unknown Date (has links)
榮格(C.G. Jung)的宗教心理學理論,無論是他的原型思維或神話象徵等等,都經常是宗教研究上常常被援用的理論。然而他的理論充滿著爭議性:有人認為他的理論是實證、科學的,也有人認為他是浪漫、非理性的;有人認為他具有宗教情操,但也有人認為其理論破壞了宗教的主體性。這些爭議反映出他的理論在學術定位上的不易。 本文以美學鑑賞與文學批評的角度,透過對榮格晚期代表作《基督教時代》(Aion)做為觀察對象,揭示出榮格理論如何透過「變向」(becoming)的書寫技巧有效地拓展讀者的主觀心理空間,使其理論為讀者所接受。同時,透過對其理論做書寫技巧的分析,亦能明瞭其書寫對於主觀感知上所產生的效果,和其對客觀事實陳述的有效性是兩回事,而這也是榮格理論爭議的來源。

論特別委員會於企業併購過程中之任務及權限行使 / A Study of the Assignment and Limits of Authority of Special Committees in Mergers and Acquisitions Cases

吳宛怡 Unknown Date (has links)
現行《企業併購法》藉由獨立專家制度為少數股東之權益把關,但此制度存有一定問題,諸如會計師、律師、證券承銷商是否對相關產業有足夠了解或具備財務專業性、獨立性並未明文規範、由經營階層聘僱,可能無法獨立客觀為少數股東權益把關、未明定追究責任規範,股東無法直接以委任關係追究債務不履行責任、專家之功能角色僅在提供建議意見,欠缺其他相關權限。因為以上眾多之問題,此次《修正草案》參考美國判例及香港法規範,引進特別委員會制度。   特別委員會為美國公司治理法制下發展出來之產物,通常由獨立董事組成,故本文比較各國引進美國公司治理模式之規範與運作,藉由比較法上之適用點出我國引進獨立董事及功能性委員會後所存在之相關問題。各國引進特別委員會與獨立董事制度後之運作,牽涉到原先美國法下一元制模式、各國原先之公司治理模式及引進時法規所作之相應調整。惟我國《證券交易法》於引進美國獨立董事與審計委員會制度時,並未因地制宜規範,亦未一併引進幾種重要的功能性委員會或調整董事會之定位,導致配合二元並列制適用時產生諸多問題及監督權與經營權間之權限矛盾,而這些問題某程度上也牽涉到特別委員會制度之運作。   本文透過研究特別委員會於美國法及其他比較法上之角色與運作,再與我國法加以比較分析,但我國《修正草案》規範之特別委員會制度實際上與美國判例法發展出來之制度有極大落差。於美國實務運作之下,特別委員會並非強制之機關,其適用之功能,僅於董事具有利益衝突之情況下,藉由具有足夠談判權限之特別委員會代表公司與相對人交易,以降低事後追究責任之司法審查標準,藉以使董事及控制股東通過受任人義務之審查。而我國藉《修正草案》強制設置特別委員會,但漏未規範未設置之法律效果,未表明設置特別委員會對司法審查標準之影響,亦未將相關權限授予委員會。   進而,本文分析特別委員會於引進我國後之規範目的、角色定位與功能、權限規範、設置架構及相關問題。《修正草案》係以特別委員會作為一「中立客觀之機關」之角色以控管企業併購對價與程序之公平合理性,但法規僅使特別委員會審議獨立專家意見再提報董事會及股東會,並未賦予特別委員會對外積極談判併購條件、拒絕交易或積極尋覓其他可提供更好條件之併購對象之權,亦未明文規範未設置或設置卻存有瑕疵之法律效果,而無法給予公司經營階層足夠動機依法設置特別委員會。《修正草案》將特別委員會制度依公司是否設置審計委員會而劃分兩種不同之架構,因此依據原先審計委員會之規範,會使兩種架構之委員會具備不同之權限與效果。而《修正草案》與原先獨立專家制度之差異在於以「雙層架構」之方式藉由特別委員會聘任獨立專家,取代原本由董事會聘僱之專家意見,似是認為具利益衝突之董事會所聘僱之專家無法完全公平為全體股東考量,須由獨立董事或不具利害關係人組成之特別委員會聘任獨立專家,才會排除利益衝突之問題而為公司整體利益進行審酌。總之,本文欲藉由比較分析,探究目前《修正草案》之規範是否較原先獨立專家制度更佳而更能達成保障少數股東之效。 / According to the "Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act (the Act)", in order to protect the rights and interests of minority shareholders, the corporations are under an obligation to appoint the independent experts, to ensure the reasonableness and equity of mergers and acquisitions. However, there are some problems in this system as follows. First, the independent experts do not be required to have sufficient experiences of the relevant industry or financial expertise. Second, the Act does not specifically regulate the important condition of independence. Third, independent experts are appointed by the management, so they may not be independent and objective enough. Fourth, the shareholders cannot directly sue the independent experts for their dereliction of duty. Finally, the experts are limited to provide non-compulsory advices, but are lack of other relevant authrity. Because of those problems, the "Amended Draft of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act (the Amended Draft)", referring to the Common Law of United states and the regulations of Hong Kong, introduces the Special Committee system.   The Special Committees system is originated from the corporate governance legal system of the United States. They are usually composed of Independent Directors. By means of comparing the introduction and operation of American corporate governance model in other countries, this essay tries to point out some native problems relating to Independent Directors and Functional Committees in our country, which are introduced from the United States as well. Other countries adjusted the regulations and operation of Independent Directors and Functional Committees to tie in the original corporate governance system. On the contrary, our country merely amended the "Securities and Exchange Act" introducing Independent Directors and Audit Committee system, not re-orientated the Board of Directors nor introduced other important Functional Committees. It results in many conflictions and dilemmas between management power and supervisory authority. And those problems also influence the operation of the Special Committees.   