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平均數復歸對購併後主併公司績效表現影響之研究-以美國電子電機產業為例洪浩展 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的,在於檢視購併案產生後,企業的報酬是否會受到平均數復歸(Mean reversion)的影響,而逐漸回復到產業的平均報酬。並且分析主併公司與被併公司佔雙方總資產比例的高低差異,所受到的不同影響程度。
3.面對購併績效的研究時,必須移除平均數復歸的負面效果,如此才得以正確估計購併後的績效表現。且此時主併公司資產佔雙方資產比例較高者,於購併第一年就有明顯的績效改善的效果,而雙方資產相近者,則在購併成立後第四年開始才有較佳的績效表現。 / The purpose of this research is to look over the return of enterprise can receive influence from mean reversion on post-merger performance. And it analyzes the degree of influence on acquirer companies with different proportion in total assets of both acquirer and target companies.
The sample of this research adopts 77 cases of electronic and electrical equipment industry of U.S.A. in 1987- 200, take according to the proportion of total assets of acquirer company in both total assets of acquirer and target company, divide into two clusters. Make comparative analysis of these two clusters.
According to the empirical results, we make the following conclusions:
1.The return of enterprises has characteristic of mean reversion. Both well performed companies and worse performed companies will move toward the whole industry's average return.
2.As the researcher wants to analyze the influence of enterprises suffered from the sporadic incident (such as M&A), they should consider the phenomenon of mean reversion. Take off the negative result of the mean reversion in order to estimate correctly for the exactly performance after M&A.
3.The acquirer companies which total assets have a higher proportion in both acquirer and target companies, will have superior to industry average return apparently in first year, and the acquirer companies which total assets close to the target companies, will have apparent improvement in performances until the fourth year.
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影響外部審計人員評估內部稽核功能之實證研究許平祥, XU,PING-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
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整體規劃在集群分析之應用研究張志強, ZHANG, ZHI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
,k 一平均數法)所得之結果僅是局部最佳解。
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透過本益比之相對Mean-reverting現象進行盈餘管理模型之評比謝秋華 Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,會計盈餘提供財務報表使用者有關於企業獲利能力之相關資訊。然而,由於會計盈餘同時包含了雜訊 (noises) 與偏差 (biases),因而影響到會計盈餘對公司獲利能力評價的正確性。因此,過去的會計文獻發展出不同的盈餘管理估計模型 (如: Healy 1985; DeAngelo 1986; Friedlan 1994; DeFond and Jiambalvo 1994 以及Dechow, Sloan and Sweeney 1995),以嘗試去除這些雜訊與偏差。然而,究竟哪一個估計模型能夠提供最為純淨之非裁量性淨利 (nondiscretionary income) 的衡量指標,則並無定論。在效率市場 (market efficiency) 的假說下,本研究透過本益比 (P/E ratio) 的平均數復歸 (mean-reverting) 現象來評比五種盈餘管理估計模型。由於過去的文獻同時發現盈餘成長率與風險係數均會影響本益比的高低,因此,本研究同時將這兩個變數納入考量。
實證結果發現,依照上述五種盈餘管理估計模型所估計之本益比皆有平均數復歸的現象。其中Friedlan (1994) 模型在全體樣本與控制盈餘成長率之後,其本益比平均數復歸現象均較其他模型為快;次佳之盈餘管理估計模型為DeFond and Jiambalvo (1994) 與Dechow et al. (1995) 兩模型;最差的則為 Healy (1985) 模型。 / Overall speaking, accounting earnings provide financial statement users with useful information about a firm's profitability. However, because of the biases and noises included in the accounting earnings, the accuracy and reliability of accounting earnings to the evaluation of a firm's profitability may be adversely influenced. In light of this, prior earnings management studies have developed various estimation models of nondiscretionary income (e.g., Healy 1985; DeAngelo 1986; Friedlan 1994; DeFond and Jiambalvo 1994; Dechow, Sloan & Sweeney 1995) with an attempt to remove the biases and noises embedded in the accounting earnings. Nonetheless, there is no consistent empirical evidence about the relative performance of these estimation models. Assuming market efficiency, the main purpose of this study is to utilize the mean-reverting phenomenon of P/E ratios to evaluate the relative performance of these models. Since prior studies have found that earnings growth rate and risk coefficient may affect the magnitude of P/E ratios, we also control for these two variables in our analyses.
