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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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由地圖建構城市三維模型 / Urban Buildings Modeling from Scanned Images

賴易進 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技爆炸的時代,所有的資料都要求能數位化,以便利用資訊科技對數位資料進行分析、整理與應用。對於都市規劃而言,建立數位城市模型即成為目前的重要課題之一。 建立數位城市模型中間最困難的步驟之一,在於處理並數位化古老的紙本地籍資料與建築物平面圖或手繪建築物之地圖,然後進行資訊整合,以建立基本的城市三度空間模型,進而利用更精準的測量技術,來建立精確的數位城市模型。然而要以人工處理並將上述資料數位化來製作基本的三度空間模型,秏時費工且成本太高。有鑑於此,本篇論文提出一套自動化的處理方法,針對附有樓層高度的紙本建築地圖或手繪地圖進行自動化處理,從而建立基本的三度空間模型,作為建立數位城市模型的初步處理。 我們先利用文字辨識的技術對建築物進行分析、擷取並判斷地圖中屬於建築物高度的文字資料。其次利用不同的演算法,對地圖進行細化及骨架粹取,並找出地圖上組成建築物的關鍵節點,然後對節點分群,以區分並判斷不同的建築物,進而建立地圖上各個建築物的平面模型圖。最後將每棟建築物的高度資料及其相對應的平面模型圖加以整合,自動產生該地圖的三度空間模型。 我們隨機選取一張台北地區之建築平面圖以及學校平面圖來檢驗我們提出的方法,測試的結果顯示,我們的方法都能成功的將這些平面圖,自動建立出原圖基本的三度空間模型,可以作為未來建立城市數位模型之參考。 / In the era of information explosion, digital archiving every piece of information becomes a must in order to organize, process, and analyze this information and make further use of the information. Hence, constructing a cyber city model is one of the major issues in urban planning. One of the most difficult steps in constructing a cyber city model is to process and digitize the ancient cadastral information as well as the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps. By combining this information, we could construct an early stage three dimensional model for the city that would help us in constructing the final model for the cyber city. However, manually processing this information is not cost effectively and automatic processing them might reduce the construction cost dramatically. In this paper, we propose an automatic processing mechanism that could digitize the architecture sketches or the hand drawing maps automatically. Our mechanism will produce an early stage three dimensional model for the specified area that will eventually lead to the construction of a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city. After the sketches or the maps were scanned, as bitmap images, into the computer, we start with analyzing the architecture sketches and extract the elevation information using traditional methods of character recognition. Then, we use various algorithms to thinning and to extract the skeleton of the image. The critical nodes of each building in the images were identified, isolated, and used to construct the base of each building in a planar diagram. Finally, the elevation information is used along with the planar diagram just constructed to generate an early stage three dimension model for the specified area. We randomly choose an architecture sketch of Taipei City and our campus map to verify our mechanism. The results show that our method could produce the corresponding three dimensional models successfully. These models could be used and help us to construct a more accurate three dimensional model for the entire city.

內控缺失與財務報導一致性之關聯性 / The Relationship between Internal Control Weakness and the Financial Reporting Consistency

許正昇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用TFIDF文字探勘技術分析樣本公司年度財務報告裏的管理階層討論與分析(Management’s Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,以下簡稱MD&A)與財務資訊,欲探討公司內部控制有效性對於MD&A資訊與財務資訊一致性之影響。本研究樣本自2002年至2014年美國上市櫃公司之年報中選取,研究結果顯示,當內部控制出現重大缺失,會對企業財務報導一致性產生顯著影響,內部控制具備有效性,其財務資訊與MD&A文字性資訊所揭露之訊息較為一致。 / The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between internal control weakness and the financial reporting consistency. I use TFIDF text mining technology analysis the Management's Discussion & Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (MD&A) and financial information. All annual report of the US-listed companies from 2002 to 2014 are collected as data samples. As anticipated, we find that internal control weakness is negatively correlated to the financial reporting consistency. Companies with no internal control weakness present more consistent MD&A information comparing to their financial information.