By means of researching the operation of the Special Committee in the United States and other countries as well as comparing them with our country, this essay considers there is an enormous diversity between the Special Committee in the Amended Draft and the common law of the United States. In case of practical operation in the United States, the Special Committee is not an essential institution. When directors have conflict of interests, the Board of Directors can determine to organize the Special Committee and sufficiently entitle it to transact with the counterpart on behalf of the corporation. By doing so, the court would lower the standards of judicial review, the directors and controlling shareholders could get through the review of fiduciary duties. On the other hand, the Special Committee in the Amended Draft is an essential institution as soon as mergers and requisitions start going. However, the Amended Draft does not regulate the legal effect of violation. It does not show what the influence of setting up the Special Committee on the standards of judicial review is. It does not even authorize the Special Committee to handle relevant affairs.   Furthermore, this essay analyzes the purpose, function and role, authority, organization and related issues of the Special Committee in the Amended Draft. The Special Committee acts as a "neutral and objective institution" to make sure the reasonableness and equity of mergers and acquisitions. However, it is unable to negotiate the conditions of transaction with the counterpart, refuse the deal or look for another better counterpart. It is only entitled to make a report to the Board of Directors and shareholders after investigating the opinions from the Independent Experts. And because the Amended Draft has no binding effects of violation, the Board of Directors is less motivated to set up the Special Committee. According to the Amended Draft, the authority and effect of the Special Committee are separated into two kinds by whether there is an Audit Committee inside the corporation or not. In terms of the appointment of the Independent Experts, the difference between the Amended Draft and the Act is the double-layer structure. This design allows the Special Committee to appoint the Independent Experts in place of the Board of Directors. It seems that only when Independent Experts are appointed by the Special Committee consisting of Independent Directors or non-stakeholders could they eliminate the conflict of interests in the business transactions and guarantee the whole corporative interests. In conclusion, by means of comparison and analysis, this essay tries to figure out whether the Amended Draft is better and more efficient in protecting minority shareholders than the Act.


張志強, ZHANG, ZHI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所探討之主題乃是針對一般所利用之集群方法,試著以整數規劃的方法來探討 集群分析的問題。 整數規劃之特性在於其所得之分組結果為真正的最佳解,而一般集群方法(如連鎖法 ,k 一平均數法)所得之結果僅是局部最佳解。 本文共分五章,第一章為緒論;第二章簡介一般集群方法;第三章建立四個整數規劃 的模型,俾用以解決不同需求之集群分析的問題;第四章實例探討,以某國中學生之 學科成績做為集群分析之變數,將每個學生依其成績高低而予以分組,並就一般集群 方法及整數規劃方法各作分析,並予比較;第五章為結論。全文共計一冊,約一萬五 仟字。