The empirical results reveal several findings. First, P/E ratios calculated using different earnings management estimation models exhibit the mean-reverting phenomenon. Second, the Friedlan (1994) model has the best performance among all models when we use the overall sample and three subsamples grouped based on the earnings growth rate. In addition, the DeFond and Jiambalvo (1994) and Dechow, Sloan & Sweeney (1995) models perform moderately. Finally, the Healy (1985) model shows the worst performance.
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模糊資料之軟統計分析及檢定張建瑋, Chang ,Chien-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文將模糊理論的觀念,應用在估計、檢定及時間數列分析上。研究重點包括離散型及連續型模糊樣本的定義與度量,模糊參數的最佳估計,模糊排序方法應用於無母數檢定,模糊相似度的定義、性質,以及如何將其應用於辨識不同時間數列間的落差l期相似程度等。我們首先將常見的模糊資料分為離散型及連續型,並針對不同類型的資料,給定對應的模糊平均數、模糊變異數等模糊參數的概念與一些重要性質。接著我們提出幾種估計方法,針對不同的模糊參數進行最佳估計並提出可行的評判準則。進一步地,我們將模糊排序方法應用於無母數檢定推論。最後我們提出模糊相似度的定義與度量。經由系統性的模擬與分析,我們建立兩時間數列間模糊相似度演算法則。實證分析方面,我們利用提出的方法對台灣的股價加權指數、個股股價進行估計及檢定;同時,針對台灣歷年GDP、民間消費、毛投資間的相似性進行偵測,以驗證我們提出的模糊參數估計、模糊無母數檢定及模糊相似度演算法的效率性與實用性。 / In this paper, we apply fuzzy theory in estimation, nonparametric test, and time series analysis. Our focus is on: How to define and measure the discrete type fuzzy data and continuous one? How to find the optimal estimators for fuzzy parameters? How to apply fuzzy ranking methods in nonparametric test when the data is vague? How to define and find the degree of fuzzy similarity between two time series? First, fuzzy data is classified according to its type, discrete or continuous. Then we give some definitions and properties on fuzzy mean, fuzzy variance for different type of fuzzy data. Next, we proposed some estimating methods and evaluation rules. Moreover we apply fuzzy ranking methods in nonparametric test, such as Sign test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, and so on. Finally, we suggest the definitions as well as the algorithm for computing the degree of fuzzy similarity between two time series. We also give some simulate and empirical examples to illustrate the techniques and to analyze fuzzy data. Results show that fuzzy statistics with soft computing are more realistic and reasonable for the social science research.
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二篇有關股票價格平均數復歸的實證研究 / Two Essays on Mean Reversion Behavior of Stock Price in Taiwan阮建銘, Ruan, Jian-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是二篇探討與股票價格平均數復歸現象有關的實證文章。在第一篇文章中,我們將探討由於廠商特質所產生資金供需雙方訊息的非對稱,而引發的流動性限制對廠商股票價格行為的潛在影響;在第二篇文章中,我們研究的課題是在漲跌幅限制下,交易量與股票報酬自我相關的關係。 第一篇文章主要在探討由於廠商特質所產生資金供需雙方訊息的非對稱,而引發的流動性限制對廠商股票價格行為的影響。我們利用五個廠商特質-所有權結構、集團企業成員、上市時間、公司規模與現金股利的發放,定義面臨流動性限制的廠商,並使用變異數比率衡量股票價格平均數復歸的現象,由於小樣本的問題,我們將利用拔靴法檢定假說:廠商的流動性限制會強化其股票價格平均數復歸的行為。我們的實證結果並不一致,所有權結構、公司規模和集團企業成員的分組實證結果支持我們的假說,流動性限制會強化平均數復歸的行為;而上市時間與現金股利發放的分組實證結果並不支持我們的假說。 在第二篇文章中,我們使用與Campbell et. al. (1993)相同的實證模型,討論在漲跌幅限制下,交易量與股票日報酬自我相關的關係。由於漲跌幅限制的存在,當股票價格觸及漲跌幅上下限時,即停止交易,而使得真正的股票價格無法觀察到,因而未實現之需求或供給將會傳遞至下一個交易日,將使傳統OLS或其衍生方法的估計產生偏誤,而使用Chou和Chib (1995)與Chou (1995)所提的Gibbs抽樣法則可以成功地克服這些困難。所以,本文將應用Chou和Chib (1995)與Chou (1995)的Gibbs抽樣法來衡量台灣股票市場交易量對股票日報酬自我相關係數的影響,以避免漲跌幅限制的影響。本文採用台灣證交所編製的綜合股價指數所採樣的二十四家公司為樣本,利用日資料進行實證分析,實證結果支持「交易量效果」的存在。且在實證過程中,發現台灣股票市場股票日報酬的正自我相關有可能是漲跌幅限制的存在而造成的。