基於文件相似度的標籤推薦-應用於問答型網站 / Applying Tag Recommendation base on Document Similarity in Question and Answer Website

葉早彬, Tsao, Pin Yeh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著人們習慣的改變,從網路上獲取新知漸漸取代傳統媒體,這也延伸產生許多新的行為。社群標籤是近幾年流行的一種透過使用者標記來分類與詮釋資訊的方式,相較於傳統分類學要求物件被分類到預先定義好的類別,社群標籤則沒有這樣的要求,因此容易因應內容的變動做出調整。 問答型網站是近年來興起的一種個開放性的知識分享平台,例如quora、Stack Overflow、yahoo 奇摩知識+,使用者可以在平台上與網友做問答的互動,在問與答的討論中,結合大眾的經驗與專長,幫助使用者找到滿意的答案,使用單純的問答系統的好處是可以不必在不同且以分類為主的論壇花費時間尋找答案,和在關鍵字搜索中的結果花費時間尋找答案。 本研究希望能針對問答型網站的文件做自動標籤分類,運用標籤推薦技術來幫助使用者能夠更有效率的找到需要的問題,也讓問答平台可以把這些由使用者所產生的大量問題分群歸類。 在研究過程蒐集Stack Exchange問答網站共20638個問題,使用naïve Bayes演算法與文件相似度計算的方式,進行標籤推薦,推薦適合的標籤給新進文件。在研究結果中,推薦標籤的準確率有64.2% 本研究希望透過自動分類標籤,有效地分類問題。幫助使用者有效率的找到需要的問題,也能把這些由使用者所產生的大量問題分群歸類。 / With User's behavior change. User access to new knowledge from the internet instead of from the traditional media. This Change leads to a lot new behavior. Social tagging is popular in recent years through a user tag to classify and annotate information. Unlike traditional taxonomy requiring items are classified into predefined categories, Social tagging is more elastic to adjust through the content change. Q & A Website is the rise in recent years. Like Quora , Stack Overflow , yahoo Knowledge plus. User can interact with other people form this platform , in Q & A discussion, with People's experience and expertise to help the user find a satisfactory answer. This study hopes to build a tag recommendation system for Q & A Website. The recommendation system can help people find the right problem efficiently , and let Q & A platform can put these numerous problems into the right place. We collect 20,638 questions from Stack Exchange. Use naïve Bayes algorithm and document similarity calculation to recommend tag for the new document. The result of the evaluation show we can effectively recommend relevant tags for the new question.

財經新聞和VIX之關聯性研究 – 以文字分析為例 / Financial News and VIX - A Text Analysis Approach

蔡駿廷, Tsai, Jyun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣地區投資人情緒程度與財經新聞之間的關聯進行研究。本研究以台灣地區發布之恐慌指數(TWVIX)做為投資人情緒程度代理變數。研究樣本期間為2006年12月至2014年12月,新聞資料來源為知識贏家(KMW)。本研究使用文字分析法針對財經新聞內容進行分析,透過計算詞頻和建立語調評分方法來衡量新聞內涵。 本研究之主要發現有:單日媒體發布之新聞數量與恐慌指數呈正相關、單篇新聞平均長度與恐慌指數呈負相關。在文字內容分析的迴歸結果方面,實證結果指出當新聞內的正向字詞使用的越多,投資人情緒程度會降低,相反地,當負向字詞使用的越多,將會提升投資人情緒,產生恐慌狀態。另外,結果也發現當新聞的語調越接近樂觀情緒時,投資人的情緒程度會降低。 本文嘗試了一個新的切入角度來討論金融指標,也就是由新聞媒體效果來探討與恐慌指數之關聯性。本研究結果提供了實證證據證明台灣地區媒體可有效地透過控制財經新聞的內涵,來影響市場上投資人的情緒程度。 / This study examines the relation between investor sentiment and financial news released in Taiwan for the period from Dec. 2006 to Dec. 2014. This study adopts the TAIEX Options Volatility Index (TWVIX) as a proxy for investor sentiment. The study employs the text analysis approach to measure the tone of financial news. The news data is collected from Knowledge Management Winner (KMW) of China Times. The empirical results show that the number of news released on a day has a positive effect on TWVIX; otherwise the length of financial news affects TWVIX negatively. By the text analysis, this study finds that with more positive wording, the degree of investor sentiment is decreased. On the contrary, the quantity of negative words provokes the investor sentiment. Lastly, this research also finds that when the tone of financial news is closer to optimism, it help ease the level of investor sentiment. This research explores a new cut point to discuss the VIX, connecting the issue between a principal financial index and news media in Taiwan. This study believes that the results provide the evidence that Taiwan media actually communicate messages to investors effectively. Thus, news media has the ability to influence investor sentiment no matter by news coverage, words usage and the tone of financial news.