林雅惠, Ya-hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在DNA微陣列基因的實驗中資料包括數千個cDNA 序列,為了要篩選出有差異表現基因,同時針對大量基因個數作假設檢定。若無適當地調整個別檢定問題中的誤差率,則將會膨脹整體的誤差率。在多重假設檢定中為了讓整體誤差率(familywise error rate, FWE)控制在設定水準下,必須調整個別假設檢定之個別型一誤差率CWE的檢定準則,此為多重比較方法(multiple comparison procedures:MCP)。然而當多重比較的個數增加時,控制整體誤差率FWE之傳統的多重比較方法會是過於嚴格的標準,不容易推翻虛無假設,使得檢定的結果太過保守。為了解決此現象,Benjamini and Hochberg(1995) 建議另一種錯誤率:錯誤發現率(false discovery rate:FDR)。錯誤發現率定義為在被拒絕之虛無假設中錯誤拒絕的比例之期望值。而Benjamini and Hochberg(1995)也在文中提出一個得以控制錯誤發現率的多重比較方法,稱為BH方法。本篇論文將詳盡地介紹CWE、FWE和FDR三種誤差率,並提出-修正BH的方法,稱為BH( )。我們將透過電腦模擬驗證出新的修正BH方法之表現比原BH方法有較高的檢定力,且從實例的結果中發現BH( )比原BH方法能檢測出更多的顯著個數。 關鍵字:個別型一誤差率(CWE);整體誤差率(FWE);多重比較方法(MCP); 錯誤發現率(FDR)。 / cDNA microarray technology provides tools to study thousands of genes simultaneously. Since a large number of genes are compared, using a conventional significant test leads to the increase of the type I error rate. To avoid the inflation, the adjustment for multiplicity should be considered and a multiple comparison procedure (MCP) that controls the familywise error rate (FWE) is recommended. However, the conservativeness of a MCP that controls FWE becomes more and more severe as the number of comparisons (genes) increases. Instead of FWE, Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) recommended to control the expected proportion of falsely rejecting hypotheses—the false discovery rate (FDR)—and developed a MCP, which has its FDR under control. In this paper, the error rates CWE, FWE and FDR are fully introduced. A new MCP with FDR controlled is developed and its performance is investigated through intensive simulations. KEY WORDS:Comparison-wise error rate (CWE);Familywise error rate (FWE);Multiple comparison procedure (MCP);False discovery rate (FDR).

IT治理應用於電子化政府資訊組織設計之個案研究-以政府某機關辦理資訊改造為例 / The case study of IT governing to apply in e-government’s information technology organization design – taking a certain government organization that conducts information technology reformation as an example

黃金福 Unknown Date (has links)
在面對快速轉變時代中,電子化政府重要目標是有效掌握IT之趨勢,落實政府資訊作業之進行,達到為人民服務更有效率、政策更具可靠性(accountable)及透明性之目標,因此IT已成為電子化政府不可或缺的管理工具,相對依賴IT程度亦不斷提昇,意味著IT是最重要資產,導至IT本身已經成為一個巨大的威脅,隨IT而來的風險、利益和機會,必然需要有效的IT管理和風險管理,與企業相同,IT治理成為電子化政府最關鍵成功因素。 IT治理用於描述組織是否採用有效的機制(就是為了鼓勵達到資訊應用的期望,而明確訂定決策權歸屬和責任承擔的一種架構),使得資訊科技的應用能夠完成組織賦予它的使命,同時平衡資訊科技與組織發展過程的風險,確保能夠實現組織的策略目標。 本研究以IT治理概念應用於個案機關進行資訊改造整體規劃之資訊組織設計,經由探索性之個案分析,整理深入訪談所獲得的資料,依COBIT之內部控制系統之IT程序為架構,進行個案研究,完成符合IT治理之政府機關資訊組織設計,讓IT為機關組織帶來應有的利益:提昇行政效率、提供民眾更好的行政服務品質,使資訊部門成為政府組織中重要價值之部門。最後提出研究結果與建議,作為個案機關辦理資訊改造整體規劃之政策參考。 關鍵詞:IT治理、電子化政府、資訊改造整體規劃、資訊組織設計 / In faces in the fast changing time, the main objectives to implement e-government inititiative include: tracking and catching up with the IT trends, realizing the benefits of modern information systems for governing, serving citizens more effectively, making governments more accountable for their policies, and achieving transparencies. IT is at the center of e-government in improving its management. IT has become an important asset for a government agency while the dependency on IT has increased; hence the associated risks. The IT governance has become an important approach and framework in managing IT organization and planning, acquisition and development, operation and services, etc. Better IT governance is a critical factor in e-government success. IT governance orchestrates how an organization shares IT related decisions and responsibility among various stakeholders such as top level management, functional area managers, and IT organizations. The objective is to ensure IT goals can be aligned with business goals while mitigates the risks involved. This research applies the IT governance concept to study how a government institute reengineers its IT organization via a case research method. This is an exploratory case study in which in-depth interviews in this government institute were conducted. Data collected are organized according to COBIT IT governance framework. COBIT emphasizes internal controls, and organized IT related processes into four domains. The potential benefits of this approach include: Manage government more effectively, provide high quality services to citizens, increase the contribution of IT department to its agency. The research findings and results reported in this study can be used by other government agencies in their IT reengineering efforts.