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憂鬱量表之編製及其相關因素之研究劉育如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是以美國全人醫治協會(American Holistic Medical Association,AHMA),提出的全人醫治取向(AHMA, 2005),發展出一份新取向的憂鬱量表,同時探討憂鬱症的相關因素。針對憂鬱症而言,全人的醫治方式需要檢視情緒、人際關係、身體和心靈等各個層面。因此,本研究所發展的自編憂鬱量表依全人醫治取向將其為分為認知取向、情緒取向、身體取向與人際取向等四個因素。
四、本研究的自編量表整體內部一致性Cronbach's Alpha係數為.965,其他如刪除各單題後的總量表、校正後單題與總量表之相關、校正後單題與分量表之相關都顯示本研究自編憂鬱量表有良好的信度。
七、分量表或總量表從t考驗值差異皆達.001顯著水準,另外區別分析Hit Ratio值為0.93,表示本研究自編之憂鬱量表具有良好之區別效度,可以有效地區別出實驗組與效標組。而在多群組潛在平均數結構上的考驗,效標組在自編憂鬱量表四個向度上的潛在平均數低於實驗組,表示本量表從潛在變項的考驗也可以有效地區辨實驗組與效標組。 / The main purpose of this study is to develop a depression scale in a new approach that reflects the whole-person approach to healing proposed by the AHMA (the American Holistic Medical Association) in the United States (AHMA, 2005), while at the same time probing into the relevant factors of depression disorders. Regarding depression disorders, a whole-person approach to healing requires the examination of multiple dimensions of the person, such as mood, interpersonal relationships, body, soul, etc. So, this study of the development of a self-establishment depression scale is divided into four dimensions: cognitive, mood, physical, and interpersonal, in accordance with the whole-person approach.
The scale of this study adopts a four-item Likter scale to measure scores. The basic scale amounts to 37 items and works out according to the literature and the observing materials in hospitals. Items of the basic scale are deleted with expert validity. It is a 22- items formal scale after deleting items. Answer choices read and rate as follows: “always true” (3), “often true” (2), “true once in a while” (1), “seldom or not true” (0). Samples are separated into the experimental group (depressed person) and the criterion group (non-depressed person). In the experimental group, psychiatrists diagnosed 213 people for depressed person as the measuring target filling of the self-establishment depression scale. The criterion group consisted of 200 National Chengchi University students. CES-D was used as a criterion t. We used the program of SPSS to compute descriptive statistics, t-test, criterion-related validity, correlation of the sub-scales and the scale, discriminant, reliability of internal consistency with SPSS, and the estimations of confirmatory factory analysis, multi-sample covariance structure, multi-sample-latent-means structure with structural equation modeling (SEM).
In sum, some conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. The result of this study show that depression disorder peaks during the ages of twenty-five to forty-four, consistent with in foreign and domestic research. As literature, depression disorder occurs in at double the rate in women as in men, and the result of this study is consistent with domestic and foreign studies.
2. The correlative coefficient of the sub-scales and the scale from .836 to.903 shows all as having very good coefficient value and that it has good internal consistency of the self-establishment depression scale.