讀者對旅行圖文敘事之想像 / The Imaginations of Readers on Travel Narratives and Pictures

朱思慶, Chu, Szu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
許多讀者時常透過閱讀旅遊敘事來認識異地,無論是敘事中的文字或圖片,皆能為讀者建構異地風貌並藉此延伸出許多關於該地的認知與想像。據此,本研究旨在探究讀者在閱讀旅行敘事過程中,對於旅行圖文敘事因何產生想像,是否有特定因素會勾起讀者的想像開關,圖文敘事因何使讀者產生想像。 研究發現,讀者閱讀旅行敘事時,對於具有當地特殊文化背景的物品、人物的故事、動作與對話、歷史背景等特別能夠勾起讀者的想像。文字敘事可利用關於細節的描述、感官、形容詞、生命經驗、故事等喚起想像。此外,非本國文字的使用也可使讀者延伸想像。圖片在旅行敘事中的功能多在印證與具體化,且可能限制讀者想像。 讀者所生成的想像內涵中可發現,閱讀旅行圖文敘事能夠使讀者產生關於空間、修補外在客觀形式、情感、聯想、生命經驗、記憶以及五感聯想中的視覺聯想等。而其他時間、因果、對比、創造新形象以及五感聯想中的聽覺與嗅覺皆少有想像。 / Many readers access to foreign place by reading travel narratives and pictures. While reading travel narratives, many imaginations and affection come out from their mind. This study aims to explore the imagination of reader on travel narratives and pictures. If there is any element in narratives and pictures can arouse reader’s imagination, and what those elements are. The study shows that when reader found something is unfamiliar with, people’s conversation and story, and the history can arose imaginations. The descriptions, adjectives, life story and experience in narratives do help to arose imagination. In addition, foreign characters also make readers think further. However, pictures in travel narratives limit the imaginations, it makes readers stop imagining. Most of imaginations are about the space, fix objective forms, affection, life story, experience, and visual association. Less do people think of time, causality, contrast, making new image, hearing association and olfactory association.


竹内, 亮 25 November 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第12781号 / 論文博第606号 / 新制||文||597(附属図書館) / 30800 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科歴史文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉川 真司, 教授 横田 冬彦, 准教授 上島 享 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

應用文字探勘於影評文章自動摘要之研究 / A Study on Application of Text Mining for Automatic Text Summarization of Film Review

鄧亦安, Teng, I An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路世界的興起,在面臨選擇難題時,民眾不僅會接收口耳相傳的資訊,也會以關鍵字上網搜尋目標資訊,但是在海量資料的浪潮中,如何快速的整合資料是一大挑戰。電影影評文章摘要可以幫助民眾進電影院前了解電影的資訊,透過這樣的方式確認電影是自身有興趣的電影。 本研究以電影:復仇者聯盟2影評66篇4616句、蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光60篇9345句、動物方城市60篇5545句、星際效應50篇4616句、高年級實習生62篇5622句為資料來源,以分群概念結合摘句之方法生成影評摘要。其中,利用K-Means演算法將五部電影的多篇影評特徵詞、句子進行分群後,使用TFIDF評比各分群語句的重要性來選取高權重語句,再以WWA方法挑選分群中不同面向的語句,最後以相似度計算最佳範本與各分群內容的相似度來決定每一群聚的排序順序,產生一篇具有相似內容段落和段落順序的影評多篇摘要。 研究結果顯示,原本五部電影影評對最佳範本之相似度為15.87%,經由本研究方法產生之摘要對最佳範本單篇摘要之相似度為21.19%。另外,因為影評中各分群的順序是比對最佳範本相似度而產生的排序,整篇摘要會具有與最佳範本相似段落排序的摘要內容,其中內容包含了電影影評中廣泛提到的相似內容,不同的相似段落讓文章摘要的呈現更具廣泛性。藉由此摘要方法,可以幫助民眾藉由自動化彙整、萃取的摘要快速了解相關電影資訊內容和協助決策。 / Abstract As Facing the Big Data issue, there are too many information on the website for reader to understand. How to perform and summarize essential information quickly is a challenge. People who want to go to a movie will also face this situation. Before choosing movies, they will search relative information of the movies. However, there are many film reviews all over the websites. Automatic text summarization can efficiently extract important information for readers, and conclude concepts of reviews on the websites. Through this method, readers can easily comprehend the best idea of all the reviews and save their time. The research presents a multi-concept and extractive film review summary for readers. It generates film review summary from the most popular blog platform, PIXNET, with extract-based method and clustering concept. The method using K-Means algorism let the film review summary focus on specific film to cluster the sentences by features, and having statistical sense and WWA method to measure the weight of sentences in order to choose the representative sentences. On the last step, it will compare to templates to decide the sequence of classified sentences and summary all represent sentences from each cluster. The research provides a multi-concept and extractive film review summary for people. From the result, there are five movies, which are used summary method increase the average similarity to 21.19% that comparing between the film reviews summary and templates summary. It shows that the automatic film reviews summarization can extract the important sentences from the reviews. Also, with comparing template method to order the cluster, it can sequentially list the cluster of the sentences to generate a movie review, which saves readers’ time and easily comprehend.