歐耿作 Unknown Date (has links)
企業經營的全球化、競爭日趨激烈以及資訊科技進步神速,企業整體資源規劃(Enterprise Resources Planning, ERP)系統在硬體設備配合,企業有所需求的情形下順勢而起,提供符合企業對管理資訊的要求,加強企業的競爭力。 對以代工以及國際貿易為主要業務的台灣企業而言,目前已逐漸地由傳統產業進化至國際化、資本密集、技術密集。在這樣的競爭環境下,如何提升企業環境的整合程度,以更有效率的經營企業、降低經營成本、提昇競爭力等,是經營團隊最關注的焦點。在這股導入ERP系統的浪潮中,吾人可以發現ERP系統最強大的功能在於資訊產出的即時性以及整合性。但不可諱言的是,隨著ERP系統的功能愈形強大,會計領域許多相關的功能皆被ERP系統取代,或謂整合,或者是導致性質的改變。 本研究擬針對國內企業在導入ERP系統之後,會計相關領域在企業之中所扮演的角色以及功能之轉變情形加以探討。 本研究所探討的會計相關領域係指下列三個領域: 1.財務會計 2.管理會計 3.內部稽核 在此三個領域中,研究在下列二個問題於ERP系統導入前後之變化狀況,以瞭解會計相關領域在ERP環境下,其功能之變化情形: 1.在企業導入ERP系統的環境下,會計相關領域角色是否有任何轉變?若有所轉變,其轉變方向又為何? 2.在企業導入ERP系統的環境下,會計相關領域資訊的產出以及運用是否有任何變動?若有所轉變,又是如何轉變? 本研究規劃以個案研究與問卷調查併行的方式,來瞭解企業導入ERP系統之後,對於會計相關領域的影響為何。於個案研究部份,係以國內已導入ERP系統之一服務業者以及一製造業者作為研究對象。問卷調查部分則是由二家國外以及一家國內ERP系統廠商之管理顧問,從中各選取廿名管理顧問,使用問卷調查方式,取得對於國內企業導入ERP系統後,對會計相關領域影響現象較為廣泛的瞭解。 根據本研究結果顯示,在企業導入ERP系統之後,財務會計領域已經發生重大改變,管理會計領域正在改變之中,而內部稽核領域目前尚未有所轉變。 / Comply with enterprise to conduct globalization、more violent competition and information technology rapid advancement, Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system spread quickly under the more powerful hardware and enterprise demand. ERP provide management information that fit in with enterprise demand and enhance enterprise competition ability. For enterprises which main business is OEM and international trade in Taiwan, begin to move from traditional industry to internationalization、capital-intensive and technique-intensive industry gradually。Under such environment, it’s important to promote integration degree in an enterprise, for operating business more efficiency、operating cost reduction and improving competition ability. We can discover the most powerful function of ERP system is integration and on time of information output. The purpose of the study is to research the change of role and function in accounting domain after domestic enterprise using ERP system. The research method that I used is case study in a service company and a manufacturing company and survey for consultant of ERP system company. The study that confer accounting domain include: 1.Financial Accounting 2.Management Accounting 3.Internal auditing For this three domain, research the change of following two questions after enterprise used ERP system. It’s to understand the changing situation of accounting domain function under ERP environment. 1.The role of accounting domain change or not under ERP environment? If there is any conversion, which direction will it be? 2.The information output and using change or not under ERP environment? If there is any conversion, which direction will it be? According to the result of the study, financial accounting has been changed significantly , and management accounting was changing and internal auditing doesn’t have any change under the ERP environment.

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