3. The criterion-related validity of this research is up to 0.939, 2-tailed test reaches .01 level of significance which shows the self-establishment depression scale can examine the attributes which we want to find out.
4. The whole internal consistency Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the self-establishment depression scale is .965, others like Cronbach's Alpha if item deleted, corrected item-total correlations single item with sub-scales and corrected item-total correlations single item with the scale all show good reliability.
5.The model confirmatory factory analysis is reasonably fit that shows four dimensions established supposing originally, and behind the back of four factors there is one latent variable – “depressive disorder” exists.
6.The estimation of covariance structure between the experimental group and the criterion group shows no difference that reveals the self-establishment depression scale can be suitable for the experimental group and the criterion group .
7.The sub-scale and the scale of the self-establishment depression scale from t-test reaches .01 level of significance, another time hit ratio value of discriminant is 0.93, both show that the self-establishment depression scale by this study can distinguish the experimental group and the criterion group efficiently. And at the estimation of multi-sample-latent-means structure shows the criterion group’s latent mean is lower than the experimental group’s, that means this scale can distinguish the experimental group and the criterion group usefully at the same time.
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台灣證券交易所修正股價平均數之評價與預測 / Pricing and Forecasting of Taiwan Adjusted Stock Average張智傑, Chang, Chih-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
(1) V/P比率一階自我相關係數較低,顯示V/P偏離平均值時,較其他比率返回平均數速度快,較能反映市場的走勢與變動。
(2) 短期下並無任一財務比率可以對於股價平均數走勢加以預測,但長期下(未來一年之後),V/P 比率具有相當顯著的預測能力。
(3) 將E/P與B/P納入迴歸式,V/P 比率在未來一至八季期間,仍具有顯著預測能力,可見V/P比率即使與E/P或B/P比率有某種程度的相關,並不影響到V/P 比率的預測能力。
(4) 將總體經濟變數納入迴歸式中,V/P 比率預測能力在短期中會受到些許影響,但經過一年之後,V/P 比率仍然具有相當顯著的預測能力。
(5) 若以過去公司每股盈餘、淨值、股東權益報酬率等財務相關歷史資料,作為未來公司盈餘收益以及成長的預測,會使得V/P 比率受到影響(在短期時預測能力大為降低),但就長期而言(未來第五季之後),此項指標仍然具有預測能力,對於股價平均數水準之評估,仍有一定程度的參考作用。
(6) 分別選取15%、13%、11%、9%及7%等固定折現率,依序求出修正股價平均數的V/P比率,檢定結果與隨時間變動折現率所計算之比率數值相比較,並沒有產生相當明顯的變化。雖然V/P比率的預測能力隨著折現率的下降而減弱,但其變化的趨勢並無絕對穩定的關係,對於「長期下」的預測能力,並不會產生極大的影響。
綜合以上結論,本研究發現:利用Ohlson(1990)剩餘所得模型(residual income model)來估算台灣證券交易所編製之修正股價平均數水準,較易以一般市場上獲取的會計資訊來加以衡量,也較能反映股市基本面價值。即使短期內V/P比率預測能力並不十分明顯,但長期下(一年後)採用V/P比率此項指標,仍能預測未來股價平均數之走勢,且與其他變數比較而言,此預測能力呈現一較穩定之關係。由於國內相關研究甚少直接對股市股價指數做直接的衡量與評估,因此,實務上可以將此估算方法作為一種參考指標,並以此分析未來股價指數水準在長期下之走勢與變動。
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 2
第三節 研究架構 5
第四節 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 國外部分 7
第二節 國內部分 10
第三章 研究方法與設計 13
第一節 研究設計 13
第二節 剩餘所得模型 15
第三節 資料收集與整理 18
第四節 研究方法與實證模式 25
第四章 實證結果與分析 30
第一節 修正股價平均數之檢視 30
第二節 基本面比率對於股價平均數報酬率之預測 32
第三節 V/P衡量方法之優劣比較 36
第五章 結論與建議 50
第一節 研究結論 50
第二節 研究限制與建議 52
參考文獻 54
英文部分 54
中文部分 56
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