現代校園新詞的研究──以臺北市木柵地區東山高中為例 / Research on Nowaday Brand-new And Popular Vocabularies on Campus──Take Dong-San senior high school in Wenshan district in Taipei as an example

黃音潔 Unknown Date (has links)
詞彙是為了人與人交流而生的一種符號系統,研究詞彙可以推知整個時代下的社會脈動。新詞的研究是在詞彙演變的時間軸上選擇其中某一段時間作為討論的範圍,去探討詞彙的發展以及與社會互動的情形。因為筆者工作的關係,將研究的範圍從社會濃縮為高中校園,試著探討高中學生使用新詞的現象。 校園是社會的縮影,校園新詞展現該校的校園文化。筆者所調查的學校使用新詞有幾個現象:各式詞綴大量湧現,以詞綴的方式造成可以替詞彙歸類,是非常方便的造詞方式;三音節化的現象開始出現,過去漢語裡雙音節為主要詞彙的現象依舊,但是多音節的詞彙也有陸續增加的跡象;學生喜歡將各式的語言材料混雜在一起來造詞,所以調查的結果中包含了中文、英文、阿拉伯數字或者符號夾雜等等混合型態的詞彙出現;因為時下追求效率的潮流,東山高中的學生習慣將詞彙縮略成更簡潔的方式去溝通,讓縮略詞也相當盛行;除了追求效率,學生上網的人數比例以及上網的時間也可以知道網路的語言形式大大的影響日常生活的溝通方式,學生不自覺的把網路語言帶入校園生活,讓網路世界裡火紅的「火星文」滲透到學生的日常生活。我們也注意到學生的性別、家庭成員、生活作息都與新詞的使用程度有某種程度的相關,男、女生在選擇詞彙的差異上還是有性別的差異,家庭成員中如果有講方言的爺爺、奶奶、外公、外婆或是講英語的外傭都會對學生使用新詞產生影響。 校園新詞的研究讓我們大則看到社會時代的潮流,小則看到學生的校園生活及價值觀,了解學生求新求變、從眾模仿、避繁就簡、宣洩不滿、挑戰權威、及喜歡賣萌裝可愛的心理,進而提供師長教學與輔導的方向,也能藉由此研究引導學生養成良好價值觀及正確書面語的書寫規範。


陳言熙 Unknown Date (has links)
本體論的目的在表達一個大家能共用分享的概念,且為知識表達的重要基礎,可用來協助電腦搜尋、交換資訊及了解文字。本體論的應用使網路上的資源都能夠透過電腦明確的被定義出來,使機器透過本體論語言的描述,了解自然語言,加強資料檢索效率並達到知識共享的效果。 本體論建置的困難點主要是有太多不同專業領域的領域本體知識需要被定義,所以非常的耗力費時。為了加強建置效率,需要依賴系統化的方法論來進行建置本體工程,並驗證其品質。 為了使電腦能夠理解人類語言,許多研究者透過文字探勘技術發展能讓電腦理解的電子詞典,經過分析後將詞典中的詞彙連結成語意網絡,並將語意網路將應用於各種不同的研究領域。 因此,本研究嘗試利用文字探勘技術協助建置本體知識,而結論包含可利用文字探勘技術半自動化的協助建置公司治理議題詞庫、語意網路,及以公司治理語意網路作為建置本體知識的基礎,並經由建置方法的提出,將語意網路轉化為公司治理本體知識。 / The purposes of ontology are offering reusable and sharable concepts, and being the base of knowledge representation. It serves a smart way of information searching and exchanging, the resources on internet can easily defined, and computer can understand people’s natural language by the application of ontology, improving the efficiency of data indexing. In order to let computer understand natural language, many researchers have worked hard on electronic lexicons containing computer’s logic through text mining technology, by analyzing lexicons for finding out relative vocabularies and connecting them into a semantic network. Therefore, this research try to utilize text mining technology to support on ontology engineering, the results are developing a text mining technology to support the building of corporate governance’s lexicon and semantic network semi-automatically, and take corporate governance semantic network as the bases of ontology engineering, and introduce a method to turn semantic network into corporate governance ontology.


吳長能, Wu, Chang Neng Unknown Date (has links)
發生在1987~1996期間的台語文學論爭,是台語文學運動追求文學語言的表現,也就是台灣受外來政權統治,本土語言文化要求獨立自主的表現。日治時期,有過鄉土文學及台灣話文論爭、但因皇民化運動壓制而受挫。接著,國民黨在台灣推行華語的「國語政策」,壓制各族群語言,各族群語言瀕臨滅亡的危機。由於台灣社會民主化,促使台語文學運動再度興起。台語文學論爭就在這種時空背景下產生。 台語文學論爭有二個很重要的核心議題。一就是中國本位與台灣本位價值觀點的衝突。二就是以台語做為文學語言的訴求。因為這二個議題的辯論,而引發台語文字化、母語教育、語言政策等相關議題的發展。因為台語文學論爭,打破獨尊華語的權威,其他族群的語言文化運動也受到鼓舞。台語文學論爭不但追求自己的生存空間,也激起客家族群及原住民族追求本身語言文化的主體性。雖然台灣本土認同興起,但面到英語國際化的壓力,如何取得均衡,也是一個嚴肅的議題。 本論文在探討台語文學論爭除了追溯到歷史淵源,也涉及相關發展,及延伸到對未來發展的意義。在理論應用上也藉由高低文字的理論來詮釋台語文學運動,包括台語文學定位問題、台語文學論爭及相關發展的議題。另外本論文將戰後曾被殖民過的國家,他們的語言發展,跟台語文學運動做一個比較。我們希望這一本論文,能夠做為未來台灣語言發展的參考。 / The Taigi literature debates between 1987 and 1996 were the result of the Taigi literature movement’s efforts to pursue the status of literary language for Taigi. They were also the result of native languages and cultures in Taiwan attempting to attain subjectivity under foreign domination. The Taiwanese homeland literature and language debates occurred in the Japanese colonial period; however, they were hindered by the oppression of the Japanization movement. The suppression of native languages continued under the KMT regime, which implemented Mandarin as the state-mandated language under the ‘National Language Policy’. As a result, many ethnic languages in Taiwan suffer from serious language attrition. Owing to the democratization of Taiwanese society, the Taigi literature movement arose again and this led to the re-occurrence of the Taigi literature debates. There are two important core issues in the Taigi literature debates. One is the value conflict between Chinese viewpoints and Taiwanese viewpoints. The other is the appeal of Taigi as a literary language. As a result of debates arising about these two issues, related developments like debates over Taigi script standardization, vernacular education and language policy also arose. The fact that the Taigi literature debates challenged the authority of the ‘Mandarin Only’ policy also stimulated the language and culture movements of other ethnic groups in Taiwan. The Taigi literature debates not only pursued a living space for Taigi, but also encouraged Hakka and aboriginal ethnic groups to pursue the subjectivity of their own language and culture. Although Taiwan local consciousness arose, it encountered competition from the English language through globalization. Thus the question of how to obtain balanced development between localization and globalization has become a major issue for native languages in Taiwan. This thesis explores not only the historical origins of the Taigi literature debates but also development related to the debates as well as their influence on the future development of Taigi literature. This thesis applies the theory of diglossia and digrphia in explicating the Taigi literature movement, including the orientation of Taigi literature, Taigi literature debates and related developments. In addition, this thesis also refers to the language development of a number of former colonies and compares their experiences with Taiwan. We hope that this research can contribute to the development of Taiwanese language in the future.

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